Icr Drugi Kolokvijum

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| By Ana
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Pitanja: 45 | Attempts: 829

Icr Drugi Kolokvijum - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Koje su dve osnovne karateristike prozorskih sistem?

    • A.

      Nezavisnost od specificnosti uredjaja

    • B.

      Upravljanje visestrukim nezavisnim i isto vremenim aplikacijama

    • C.

      Svaka aplikacija upravlja svim procesima

    • D.

      Fja upravljanja je unutar kernela OS

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Nezavisnost od specificnosti uredjaja
    B. Upravljanje visestrukim nezavisnim i isto vremenim aplikacijama
    The two basic characteristics of window systems are independence from device-specificity and the ability to manage multiple independent and simultaneous applications.

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  • 2. 

    Postoji više vrsta softverske arhitekture prozorskih sistema. Šta je zajedničko a po čemu serazlikuju?

    • A.

      Zajednicko im je odvojenost upravljanja uredjaja

    • B.

      Razlikuju se po odvojenosti upravljanja uredjaja

    • C.

      Zajednicko je nacin upravljanja vise aplikacija istovremeno

    • D.

      Razlikuju se u nacinu upravljanja vise aplikacija istovremeno

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Zajednicko im je odvojenost upravljanja uredjaja
    D. Razlikuju se u nacinu upravljanja vise aplikacija istovremeno
    The given correct answer states that the common feature of window system software architectures is the separation of device management, while they differ in the way they handle multiple applications simultaneously. This means that all window system software architectures have the characteristic of managing devices separately, but they vary in their approach to managing multiple applications at the same time.

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  • 3. 

    Navedi 3 osnovne vrste softverskih arhitektura i objasni osnovne razlike između njih.

    • A.

      Svaka aplikacija upravlja svim prcesima-svaka aplikacija je zaduzena za sinh. sa zaj. objektima

    • B.

      Nezavisni procesi

    • C.

      Fja upravljanja unutar kernela OS-veza aplikacija sa OS

    • D.

      Fja upravljanja je posebna aplikacija-max prenosivost

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Svaka aplikacija upravlja svim prcesima-svaka aplikacija je zaduzena za sinh. sa zaj. objektima
    C. Fja upravljanja unutar kernela OS-veza aplikacija sa OS
    D. Fja upravljanja je posebna aplikacija-max prenosivost
    The correct answer states that there are three basic types of software architectures:
    1) Each application manages all processes and is responsible for synchronization with shared objects.
    2) Management function within the OS kernel - connects applications with the OS.
    3) Management function is a separate application - maximum portability.

    These three types differ in terms of how processes are managed, the level of integration with the operating system, and the level of portability.

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  • 4. 

    Koje su osnovne karakteristike X Windows sistema?

    • A.

      Zasnovan na Unix-u

    • B.

      Klijent server ne moraju biti u istoj masini

    • C.

      Klijent server moraju biti u istoj maisni

    • D.

      Mogucnost rada sa vise prozora

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Zasnovan na Unix-u
    B. Klijent server ne moraju biti u istoj masini
    D. Mogucnost rada sa vise prozora
    The basic characteristics of the X Windows system are that it is based on Unix, the client and server do not have to be on the same machine, and it allows for working with multiple windows.

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  • 5. 

    Postoje dva načina upravljanja događajima u prozorkim sistemima. Koji su to?

    • A.

      Read-evolution loop

    • B.


    • C.

      Multiple interfaces

    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Read-evolution loop
    D. Notification-based
    The correct answer is "read-evolution loop" and "notification-based". In windowing systems, events can be managed using these two methods. The "read-evolution loop" involves continuously reading and processing events from a queue, while the "notification-based" method relies on receiving notifications when events occur. Both methods allow for efficient event handling and interaction with the user interface in windowing systems.

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  • 6. 

    Objasni read-evaluation loop.

    • A.

      Unutrasnja kontrola za svaku aplikaciju

    • B.

      Spoljasnja kontrola za svaku aplikaciju

    • C.

      Klijent cita dogadjaje i odredjuje akcije za njih

    • D.

      Server cita dogadjaje i odredjuje akcije za njih

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Unutrasnja kontrola za svaku aplikaciju
    C. Klijent cita dogadjaje i odredjuje akcije za njih
    The correct answer is "unutrasnja kontrola za svaku aplikaciju, klijent cita dogadjaje i odredjuje akcije za njih." This means that the read-evaluation loop refers to the internal control within each application, where the client reads events and determines actions based on them.

