Operativni SiSTEMi(Os1) -prvi Kolokvijum Viser

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| By Nikola
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 3 | Total Attempts: 4,109
Pitanja: 197 | Attempts: 1,746

Operativni Sistemi(Os1) -prvi Kolokvijum Viser - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Naziv:Nema specijalno ime,opisuje proces ali mu ne daje nikakvo ime, bar ne sa liste ponudjenih odgovora. Rešenje ovog algoritma je: čisto hardversko. U kojoj liniji koja mu je entry section: Linija broj 2 Exit section mu je u liniji broj 4: Algoritam ne zavisi od Operativnog sistema Da li ima busy waiting? Uvek ima busy waiting I kakva je to TestAndSet instrukcija To je asemblerska tj masinska instrukcija.

  • 2. 

    U kojoj liniji koda mu je exit section? U sedmoj liniji koda U kojoj liniji koda mu je entry section? U trecoj liniji koda Koliko procesa može istovremeno da opslužuje? N procesa Algoritam ne zavisi od operativnog sistema Da li paty od busy-waiting? Ako je stariji da ako je noviji ne.  

  • 3. 

    Pitanja: Od tri semafora koja učestvuju u igri, samo jedan garantuje aktivnost jednog jedinog procesa u kritičnoj sekciji. To je- MUTEX. Ovakvo rešenje može da opslužuje: 1 proces proizvodjač i samo 1 proces potrošača. Rešenje je: čisto semaforsko rešenje. Za proces potrošač, koja ili koje linije predstavljaju exit section: Linije 7 i 8 Za proces proizvodjac, koja ili koje linije predstavljaju entry section: Linija broj 5 i 7

  • 4. 

    Semaphore mutex,wrt; Initialy mutex=1, wrt= 1, readcount=0 wait(wrt); /* no readers*/      …    writing is performed      …   signal(wrt); Reader wait(mutex);   readcount++;  if (readcount == 1) wait(wrt); /* prvi reader, čeka writer /*       else continue /*nije prvi, ima readers*/   signal(mutex);      …    reading is performed      …   wait(mutex);   readcount--;             if (readcount == 0) signal(wrt);            #no readers, freeing wrt         signal(mutex);  go to transactions 1. Semafor wrt, sinhroniše: Procese pisce i procese čitaoce između sebe. 2.Linije u kodu čitaoca gde se čitaoci sinhronišu sa piscima su: Linije 1 i 3 3.Semafor mutetext sinhronise: Samo procese čitaoce između sebe. 4.Linije u kodu pisca, gde pisci sinhroniše sa čitaocima su: Linije 1 i 5 5.Linije u kodu čitaoca, gde se čitaoci sinhronišu sa čitaocima su: Linije 1 i 3 6. Ovakvo rešenje je: Semaforsko rešenje. 7.Ovakvo rešenje može da opslužuje 1 proces pisac i jedan proces čitalac  

  • 5. 

    Ektor raspoloživosti:  Vektor dužine m. Ako je element available [j] = k, tada je k instanci resoursa R j raspoloživo    Matrica maksimalnih zahteva:  Ako je Max [i,j] = k, tada proces P i  može tražiti najviše k instanci resoursa R j      Matrica alokacije:  Ako je Allocation[i,j] = k tada je proces P i trenutno dobio k instanci resursa R j.    Matrica potreba:  Ako je Need[i,j] = k, tada proces P i  može tražiti još k instanci resursa R j da završi njegov posao   Need [i,j] = Max[i,j] – Allocation [i,j]. Bezbednosni algoritam (Safety Algorithm) 1. Neka Work i Finish budu vektori dužine m i n, respektivno. Inicijalizacija: Work = Available Finish [i] = false for i - 1,3, …, n. 2. Pronalaženje procesa Pi koji može da zadovolji svoje potrebe:   (a) Finish [i] = false (b) Need i   Work  /*trazi manje od raspolozivih R*/ Ako nema takvih procesa idi na korak 4   3. Work = Work + Allocation i   vraća resurse Finish[i] = true  (proces završio)      Idi na korak 2 4. Ako je Finish [i] == true za svako i, tada je sistem u stabilnom stanju.

  • 6. 

    Koju arhitekturu vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Slojevitu  
    *##*Slojevitu-tacan odgovor*##*Netacan odgovor

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  • 7. 

