Relacione Baze Podataka - Viser

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| By Bozapub
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Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 791
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Relacione Baze Podataka - Viser - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Nešto što postoji i što se može jednoznačno identifikovati je:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Entitet
    An entity is something that exists and can be uniquely identified. In this context, the correct answer is "entitet" because it fits the description of something that exists and can be unmistakably identified.

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  • 2. 

    Integrisani skup komponenti za sakupljanje, snimanje, cuvanje, obradu i prenošenje informacija.Je definicija

    • A.

      Informacionog sistema

    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Informacionog sistema
    The correct answer is "Informacionog sistema". This answer correctly identifies the definition of an information system as an integrated set of components for collecting, recording, storing, processing, and transmitting information.

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  • 3. 

    Na slici je prikazana

    • A.

      Veza 1:M

    • B.

      Veza 1:1

    • C.

      Veza M:N

    Correct Answer
    B. Veza 1:1
  • 4. 

    Na slici je znakom ? označeno:

    Correct Answer
    centralna jedinica
    procesorska jedinica
    The correct answer is "centralna jedinica, CPU, procesor, procesorska jedinica". The question asks what is marked with a "?" in the picture. Since all four options are listed as the correct answer, it can be inferred that the "?" represents all of these terms: centralna jedinica, CPU, procesor, and procesorska jedinica.

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  • 5. 

    Na slici znakom ? je označeno:

    Correct Answer
    Kod ovakvih pitanja mali hack može da upali. Kliknite desnim na sliku i otvorite je u novom tabu ili prozoru. U URL adresi tada vidite ime slike. Često je ime slike upravo odgovor koji se traži. Ime ove slike je: rac%20sistemiprocedurepostupcipravila.jpg

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  • 6. 

    Elementarno obeležje koje se dalje ne može dekomponovati, ili koje se u datom slučaju dalje ne dekomponuje na komponente je:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Atribut
    An attribute is a basic and indivisible element that cannot be further decomposed or broken down into smaller components. It is a characteristic or property that describes an entity or object. In the given context, the attribute is identified as the element that cannot be decomposed further.

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  • 7. 

    Učestvovanje nekog entiteta u vezi je potpuno  ako 

    • A.

      zapisi takvog entiteta mogu da postoje bez obzira na drugi entitet (jak entitet)

    • B.

      Zapisi takvog entiteta mogu da postoje samo ako postoje i u drugom (slab entitet)

    Correct Answer
    B. Zapisi takvog entiteta mogu da postoje samo ako postoje i u drugom (slab entitet)
    The correct answer suggests that the participation of an entity in a relationship is complete if the records of that entity can only exist if there are records in another entity (weak entity). This means that the existence of the first entity is dependent on the existence of the second entity.

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  • 8. 

    Skup međusobno povezanih podataka, sa min. redudanse, koje zajednički koriste svi procesi obrade u sistemu je

    • A.

      Baza podataka

    • B.

      DBMS (Database Management System)

    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Baza podataka
    A skup međusobno povezanih podataka, sa minimalnom redundansom, koje zajednički koriste svi procesi obrade u sistemu je baza podataka. Baza podataka omogućava organizovanje i skladištenje podataka na strukturiran način, omogućavajući efikasno upravljanje i manipulaciju tim podacima. DBMS (Database Management System) je softverski sistem koji se koristi za upravljanje bazama podataka, pružajući alate i funkcionalnosti za kreiranje, upravljanje i održavanje baza podataka. Tabela je specifična struktura u bazi podataka koja organizuje podatke u redove i kolone.

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  • 9. 

    Učestvovanje nekog entiteta u vezi  je delimično ako

    • A.

      Zapisi takvog entiteta mogu da postoje samo ako postoje i u drugom (slab entitet)

    • B.

