Struktur system kerja komputer terdiri dari diagram berikut, kecuali.....
Correct Answer
E. Storing device
The given diagram represents the structure of a computer system, which includes input devices, CPU, storage media, and output devices. The term "storing device" is not a commonly used term in computer systems. It is likely a typo or a misinterpretation of "storage device." Therefore, the correct answer is "storing device" because it is not a valid component in the structure of a computer system.
Perifheral yang termasuk pada input device antara lain......
Correct Answer
C. Scanner, flasdik, camera digital
The correct answer includes the devices that are used to input data into a computer system. These devices are the scanner, flashdisk, and digital camera. A scanner is used to convert physical documents or images into digital format. A flashdisk is a portable storage device used to transfer data between computers. A digital camera is used to capture images and videos digitally. These devices are all examples of input devices as they allow users to input data or information into the computer system.
Termasuk perangkat apakah mouse pad ?
Correct Answer
E. Semua salah
The correct answer is "semua salah" which means "all are incorrect" in English. This means that the mouse pad does not fall under any of the given categories - input device, output device, process, or storage media. Therefore, the correct answer is "all are incorrect".
Fungsi UPS adalah...........
Correct Answer
D. Sebagai penyimpan listrik cadangan
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) berfungsi sebagai penyimpan listrik cadangan. UPS dapat menyimpan energi listrik saat pasokan listrik normal dan akan mengeluarkan energi tersebut saat terjadi pemadaman listrik. Dengan adanya UPS, perangkat elektronik seperti komputer, server, atau peralatan sensitif lainnya dapat tetap beroperasi tanpa terganggu saat terjadi pemadaman listrik. UPS juga melindungi perangkat dari lonjakan tegangan dan gangguan lainnya, sehingga menjaga stabilitas dan keandalan pasokan listrik.
Untuk memunculkan windows task manager, ditekan tombol..........
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl+Alt+Dell
To bring up the Windows Task Manager, the correct combination of keys to press is Ctrl+Alt+Del. This key combination is commonly used to access a variety of options in Windows, including the Task Manager. By pressing these keys simultaneously, the user can quickly open the Task Manager to view and manage running processes, monitor system performance, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
Gambar di samping tombol yang digunakan untuk..........
Correct Answer
A. Turn off
The correct answer is "Turn off." This is because the question is asking about the image next to the button that is used for a specific action. Out of the given options, "Turn off" is the most appropriate action that can be represented by an image. It indicates the action of shutting down or powering off a device.
Berikut ini adalah program pengolah kata, kecuali..............
Correct Answer
D. Word perfeck
The given options are all word processing programs except for "word perfeck". This is likely a misspelling of "word perfect", which is also a word processing program. Therefore, "word perfeck" is the correct answer as it is not a valid word processing program.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk dalam system operasi adalah..........
Correct Answer
E. Excel
The given options consist of operating systems, except for Excel. Excel is a spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft and is not considered an operating system.
Sistem operasi adalah merupakan penghubung antara hardware dan............
Correct Answer
C. User
The correct answer is "user". A system operating system acts as a bridge between hardware and the user. It provides a platform for users to interact with the hardware and run software applications. The user can give commands, access files, and perform various tasks through the operating system's interface. Therefore, the operating system serves as a mediator between the hardware and the user.
Berikut I/O port yang ada pada komputer........kecuali....
Correct Answer
D. LCD port
The given options list different I/O ports found in a computer. The PS/2 port is used for connecting keyboards and mice, the VGA port is used for connecting monitors, the Rj-45 port is used for connecting Ethernet cables, and the audio port is used for connecting audio devices. However, the LCD port is not a commonly used I/O port in computers, hence it is the exception in this list.
Kepanjangan USB adalah..............
Correct Answer
D. Universal serial bus
The correct answer is "universal serial bus". USB stands for Universal Serial Bus, which is a standard for connecting devices to a computer. It allows for the transfer of data and power between devices, making it a widely used and convenient technology.