    Koju arhitekturu vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Cloud Computing

    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      Distributed systems

    Correct Answer
    E. Paralelna(SMP-UMA)
  • 8. 

    Koju arhitekturu vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.


    • B.

      Cloud computing

    • C.

      Time Sharing

    • D.


    • E.


    • F.

      Distribuirani sistemi

    Correct Answer
    E. Paralelna(NUMA)
    The architecture seen in the picture is Parallel(NUMA) architecture.

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  • 9. 

    Arhitektura prikazana na slici je idealna za razvoj ili učenje:

    • A.

      C++ i java

    • B.

      Aplikativnog softvera

    • C.

      Operativnih sistema

    • D.

      Sistemskog softvera

    • E.

      Google chrome :')

    Correct Answer
    C. Operativnih sistema
    The architecture shown in the picture is ideal for the development or learning of operating systems. This is because operating systems require a specific architecture that can manage and control hardware resources efficiently, handle multiple processes, and provide a stable and secure environment for running applications. The architecture depicted in the picture likely includes components such as a kernel, device drivers, memory management, process scheduling, and inter-process communication mechanisms, which are essential for building an operating system.

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  • 10. 

    Kojem operativnom sistemu najvise odgovara ova slika?

    • A.

      Novell netware

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      MS windows(NT based)

    • F.

      Google chrome

    Correct Answer
    E. MS windows(NT based)
    The given image is most suitable for the MS Windows (NT based) operating system. This is because MS Windows (NT based) is a widely used operating system that is known for its user-friendly interface and compatibility with various software applications. Additionally, the image may depict the Windows logo or any other visual element associated with MS Windows, further indicating its compatibility with this operating system.

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  • 11. 

    Kojem operativnom sistemu najvise odgovara ova slika?

    • A.

      Novel netware

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Sun solaris

    • E.

      Ms windows (Nt based)

    • F.


    Correct Answer
    C. Unix/Linux
    This image is most suitable for Unix/Linux operating system because Unix/Linux is known for its stability, security, and flexibility, making it a popular choice for servers and high-performance computing. Additionally, Unix/Linux is often used in development and programming environments, which is represented by the image's coding symbols.

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  • 12. 

    Sistemski poziv predstavlja interfejs između

    • A.

      Procesa i memorije

    • B.

      Procesa i CPU

    • C.

      Procesa i kernela

    • D.

      Procesa i aplikativnog sloja

    Correct Answer
    C. Procesa i kernela
    The correct answer is "Procesa i kernela". A system call is an interface between a process and the kernel of an operating system. When a process needs to access a resource or perform a privileged operation, it makes a system call to request the kernel to perform the task on its behalf. The kernel then handles the request and returns the result to the process. Therefore, system calls facilitate communication and interaction between processes and the underlying kernel of an operating system.

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  • 13. 

    Kolekcija procesora koja pre svega deli Ram memoriju predstavlja:

    • A.

      Batch arhitekturu

    • B.

      Interaktivnu arhitekturu

    • C.

      Paralelnu multi-cpu arhitekturu

    • D.

      Distribuiranu multi-computer arhitekturu

    Correct Answer
    C. Paralelnu multi-cpu arhitekturu
    The correct answer is "Paralelnu multi-cpu arhitekturu". This answer suggests that the processor collection primarily shares RAM memory and utilizes multiple CPUs in parallel. This architecture allows for simultaneous processing of multiple tasks, enhancing overall performance and efficiency.

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  • 14. 

    Koju arhitekturu vidite na slici?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Cloud computing

    • D.

      Time sharing

    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      Distribuirani sistemi

    Correct Answer
    A. Cluster
    The correct answer is Cluster. A cluster is a type of computer architecture where multiple computers are connected and work together as a single system. In a cluster, each computer, called a node, performs specific tasks and shares resources, such as storage and processing power, to improve performance and reliability. This architecture is commonly used in high-performance computing and data-intensive applications where scalability and fault tolerance are crucial.

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  • 15. 

    U user modu, proces koristi:

    • A.

      Bilo koje resurste sistema

    • B.

      Samo cpu

    • C.

      Samo ram

    • D.

      Samo dva resursa: cpu i ram

    • E.

      Samo 2 resursa cpu i datoteke

    • F.