      Zapisi takvog entiteta mogu da postoje bez obzira na drugi entitet (jak entitet)

    Correct Answer
    B. Zapisi takvog entiteta mogu da postoje bez obzira na drugi entitet (jak entitet)
    The correct answer is "zapisi takvog entiteta mogu da postoje bez obzira na drugi entitet (jak entitet)". This means that the entity can exist independently without any dependency on another entity. It does not require the presence of another entity for its existence.

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  • 10. 

    Koji model je prikazan na slici?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Objektni
    The correct answer is "Objektni." This suggests that the model depicted in the picture is an object-oriented model. Object-oriented models are used to represent real-world objects and their relationships in software development. This type of model focuses on encapsulating data and behavior within objects, allowing for modularity and reusability in programming.

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  • 11. 

    Šta od navedenog se odnosi na pojam podatka?

    • A.

      Je reprezentacija činjenice ili ideje pogodna za komunikaciju, interpretaciju i obradu od strane ljudi i upravljačkih mašina

    • B.

      Je značenje koje dodeljujemo podatku

    • C.

      Reprezentuje činjenicu, događaj ili ideju u određenoj notaciji

    • D.

      Je inkrement znanja, njenim postojanjem je naše znanje o nečemu uvećano

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Je reprezentacija činjenice ili ideje pogodna za komunikaciju, interpretaciju i obradu od strane ljudi i upravljačkih mašina
    C. Reprezentuje činjenicu, događaj ili ideju u određenoj notaciji
    The correct answer is "je reprezentacija činjenice ili ideje pogodna za komunikaciju, interpretaciju i obradu od strane ljudi i upravljačkih mašina". This answer accurately describes data as a representation of facts or ideas that can be communicated, interpreted, and processed by both humans and machines. It emphasizes the importance of data in facilitating communication and enabling meaningful analysis and decision-making. The other options either do not fully capture the essence of data or are not comprehensive enough in their descriptions.

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  • 12. 

    Softverski sistem za čuvanje i upravljanje podacima, uz fizičku i logičku nezavisnost programa od podatka je:

    • A.

      DBMS (Database Management System)

    • B.

      Baza podataka

    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. DBMS (Database Management System)
    A DBMS (Database Management System) is a software system that allows for the storage and management of data, providing both physical and logical independence between the program and the data. It provides a set of tools and functions to create, modify, and query databases, ensuring data integrity, security, and efficient access. A DBMS allows multiple users to access and manipulate data simultaneously, ensuring data consistency and eliminating data redundancy. It also provides mechanisms for data backup, recovery, and data concurrency control. Therefore, a DBMS is the correct answer as it encompasses all the mentioned characteristics.

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  • 13. 

    Entitet je:

    • A.

      Integrisani skup komponenti za skupljanje, snimanje, čuvanje, obradu i prenošenje informacija

    • B.

      činjenica, događaj ili ideja u određenoj notaciji

    • C.

      Nešto što postoji i što se može jednoznačno identifikovati

    Correct Answer
    C. Nešto što postoji i što se može jednoznačno identifikovati
    The correct answer is "nešto što postoji i što se može jednoznačno identifikovati". This answer defines an entity as something that exists and can be uniquely identified. It implies that an entity is a distinct and separate entity with its own characteristics or properties.

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  • 14. 

    Znakom pitanja je označeno:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Naziv polja

    Correct Answer
    A. Zapis
    The given answer "Zapis" is the correct answer because it is the only option that is mentioned in the question. The question is asking about the "Znakom pitanja je označeno" and "Zapis" is the only option provided. Therefore, "Zapis" is the correct answer.

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  • 15. 

    Grupa objekata koji imaju iste osobine je:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Klasa
    The correct answer is "klasa". In programming and object-oriented design, a class is a blueprint for creating objects that have similar characteristics or properties. It defines the common attributes and behaviors that the objects will have. By grouping objects with the same properties into a class, it allows for efficient organization and management of the code.

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  • 16. 

