Operativni SiSTEMi 1(Drugi Kolokvijum 2 Deo)

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| By Nikola
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 3 | Total Attempts: 4,109
Pitanja: 141 | Attempts: 881

Operativni Sistemi 1(Drugi Kolokvijum 2 Deo) - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

     Detekcija greške in DS: Osnovna osobina distribuiranih sistema jeste visoka Fault tolerancija. Ukoliko neka komponenta otkaže, mora da se javi neka druga koja de da je zameni i nastavi. Poruke koje Distribuirani sistemi međusobno razmenjuju da bi se uzajamno ustanovljavalo prisustvo i rad-nazivaju se Heart beats (otkucaji srca)

  • 2. 

     Šta je DCD? Disk Caching Disk. Disk koji kešira disk. Sve što je stiglo sa mreže stavljamo na naš lokalni disk, a da bismo to mogli da konzumiramo, treba da utvrdimo da li je bilo promena. Ukoliko jeste, ne možemo to  da koristimo. Ukoliko promena nije bilo-možemo. Preko Remote service-a bez cache-a što je jedan  način. Tada čitamo i upisujemo direktno. Može i preko cache-a

  • 3. 

    Imenovanje U centralizovanom File System-u imamo tri komponente: File System, directory path i ime datoteke (file path). U Distribuiranom File System-u imamo pet komponenata: hostname (računar na kojem se Datoteka nalazi, FS, direktorijumska putanja, ime datoteke i replike te datoteke-tj. umnošci te datoteke na raznim drugim računarima da bismo se osigurali od gubitka podataka-da imamo rezervu. DFS nikad ne sme da stane)  

  • 4. 

     Šta vidite na ovoj slici Razližite mrežne topologije  

  • 5. 

    Replikacija datoteka? Datoteke se umnožavaju na više fizički nezavisnih računara. Imamo visoku pouzdanost,  visoke performanse čitanja, jer ako je datoteka na više mesta, možemo da čitamo sa naše najbliže pozicije. Međutim, performanse upisa su vrlo nezgodne, jer po pisu na jednom mestu sve mora da se sravni kroz sve replike  

  • 6. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici? Vidimo kritičnu sekciju distribuirane sinhronizacije rešenu na centralizovan način. To prepoznajemo po prisustvu koordinatora. Da bi neko ušao u kritičnu sekciju, potrebno je da pošalje poruku koordinatoru. Ukoliko je koordinator procenio da je taj proces najjprioritetniji i da niko nije u kritičnoj sekciji, odgovoride na zahtev sa reply. Proces mora da poznaje koordinatora, ali ako koordinator padne, niko više nije u stanju da ga zameni.

  • 7. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici: Vidimo kritičnu sekciju distribuirane sinhronizacije rešenu na centralizovan način. To prepoznajemo po prisustvu koordinatora. Da bi neko ušao u kritičnu sekciju, potrebno je da pošalje poruku koordinatoru. Ukoliko je koordinator procenio da je taj proces najjprioritetniji i da niko nije u kritičnoj sekciji, odgovoride nazahtev sa reply. Proces mora da poznaje koordinatora, ali ako koordinator padne, niko više nije u stanju da ga zameni.  

  • 8. 

    Ovo su šeme za rešenje konflikta u transakciji. Da bismo čitali, tražimo Shared lock, ali da bismo upisivali potreban nam je Exclusive Lock; dobijamo ga samo pod uslovom da nikakav upis nije trenutno u toku.  

  • 9. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici? Resenje: Kritična sekcija kao puno distribuirano rešenje. Nema koordinatora. Svako generiše svoj request,  sebe i vremensku oznaku kad se javio i to šalje svima. U kritičnu sekciju ulazi tek pošto sakupi odgovor od svih. Proces koji se prvi javio za ulazak, ulazi u kritičnu sekciju.  

  • 10. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici: Na slici su date atomske transakcije koje se, zahvaljujudi log-datoteci upravo tako i izvršavaju-atomski.  Svaki upis ide u log, a ako sistem stane iz nekih razloga koji nisu u skladu sa normalnim funkcionisanjem (npr. nestanak struje...), sve transakcije koje u log-u nemaju commit, tj. nisu izvršene u logu, doživede undo operaciju ili roll-back. Sve koje imaju commit, radi se redo i poslednja vrednost se upisuje u R.  