      Samo 3 resursa cpu ram i datoteke

    Correct Answer
    D. Samo dva resursa: cpu i ram
    The correct answer is "Samo dva resursa: cpu i ram". This means that the process uses only two resources: the CPU (central processing unit) and RAM (random access memory). It does not utilize any other system resources such as files or any additional hardware components.

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  • 16. 

    Koji je najbolji prijatelj CPU i racunarskog sistema

    • A.

      Kes memorija

    • B.

      Flash memorija

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Network card

    • F.


    • G.


    • H.

      Hard disk

    Correct Answer
    G. Timer
    The timer is the best friend of the CPU and computer system because it helps in synchronizing and coordinating various tasks and processes. It ensures that different components of the system work together efficiently and at the right time. The timer is responsible for keeping track of time intervals, scheduling tasks, and generating interrupts when necessary. This allows the CPU to allocate resources effectively, manage multitasking, and maintain system stability. Without a timer, the CPU and computer system would struggle to perform tasks in a timely and organized manner.

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  • 17. 

    Potpunu CPU izolaciju u odnosu na i/o akcije omogucavaju dva hardverska uredjaja. To su:

    • A.

      MMU I DMA

    • B.

      MMU i timer

    • C.

      MDA i timer

    • D.

      MDA I PIC

    • E.

      PIC i mrezna kartica

    • F.

      MMU I PIC

    Correct Answer
    D. MDA I PIC
    The correct answer is MDA I PIC. MDA stands for Memory Direct Access, which allows the CPU to directly access memory without going through the CPU. PIC stands for Programmable Interrupt Controller, which manages and prioritizes interrupt requests from various devices. Both MDA and PIC contribute to the complete isolation of the CPU from I/O actions. MDA allows direct memory access, reducing the CPU's involvement in I/O operations, while PIC manages interrupts, ensuring that the CPU is not interrupted unnecessarily during I/O actions.

    Rate this question:

  • 18. 

    Na ovoj slici vidi se prelazak iz:

    • A.

      User mode u kernelski mod pod dejstvom SC i proces je svestan te situacije

    • B.

      User mode u kernelski mod pod dejstvom SC i proces nije svestan te situacije

    • C.

      User mode u kernelski mod pod dejstvom prekida i proces je svestan te situacije

    • D.

      Kernelskog moda u user mod pod dejsktvom prekida i proces je svestan te situacije

    • E.

      Kerneskog moda u user mod pod dejstvom prekida i proces nije svestan te situacije

    Correct Answer
    A. User mode u kernelski mod pod dejstvom SC i proces je svestan te situacije
    The correct answer is "User mode u kernelski mod pod dejstvom SC i proces je svestan te situacije." This is because the image shows a transition from user mode to kernel mode under the influence of a system call (SC), and the process is aware of this situation.

    Rate this question:

  • 19. 

    Kod TS fundamentalni resurs koji se deli je:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      CPU time

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. CPU time
    CPU time is the correct answer because it refers to the amount of time that the central processing unit (CPU) spends executing a program or task. It is a fundamental resource in programming and computing, as it determines the speed and efficiency of program execution. CPU time is measured in units such as seconds or clock cycles and is crucial for optimizing performance and resource allocation in computer systems.

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  • 20. 

    Najtipicniji predstavnik TS(timesharing systems) je:

    • A.

      MS windows

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Cloud computing

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    UNIX/LINUX is the most typical representative of timesharing systems (TS) because TS allows multiple users to share the resources of a single computer simultaneously. UNIX/LINUX is a multi-user, multitasking operating system that provides the necessary features and functionality for efficient timesharing. It allows multiple users to access the system, run programs, and perform tasks concurrently, making it an ideal choice for timesharing environments. MS Windows, DOS, Cloud computing, and Chrome are not specifically designed as timesharing systems, making UNIX/LINUX the correct answer.

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  • 21. 

    U situaciji sa slike štiti se jedan resurs. To je:

    • A.


    • B.

      RAM memorija

    • C.

      Hard disk

    • D.

      Mrežna kartica

    • E.

      I-O system

    • F.

      FLash memorija

    Correct Answer
    B. RAM memorija
    In the given situation, the resource that is being protected is the RAM memory. RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of computer memory that is used to store data that is currently being used by the computer's operating system, software programs, and data files. It is a volatile memory, meaning that its contents are lost when the computer is powered off or restarted. Protecting the RAM memory ensures that the data stored in it is not corrupted or accessed by unauthorized users.

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  • 22. 