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  • 7. 

    Objasni notification based upravljanje događajima.

    • A.

      Unutar aplikacije

    • B.

      Izvan aplikacije

    • C.

      Posle procedure se ne vraca centralnoj kontroli

    • D.

      Aplikacioni program informise centralu obradu

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Izvan aplikacije
    D. Aplikacioni program informise centralu obradu
    Notification based upravljanje događajima se odnosi na proces obaveštavanja centralne kontrole o određenim događajima koji se dešavaju u aplikaciji. U ovom slučaju, aplikacioni program obaveštava centralnu obradu o događajima koji se dešavaju izvan same aplikacije. Ovo može biti korisno u situacijama kada je potrebno pratiti i reagovati na događaje koji se dešavaju u okruženju aplikacije, kao što su promene u sistemskim resursima ili interakcija sa drugim aplikacijama.

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  • 8. 

    Koji su osnovni zadaci i prednosti UIMSa?

    • A.


    • B.

      Tehnike za realizaciju odvajanja aplikacionog od prezentacionog sloja

    • C.

      Podrska tehnikama upravljanja

    • D.

      Konceptualna arhitektura

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Tehnike za realizaciju odvajanja aplikacionog od prezentacionog sloja
    C. Podrska tehnikama upravljanja
    D. Konceptualna arhitektura
    The basic tasks and advantages of UIMS (User Interface Management System) include techniques for separating the application layer from the presentation layer, support for management techniques, and a conceptual architecture. UIMS allows for the implementation of a clear separation between the application logic and the user interface, making it easier to maintain and update the user interface independently of the application. It also provides support for various management techniques, such as event handling and resource management. The conceptual architecture of UIMS helps in designing and organizing the user interface components effectively.

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  • 9. 

    Zasto je vazno odvajanje aplikacione semantike od aplikacionog prezentacionog dela?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Visestruki interfejsi

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Prenosivosti
    B. Prilagodjenosti
    D. Visestruki interfejsi
    It is important to separate the application semantics from the application presentation part for several reasons. Firstly, it allows for portability, as the application can be easily transferred and run on different platforms without the need for significant modifications. Secondly, it enables adaptability, as the presentation can be customized according to the specific requirements of different users or devices. Lastly, it facilitates the use of multiple interfaces, allowing the application to be accessed and interacted with through various means such as web browsers, mobile apps, or APIs.

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  • 10. 

    Kakva je  kontrola dijaloga kod read evolution loop-a i kod notification based?

    • A.

      Kod read evolution loop-a je interna

    • B.

      Kod read evolution loop-a je externa

    • C.

      Kod notification based-a je interna

    • D.

      Kod notification based-a je externa

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Kod read evolution loop-a je interna
    D. Kod notification based-a je externa
    The given answer states that the control of the dialogue is internal for the read evolution loop and external for the notification based. This means that in the read evolution loop, the control of the dialogue is handled within the system or program itself, while in the notification based, the control is handled by an external entity or system.

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  • 11. 

    Razlika izmedju MVC i PAC?

    • A.

      MVC grupise ulaze i izlaze u jedno PAC iz razdvaja

    • B.

      PAC ima posebnu komponentu dok MVC programer odlucuje koja je to

    • C.

      PAC se koristi u praxi

    • D.

      MVC se koristi u praxi

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. PAC ima posebnu komponentu dok MVC programer odlucuje koja je to
    D. MVC se koristi u praxi
    The difference between MVC and PAC is that PAC has a specific component, while in MVC, the programmer decides which component to use. Both PAC and MVC are used in practice.

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  • 12. 

    Navedi dva osnovna modela hijerarhijeske podele ciljeva i zadataka?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. GMOS
    B. CCT
    D. HTA
    The correct answer is GMOS, CCT, HTA. These are two basic models of hierarchical division of goals and tasks. GMOS stands for Goal, Mission, Objective, Strategy, and it is a model that breaks down goals into smaller components. CCT stands for Critical Chain Technique, which is a project management method that focuses on identifying and managing the critical tasks in a project. HTA stands for Hierarchical Task Analysis, which is a method used to analyze and understand complex tasks by breaking them down into smaller sub-tasks.

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  • 13. 

    Šta znači skraćenica GOMS?

    • A.

      Goals operators methods selection

    • B.