  • 11. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici Resenje: Ovo je Time Stand. Opet je u pitanju baza podataka, transakcija, ali nema lock-ova. Ovde imamo upis. U dbf zapis se uvode dve vremenske oznake: R i W. Gleda se kada upisujemo. Ako je naša transakcija novija i od R i od W, tada upisujemo i u log i u dbf. Ako smo vedi od R, a manji od W, tada upisujemo samo u log, jer je neko upisao ved novije podatke. Najopasnija situacija je kad upisujemo, a manji smo od R. To znači da je neko pročitao pogrešne podatke. Tada mora da se uradi roll-back. Ako smo vedi od W, tada možemo da čitamo sa oba mesta: i iz log-a i iz dbf-a. Ako smo manji od W, možemo samo iz log-a, jer je ono što je nama potrebno ved prepisano. To se vidi na narednom PRTSC:  

  • 12. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici? Ovde se vidi check point u datoteci. Sve što se nalazi iznad checkpointa nije sravnjeno, a što je ispod- obrađeno je tako da se log relativno brzo pročišdava zahvaljujudi check-point-u.  

  • 13. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici? Ovde se vidi check point u datoteci. Sve što se nalazi iznad checkpointa nije sravnjeno, a što je ispod obrađeno je tako da se log relativno brzo pročišdava zahvaljujudi check-point-u.  

  • 14. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici? Ovo su atomske transakcije u distribuiranim uslovima koje se razrešavaju pomodu 2PC protokola. U prvoj fazi koordinator zatraži da rade, a ako se usaglase, podele im se poslovi. Ako neko “pukne“ u prvoj ili drugoj fazi svi odustaju zahvaljujudi log-u i sve se vrada na pređašnje stanje kao da nije bilo ništa.  

  • 15. 

    3 Spojena pitanja

  • 16. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici? Ovo je deadlock detection ali bez koordinatora. Kada dva site-a međusobno nešto traže, naprave zajednički wait-for graf i traže da li se pojavljuju ciklusi.  

  • 17. 

    Šta je prikazano na slici? Resenje 4 nacina da se realizuje zastita

  • 18. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.

      Ovo je način funkcionisanja DMA, potrebno mu je dati adrese i broj bajtova. Prekid dobavlja PIC.

    • B.

      Ovo je način funkcionisanja RIM, potrebno mu je dati samo memoriju.

    • C.

      Ovo je način funkcionisanja DM, potrebno mu je dati broj bajtova

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    A. Ovo je način funkcionisanja DMA, potrebno mu je dati adrese i broj bajtova. Prekid dobavlja PIC.
    The correct answer is "Ovo je način funkcionisanja DMA, potrebno mu je dati adrese i broj bajtova. Prekid dobavlja PIC." This is because the statement describes the functioning of DMA (Direct Memory Access), which requires addresses and the number of bytes to transfer data directly between devices and memory without involving the CPU. The interrupt is generated by the PIC (Programmable Interrupt Controller) to notify the CPU when the transfer is complete.

    Rate this question:

  • 19. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.

      Dat prikaz kompletnog ulaza-izlaza. Na najnizem sloju su uredjaji. Sloj iznad uredjaja je takodje hardver-kontroleri. Prvi nivo sfotvera u kernelu zaduzen za ulaz-izlaz jesu device driveri. U visim slojevima kernela jeste ubrzavanje-kesiranje, baferisanje i rasporedjivanje. Kad je u pitanjuu ubrzavanje performansi, najjace je kesiranje

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Dat prikaz kompletnog ulaza-izlaza. Na najnizem sloju su uredjaji. Sloj iznad uredjaja je takodje hardver-kontroleri. Prvi nivo sfotvera u kernelu zaduzen za ulaz-izlaz jesu device driveri. U visim slojevima kernela jeste ubrzavanje-kesiranje, baferisanje i rasporedjivanje. Kad je u pitanjuu ubrzavanje performansi, najjace je kesiranje
  • 20. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.

      Klasifikacija UI uredjaja

    • B.

      Klasifikacija UL uredjaja

    • C.

      Klasifikacija MML uredjaja

    Correct Answer
    A. Klasifikacija UI uredjaja
    The correct answer is "Klasifikacija UI uredjaja" because the question is asking about what is seen in the picture, and the options provided are different classifications of devices. Among the options, "Klasifikacija UI uredjaja" is the only one that matches the question and indicates the classification of user interface devices.