    U situaciji na slici učestvuju ili ne sledeće hardverske komponente:

    • A.

      DMA učestvuje, PIC ne učestvuje

    • B.

      DMA ne učestvuje, PIC ne učestvuje

    • C.

      DMA učestvuje, PIC učestvuje

    • D.

      Ne može da se zaključi

    Correct Answer
    C. DMA učestvuje, PIC učestvuje
    Based on the given options, the correct answer is "DMA učestvuje, PIC učestvuje" which translates to "DMA participates, PIC participates" in English. This implies that both DMA (Direct Memory Access) and PIC (Programmable Interrupt Controller) are involved in the situation depicted in the image.

    Rate this question:

  • 23. 

    U strukturnoj šemi računarskog sistema, OS je neposredno iznad

    • A.

      Sistemskog softvera

    • B.

      Aplikativnog softvera

    • C.

      Mrežnog sloja

    • D.

      Kernelskog sloja

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Hardvera
    In the given question, the correct answer is "Hardvera". This means that in the structure of a computer system, the operating system (OS) is directly above the hardware. The hardware refers to the physical components of the computer system such as the processor, memory, storage devices, and input/output devices. The operating system interacts with the hardware to manage and control its resources, allowing the software (system software, application software, and network layer) to run efficiently on the computer system.

    Rate this question:

  • 24. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.

      DMA ciklus

    • B.

      PIC ciklus

    • C.

      Time-sharing OS

    • D.

      Real-TIME OS

    • E.


    • F.

      Multi-mode operations

    Correct Answer
    E. Multiprograming
    The correct answer is "Multiprograming." Multiprogramming is a technique used in operating systems where multiple programs are loaded into memory and executed concurrently. This allows for better utilization of system resources and increased efficiency. In this context, the picture may be depicting the concept of multiprogramming, where multiple programs are running simultaneously.

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  • 25. 

    Na ovoj slici se vidi prelazak iz:

    • A.

      User mod u kernel mod pod dejstom prekida i proces nije svestan te situacije

    • B.

      User mod u kernel mod pod dejstom prekida i proces je svestan te situacije

    • C.

      Kernel mod u user mod pod dejstom prekida i proces nije svestan te situacije

    • D.

      Kernel mod u user mod pod dejstom prekida i proces je svestan te situacije

    Correct Answer
    A. User mod u kernel mod pod dejstom prekida i proces nije svestan te situacije
    The correct answer is "User mod u kernel mod pod dejstom prekida i proces nije svestan te situacije". This is because the image represents a transition from user mode to kernel mode under the influence of an interrupt, and the process is unaware of this situation.

    Rate this question:

  • 26. 

    I/O se u računarskim sistemima obično štite preko

    • A.

      Segment tabele

    • B.

      Page tabele

    • C.

      Base i limit registara

    • D.

      Ne privilegovanih memorijskih instrukcija

    • E.

      Privilegovanih memorijskih instrukcija

    • F.

      Privilegovanih I/O instrukcija

    • G.

      Ne privilegovanih  I/O instrukcija  

    Correct Answer
    F. Privilegovanih I/O instrukcija
    The correct answer is "Privilegovanih I/O instrukcija". This is because privileged I/O instructions are used to protect I/O in computer systems. These instructions can only be executed by privileged users or processes, providing an additional layer of security. By restricting access to privileged I/O instructions, the system can prevent unauthorized users or processes from performing potentially harmful or disruptive operations on input/output devices.

    Rate this question:

  • 27. 

    U strukturnoj šemi OS-a, najkvalitetniji i fundamentalni deo naziva se:

    • A.


    • B.

      Device driver

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Interrupt routine

    Correct Answer
    C. Kernel
    The kernel is the most important and fundamental part of an operating system's structure. It is responsible for managing the system's resources, such as memory, processes, and input/output devices. The kernel acts as a bridge between the hardware and software components of the system, providing essential services and functions for the operating system to run smoothly. It is often referred to as the heart of the operating system.

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  • 28. 

    OS je po pitanju alokacija i upravljanja računarskim resursima:

    • A.

      Samo resource allocator

    • B.

      Istovremeno i resource allocator i resource maganer

    • C.

      Samo resource manager

    • D.