      Graphic operators methods selection

    Correct Answer
    A. Goals operators methods selection
    The correct answer is "goals operators methods selection". GOMS is an acronym that stands for Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection. It is a model used in human-computer interaction to analyze and predict the performance of users in completing tasks. The model focuses on breaking down tasks into their constituent parts, including the user's goals, the operators or actions they can take, the methods or strategies they employ, and the selection process for choosing the appropriate method.

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  • 14. 

    Šta znači skraćenica CCT?

    • A.

      Correlated color temperature

    • B.

      Copy color temperature

    Correct Answer
    A. Correlated color temperature
    The correct answer is correlated color temperature. The term CCT refers to correlated color temperature, which is a specification used in lighting to describe the color appearance of a light source. It is a measure of the color of light emitted by a source when heated to a particular temperature, with lower values representing warmer, more yellowish light and higher values representing cooler, bluish light.

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  • 15. 

    Navedi dve lingvističke notacije.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. BNF
    C. TAG
    The correct answer is BNF, TAG. BNF stands for Backus-Naur Form, which is a notation used to describe the syntax of programming languages. TAG stands for Tree Adjoining Grammar, which is a formalism used in computational linguistics to describe the structure of natural language sentences. Both BNF and TAG are linguistic notations used in different contexts to represent and analyze language.

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  • 16. 

    KLM ima 7 faza i zasnovan je na ciljevima.

    • A.

      K B P H D M R

    • B.

      A B V G H J K O

    • C.

      O P R S T A G

    • D.

      B L A B L A A

    Correct Answer
    A. K B P H D M R
    The given answer "K B P H D M R" is a sequence of letters that can be found in the provided text. The text mentions that "KLM ima 7 faza" which translates to "KLM has 7 phases" in English. The letters "K B P H D M R" are the initials of these 7 phases.

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  • 17. 

    BNF model daje prikaz na dijalog i to

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Sintaxni
    The correct answer is "sintaxni". This is because the BNF model provides a representation of the syntax or structure of a dialogue. It describes the rules and patterns that govern the arrangement of words and symbols in the dialogue. The BNF model does not focus on the meaning or semantics of the dialogue, nor does it specifically address the linguistic aspects or hierarchy of the dialogue.

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  • 18. 

    TAG model je nadogradnja BNF modela?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      ne znam

    Correct Answer
    A. Da
    The given correct answer is "da" which means "yes" in English. This suggests that the TAG model is indeed an upgrade or enhancement of the BNF model. However, without further context or information about the TAG and BNF models, it is difficult to provide a more detailed explanation.

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  • 19. 

    OAI skracenica?

    • A.

      Objektno akcioni model interfejsa

    • B.

      Osnovni akcioni model interfejsa

    Correct Answer
    A. Objektno akcioni model interfejsa
    The correct answer is "Objektno akcioni model interfejsa" which translates to "Object Action Model Interface" in English. This suggests that OAI is an abbreviation used to refer to the Object Action Model Interface.

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  • 20. 

    Navedi nekoliko oblika štampanih upustava.

    • A.

      Upustvo za instaliranje

    • B.

      Saveti za nestrpljive

    • C.

      Online pomoc

    • D.

      Detaljna upustva za rad

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Upustvo za instaliranje
    B. Saveti za nestrpljive
    D. Detaljna upustva za rad
    The correct answer includes three different forms of printed instructions: "upustvo za instaliranje" (installation instructions), "saveti za nestrpljive" (tips for the impatient), and "detaljna upustva za rad" (detailed operating instructions). These forms of printed instructions cover different aspects such as installation, tips, and detailed operation, providing a comprehensive guide for users.

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  • 21. 

    Navedi 5 oblika elektronskih upustava.

    • A.

      Online upustva za rad

    • B.

      Prirucnici za upoznavanje sa programom

    • C.

      Animirane demonstracije

    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Online upustva za rad
    C. Animirane demonstracije
    D. Smernice
    The correct answer includes three forms of electronic instructions: online manuals for work, animated demonstrations, and guidelines. These forms provide users with different ways to access and understand instructions. Online manuals allow users to access instructions through digital platforms, while animated demonstrations use visual and interactive elements to guide users. Guidelines provide clear directions and recommendations for specific tasks or processes. Overall, these forms of electronic instructions cater to different learning styles and preferences, making it easier for users to comprehend and follow instructions effectively.

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  • 22. 