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  • 21. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.

      Šema za ubrzavanje ulaza-izlaza. Nalaze se u memoriji

    • B.

      Šema za linkovanje uredjaja

    • C.

      Šema za procese

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    A. Šema za ubrzavanje ulaza-izlaza. Nalaze se u memoriji
    The correct answer is "Schema for accelerating input-output. They are located in memory." This answer is correct because it accurately identifies the content of the image as a schema for accelerating input-output and states that it is located in memory. The other options (schema for linking devices and schema for processes) are not mentioned in the given information and are therefore incorrect. The option "I don't know" is also incorrect as it does not provide any information about the image.

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  • 22. 

    Šta vidite na ovoj slici?

    • A.

      Na slici je predstavljen magnetni hard disk HDD

    • B.

      Na slici je predstavljen sektor HDD

    • C.

      Na slici je predstavljena rotacija HDD

    • D.

      Na slici je prikazan cilindar hard diska

    Correct Answer
    A. Na slici je predstavljen magnetni hard disk HDD
  • 23. 

    LOOK  algoritam za Disk Scheduling, sledeći zahtev za opsluživanje bira na osnovu

    • A.

      Najmanjeg rastojanja u odnosu na tekući cilindar, ali u smeru u kome je krenula glava

    • B.

      Najmanjeg rastojanja u odnosu na tekući cilindar, bez obzira na smer kretanja glave

    • C.

      Vremena ulaska u red čekanja

    Correct Answer
    A. Najmanjeg rastojanja u odnosu na tekući cilindar, ali u smeru u kome je krenula glava
    The correct answer is "najmanjeg rastojanja u odnosu na tekući cilindar, ali u smeru u kome je krenula glava." This means that the LOOK algorithm for Disk Scheduling selects the next request based on the smallest distance in relation to the current cylinder, but in the direction that the head is moving. This ensures that the head continues in the same direction and minimizes unnecessary movement, improving efficiency in disk access.

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  • 24. 

    C-LOOK  algoritam za Disk Scheduling, sledeći zahtev za opsluživanje bira na osnovu  

    • A.

      Vremena ulaska u red čekanja

    • B.

      Najmanjeg rastojanja u odnosu na tekuci cilindar, ali u smeru u kome je krenula glava

    • C.

      Najmanjeg rastojanja u odnosu na tekuci cilindar, bez obzira na smer kretanja glave

    Correct Answer
    B. Najmanjeg rastojanja u odnosu na tekuci cilindar, ali u smeru u kome je krenula glava
    The C-LOOK algorithm for Disk Scheduling selects the next request to be serviced based on the smallest distance in relation to the current cylinder, but in the direction the head is moving. This means that the algorithm prioritizes servicing requests that are in the same direction as the head's movement, reducing the amount of time it takes to service consecutive requests.

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  • 25. 

    Kreiran je RAID 3 od cetiridiska. Odrediti storage efikasnost u % ok

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 75%
    The RAID 3 configuration with four disks has a storage efficiency of 75%. RAID 3 uses byte-level striping with dedicated parity, which means that each disk stores data and one disk is dedicated to storing parity information. In this configuration, 75% of the total disk space is available for storing data, while the remaining 25% is used for parity information. Therefore, the storage efficiency is 75%.

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  • 26. 

    Kreiran je RAID 6 od cetiridiska. Ocenitiovaj RAID popitanju RR (random read performansi), RW(random write performansi), SR (sekvencijalne read performanse) I SW (sekvencijalne write performanse) sa sledecim ocenama: odlicanocena5 ,srednjedobar-ocena 3 jako slab-ocena 1.

    • A.

       RR3 RW3 SR3 SW3

    • B.

       RR5 RW1 SR5 SW3

    • C.

      RR5 RW5 SR5 SW5

    Correct Answer
    B.  RR5 RW1 SR5 SW3
    The given answer indicates that the RAID 6 configuration has excellent random read performance (RR5), average random write performance (RW1), excellent sequential read performance (SR5), and average sequential write performance (SW3). This means that the RAID 6 array performs well when it comes to reading data randomly and sequentially, but it may not perform as efficiently when it comes to writing data randomly.

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  • 27. 

