PGP koristi:
Correct Answer
D. Simetrične algoritme, asimetrične alogiritme i kompresiju
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) koristi simetrične algoritme za brzu i efikasnu enkripciju podataka. Također koristi asimetrične algoritme za sigurnu razmjenu ključeva između pošiljaoca i primatelja. Kompresija se također koristi kako bi se smanjila veličina podataka i poboljšala brzina prijenosa. Kombinacija ovih tehnika pruža visoku razinu sigurnosti i učinkovitosti u zaštiti privatnosti podataka.
Izabrati tačan iskaz:
Correct Answer
B. I ACL lista i C lista su izvedene iz Lampsonove kontrolne matrice
The correct answer is "i ACL lista i C lista su izvedene iz Lampsonove kontrolne matrice" which translates to "both ACL list and C list are derived from Lampson's access control matrix." This statement indicates that both ACL list and C list are derived from Lampson's control matrix, implying that they are both related to the access control mechanism proposed by Lampson.
Koliko osnovnih tipova mrežnih barijera postoji:
Correct Answer
C. 3
There are three basic types of network barriers.
Autentifikacija (samo) smart karticom je odluka na osnovu nečega:
Correct Answer
B. što korisnik ima
The correct answer is "što korisnik ima" because authentication with a smart card is based on something that the user possesses, in this case, the smart card itself.
U praksi, u kodovima se pojavljuje bar jedna greška na svakih:
Correct Answer
A. 2000 linija koda
In practice, it is common to encounter at least one error in every 2000 lines of code. This suggests that errors are expected to occur relatively frequently in code, and developers should be prepared to debug and fix them. The other options (1500, 2500, and 1000 lines of code) imply either a higher or lower error rate, which is not consistent with the given statement.
Ukoliko se poseduje samo exe fajl a postoji namera (potreba) da se analizira i
izmeni kod neophodan alat je:
Correct Answer
D. I disasembler i dibager
If one only has an exe file and there is a need to analyze and modify the code, the necessary tools are a disassembler and a debugger. A disassembler is used to convert the machine code into assembly language, allowing for a better understanding of the code structure and logic. A debugger, on the other hand, is used to execute the code step by step, allowing for the identification of bugs and the ability to modify the code during runtime. Using both tools together provides a comprehensive approach to analyzing and modifying the code in the given scenario.
Nedostatak fizičke podele resursa je to što:
Correct Answer
C. Je skupo i nepraktično
The answer "je skupo i nepraktično" suggests that the lack of physical resource partitioning is expensive and impractical. This means that implementing a system without dividing resources can be costly and not efficient in terms of resource allocation. It implies that without proper resource division, there may be wastage of resources and inefficiencies in their utilization.
Тајност комуникација је:
Correct Answer
B. загарантовано право
The correct answer is "загарантовано право" (guaranteed right). This means that the secrecy of communication is a right that is ensured or guaranteed.
U praksi, biometrijsku autentifikaciju je najbolje vršiti pomoću:
Correct Answer
C. Otiska prsta
Biometrijska autentifikacija je najbolje vršiti pomoću otiska prsta jer otisak prsta je jedinstven za svaku osobu i teško ga je falsifikovati. Osim toga, otisak prsta je lako dostupan i jednostavan za skeniranje i upoređivanje sa bazom podataka. Karakteristike irisa takođe mogu biti korisne za biometrijsku autentifikaciju, ali skeniranje irisa zahteva posebne uređaje i može biti komplikovano za korišćenje u svakodnevnoj praksi. Geometrija dlana može biti korisna, ali nije toliko precizna kao otisak prsta.
Detekcija anomalija kao metoda za otkrivanje zlonamernih programa se zasniva
Correct Answer
A. Registrovanju neuobičajenog ponašanja
Anomaly detection as a method for detecting malicious programs is based on the detection of unusual behavior. It involves monitoring and analyzing the actions and activities of a system or program, and identifying any deviations from normal patterns or expected behavior. By detecting these anomalies, it is possible to identify potential threats or malicious activities that may be indicative of a malicious program. This approach is effective because it does not rely solely on known patterns or signatures of malicious programs, but instead focuses on identifying any abnormal or suspicious behavior.