    Koji su izvori informacija pri analizi zadataka?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Dokumentacija
    B. Posmatranje
    D. Intervju
    The sources of information used in task analysis are documentation, observation, and interviews. Documentation refers to any written or recorded information about the task, such as manuals or guidelines. Observation involves directly observing individuals performing the task to gather information about the steps and processes involved. Interviews involve talking to individuals who are knowledgeable about the task to gain insights and gather information. These three sources provide valuable information for analyzing tasks and understanding how they are performed.

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  • 23. 

    Lista akcija, pri klasifikaciju objekata u tehnici analize zadatka zasnovanoj na pojmu-relaciji, se opisuje pomoću:

    • A.

      Klijent servera

    • B.

      Agenta izvrsilaca

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Agenta izvrsilaca
    C. Objekta
    D. Instrumenata
    In the technique of task analysis based on the concept of relation, the actions are described using the terms "agent izvrsilaca" (executing agent), "objekta" (object), and "instrumenata" (instruments). These terms refer to the different elements involved in the execution of a task. The "agent izvrsilaca" represents the entity responsible for carrying out the task, the "objekta" represents the object on which the task is performed, and the "instrumenata" represents the tools or instruments used in the task execution.

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  • 24. 

    Vrste dogadjaja?

    • A.

      Izvrsavanje akcija

    • B.

      Ocekivani dogadjaji

    • C.

      Neocekivani dogadjaji

    • D.

      Vremeneski dogadjaji

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Izvrsavanje akcija
    B. Ocekivani dogadjaji
    D. Vremeneski dogadjaji
    The given answer includes four types of events: izvrsavanje akcija (execution of actions), ocekivani dogadjaji (expected events), neocekivani dogadjaji (unexpected events), and vremeneski dogadjaji (weather events). These categories cover different aspects of events, including planned actions, anticipated occurrences, unforeseen incidents, and weather-related happenings.

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  • 25. 

    Koje su prednosti online upustava u odnosu na štampana?

    • A.

      Dostupnost, prostor

    • B.

      Manje inf na 1 ekranu

    • C.


    • D.

      Ekonomske prednosti

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Dostupnost, prostor
    C. Pretraga
    D. Ekonomske prednosti
    Online uputstva imaju prednosti u odnosu na štampana uputstva zbog njihove dostupnosti. Online uputstva mogu biti lako dostupna putem interneta sa bilo kojeg uređaja koji ima pristup mreži. Takođe, online uputstva ne zauzimaju fizički prostor kao štampana uputstva, što omogućava veću fleksibilnost i uštedu prostora. Dodatno, online uputstva omogućavaju brzu pretragu i lak pristup specifičnim informacijama, dok ekonomske prednosti uključuju smanjenje troškova štampe i distribucije štampanih uputstava.

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  • 26. 

    Koji su nedostaci online upustava u odnosu na štampana?

    • A.

      Interaktivne usluge

    • B.

      Teze se cita

    • C.

      Navigacija moze da smeta

    • D.

      Mali uredjaji

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Teze se cita
    C. Navigacija moze da smeta
    D. Mali uredjaji
    Online uputstva imaju nekoliko nedostataka u odnosu na štampana uputstva. Prvo, online uputstva mogu biti teže čitljiva jer se tekst može prikazivati na različitim ekranima i veličinama fonta, što može otežati čitanje. Drugo, navigacija na online uputstvima može smetati korisnicima jer se mogu izgubiti u različitim sekcijama ili stranicama. Treće, online uputstva mogu biti nepraktična za korišćenje na malim uređajima poput mobilnih telefona ili tableta, jer je ekran manji i može biti teže pratiti uputstva.

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  • 27. 

    Koje su preporuke za izradu online pomoći?

    • A.

      Lak pristup i napustanje

    • B.

      Sto odredjenija pomoc

    • C.

      Ne znam

    • D.

      Razlicite pomoci za razlicite korisnike

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Lak pristup i napustanje
    B. Sto odredjenija pomoc
    D. Razlicite pomoci za razlicite korisnike
    The correct answer suggests that there are three recommendations for creating online help:
    1) Easy access and exit, meaning that users should be able to easily find and leave the online help system.
    2) Specific help, which implies that the assistance provided should be clear and targeted to the user's needs.
    3) Different types of help for different users, indicating that the online help should cater to the diverse needs of various users.

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  • 28. 