    .Kreiran je RAID 0 od cetiridiska. Odrediti storage efikasnost u % ok

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 100%
    The RAID 0 configuration combines multiple disks into a single logical unit, distributing data across all the disks in the array. This striping technique improves performance as data can be read and written simultaneously from different disks. However, RAID 0 does not provide any redundancy or fault tolerance. Therefore, the storage efficiency in this case is 100%, as all the disk space is usable for data storage without any overhead for redundancy.

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  • 28. 

    Kreiran je RAID 0 od cetiri diska. Odrediti maksimalan stepen konkurencije za ovaj RAID (broj simultanih malih zahteva koji mogu da se obrade zajednicki)  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 4
    The maximum degree of concurrency for this RAID 0 configuration with four disks is 4. RAID 0 distributes data across multiple disks, allowing for parallel read and write operations. In this case, all four disks can handle simultaneous small requests, resulting in a concurrency level of 4.

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  • 29. 

    .Kreiran je RAID 6 od cetiridiska. Odrediti storage efikasnost u % ok

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 75%
    The correct answer is 75%. RAID 6 is a redundant array of independent disks that uses two parity blocks to provide fault tolerance. In this case, with four disks, two disks are used for parity, leaving two disks for data storage. Therefore, the storage efficiency is calculated by dividing the total data storage capacity (2 disks) by the total capacity (4 disks), which equals 0.5 or 50%. However, since RAID 6 can withstand the failure of two disks, the usable storage capacity is actually 75% of the total capacity, making the correct answer 75%.

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  • 30. 

    Kreiran je RAID 3 od cetiridiska. OcenitiFT(otpornost na greske) kao broj diskova koji mogu da otkazu a da RAID prezivi.ok  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 1
    The RAID 3 configuration is based on striping data across multiple disks and using a dedicated parity disk to store error correction information. In this case, there are four disks in the RAID 3 array. The correct answer of 1 indicates that only one disk can fail without causing the RAID to fail. This is because the parity data stored on the dedicated parity disk can be used to reconstruct the data from the failed disk.

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  • 31. 

    Kreiran je RAID 4 od cetiridiska. Odrediti maksimalan stepen konkurencije za ovaj RAID(bro jsimultanih malih zahteva kojimogu da se zajednicki obrade)  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 3
    The maximum degree of concurrency for this RAID 4 configuration is 3. This means that up to 3 small requests can be processed simultaneously. RAID 4 uses block-level striping with a dedicated parity disk, which allows for parallel processing of multiple small requests. Each disk in the RAID can handle one small request at a time, and since there are 4 disks in this configuration, the maximum degree of concurrency is 3.

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  • 32. 

    .Koji je ovo RAID (siva boja ili nijansa je parnost ili ogledalo) 

    • A.

      RAID 3

    • B.

      RAID 1

    • C.

      RAID 5

    • D.

      RAID 4

    • E.

      RAID 0

    Correct Answer
    A. RAID 3
    RAID 3 is the correct answer because it uses parity for fault tolerance. In this RAID configuration, data is striped across multiple drives, and a dedicated drive is used for storing parity information. This allows for the recovery of data in case of a single drive failure. The parity information is used to reconstruct the missing data.

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  • 33. 

    9.Kreiran je RAID 5 od cetiri diska. Oceniti ovaj RAID po pitanju RR (random read performansi), RW(random write performansi), SR (sekvencijalne read performanse) I SW (sekvencijalne write performanse) sa sledecimocenama: odlican- ocena 5 ,srednjedobar-ocena 3 ,jako slab-ocena 1.

    • A.

      RR5 RW1 SR5 SW3

    • B.

      RR5 RW5 SR5 SW5

    • C.

      RR3 RW3 SR3 SW3

    Correct Answer
    C. RR3 RW3 SR3 SW3
    The given answer suggests that the RAID 5 configuration with four disks has a rating of 3 for random read performance (RR3), random write performance (RW3), sequential read performance (SR3), and sequential write performance (SW3). This indicates that the RAID 5 setup has average performance in all these aspects.

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  • 34. 

    Koji je ovo RAID?

    • A.

      RAID 4

    • B.

      RAID 1

    • C.

      RAID 3

    • D.

      RAID 2

    • E.

      RAID 0

    Correct Answer
    E. RAID 0
    RAID 0 is the correct answer. RAID 0, also known as striping, is a type of RAID configuration that splits data across multiple drives. It offers improved performance as data is written and read from multiple drives simultaneously. However, RAID 0 does not provide any fault tolerance or data redundancy. If one drive fails, all data on the RAID 0 array may be lost.