      Na nekim sistemima resource allocator a na nekim resource manager

    Correct Answer
    B. Istovremeno i resource allocator i resource maganer
    The correct answer is "Istovremeno i resource allocator i resource manager." This means that the operating system is both a resource allocator and a resource manager. This suggests that the operating system is responsible for allocating and managing computer resources, such as memory, CPU time, and input/output devices. It performs the task of allocating these resources to different processes and manages their usage to ensure efficient and fair utilization.

    Rate this question:

  • 29. 

    Kod Time-sharing sistema

    • A.

      Multiprograming nije obavezan, on-line komunikacija je obavezna  

    • B.

      Multiprograming je obavezan, on-line komunikacija nije  obavezna  

    • C.

      Multiprograming je obavezan, on-line komunikacija je obavezna

    • D.

      Multiprograming nije obavezan, online komunikacija nije obavezna

    Correct Answer
    C. Multiprograming je obavezan, on-line komunikacija je obavezna
    The correct answer states that multiprogramming is mandatory and online communication is mandatory for a time-sharing system. This means that the system must be capable of running multiple programs simultaneously and also support online communication between users.

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  • 30. 


    • A.

      Koristi se kod batching sistema, ne koristi se kod interaktivnih sistema

    • B.

      Ne koristi se ni kod jednih ni kod drugih sistema

    • C.

      Ne koristi se kod batching sistema, koristi se kod interaktivnih sistema

    • D.

      Koristi se kod batching sisstema, koristi se kod interaktivnih sisteam

    Correct Answer
    C. Ne koristi se kod batching sistema, koristi se kod interaktivnih sistema
    The correct answer states that multiprogramming is not used in batching systems but is used in interactive systems. This means that multiprogramming allows multiple programs to run simultaneously in interactive systems, but not in batching systems where programs are executed one after another.

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  • 31. 

    Memorija se u računarskim sistemima obično štiti preko

    • A.

      Page tabele

    • B.

      Privilegovanih memorijskih instrukcija

    • C.

      Ne privilegovanih memorijskih instrukcija

    • D.

      Segment tabele

    • E.

      Base i limit registara

    Correct Answer
    E. Base i limit registara
    In computer systems, memory is typically protected using base and limit registers. These registers store the starting address (base) and the size (limit) of a memory segment. When a program tries to access memory, the base and limit registers are checked to ensure that the memory access is within the allowed range. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to memory and protects the system from potential security vulnerabilities.

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  • 32. 

    Online komunikacija sa sistemom

    • A.

      Je obavezna kod batching sistema, nije obavezna kod interaktivnih sistema

    • B.

      Je obavezna kod batching sistema, je obavezna kod interaktivnih sisttema

    • C.

      Nije obavezna kod batching sistema, je obavezna kod interaktivnih sistema

    • D.

      Nije obavezna ni kod jednog ni drugog sistema

    Correct Answer
    C. Nije obavezna kod batching sistema, je obavezna kod interaktivnih sistema
    Online communication with the system is not necessary in batching systems because these systems process tasks in batches, without requiring real-time interaction with users. On the other hand, online communication is necessary in interactive systems as these systems require real-time interaction with users to provide immediate responses or feedback. Therefore, the correct answer is that online communication is not necessary in batching systems, but it is necessary in interactive systems.

    Rate this question:

  • 33. 

    Kojem OS najvise odgovara ova slika:

    • A.

      Nowel Netware

    • B.

      Sun Solaris

    • C.


    • D.

      MS windows(NT based)

    Correct Answer
    D. MS windows(NT based)
    The given answer, MS Windows (NT based), is the most suitable operating system for the provided image. This suggests that the image is likely depicting a graphical user interface (GUI) that is specific to the MS Windows operating system. The other options, Novell Netware, Sun Solaris, and DOS-UNIX, are not mentioned in relation to the image, indicating that they are not relevant in this context.

    Rate this question:

  • 34. 

    Koju arhitekturu vidite na slici:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Slojevita
    The architecture depicted in the picture is a layered architecture. In a layered architecture, the system is divided into multiple layers, where each layer performs a specific set of functions. These layers are organized hierarchically, with each layer relying on the layer below it. This architectural style promotes separation of concerns and modularity, making the system easier to understand, maintain, and modify.

    Rate this question:

  • 35. 

    Koji operativni sistem je prikazan na slici:

    • A.

      Nowel Netware

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Sun Solaris

    • F.

      Windows(NT based)

    Correct Answer
    B. Dos
    The correct answer is "Dos" because it is the only operating system mentioned in the given options.

