Je _______ que le temps est beau aujourd'hui.
Correct Answer
C. Pense
In French, the correct form of the verb "penser" (to think) to use in this sentence is "pense" because the subject "Je" (I) requires the first-person singular conjugation of the verb. Therefore, the sentence translates to "I think that the weather is beautiful today." The conjugation "pensent" is for the third-person plural, "penser" is the infinitive form, "penses" is for the second-person singular, and "piense" is the conjugation used in Spanish.
Il _____ un chien marron.
Correct Answer
A. Choisit
In French, the correct form of the verb "choisir" (to choose) to use in this sentence is "choisit" because the subject "Il" (He) requires the third-person singular conjugation of the verb. Therefore, the sentence translates to "He chooses a brown dog." The conjugations "choisis" and "choisissons" are for the second-person singular and first-person plural respectively, while "choisissez" is for the second-person plural.
Tu _____ ton stylo.
Correct Answer
E. Perds
In French, the correct form of the verb "perdre" (to lose) to use in this sentence is "perds" because the subject "Tu" (You) requires the second-person singular conjugation of the verb. Therefore, the sentence translates to "You lose your pen." The conjugations "pierde," "perdons," and "perdez" are for different subjects and do not match with "Tu." "Pierde" is for the third-person singular, "perdons" is for the first-person plural, and "perdez" is for the second-person plural.
Nous _________ un camarade de chambre.
Correct Answer
B. Cherchons
In French, the correct form of the verb "chercher" (to search/look for) to use in this sentence is "cherchons" because the subject "Nous" (We) requires the first-person plural conjugation of the verb. Therefore, the sentence translates to "We are looking for a roommate." The conjugations "cherche," "cherchez," and "cherchent" are for different subjects and do not match with "Nous." "Cherche" is for the third-person singular, "cherchez" is for the second-person plural, and "cherchent" is for the third-person plural.
Vous _______ un sandwich.
Correct Answer
A. Mangez
In French, the correct form of the verb "manger" (to eat) to use in this sentence is "mangez" because the subject "Vous" (You, formal or plural) requires the second-person plural conjugation of the verb. Therefore, the sentence translates to "You (formal/plural) eat a sandwich." The conjugations "mange," "manges," "mangeons," and "mangent" are for different subjects and do not match with "Vous." "Mange" is for the third-person singular, "manges" is for the second-person singular, "mangeons" is for the first-person plural, and "mangent" is for the third-person plural.
Ils ______ dans le parc.
Correct Answer
C. Promènent
In French, the correct form of the verb "se promener" (to walk) to use in this sentence is "promènent" because the subject "Ils" (They) requires the third-person plural conjugation of the verb. Therefore, the sentence translates to "They walk in the park." The conjugations "promene," "promenes," "promenons," and "promener" are for different subjects and do not match with "Ils." "Promene" is for the first-person singular, "promenes" is for the second-person singular, "promenons" is for the first-person plural, and "promener" is for the infinitive form.
Vous _______ le chanson.
Correct Answer
B. Aimez
In French, the correct form of the verb "aimer" (to like/love) to use in this sentence is "aimez" because the subject "Vous" (You, formal/plural) requires the second-person plural conjugation of the verb. Therefore, the sentence translates to "You like/love the song." The conjugations "aime" and "aiment" are for different subjects and do not match with "Vous." "Aime" is for the third-person singular, and "aiment" is for the third-person plural. "Aimons" is for the first-person plural, and "aimer" is for the infinitive form.
Vous aimez _______ la glace.
Correct Answer
E. Manger
In French, the infinitive form of the verb "to eat" is "manger." In this sentence, "Vous aimez" (You like/love) is followed by the infinitive "manger" to express liking or loving to eat ice cream. The infinitive form is used after verbs like "aimer" to indicate what the subject likes or loves to do. Therefore, the sentence translates to "You like/love to eat ice cream." The other options are conjugated forms of the verb that do not match the structure of the sentence.
Ils ______ le projet.
Correct Answer
C. Finissent
In French, "ils finissent" translates to "they finish" in English. It's the third person plural conjugation of the verb "finir," which means "to finish." In this sentence, "ils" (they) is the subject, and "finissent" is the corresponding verb form that agrees with the subject. It indicates that the action of finishing the project is performed by the group represented by "ils." The other options are either the singular form or the first-person plural form, which do not match the subject "ils."
Elle ______ au question.
Correct Answer
A. Repond
In French, "Elle répond" translates to "she answers" or "she responds" in English. It's the third person singular conjugation of the verb "répondre," which means "to answer" or "to respond." In this sentence, "Elle" (she) is the subject, and "répond" is the corresponding verb form that agrees with the subject. It indicates that the action of answering the question is performed by "elle." The other options are either the past participle or forms that do not match the subject "elle."