    Rate this question:

  • 35. 

    .Kreiran je RAID 5 od cetiri diska. Odrediti storage efikasnost u % ok

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 75%
    The storage efficiency in RAID 5 is 75%. RAID 5 uses block-level striping with distributed parity across all the drives in the array. This means that for every block of data, one drive in the array is dedicated to storing parity information. In a four-disk RAID 5 setup, three drives are used for data storage and one drive is used for parity. Therefore, the usable storage capacity is 75% of the total capacity of the four drives.

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  • 36. 

    Kreiran je RAID 1 od cetiri diska. Oceniti ovaj RAID po pitanju RR (random read performansi), RW(random write performansi), SR (sekvencijalne read performanse) I SW (sekvencijalne write performanse) sa sledecim ocenama: odlican ocena 5 ,srednjedobar-ocena 3 jako slab-ocena 1.

    • A.

      . RR5 RW5 SR5 SW5

    • B.

      . RR3 RW3 SR3 SW3

    • C.

      . RR3 RW1 SR3 SW3

    Correct Answer
    C. . RR3 RW1 SR3 SW3
    The given answer suggests that the RAID 1 configuration with four disks has a random read performance rating of 3, random write performance rating of 1, sequential read performance rating of 3, and sequential write performance rating of 3. This means that the RAID 1 setup has moderate random read and sequential read performance, but poor random write and sequential write performance.

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  • 37. 

    Kreiran je RAID 0 od cetiri diska. Oceniti ovaj RAID po pitanju RR (random read performansi), RW(random write performansi), SR (sekvencijalne read performanse) I SW (sekvencijalne write performanse) sa sledecim ocenama: odlican ocena 5 ,srednjedobar-ocena3, jako slab ocena 1

    • A.

       RR3 RW3 SR3 SW3

    • B.

      RR5 RW5 SR5 SW5

    • C.

      RR3 RW1 SR3 SW3

    Correct Answer
    B. RR5 RW5 SR5 SW5
    The given answer indicates that the RAID 0 configuration with four disks has excellent performance in terms of random read (RR), random write (RW), sequential read (SR), and sequential write (SW). This is represented by the highest rating of 5 for each performance metric.

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  • 38. 

    Kreiran je RAID 0 od četiri diska. Oceni FT(otpornost na greske) kao broj diskova koji mogu da otkazu a da RAID prezivi

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 0
    In a RAID 0 configuration, data is striped across multiple disks without any redundancy or fault tolerance. This means that if any of the disks fail, the entire RAID array will be affected and data loss will occur. Therefore, the RAID 0 configuration cannot tolerate any disk failures and the answer is 0.

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  • 39. 

    Koji je ovo raid

    • A.

      Raid 4

    • B.

      Raid 3

    • C.

      Raid 1

    • D.

      Raid 0

    Correct Answer
    A. Raid 4
    The correct answer is Raid 4 because it is the only option that matches the given question. The question asks "Koji je ovo raid?" which translates to "What is this raid?" and the correct answer is Raid 4.

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  • 40. 

    Kreiran je RAID 6 od cetiri diska. Oceniti FT(otpornost na greske) kao broj diskova koji mogu da otkazu a da RAID prezivi

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 1
    The RAID 6 configuration can tolerate the failure of two disks without losing any data. Therefore, the correct answer of 1 suggests that only one disk can fail and the RAID will still be able to survive and function properly.

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  • 41. 

    Koji je ovo Raid?

    • A.

      Raid 3

    • B.

      Raid 1

    • C.

      Raid 2

    • D.

      Option 4

    • E.

      Raid 0

    Correct Answer
    E. Raid 0
    Raid 0 is the correct answer because it is the only option that matches the given question "Koji je ovo Raid?" (Which Raid is this?). Raid 0 is a type of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) that uses striping without any redundancy. It offers improved performance by dividing data across multiple disks, but it does not provide any fault tolerance or data protection.

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  • 42. 

    Kreiran je RAID 3 od cetiri diska. Odrediti maksimalan stepen konkurencije za ovaj RAID  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. 3
    The maximum degree of concurrency for a RAID 3 with four disks is 3. This means that up to three disks can be accessed simultaneously in parallel, allowing for faster data transfer and improved performance. The fourth disk is used for parity, which provides redundancy and allows for data recovery in case of a disk failure.