    Elementarno obeležje koje se ne može dekomponovati, ili koje se u datom slučaju dalje ne dekomponuje na komponente je:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Atribut
    The correct answer is "atribut." An attribute is a characteristic or property of an entity or object. It cannot be further decomposed into smaller components as it represents a single piece of information. In contrast, a class refers to a group of objects with similar properties, an entity represents a real-world object, and a record is a collection of related data fields. Therefore, the attribute is the only option that fits the description of an elementary feature that cannot be decomposed.

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  • 17. 

    Zajednička osobina koju poseduju (svi) entiteti jedne klase je

    • A.


    • B.

      Model podatka

    • C.

      Tip podatka

    Correct Answer
    A. Atribut
    The correct answer is "atribut." In object-oriented programming, a class is a blueprint for creating objects. An attribute is a characteristic or property that all entities of a class possess. It defines the data that an object can hold and the operations that can be performed on that data. Therefore, "atribut" is the common characteristic that all entities of a class share.

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  • 18. 

    Šta od navedenog su karakteristike relacionih baza?

    • A.

      Mogu da imaju duple zapise

    • B.

      Podaci su organizovani u redove i kolone, a skup takvih podataka je relacija

    • C.

      Podržavaju veze tipa M:N

    • D.

      Sve vrednosti su skalarne

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Podaci su organizovani u redove i kolone, a skup takvih podataka je relacija
    D. Sve vrednosti su skalarne
    The given answer states that the characteristic of relational databases is that data is organized in rows and columns, and this set of data is called a relation. It also states that all values in a relational database are scalar, meaning they are single values and not collections or arrays. This explanation correctly identifies the characteristics of relational databases.

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  • 19. 

    Na slici znakom pitanja je označeno:

    Correct Answer(s)
    data (podaci)
    The correct answer is "data, podaci, data (podaci)". This suggests that the term "data" can be translated as "podaci" in the given context, and "data (podaci)" indicates that both terms are used interchangeably.

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  • 20. 

    Skup vrednosti elementarnih obeležja koje se odnose na jedan objekat je:

    • A.

      Zapis - logički slog

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Zapis - logički slog
    The correct answer is "zapis - logički slog". This refers to the value of elementary features related to an object. In this context, a "zapis" is a record or a set of data that represents the object, while "logički slog" refers to a logical record or a collection of related data fields. Therefore, the skup vrednosti elementarnih obeležja (set of values of elementary features) for an object is represented by a zapis - logički slog.

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  • 21. 

    Utvrđivanje uslova za projektovanje i izradu projekta služe za

    • A.

      Određivanje ciljeva sistema i projekta kao celine.

    • B.

      Za procenjivanje uspešnosti projekta i za procenu valjanosti kompromisa.

    • C.

      šta će se raditi a šta ne

    Correct Answer
    B. Za procenjivanje uspešnosti projekta i za procenu valjanosti kompromisa.
    The correct answer is "za procenjivanje uspešnosti projekta i za procenu valjanosti kompromisa." This is because determining the conditions for designing and developing a project helps in evaluating the success of the project and assessing the validity of compromises made. It allows for an assessment of whether the project is meeting its goals and objectives and whether any compromises made are reasonable and effective.

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  • 22. 

    Interfejsi, procesi, tokovi podataka, skladišta podataka su elemnti:

    • A.

      Dijagrama tokova podataka

    • B.

      Sistemskih modela

    • C.

      Rečnika podataka

    Correct Answer
    A. Dijagrama tokova podataka
    The correct answer is "Dijagrama tokova podataka." The elements mentioned in the question, such as interfaces, processes, data flows, and data stores, are all components of a data flow diagram. A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of how data moves through a system, illustrating the processes, inputs, outputs, and storage of data. Therefore, the correct answer is "Dijagrama tokova podataka," as it encompasses all the mentioned elements.

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  • 23. 

    Na slici je prikazan koji model?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Scrum
    The correct answer is Scrum because the question asks for the model depicted in the picture, and Scrum is the only model mentioned in the options.

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  • 24. 

    Zaokružiti sve klasifikacije uticaja rizika

    • A.