TCB (Trusted Computing Base) je:
Correct Answer
D. Skup zaštitnih mehanizama implementiranih u operativnom sistemu za koje
se veruje da obezbeđuju zahteve sigurnosti
TCB (Trusted Computing Base) refers to a set of protective mechanisms implemented in an operating system that are believed to provide security requirements. These mechanisms are designed to ensure the security and integrity of the system, protecting it from unauthorized access and malicious activities. The TCB is responsible for maintaining the security of critical operations and is considered a trusted component within the operating system. It includes various security measures, such as access control, authentication, encryption, and auditing, that work together to provide a secure computing environment.
Koji program ovde ne pripada:
Correct Answer
C. Brain
The given options are all names of computer programs or viruses, except for "Brain." Brain does not belong in this list because it is not a program or virus; it is a term commonly used to refer to the human brain or intelligence. The other options, Code red, Morris Warm, and SQL Slammer, are all well-known computer programs or viruses.
Šta ne spada u osnovne zadatke NGSCB (Next Generation Secure Computing
Correct Answer
DRM (Digital Rights Management) does not fall under the basic tasks of NGSCB (Next Generation Secure Computing Base). NGSCB focuses on strong process isolation, testing, secure data storage, and secure data transmission. DRM, on the other hand, is a technology used to protect digital content and enforce copyright restrictions. While DRM can contribute to secure computing, it is not a fundamental aspect of NGSCB.
U biometrijskim sistemima prilikom autentifikacije (verifikacije) :
Correct Answer
D. Postoje 2 faze
In biometric systems, there are two phases of authentication (verification). This means that during the process of verifying someone's identity using biometric data, there are two distinct stages or steps involved. The question does not provide any information about the specific phases or what they entail, but it states that there are two phases in total.
Faza prepoznavanja je faza kod:
Correct Answer
A. Autentifikacije koja se zasniva na nečemu što jeste
The correct answer is "autentifikacije koja se zasniva na nečemu što jeste." This refers to authentication based on something you are, such as biometric data like fingerprints or facial recognition.
Prednosti metode za detekciju zlonamernih programa koja se zasniva na praćenju
promena je to što:
Correct Answer
C. Može da detektuje i do tada nepoznate zlonamerne programe
The advantage of the method for detecting malicious programs based on monitoring changes is that it can detect previously unknown malicious programs. This means that even if a malicious program has not been identified or added to a database of known threats, this method can still identify and detect it. This is a valuable feature as it allows for proactive detection and protection against emerging threats. Additionally, this method does not require the involvement of the user, making it a convenient and efficient way to detect and mitigate the risks posed by malicious programs.
Metamorfični zlonamerni program:
Correct Answer
D. Menja svoj oblik ali zadržava funkcionalnost pre nego što inficira novi
The correct answer is "menja svoj oblik ali zadržava funkcionalnost pre nego što inficira novi sistem". This means that a metamorphic malware changes its shape but retains its functionality before infecting a new system. This type of malware is capable of modifying its code and structure, making it difficult to detect and analyze by antivirus software. By changing its form, the malware can evade detection and continue to spread to other systems while maintaining its harmful capabilities.
Dvo faktorska autentifikacija zahteva:
Correct Answer
B. Bilo koje 2 od 3 stavke (nešto što znate/imate/jeste)
The correct answer is "bilo koje 2 od 3 stavke (nešto što znate/imate/jeste)". This means that any combination of two out of the three factors (something you know, something you have, something you are) can be used for two-factor authentication. It allows flexibility in choosing the most convenient and secure combination of factors for authentication purposes.
Single sign on je postupak kojim se obezbeđuje:
Correct Answer
D. Da se korisnik prijavljuje samo jedanput a sve ostale naknadne prijave se obavljaju automatski
Single sign on (SSO) je postupak koji omogućava korisniku da se prijavi samo jednom, a sve ostale naknadne prijave se automatski obavljaju. Ovo omogućava korisniku da pristupa različitim sistemima i aplikacijama bez potrebe za ponovnim unošenjem korisničkog imena i lozinke. SSO poboljšava korisničko iskustvo, povećava produktivnost i smanjuje rizik od zaboravljanja lozinki ili njihovog kompromitovanja.