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  • 43. 

    Koji je ovo Raid?

    • A.

      Raid 0

    • B.

      Raid 5

    • C.

      Raid 3

    • D.

      Raid 4

    • E.

      Raid 1

    Correct Answer
    C. Raid 3
    Raid 3 is the correct answer because it is a type of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) that uses striping with dedicated parity. It requires a minimum of three disks to implement, and it provides high data transfer rates and fault tolerance. In this RAID level, data is striped across multiple disks, and a single dedicated disk is used for storing parity information, which allows for data recovery in case of a disk failure.

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  • 44. 

    Koji je ovo RAID

    • A.

      Raid 5

    • B.

      Raid 4

    • C.

      Raid 0

    • D.

      RAid 3

    Correct Answer
    A. Raid 5
    Raid 5 is the correct answer. RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks, and RAID 5 is a type of RAID configuration that uses striping with distributed parity. In RAID 5, data is distributed across multiple disks, and parity information is also distributed across the disks. This provides both data redundancy and improved performance. If one disk fails, the data can be reconstructed using the parity information stored on the remaining disks. RAID 5 is commonly used in environments where a balance between performance and data protection is required.

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  • 45. 

    Koji je ovo RAID?

    • A.

      Raid 0

    • B.

      Raid 1+0

    • C.

      Raid 5

    • D.

      Raid 3

    • E.

      Raid 1

    Correct Answer
    B. Raid 1+0
    Raid 1+0, also known as Raid 10, is a type of RAID configuration that combines the benefits of both Raid 1 and Raid 0. It provides both data redundancy and improved performance. In Raid 1+0, data is mirrored across multiple drives (like Raid 1) and then these mirrored drives are striped together (like Raid 0). This means that if one drive fails, the mirrored drive will still have a copy of the data, ensuring data protection. Additionally, the striping of data across multiple drives improves read and write performance.

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  • 46. 

    Kreiran je RAID 5 od 3 diska. Odrediti storage efikasnost u %

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 67%
    RAID 5 is a data storage technique that distributes data and parity across multiple disks in a way that allows for data recovery in case of a single disk failure. In RAID 5, one disk's worth of storage is used for parity, which means that the storage efficiency is reduced by approximately 33%. Therefore, the storage efficiency in this case would be 67%.

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  • 47. 

    . Kreiran je RAID 1 od cetiri diska. Odrediti storage efikasnost u % ok

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 50%
    The correct answer is 50%. RAID 1, also known as mirroring, involves creating an exact copy of data on multiple disks. In this case, since there are four disks, only two of them are being used for data storage, while the other two are duplicates. Therefore, the storage efficiency is 50% because only half of the total disk capacity is available for data storage.

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  • 48. 

    Kreiran je RAID 4 od 4 diska. Odrediti storage efikasnost

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 75%
    The storage efficiency of RAID 4 is 75%. RAID 4 uses block-level striping with a dedicated parity disk. This means that for every set of data blocks, one disk is used for storing parity information. The remaining disks are used for data storage. In RAID 4, the parity information is distributed across all the disks, except for the dedicated parity disk. This allows for high data transfer rates, but it also means that the storage efficiency is not 100% since a portion of the storage capacity is used for storing parity information. In this case, 75% of the total disk capacity is available for data storage.

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  • 49. 

    Kreiran je RAID 5 od cetiri diska. Odrediti maksimalan stepen konkurencije za ovaj RAID (broj simultanih malih zahteva koji mogu da se obrade zajednicki)

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 4
    RAID 5 uses striping with parity across multiple disks to provide fault tolerance and performance improvement. In this case, a RAID 5 with four disks is created. The maximum degree of concurrency for this RAID is 4, which means that it can handle up to four simultaneous small requests together. Each disk in the RAID can independently handle small requests, allowing for concurrent processing and increased performance.

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  • 50. 

    Kreiran je RAID 5 od 4 diska. Oceniti FT kao i broj diskova koji mogu da otkazu a da RAID prezivi

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 1
    The given answer of 1 suggests that the RAID 5 can tolerate the failure of one disk and still remain functional. This is because RAID 5 uses distributed parity across multiple disks, allowing for the reconstruction of data in the event of a single disk failure. Therefore, if one disk fails, the data can still be accessed and the RAID can continue to operate.

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  • Mar 21, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
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  • May 26, 2019
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