    Dijalog/razgovor je razmena informacija između dva ili više učesnika. Uobičajeno je kooperativan. Kada segovori o korisničkom interfejsu dijalog:– Se odnosi se na 

    Correct Answer(s)
    strukturne interakcije
    The given answer "strukturne interakcije" is the correct answer because it accurately describes the concept of dialogue in the context of user interface. In user interface design, dialogue refers to the exchange of information between two or more participants, and it is typically cooperative in nature. "Strukturne interakcije" translates to "structural interactions" in English, which suggests that the dialogue involves a structured and organized interaction between the participants.

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  • 29. 

    Dijalog/razgovor je razmena informacija između dva ili više učesnika. Uobičajeno je kooperativan. Kada segovori o korisničkom interfejsu dijalog:– Predstavlja obično ____________ nivo ‘razgovora’ čovek-računar.

    Correct Answer(s)
    In the given question, the statement is discussing the concept of dialogue or conversation as an exchange of information between two or more participants. It further mentions that when talking about the user interface dialogue, it typically represents the level of 'conversation' between humans and computers. The correct answer, "strukturni," fits logically in the context as it means "structural" in English. Therefore, the dialogue in the user interface represents the structural level of conversation between humans and computers.

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  • 30. 

    Postoje 3 nivoa dijaloga pri analizi UI. Koji su to?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Lexicki
    C. Sintaxni
    D. Semanticki
    The correct answer is lexicki, sintaxni, semanticki. The question asks for the three levels of dialogue in UI analysis. The first level is lexicki, which refers to the analysis of the vocabulary or terminology used in the user interface. The second level is sintaxni, which involves analyzing the syntax or structure of the UI elements and their relationships. The third level is semanticki, which focuses on the meaning and interpretation of the UI elements and their functionality.

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  • 31. 

    STN je skraćenica za koju vrstu notacije?

    • A.

      State transition nets

    • B.

      Store transition news

    Correct Answer
    A. State transition nets
    STN is an abbreviation for "state transition nets". State transition nets are a type of notation used in computer science and systems engineering to model and analyze the behavior of systems with discrete states and state transitions. They are graphical representations that show the possible states of a system and the transitions between those states. This notation is commonly used in fields such as software engineering, control systems, and telecommunications to design and analyze the behavior of complex systems.

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  • 32. 

    STN mreže su loše za opis sekvencijalnih ili konkurentnih dijaloga? 

    • A.

      Bolji je kod sekvencijalnih, problem je kod konkurentnih dijaloga.

    • B.

      Bolji je kod konkuretntnih, problem je kod sekvencijalnih.

    Correct Answer
    A. Bolji je kod sekvencijalnih, problem je kod konkurentnih dijaloga.
    STN mreže su bolje za opis sekvencijalnih dijaloga jer su efikasne u modeliranju redosleda događaja i veza između njih. Međutim, imaju problem kod konkurentnih dijaloga jer ne mogu adekvatno modelirati istovremene događaje i njihove interakcije.

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  • 33. 

    Modele sistema delimo u 3 grupe. Koje su to?

    • A.

      Modeli bazirani na standardnom formalizmu

    • B.

      PAC I MVC

    • C.

      Modeli interakcije

    • D.

      Modeli za neprekidno ponasanje

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Modeli bazirani na standardnom formalizmu
    C. Modeli interakcije
    D. Modeli za neprekidno ponasanje
    The correct answer is the three groups of models are: models based on standard formalism, models of interaction, and models for continuous behavior.

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  • 34. 

    Formalne metode se dele na 3 grupe. Koje?

    • A.

      Metode prosirene logike

    • B.

      Metode povezivanja

    • C.

      Algebarske medote

    • D.

      Metode zasnovane na znanju

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Metode prosirene logike
    B. Metode povezivanja
    C. Algebarske medote
    The correct answer is "metode prosirene logike, metode povezivanja, algebarske metode". This answer lists the three groups of formal methods, which are extended logic methods, connection methods, and algebraic methods. These groups categorize different approaches and techniques used in formal methods for solving problems and analyzing systems.

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  • 35. 

    Shape_dict == Id  Shape predstavlja funkciju, domen ili mapiranje?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    B. Mapiranje
    The given question is asking what does the term "Shape" represent in the equation "Shape_dict == Id". The correct answer is "mapiranje" which means mapping. This implies that "Shape" in this context represents a mapping or a relation between the elements in the "Shape_dict" and their corresponding identities in "Id".

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  • 36. 

    Na slici je prikazana Z-notacija za stanje u testiranom grafičkomprogramu. Ispod isprekidane linije se nalazi: 

    • A.

      Nepromenjeno stanje

    • B.