Salami Attack predstavlja:
Correct Answer
B. Serija malih beznačajnih napada koji se mnogo puta ponavljaju
Salami Attack predstavlja seriju malih beznačajnih napada koji se mnogo puta ponavljaju. Ovaj tip napada se koristi za krađu ili prevaru putem malih, neprimetnih transakcija koje pojedinačno ne izazivaju sumnju, ali kada se svi ti mali delovi slože, mogu prouzrokovati značajnu štetu. Napadači koriste ovu taktiku kako bi izbegli otkrivanje i prouzrokovali finansijsku ili druge vrste štete.
Jedno od mogućih rešenja za single sign on je:
Correct Answer
B. Smart kartica
A possible solution for single sign-on is a smart card. Smart cards are a secure and convenient way to authenticate users and grant them access to multiple systems and applications with just one login. They store encrypted credentials and can be easily plugged into a device or used wirelessly for authentication. By using a smart card, users can securely access various resources without the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords.
Za prikupljanje naizgled nebitnih podataka sa više različitih izvora koji objedinjeni
daju konkretnu informaciju koristi se:
Correct Answer
C. Salami attack
The correct answer is "salami attack". A salami attack is a type of cyber attack where small, seemingly insignificant pieces of data are stolen or manipulated over a period of time. These small pieces of data are often not noticeable, but when combined, they can provide valuable information or resources to the attacker. This method is used to avoid detection and raise minimal suspicion.
Једна од непожељних особина генератора псеудо случајних бројева је:
Correct Answer
D. периодичност
The correct answer is "периодичност" (periodicity). This refers to the undesirable characteristic of pseudo-random number generators where the sequence of generated numbers repeats after a certain period. This can be problematic for certain applications, such as generating one-time passwords (OTP) for encryption, as it increases the likelihood of predicting future numbers in the sequence based on previous numbers.
Autentifikacija pomoću smart kartice gde se dodatno zahteva i ukucavanje PIN
koda je autentifikacija na osnovu nečega što:
Correct Answer
B. Korisnik ima i zna
The correct answer is "korisnik ima i zna" because authentication using a smart card requires the user to possess (ima) the physical card and know (zna) the associated PIN code. This combination of something the user possesses and something the user knows provides an additional layer of security for authentication.
# u konfiguracijskoj datoteci aide.conf znači:
Correct Answer
D. Komentar
The given answer "komentar" suggests that in the configuration file aide.conf, the line is a comment and does not have any effect on the execution of commands. It is not a command to be checked or skipped.
! u konfiguracijskoj datoteci aide.conf znači:
Correct Answer
A. Da se naredba posle nje ne proverava
In the configuration file aide.conf, the phrase "da se naredba posle nje ne proverava" means that the command following it will not be checked. This suggests that the configuration file has a specific rule or setting that allows certain commands to be skipped or ignored during the checking process.
Ako je u konfiguracijskoj datoteci aide.conf zadato pravilo: low=s+shal+c i ako je
primenjeno na datoteku primer, i ako istoj datoteci promenimo prava:
Correct Answer
A. AIDE će registrovati promenu bez navođenja i informacije mtime
The given answer states that AIDE will register the change without specifying and providing information about mtime. This suggests that AIDE will detect and record the modification made to the file "primer" in the configuration file "aide.conf", but it will not include details about the modification time (mtime).
AIDE naredba provere sistema je:
Correct Answer
B. $aide -c /etc/aide/aide.conf.autogenerated -C
The correct answer is "$aide -c /etc/aide/aide.conf.autogenerated -C" because this command is used to run the AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) system check. It specifies the configuration file to be used (-c /etc/aide/aide.conf.autogenerated) and performs a check of the file integrity database (-C). This command helps to ensure the security and integrity of the system by comparing the current state of files with a previously generated database.
AIDE naredba inicijalizacije sistema je:
Correct Answer
B. $aide -c /etc/aide/aide.conf.autogenerated -i
The correct answer is "$aide -c /etc/aide/aide.conf.autogenerated -i". This is the correct command for initializing the AIDE system. It specifies the configuration file to use (-c /etc/aide/aide.conf.autogenerated) and the option to initialize the database (-i).
Informacije o promeni sistema AIDE skladišti:
Correct Answer
A. Prvo u bazu aide.db.new ali se potom mora ručno iskopirati u aide.db
The correct answer is "prvo u bazu aide.db.new ali se potom mora ručno iskopirati u aide.db". This means that the changes in the AIDE system storage are first made in the aide.db.new database, but then they need to be manually copied into the aide.db database. This suggests that the changes are not automatically reflected in the main database and require a manual step for them to take effect.