      Rizik cene

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Marginalan
    C. Katastrofalan
    D. Zanemariv
    The correct answer is to circle "Marginalan," "Katastrofalan," and "Zanemariv" as classifications of risk impact. These terms describe different levels of risk impact. "Marginalan" means that the risk has a minimal impact, "Katastrofalan" indicates a catastrophic impact, and "Zanemariv" suggests a negligible impact. By circling these classifications, one can identify the different levels of risk impact in a given situation.

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  • 25. 

    Analiza je

    • A.

      Sklapanje veće strukture na bazi pojedinačnih manjih gradivnih elemenata.

    • B.

      Razlaganje problema na delove koji su međusobno povezani i koje zasebno rešavamo.

    Correct Answer
    B. Razlaganje problema na delove koji su međusobno povezani i koje zasebno rešavamo.
    The answer accurately describes the concept of analysis as breaking down a problem into interconnected parts and solving them separately. It also mentions the idea of constructing a larger structure based on individual smaller building elements, which further reinforces the concept of analysis.

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  • 26. 

    Proučavanje dokumentacije se koristi u fazi

    • A.

      Prikupljanje i analiza zahteva

    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Prikupljanje i analiza zahteva
    The correct answer is "Prikupljanje i analiza zahteva" (Collecting and analyzing requirements). In the documentation phase, studying the documentation is crucial to understand and gather the requirements of the project or system being developed. This involves reviewing existing documents, such as user manuals, technical specifications, and business requirements, to identify the needs and expectations of stakeholders. By studying the documentation, developers can ensure that they have a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved and can plan and design the system accordingly.

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  • 27. 

    Rizik vreme isporuke se odnosi na:

    • A.

      Može prekoračiti budžet.

    • B.

      Projekat može biti isporučen prekasno.

    • C.

      Projekat može da ne dostigne postavljene zahteveili bude na neki drugi način neprihvatljiv za korisnika.

    Correct Answer
    B. Projekat može biti isporučen prekasno.
    The correct answer is "Projekat može biti isporučen prekasno." This is because the term "rizik vreme isporuke" refers to the potential risk or possibility of the project being delivered late or delayed. It implies that there is a chance that the project may not be completed within the specified time frame, which can have negative consequences for the project's success.

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  • 28. 

    Definisanje opsega sistema određuje

    • A.

      šta će se raditi a šta ne

    • B.

      Utvrđivanje uslova za projektovanje i izradu

    • C.

      Određivanje ciljeva sistema i projekta kao celine.

    Correct Answer
    A. šta će se raditi a šta ne
    The definition of the scope of a system determines what will be done and what will not be done. It helps in identifying the boundaries and limits of the system by outlining the specific activities and functionalities that will be included within the project. It also helps in clarifying the objectives and goals of the system and the project as a whole.

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  • 29. 

    Koja tvrdnja je tačna?

    • A.

      Većina projektnih uslova ne treba da je u prvoj ili drugoj kategoriji.

    • B.

      Lista uslova se ne formira u fazi definisanja ciljeva.

    • C.

      Tokom razvoja uslova nikako ne treba određivati arhitekturu ili dizajn sistema

    Correct Answer
    C. Tokom razvoja uslova nikako ne treba određivati arhitekturu ili dizajn sistema
    During the development of requirements, it is not advisable to determine the architecture or design of the system.

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  • 30. 

    Dijagram toka podataka je

    • A.

      Interfejs model

    • B.

      Model podataka

    • C.

      Model procesa

    Correct Answer
    C. Model procesa
    The correct answer is "model procesa" because a data flow diagram (DFD) represents the flow of data within a system or process. It shows how data is input, processed, and outputted in a graphical format. Therefore, a DFD can be considered as a model of a process, illustrating the different components and their interactions. It does not represent an interface model or a data model, which are different types of models used in software engineering.

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  • 31. 

    Objekti izvan analiziranog sistema, koji interaguju (razmenjuju podatke) sa sistemom su:

    • A.

      Skladišta podataka

    • B.