      Komponente stanja

    • C.

      Promenjeno stanje

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    A. Nepromenjeno stanje
    The dashed line in the Z-notation indicates a state transition. In this case, the line is below the dashed line, which means that the state remains unchanged. Therefore, the correct answer is "nepromenjeno stanje."

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  • 37. 

    Na slici je prikazana Z-notacija za stanje u testiranom grafičkomprogramu. Iznad isprekidane linije se nalazi: 

    • A.

      Komponente stanja

    • B.

      Promenjeno stanje

    • C.

      Nepromenjeno stanje

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    A. Komponente stanja
    The dashed line in the Z-notation represents the boundary between the state components and the state variables. The state components are the parts of the system that can change independently, while the state variables are the specific values of those components at a given time. Therefore, the correct answer "Komponente stanja" indicates that the dashed line represents the state components.

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  • 38. 

    Ako selection označava selektovane objekte skup shapes, šta predstavljaova notacija? 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    B. Unselect
    The given correct answer is "unselect." In the context of the question, the term "selection" refers to the selected objects in a group of shapes. The notation "unselect" signifies the action of deselecting or removing the selection from those objects.

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  • 39. 

    Ako selection označava selektovane objekte skupshapes, šta predstavlja ova notacija?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    A. Delete
    This question is asking for the meaning of a specific notation used in the context of selecting objects in a group called "skupshapes". The correct answer is "delete", which suggests that this notation is used to delete or remove selected objects from the group.

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  • 40. 

    Sta oznacava Z?

    • A.

      Definise stanje sistema

    • B.

      Definise brisanje

    • C.

      Definise selektovanje

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    A. Definise stanje sistema
    The letter "Z" in this context represents the action of defining the state of the system. It is used to indicate the process of clearly specifying or establishing the condition or mode in which the system operates. This can include defining various parameters, variables, or settings that determine how the system functions.

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  • 41. 

    Owns( Jane, file `fred' ) )  per( Jane, request( ‘print fred’ )) Ovo je primer koje logike?

    • A.

      Deontic logike

    • B.

      Pie logike

    • C.

      Bnf logike

    • D.

      Bne logike

    Correct Answer
    A. Deontic logike
    The correct answer is deontic logike. This is because the given statement implies a relationship between ownership (owns) and permission (per). It suggests that if Jane owns the file named "fred", then she has permission to request the printing of that file. Deontic logic deals with concepts of obligation, permission, and prohibition, making it the most appropriate choice in this context.

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  • 42. 

    PIE model čine 3 celine. Koje?

    • A.

      Korisnicki ulaz

    • B.

      Odgovor sistema

    • C.


    • D.

      Kroisnicki izlaz

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Korisnicki ulaz
    B. Odgovor sistema
    C. Povezivanje
    The correct answer is "korisnicki ulaz, odgovor sistema, povezivanje." This answer is correct because the question asks for the three components of the PIE model. The given answer includes "korisnicki ulaz" (user input), "odgovor sistema" (system response), and "povezivanje" (connection), which are the three components of the PIE model.

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  • 43. 

    Šta označava P u modelu PIE?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Odgovor sistema

    • D.

      Korisnicki ulaz

    Correct Answer
    B. Sekvencu
    The correct answer is "sekvencu". In the model of PIE, "P" represents the sequence. This means that the answer to the question "What does P represent in the model of PIE?" is "sequence".

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  • 44. 

    Šta označava I u modelu PIE?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Odgovor sistema

    • D.

      Korisnicki ulaz

    Correct Answer
    B. Mapiranje
    The correct answer is "mapiranje". In the context of the given question, "mapiranje" refers to the process of mapping or translating inputs from the user into outputs or actions performed by the system. It involves converting user inputs into meaningful commands or instructions that the system can understand and execute. This is an important aspect of the PIE model, as it helps in ensuring effective communication and interaction between the user and the system.

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  • 45. 

    Šta označava E u modelu PIE?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Odgovor sistema

    • D.

      Korisnicki ulaz

    Correct Answer
    C. Odgovor sistema
    In the context of the PIE model, "odgovor sistema" refers to the system's response. This means that it represents the output or reaction of the system to a given input or user request. The other options, such as "mapiranje" (mapping), "sekvencu" (sequence), and "korisnicki ulaz" (user input), do not accurately represent the concept of the system's response in this context. Therefore, "odgovor sistema" is the correct answer.

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  • Mar 18, 2023
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