Nakon izvršenja koda: @echo off :a ping localhost>>a.txt goto :a dešava se:
Correct Answer
C. DOS napad
The given code is an infinite loop that continuously pings the localhost and appends the output to the "a.txt" file. This creates a Denial of Service (DOS) attack as it overwhelms the system with excessive network traffic and consumes its resources, causing it to become unresponsive or crash.
Pravo x nad direktorijumom u Linux OS znači:
Correct Answer
C. Pozicioniranje, prikazivanje dugog listinga i pretraživanje
The correct answer is "pozicioniranje, prikazivanje dugog listinga i pretraživanje". This means that having "pravo x nad direktorijumom" in Linux OS allows the user to navigate to and view the contents of the directory, display a long listing of the directory's contents, and search for specific files or directories within it.
U Linux OS pravo 654 odgovara:
Correct Answer
C. Rw-r-xr--
The given answer "rw-r-xr--" represents the file permissions for the Linux OS. Each group of three characters (r, w, x) represents the permissions for the owner, group, and others respectively. In this case, the owner has read and write permissions, the group has read and execute permissions, and others have only read permissions.
Nakon izvršenja koda: @echo off :a dir>>a.txt goto :a :
Correct Answer
B. A.txt se neprekidno uvećava
After executing the given code, the file "a.txt" does not change in size.
Prilikom slanja podataka iz html forme, može se reći da:
Correct Answer
B. Metod GET otkriva podatke
When sending data from an HTML form, it can be said that the method GET reveals the data. This means that when using the GET method, the data entered in the form will be visible in the URL of the webpage. This can be seen in the browser's address bar, making it less secure for sending sensitive or confidential information. On the other hand, the method POST does not reveal the data in the URL, providing a more secure way of sending data. However, the answer does not mention that it depends on the web browser, as different browsers may have different default methods for form submission.
Kod velikih sistema direktna primena Lampsonove matrice je:
Correct Answer
B. Složena i spora za izvršenje
The correct answer is "složena i spora za izvršenje" which translates to "complex and slow to execute" in English. This suggests that the direct application of Lampson's matrix in large systems is complicated and time-consuming.
Mrežna barijera tipa packet filter:
Correct Answer
B. Analizira samo zaglavlja paketa ali ne prati stanje konekcije
A packet filter network barrier analyzes only the headers of the packets but does not keep track of the connection state. This means that it examines the source and destination IP addresses, port numbers, and other header information to make decisions about allowing or blocking the packets, but it does not maintain any information about the ongoing connection.
Bitno svojstvo IDS-a zasnovanog na potpisu je:
Correct Answer
B. Brzo i jednostavno otkrivanje već poznatih napada
The correct answer is "brzo i jednostavno otkrivanje već poznatih napada." This is because IDS (Intrusion Detection System) based on signatures is designed to quickly and easily detect known attacks. It does this by comparing network traffic or system activity against a database of known attack signatures. When a match is found, the IDS raises an alert to notify the administrator. This approach is efficient for detecting known attacks but may not be effective in detecting unknown or novel attacks.
Autentifikacija pomoću otiska prsta je odluka na osnovu nečega:
Correct Answer
A. što korisnik jeste
The correct answer is "što korisnik jeste" which translates to "what the user is" in English. This refers to the authentication method using fingerprint, where the user's identity is verified based on their unique fingerprint pattern. Unlike the other options which involve knowledge or possession, this method relies on the inherent physical characteristic of the user.
Kod challenge-response autentifikacije, ukoliko Boban želi da autentifikuje Anu on
joj šalje:
Correct Answer
A. Slučajnu vrednost
In the challenge-response authentication, Boban sends Ana a random value. This random value is used to verify Ana's identity. By sending a random value, Boban ensures that the authentication process is secure and cannot be easily replicated by an attacker. The random value adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process, making it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access.
Primenom disasemblera od binarnog koda dobija se:
Correct Answer
B. Neprecizan asemblerski kod
When disassembling binary code, the result obtained is an imprecise assembly code. Disassembling involves converting machine code back into assembly code, but the process is not perfect and can result in some loss of information or accuracy. Therefore, the correct answer is "neprecizan asemblerski kod" which translates to "imprecise assembly code" in English.