Kepanjangan dari VGA adalah............
Correct Answer
C. Video graphics adapter
The correct answer is "video graphics adapter". VGA stands for Video Graphics Adapter, which is a hardware component used to connect a computer to a display device such as a monitor or projector. It is responsible for generating and transmitting video signals from the computer to the display, allowing users to see images and videos on their screens.
Untuk mematikan
komputer dengan benar dapat dilakukan melalui langkah…
Correct Answer
B. Mengklik Start lalu Shut Down
To properly turn off a computer, you can click on the Start button and then select the Shut Down option. This will initiate the proper shutdown process and safely power off the computer. Pressing the power button or selecting other options like Stand By, Reset, or Restart may not properly shut down the computer and could potentially lead to data loss or system errors.
simbol-simbol yang terdapat dalam lembar kerja program aplikasi dan dapat
digunakan untuk menjalankan suatu perintah disebut…
Correct Answer
E. Icon
The correct answer is "Icon". Icons are symbols or graphical representations that are used in a program's user interface to represent functions, commands, or actions. They are typically small and visually appealing, making it easier for users to identify and select the desired action. Icons are commonly found in toolbars, menus, and other parts of the program's interface, allowing users to interact with the application by clicking on the appropriate icon.
Untuk membuka
lembar baru dalam Microsoft Word dapat digunakan dengan langkah-langkah…
Correct Answer
A. Klik File-New-OK
To open a new document in Microsoft Word, you need to click on the "File" tab at the top left corner of the screen. Then, select "New" from the drop-down menu. Finally, click on "OK" to open a new blank document.
Sebelum Anda
mencetak sebuah dokumen, sebaiknya Anda melihat terlebih dahulu format
dari dokumen tersebut di dalam layar. Menu yang dipergunakan adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Print Preview
Sebelum mencetak sebuah dokumen, sebaiknya melihat terlebih dahulu format dari dokumen tersebut di dalam layar menggunakan fitur Print Preview.
menambahkan sebuah baris dalam sebuah table pada Microsoft Word dengan cara...
Correct Answer
D. Table-Insert-Rows Above
To add a new row above an existing row in a table in Microsoft Word, the correct option is "Table-Insert-Rows Above". This option allows the user to insert a new row above the selected row, expanding the table vertically. This is a common operation when additional information needs to be added or when the table structure needs to be modified.
Berikut ini
termasuk peralatan output adalah…
Correct Answer
B. Monitor,Printer,Speaker
The correct answer is Monitor, Printer, Speaker. These three devices are all examples of output devices. A monitor displays visual output, a printer produces physical copies of documents or images, and a speaker produces audio output. These devices allow the user to receive information or data from the computer system.
Berikut ini adalah program pengolah kata, kecuali.............
Correct Answer
D. Ms. excel
The given options are all word processing programs except for "ms. excel" which is a spreadsheet program. Word processing programs are used for creating and editing text documents, while spreadsheet programs are used for organizing and analyzing data in a tabular format. Therefore, "ms. excel" does not belong to the category of word processing programs.
Hak cipta dalam pembuatan program dilindungi oleh undang-undang, dan memiliki masa berlaku........
Correct Answer
C. 50 tahun
The correct answer is 50 tahun. Hak cipta dalam pembuatan program dilindungi oleh undang-undang selama 50 tahun. This means that the creator of a program has exclusive rights to it for a period of 50 years, during which others cannot copy or distribute the program without permission. After the 50-year period, the program will enter the public domain and can be used freely by anyone.
Bagaimana cara mendeteksi spesifikasi komputer? berapa kecepatan prosesor, kapasitas memory, kapasitas VGA dan kapasitas hardisk komputer yang anda gunakan!
Jelaskan bagaimana cara menyimpan file dokumen dengan nama latihan-1, disimpan pada drive E! dan file tersebut di simpan pada folder dengan nama coba (jelaskan cara membuat folder) !