    • C.

      Tokovi podataka

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Interfejsi
    The correct answer is "Interfejsi". In the context of the given question, "Interfejsi" refers to the interfaces, which are the means through which objects outside the analyzed system interact with the system by exchanging data. Interfejsi act as a bridge between the system and external entities, allowing for communication and data transfer.

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  • 32. 

    Šta NIJE izvor za uslove radnog okruženja?

    • A.

      Postojeće radno okruženje i postojeći sistemi sa kojima novi sistem mora da komunicira.

    • B.

      Koji su zadaci na datom radnom mestu

    • C.

      Broj korisnika koje sistem mora da podržava

    Correct Answer
    B. Koji su zadaci na datom radnom mestu
    The given answer is correct because it directly addresses the question and provides an appropriate response. The question asks for something that is not a source for the working environment conditions, and the answer "Koji su zadaci na datom radnom mestu" (What are the tasks at the given workplace) is unrelated to the source of working environment conditions. Therefore, it is a valid explanation for the correct answer.

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  • 33. 

    Šta NIJE oblik projektnog uslova

    • A.

      Opšte projektne strategije

    • B.

      Određivanje ciljeva sistema i projekta kao celine.

    • C.

      Direktno merljivi zahtevi

    Correct Answer
    B. Određivanje ciljeva sistema i projekta kao celine.
    The correct answer is "Određivanje ciljeva sistema i projekta kao celine." This is because the question states that "Šta NIJE oblik projektnog uslova" which translates to "What is NOT a form of project requirement." The other options listed - Direktno merljivi zahtevi (Direct measurable requirements) and Opšte projektne strategije (General project strategies) - can be forms of project requirements, but "Određivanje ciljeva sistema i projekta kao celine" (Determining the goals of the system and project as a whole) is not a form of project requirement.

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  • 34. 

    Na slici je prikazan koji model?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Vodopad
    The correct answer is "Vodopad" because the image represents the Waterfall model. The Waterfall model is a sequential design process in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through the phases of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, production/implementation, and maintenance. Each phase is completed before moving on to the next one, making it a linear and rigid approach to software development.

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  • 35. 

    Sistemski modeli su:

    • A.

      Samo komunikacije i interfejs modeli

    • B.

      Procesi, podaci, komunikacije, interfejs modeli

    • C.

      Samo podaci i procesi

    • D.

      Podaci, procesi I interfejs modeli, a ne komunikacije

    Correct Answer
    B. Procesi, podaci, komunikacije, interfejs modeli
    The correct answer is "Procesi, podaci, komunikacije, interfejs modeli". This answer states that system models consist of processes, data, communication, and interface models.

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  • 36. 

    Korisnicima obezbediti pomoć zavisnu od konteksta je

    • A.

      Direktno merljiv zahtev

    • B.

      Uslov koji se odnosi na radno okruženje

    • C.

      Opšta projektna strategija

    Correct Answer
    C. Opšta projektna strategija
    The correct answer is "Opšta projektna strategija." This is because providing context-dependent assistance to users is a general project strategy that can be implemented in various ways. It is not a directly measurable requirement or a condition related to the work environment.

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  • 37. 

    Konceptualni model podatka

    • A.

      Sadrži opise tabela

    • B.

      Definiše način upotrebe podatka u celom sistemu

    • C.

      Definiše sistemske parametre

    Correct Answer
    B. Definiše način upotrebe podatka u celom sistemu
    The correct answer is "definiše način upotrebe podatka u celom sistemu" which means "defines the way data is used in the whole system" in English. This is because a conceptual data model provides an abstract representation of how data is organized and used in a system. It helps to define the relationships between different data entities and how they are accessed and manipulated. By defining the way data is used, the conceptual data model ensures consistency and coherence in the system's data management.

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  • 38. 

    Rizik performanse

    • A.

      Može prekoračiti budžet

    • B.

      Softver može biti neprilagodljiv, bez mogućnosti održavanja ili proširivanja

    • C.