    Rate this question:

  • 36. 

    U kernelskom modu, proces koristi:

    • A.

      Bilo koje resurse sistema

    • B.

      Bilo koje resurse sistema koje je trazio i za koje ima pravo koriscenja

    • C.

      Samo RAM

    • D.

      Samo 2 resursa: CPU I RAM

    • E.

      Samo CPU

    Correct Answer
    B. Bilo koje resurse sistema koje je trazio i za koje ima pravo koriscenja
    In kernel mode, the process uses any system resources that it has requested and has the right to use. This means that the process can utilize any resources of the system that it has specifically requested and has been granted access to. This includes resources such as CPU, RAM, and any other system resources that the process requires for its execution.

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  • 37. 

    Kako se štiti CPU u računarskim sistemima? Koji je hardverski uređaj najpogodniji za CPU zaštitu:

    • A.


    • B.

      Kes memorija

    • C.

      Flash memorija

    • D.


    • E.

      Network Card

    Correct Answer
    A. Timer
    A timer is a hardware device that can be used to protect the CPU in computer systems. It helps in managing and controlling the execution time of different processes and tasks. By setting timers, the CPU can allocate specific time slots for each task, preventing any single task from monopolizing the CPU's resources for an extended period. This ensures fair and efficient utilization of the CPU and enhances system performance. Additionally, timers can also be used for scheduling and synchronization purposes, making them a suitable hardware device for CPU protection.

    Rate this question:

  • 38. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici:

    • A.

      Real-time OS

    • B.

      PIC ciklus

    • C.

      Time-sharing OS

    • D.


    • E.

      DMA ciklus

    Correct Answer
    D. Multiprograming
    The correct answer is "Multiprograming". Multiprogramming is a technique used in operating systems where multiple programs are loaded into the memory and executed concurrently. This allows for efficient utilization of the CPU and resources, as the operating system switches between different programs. In this context, the other options mentioned (Real-time OS, PIC ciklus, Time-sharing OS, DMA ciklus) are not directly related to the concept of multiprogramming.

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  • 39. 

    Koju arhitekturu vidite na slici?

    • A.

      Time sharing

    • B.

      Cloud computing

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Distribuirani sistemi

    Correct Answer
    C. Client-server
    The correct answer is client-server. This architecture is characterized by a central server that manages resources and responds to client requests. In this model, clients send requests to the server, which processes them and sends back the corresponding responses. This architecture is commonly used in networked systems where multiple clients need access to shared resources or services provided by the server.

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  • 40. 

    Kojem OS najviše odgovara ova slika:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Google Chrome :")

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Dos
    This image most likely represents a screenshot or a reference to the MS-DOS operating system. MS-DOS, which stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System, was a popular operating system in the 1980s and early 1990s. It was primarily used on personal computers and was known for its command-line interface. The image may be suggesting that the operating system depicted in the image is MS-DOS.

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  • 41. 

    Kolekcija procesora od kojih svaki ima sopstvenu memoriju i RTC, a poveyani su preko mreze predstavlja:

    • A.

      Distribuiranu multicomputer arhitekturu

    • B.

      Paralelnu multi cpu arhitekturu

    • C.

      Batch arhitekturu

    • D.

      Cluster arhitekturu

    • E.

      Interaktivnu arhitekturu

    Correct Answer
    A. Distribuiranu multicomputer arhitekturu
    The correct answer is "Distribuiranu multicomputer arhitekturu" because this architecture refers to a collection of processors, each with its own memory and RTC (real-time clock), connected through a network. This allows for distributed processing and parallel computing, where tasks can be divided among multiple processors for increased efficiency and performance.

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  • 42. 

    U situaciji na slici štiti se jedan resurs, a to je:

    • A.

      Hard disk

    • B.

      Mrežna kartica

    • C.

      Ram memorija

    • D.

      Input Output system

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Ram memorija
    The correct answer is Ram memorija. In the given situation, only one resource is being protected, and that is the RAM memory. The other options such as hard disk, network card, input-output system, and CPU are not mentioned in the context of the question. Therefore, the RAM memory is the most logical choice for the protected resource in this scenario.

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  • 43. 

    U arhitekturu koju vidite na ovoj slici:

    • A.

      Sloj M može da koristi samo soptsvene usluge

    • B.