Granične adrese koje koristi jedan korisnik/proces kod istoimene metode mogu da
Correct Answer
B. Obe istovremeno statičke ili obe istovremeno dinamičke
The possible boundary addresses that can be used by a user/process for the same method can either be both static or both dynamic at the same time. This means that either both the starting and ending addresses are static or both are dynamic.
Uobičajeno, zlonamerni programi se dele na osnovu:
Correct Answer
C. Principa širenja i delovanja
Zlonamerni programi se obično klasifikuju prema principu širenja i delovanja, što znači da se razlikuju na osnovu načina na koji se šire i kako utiču na sistem. Ova klasifikacija omogućava razumevanje različitih strategija i taktika koje zlonamerni programi koriste, kao i njihovih karakteristika i sposobnosti. Na osnovu principa širenja i delovanja, moguće je razviti odgovarajuće mere zaštite i neutralisanja ovih programa.
Који модел PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) се користи код савремених Интернет
Correct Answer
B. олигархијски модел
The given answer, "олигархијски модел" (oligarchic model), suggests that modern internet browsers use an oligarchic model for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). This means that a small group of powerful entities control the issuance and management of digital certificates, which are used to verify the authenticity of websites and establish secure connections. In this model, the trust and security of the PKI system are concentrated in the hands of a few major players, rather than being distributed among a larger network of entities.
Фејстелова шифра (мрежа) представља:
Correct Answer
D. једно идејно решење блоковске шифре
The correct answer is "једно идејно решење блоковске шифре" which translates to "an conceptual solution for a block cipher". This means that the Feistel cipher (network) represents a conceptual solution for a block cipher, indicating that it is a specific approach or design for implementing a block cipher algorithm.
Modeli sigurnosti:
Correct Answer
D. Samo daju preporuke za dodatna ograničenja
The correct answer is "samo daju preporuke za dodatna ograničenja". This is because the other options in the given statements describe security models that provide detailed specifications, introduce clearly defined constraints, and give strict instructions for implementing additional measures. However, the correct answer states that security models only provide recommendations for additional constraints, suggesting that they do not impose strict requirements or provide detailed specifications.
Mrežna barijera tipa stateful packet filter:
Correct Answer
C. Analizira zaglavlja paketa i prati stanje konekcije
The correct answer is "analizira zaglavlja paketa i prati stanje konekcije." This means that the stateful packet filter analyzes the headers of packets and also keeps track of the connection state. It not only examines the basic information in the packet headers but also maintains information about the ongoing connections, such as the source and destination IP addresses, port numbers, and sequence numbers. This allows the stateful packet filter to make more informed decisions about allowing or blocking packets based on the connection state.
Stalno ažuriranje IDS-a zasnovanog na potpisu je:
Correct Answer
D. Neophodno
Updating a signature-based IDS is necessary because signatures are used to identify known patterns of malicious activity. Without regular updates, the IDS would not be able to detect new and emerging threats, leaving the system vulnerable. Regular updates ensure that the IDS has the latest signatures to effectively identify and block potential attacks, making it an essential practice for maintaining the security of the system.
Cilj savršene sigurnosti unazad (PFC) je:
Correct Answer
B. Da se spreči da neovlašćeno lice dešifruje poruke koje su ranije razmenjene čak i ako naknadno sazna tajni ključ
The goal of perfect forward secrecy (PFS) is to prevent unauthorized individuals from decrypting previously exchanged messages, even if they later obtain the secret key. This means that even if an attacker gains access to the secret key, they will not be able to decrypt past communications. PFS provides an additional layer of security by ensuring that past messages remain confidential, even in the event of a compromised key.
Samomodifikujući kod:
Correct Answer
D. Ima sposobnost da menja svoju izvršnu verziju nakon svakog izvršavanja
The correct answer is "ima sposobnost da menja svoju izvršnu verziju nakon svakog izvršavanja". This means that self-modifying code has the ability to change its executable version after each execution. This characteristic allows the code to adapt and evolve based on its own behavior and the environment in which it is running. By modifying its executable version, the code can improve its performance, fix bugs, or add new features dynamically.