      Projekat može da ne dostigne postavljene zahteve ili bude na neki drugi način neprihvatljiv za korisnika

    Correct Answer
    C. Projekat može da ne dostigne postavljene zahteve ili bude na neki drugi način neprihvatljiv za korisnika
    The given answer suggests that "Rizik performanse" refers to the possibility of a project not meeting the specified requirements or being unacceptable to the user in some other way. This means that the project may not deliver the desired outcomes or may not meet the expectations of the user, which can be considered a risk to the project's performance.

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  • 39. 

    Koja tvrdnja je tačna

    • A.

      Redosled kojim se posmatraju pojedini procesi unutar opsega sistema nikad nije važan

    • B.

      Analiza radnih procesa je moguća u svim sistemima

    • C.

      Radni proces je skup jednog ili više pojedinačnih poslova

    Correct Answer
    C. Radni proces je skup jednog ili više pojedinačnih poslova
    A work process is defined as a collection of one or more individual tasks or jobs. This means that a work process can consist of multiple tasks or jobs that are performed in a specific order to achieve a desired outcome. The statement "Radni proces je skup jednog ili više pojedinačnih poslova" translates to "A work process is a collection of one or more individual jobs," which accurately reflects the definition of a work process.

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  • 40. 

    Šta je od navedenog osobina specijalizacije?

    • A.

      Nadtipovi nasleđuju sve atribute i veze svog podtipa.

    • B.

      Skup povezanih objekata tretira kao jedinstveni objekat.

    • C.

      Podtipovi nasle đuju sve atribute i veze svog nadtipa.

    Correct Answer
    C. Podtipovi nasle đuju sve atribute i veze svog nadtipa.
    In the given options, the correct answer states that subtypes inherit all the attributes and relationships of their supertype. This means that a subtype will have all the characteristics and connections of its parent supertype.

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  • 41. 

    Pojedinačna akcija, tj. korak tokom odvijanja radnog procesa je

    • A.


    • B.

      Radni proces

    • C.

      Posao (task)

    Correct Answer
    C. Posao (task)
    In this question, the options given are "Posao (task)", "Reinženjering", and "Radni proces". The correct answer is "Posao (task)". This answer is correct because the question asks for the individual action or step during the process of work. A "Posao (task)" refers to a specific action or step that needs to be completed as part of a larger process or workflow. "Reinženjering" refers to the process of redesigning or reengineering a system or process, and "Radni proces" refers to the overall workflow or process of work.

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  • 42. 

    Ako jedna narudžbenica sadrži više stavki narudžbenice, tada je tip kardinalnosti

    • A.

      Više prema više (M:N)

    • B.

      Jedan prema jedan (1:1)

    • C.

      Jedan prema više (1:M)

    Correct Answer
    C. Jedan prema više (1:M)
    The given statement suggests that if one order contains multiple items of the order, then the cardinality type is "One to Many" (1:M). This means that for each order, there can be multiple items associated with it. In other words, one order can have many items.

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  • 43. 

    Na slici, znakom pitanja (?) je označeno

    Correct Answer
    Podaci (data)
    The correct answer is "Podaci, Data, Podaci (data)" because the question is asking for the translation of the phrase "Na slici, znakom pitanja (?) je označeno" which means "On the picture, the question mark (?) is marked". The given answer options provide the translation of the word "Data" in different forms, which is the correct translation for "Podaci".

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  • 44. 

    Jednoznačni atribut ima sledeću osobinu

    • A.

      DG = 1, GG = 1

    • B.

      DG = 1, GG = 1 a inverzno preslikavanje DG = 0(1), GG > 1

    • C.

      GG = N

    Correct Answer
    A. DG = 1, GG = 1
    The correct answer is that a unique attribute has the property DG = 1, GG = 1. This means that for a given entity, there is only one value for this attribute, and it is unique among all entities in the database. This ensures that the attribute can be used as a primary key or a unique identifier for the entity.

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  • 45. 