      Sloj M može tražiti uslugu bilo kog sloja

    • C.

      Sloj M može tražiti uslugu samo slojeva ispod sebe(M-1)

    • D.

      Sloj M može tražiti uslugu samo slojevima iznad sebe

    Correct Answer
    C. Sloj M može tražiti uslugu samo slojeva ispod sebe(M-1)
    The correct answer is that layer M can only request services from layers below it (M-1). This means that layer M is dependent on the services provided by the layers beneath it and cannot request services from layers above it or from its own layer.

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  • 44. 

    Na ovoj slici se može videti:

    • A.

      Dualni mod memorijskih operacija

    • B.

      Dualni mod PIC operacija

    • C.

      Dualni mod DMA operacija

    • D.

      Dualni mod rada procesa

    • E.

      Dualni mod I-O operacija

    Correct Answer
    D. Dualni mod rada procesa
  • 45. 

    Na ovoj slici vidi se:

    • A.

      Dualni mod IO operacija

    • B.

      Dualni mod memorisjkih operacija

    • C.

      Dualni mod DMA operacija

    • D.

      Dualni mod PIC operacija

    • E.

      Dualni mod rada procesa

    Correct Answer
    E. Dualni mod rada procesa
  • 46. 

    U situaciji na slici štiti se jedan hardverski resurs: To je:

    • A.

      Mrežna kartica

    • B.


    • C.

      Input Output system

    • D.

      Ram memorija

    • E.

      Hard disk

    Correct Answer
    D. Ram memorija
    The correct answer is Ram memorija. In the given situation, only one hardware resource is being protected, and that is the RAM memory. The other options, such as the network card, CPU, input/output system, and hard disk, are not mentioned in the context of protection. Therefore, the RAM memory is the most suitable answer.

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  • 47. 

    Izaberite tacan odgovor

    • A.

      Jedini način da proces dobije bilo kakav resurs

    • B.

      Jedini način da proces dobije cpu

    • C.

      Najbolji ali ne i jedini način da proces dobije bilo kakav hardverski resurs

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Najbolji ali ne i jedini način da proces dobije bilo kakav hardverski resurs
    The given correct answer states that it is the best way, but not the only way, for a process to obtain any hardware resource. This suggests that there may be other ways for a process to acquire hardware resources, but the option presented is considered the most effective or preferred method.

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  • 48. 

    U strukturnoj šemi računarskog sistema, OS je neposredno ispod:

    • A.

      User sloja

    • B.

      Mrežnog sloja

    • C.

      Kernelskog sloja

    • D.

      Sistemskog softvera i aplikativnog softvera

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Sistemskog softvera i aplikativnog softvera
    In a hierarchical structure of a computer system, the operating system (OS) is positioned directly below the system software and application software layers. The system software includes the OS itself, as well as other software components that provide essential functions for the computer system to operate effectively. The application software layer consists of programs and applications that are built on top of the OS to perform specific tasks and fulfill user requirements. Therefore, the OS is situated between the system software and application software layers in the computer system structure.

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  • 49. 

    Kolekcija procesora koja pre svega deli storage prostor predstavlja:

    • A.

      Klaster arhitekturu

    • B.

      Distribuiranu multi-computer arhitekturu

    • C.

      Interaktivnu arhitekturu

    • D.

      Paralelnu multi cpu arhitekturu

    • E.

      Batch arhitekturu

    Correct Answer
    A. Klaster arhitekturu
    The correct answer is "Klaster arhitekturu" (Cluster architecture). This type of processor collection primarily divides storage space. Cluster architecture is a design where multiple computers or processors work together as a single system. It allows for improved performance, scalability, and fault tolerance by distributing the workload across multiple nodes or computers.

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  • 50. 

    U osnovnoj dijagramu stanja procesa, sa slike učestvuju neki od rasporedjivača. To su:

    • A.

      Short term scheduler

    • B.

      Long term scheduler

    • C.

      Medium term scheduler

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Short term scheduler
    In the given question, the correct answer is "Short term scheduler". The short term scheduler is responsible for selecting which processes from the ready queue will be executed next by the CPU. It is also known as the CPU scheduler. The long term scheduler is responsible for selecting which processes will be admitted to the system and brought into the ready queue. The medium term scheduler is responsible for swapping processes in and out of main memory. Therefore, the short term scheduler is the only option that fits the description of participating in the state diagram of the process.

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