Are paper towels recyclable?
Correct Answer
B. No
Paper towels and tissue products cannot be recycled because of the fiber used to make them. But you can turn them into compost or mulch.
Are pizza boxes recyclable?
Correct Answer
C. Only the parts without oil and other food stains
Please recycle *clean* pizza boxes with your paper. You cannot recycle a box that is soaked in oil or covered in cheese. Remove any food or wax paper that may be inside. If the top panel of the box is clean, you can tear it off and recycle just the top panel.
Do I have to remove plastic windows from envelopes to recycle them?
Correct Answer
B. No
Today’s paper mills using recycled paper have the equipment to separate plastic windows from the envelopes.
Why can’t I put my recycled paper in a plastic bag?
Correct Answer
B. Plastic bags get caught in recycling machinery
The equipment used to sort recyclables is extremely sophisticated. Plastic bags jam the machines and may cause the need for costly repairs.
Can candy wrappers be recycled with paper?
Correct Answer
B. No
The wrappers are actually made out of plastic. Unfortunately candy wrappers are currently not recycled in residential recycling programs.
Is shredded paper recyclable?
Correct Answer
A. Yes
Make sure you put it into a sealed paper bag. Please do not use plastic bags as those often damage recycling equipment.
Do I need to remove staples and paperclips from the items I am recycling?
Correct Answer
B. No
Paper mills that process recovered paper are set up to remove common contaminants such as staples and paper clips from the pulped paper. Therefore, it is not necessary to remove such items before recycling the paper, although paper clips and binder clips can be removed and reused.
Is ALL gift-wrap paper recyclable?
Correct Answer
B. No
Regular paper gift wrap can be recycled, but tissue paper, flocked, glittered or foil paper cannot be recycled and must be thrown out along with plastic ribbons and bows.
Are paper plates and cups recyclable?
Correct Answer
B. No
Because of the moisture barrier coatings and food residues, food service products cannot be recycled. Biodegradable products can be composted. Starbucks is currently experimenting with recyclable coffee cups, but the technology is not available in Massachusetts.
Are magazines and other glossy paper recyclable?
Correct Answer
A. Yes
In 2009, only about half of the magazines were recycled nationwide. Please tell your friends that magazines and other glossy paper are recyclable.
Can I recycle a phone book?
Correct Answer
A. Yes
In 2009, only 37% of phone directories got recycled nationwide compared to 89% of newspapers. Please make sure you recycle your phone book.
Are copy-paper ream wrappers recyclable?
Correct Answer
B. No
Ream wrappers are lined with a thin layer of plastic that protects the paper inside from moisture. Unfortunately this renders the wrapper impossible to recyclable.
Should you include frozen-food boxes with your recyclable paper?
Correct Answer
B. No
Frozen pizza, waffle, popsicle and other frozen food boxes cannot be recycled even though they may not seem any different from cereal or cracker boxes, which are recyclable. This is because a lot of them contain a chemical called wet-strength that keeps the boxes from falling apart in a cold, moist environment. Even if the food is also wrapped in plastic, like a frozen pizza, you still cannot recycle the box.
Some coffee filters are made of paper. Should I recycle them?
Correct Answer
B. No
Coffee filters are not recyclable, but you can compost them in your backyard.