    Kod izdvajanja entiteta i atributa i veza

    • A.

      Objekti postaju entiteti.

    • B.

      Činjenice postaju atributi

    • C.

      Činjenice postaju entiteti

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Objekti postaju entiteti.
    B. Činjenice postaju atributi
    The given correct answer states that "Objekti postaju entiteti" (Objects become entities) and "Činjenice postaju atributi" (Facts become attributes). This suggests that in the process of extracting entities, attributes, and relationships, objects are identified as entities, and facts are identified as attributes. This implies that the objects or real-world entities are identified and classified, while the facts or information about these entities are represented as attributes.

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  • 46. 

    Koja tvrdnja je tačna?

    • A.

      Svrha informacionih sistema je isključivo samo skladištenje podataka i njihovo u čitavanje pri obavljanju raznih poslova.

    • B.

      Svrha informacionih sistema nije samo skladištenje podataka i njihovo u čitavanje pri obavljanju raznih poslova, već najčešće i pomoć pri obavljanju određene aktivnosti ili više njih.

    • C.

      Aktivnost koja u jednom sistemu predstavlja posao je i u svim drugim sistemima posao.

    Correct Answer
    B. Svrha informacionih sistema nije samo skladištenje podataka i njihovo u čitavanje pri obavljanju raznih poslova, već najčešće i pomoć pri obavljanju određene aktivnosti ili više njih.
    The correct answer states that the purpose of information systems is not only to store data and read it for various tasks, but also to assist in carrying out specific activities or multiple activities. This implies that information systems have a broader role than just storing and retrieving data, and they are designed to support and facilitate various activities within an organization.

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  • 47. 

    Šta od navedenog spada pod zadatak metodologija i tehnika reinžinjerstva

    • A.

      Migracija podataka

    • B.

      Efektivno modeliranje/remodeliranje podataka

    • C.

      Efektivno generisanje koda

    • D.

      Ništa od navedenog

    • E.

      Efektivna integracija sistema e

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Migracija podataka
    B. Efektivno modeliranje/remodeliranje podataka
    C. Efektivno generisanje koda
    E. Efektivna integracija sistema e
    The given answer includes all the options listed in the question, indicating that all of them belong to the task of methodology and techniques of reengineering. The options listed are migration of data, effective data modeling/remodeling, effective code generation, and effective integration of e-systems.

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  • 48. 

    Glagoli u tekstualnom opisu zahteva ukazuju na uvođenje

    • A.

      Veznih objekata

    • B.


    • C.

      Kardinalnosti veza

    Correct Answer
    A. Veznih objekata
    The correct answer is "veznih objekata." The question is asking for the verbs in the textual description that indicate the introduction of something. In this case, the verbs "uvođenje" indicates the introduction of "veznih objekata" (linking objects).

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  • 49. 

    Konceptualni model podataka

    • A.

      Opisuje fizičku strukturu tabela.

    • B.

      Je šema baze podataka

    • C.

      Sadrži opis entiteta, njihove atribute i veze izme đu njih.

    Correct Answer
    C. Sadrži opis entiteta, njihove atribute i veze izme đu njih.
    The correct answer is "Sadrži opis entiteta, njihove atribute i veze izme đu njih." This answer accurately describes what a conceptual data model is. It states that a conceptual data model contains descriptions of entities, their attributes, and the relationships between them. This aligns with the definition of a conceptual data model, which is a high-level representation of the structure and organization of data in a database system.

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  • 50. 

    Ako više dobavljača ima ugovore sa više špeditera. Tada je tip  kardinalnosti veze

    • A.

      Jedan prema više (1:M)

    • B.

      Jedan prema jedan (1:1)

    • C.

      Više prema više

    Correct Answer
    C. Više prema više
    The given correct answer is "Više prema više". This means that there is a many-to-many relationship between the suppliers and the freight forwarders. This implies that each supplier can have contracts with multiple freight forwarders, and each freight forwarder can have contracts with multiple suppliers.

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