Християнството възникнало:
Correct Answer
C. през I век в Палестина
Christianity originated in the 1st century in Palestine.
Посочете причината за построяване на „Новият Рим":
Correct Answer
A. Римската империя имала нужда от нов политически център
The reason for the construction of "New Rome" was that the Roman Empire needed a new political center to replace the old capital, which had been destroyed by fire. This was done by order of Emperor Diocletian in order to separate civil authority from military authority.
Във Великото преселение на народите участват народите:
Correct Answer
C. хуни, славяни, германци
During the Great Migration of Nations, the Huns, Slavs, and Germans were involved. The Huns were a nomadic people from Central Asia who played a significant role in the migration period. The Slavs were a group of Indo-European peoples who migrated and settled in Eastern Europe during this time. The Germans, referring to various Germanic tribes, also participated in the migration, with some groups settling in different parts of Europe. These three groups were among the many peoples involved in the complex and extensive movement of populations during this historical period.
Миланският едикт е свързан с:
Correct Answer
A. признаване на християнството за равноправна религия в Римската империя
The correct answer is "recognition of Christianity as an equal religion in the Roman Empire." The Edict of Milan, issued in 313 AD by Emperor Constantine, granted religious toleration to Christians and recognized Christianity as a legitimate religion in the Roman Empire. This edict ended the persecution of Christians and allowed them to freely practice their faith. It was an important step towards the eventual establishment of Christianity as the dominant religion in the Roman Empire.
Първата „варварска" държава, създадена в земите на Римската империя била:
Correct Answer
D. държавата на остготите
The correct answer is "държавата на остготите". The Ostrogothic Kingdom was the first "barbarian" state to be created in the lands of the Roman Empire. The Ostrogoths, a Germanic tribe, established their kingdom in Italy in the 5th century after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Under the rule of King Theodoric the Great, the Ostrogothic Kingdom flourished and maintained a complex administrative system, blending Roman and Germanic traditions. However, their rule was eventually overthrown by the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century.
Кое твърдение, свързано с Великото преселение на народите, НЕ е вярно:
Correct Answer
C. повечето номадски народи създават свои трайни държави в Европа
During the Great Migration of Peoples, most nomadic peoples did not create their own permanent states in Europe. Instead, they often settled in existing territories and assimilated into the existing political structures. This is in contrast to the statement that "most nomadic peoples created their own permanent states in Europe."
За начало на мюсюлманското летоброене се счита годината:
Correct Answer
D. 622
The correct answer is 622. This is because in 622, the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers migrated from Mecca to Medina, which is known as the Hijra. This event marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar and is considered a significant event in Islamic history.
Какъв бил резултатът от битката при Онгъла:
Correct Answer
B. създаване на славяно-българската държава
The result of the battle at Ongal was the creation of the Slavic-Bulgarian state.
Дунавска България е създадена през:
Correct Answer
C. 680/1 г.
The correct answer is 680/1 г. This suggests that the creation of Danube Bulgaria occurred in the year 680 or 681.
Франкската държава се превърнала в империя при управлениието на:
Correct Answer
C. Карл Велики
During the reign of Charlemagne, the Frankish state transformed into an empire. Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was a strong and powerful ruler who expanded the Frankish kingdom through conquest and diplomacy. He united much of Western Europe under his rule and implemented various reforms, including the promotion of education and culture. Charlemagne's empire became a significant political and cultural force in Europe during the early Middle Ages.
Франкската империя се различавала от Византия по:
Correct Answer
D. Слабо централизираната си императорска власт
The Frankish Empire differed from Byzantium in terms of its weak centralized imperial power. Unlike Byzantium, the Frankish Empire did not have a strong central authority and the power of the emperor was not consolidated. This led to a decentralized system of governance and a lack of strong control over the empire's territories.
В края на IX век в Панония се заселват:
Correct Answer
B. маджарите
In the late 9th century, the Magyars settled in Pannonia. The Magyars were a nomadic people who migrated from Central Asia and eventually settled in present-day Hungary. They played a significant role in shaping the history and culture of the region, eventually establishing the Kingdom of Hungary.
Кое твърдение НЕ е вярно:
Correct Answer
B. Ислямът разрешава почитането на изображения на Бога
The statement that is not true is "Ислямът разрешава почитането на изображения на Бога" (Islam allows the worship of images of God). In Islam, the worship of any physical representation of God, including images, is strictly forbidden. The Islamic tradition emphasizes the worship of God as an abstract and formless entity, without any physical representation. This prohibition is based on the belief in the absolute transcendence and uniqueness of God.
Арабите не успели да завоюват:
Correct Answer
C. Франкската държава
The Arabs were unable to conquer the Frankish state. This may be due to a variety of reasons, such as the strong military and defensive capabilities of the Franks, the geographical challenges of invading the Frankish territory, or the strategic alliances and support that the Franks received from other neighboring powers. The failure to conquer the Frankish state could have had significant implications for the Arab expansion and control in Europe during that time period.
Възпирането на арабското проникване в Европа се свързва с имената на владетелите:
Correct Answer
A. Тервел и Карл Мартел
Tervel and Karl Martel are associated with the suppression of Arab penetration into Europe.
Кое от изброените е предпоставка за преодоляване на различията между славяни и
Correct Answer
A. законодателството на хан Крум
The correct answer suggests that the legislation enacted by Khan Krum is a prerequisite for overcoming the differences between the Slavs and the Proto-Bulgarians. This implies that Khan Krum's laws played a significant role in unifying and integrating these two groups, potentially by establishing common legal norms and practices.
Кое представлява първостепенен фактор за засилване на външнополитическата роля
на България през първата половина на IX век:
Correct Answer
C. разширяването на държавата чрез присъединяване на балкански славянски племена
The expansion of the state through the annexation of Balkan Slavic tribes was a primary factor in strengthening Bulgaria's foreign policy role in the first half of the 9th century. By incorporating these tribes into its territory, Bulgaria was able to increase its influence and territorial control, which in turn enhanced its standing and bargaining power in diplomatic relations with other powers. This expansion also allowed Bulgaria to establish itself as a regional power and assert its authority over neighboring territories, thereby bolstering its external political role.
Кое произведение е написано от Йоан Екзарх:
Correct Answer
D. „Шестоднев"
"Шестоднев" is a book written by Йоан Екзарх.
Кой български владетел сключва 30 годишен мир с Византия, скрепен с династичен брак с византийска принцеса, при което официално му е призната титлата „цар"?
Correct Answer
D. Петър І
Петър І сключва 30 годишен мир с Византия и сключва династичен брак с византийска принцеса, при което официално му е призната титлата "цар".