Pascal merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang beraras/tingkat tinggi (high level language) karena semua instruksinya mirip dengan bahasa manusia, dan bahasa pemrograman beraras/tingkat rendah (low level language) yaitu bahasa yang berorientasi pada mesin, yang diturunkan dari bahasa pemrograman…
Correct Answer
D. Algol-60
Pascal is considered a high-level language because its instructions are similar to human language, unlike low-level languages that are machine-oriented. Algol-60 is another example of a high-level language, so it is the correct answer. Java Script, Visual Basic, Turbo, and Borland are not relevant to the given explanation.
Nama bahasa pemrograman pascal diambil dari seorang ahli matematika dan ilmuwan besar Perancis, yaitu Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) yang pertama kali dikembangkan diawal tahun 1970-an oleh…..
Correct Answer
B. Niclaus Wirt
The correct answer is Niclaus Wirt. The question is asking for the name of the programming language Pascal, which was named after a French mathematician and scientist named Blaise Pascal. The answer options are different names, and Niclaus Wirt is the correct option as it matches the name of the person the programming language was named after.
Manakah identifier yang benar untuk menuliskan nama judul program…..
Correct Answer
A. Program Hitung;
The correct identifier for writing the program title is "Program Hitung;". This is because it follows the rules for creating identifiers, which state that they can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and cannot start with a number or special character. Additionally, it is important to use a clear and descriptive identifier that accurately represents the purpose or function of the program.
Untuk menjalankan/mengeksekusi program yang sudah selesai kita buat sekaligus dapat mengetahui hasilnya, dapat menggunakan menu perintah….
Correct Answer
A. Run
To execute a program that has been created and to see the results, we can use the "Run" command. This command will run the program and display the output. The other options listed, such as "Compile" and "Debug," are not suitable for this purpose. "Compile" is used to convert the source code into machine code, and "Debug" is used for identifying and fixing errors in the program.
Untuk menguji kebenaran program atau melihat kesalahan program yang sudah selesai kita buat, dapat dilakukan dengan perintah menu.…
Correct Answer
C. Compile (Alt+F9)
To test the correctness of a program or identify errors in a completed program, you can use the "Compile (Alt+F9)" command. This command compiles the program, which means it checks the syntax and structure of the code for any errors. If there are any errors, they will be displayed in the compiler output. This step is crucial before running the program to ensure that it is error-free and ready for execution.
Kata yang telah dikenal oleh pascal yang mempunyai fungsi tertentu disebut dengan…..
Correct Answer
D. Reserved Word
Pascal is a programming language that uses reserved words to define specific functions or operations. These reserved words have predefined meanings and cannot be used as variable names or identifiers. Therefore, the correct answer is "Reserved Word" because it accurately describes the words known by Pascal that have specific functions.
Penulisan identifier yang benar adalah…
Correct Answer
C. Jari_Jari;
The correct answer is "Jari_Jari". This is because in programming, identifiers (variable names) must follow certain rules. They can only contain letters (both uppercase and lowercase), digits, and underscores. They cannot start with a digit and cannot contain any special characters or spaces. "Jari_Jari" follows these rules and is a valid identifier.
Type data berikut ini manakah yang tidak dapat melakukan operasi matematika….
Correct Answer
E. String
The data type "String" cannot perform mathematical operations because it represents a sequence of characters rather than numerical values. Mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are not applicable to strings.
Sebuah tipe data yang hanya dapat bernilai false atau true, karena masih merupakan tipe ordinal adalah tipe data…..
Correct Answer
D. Boolean
A boolean data type can only have two values, true or false. It is considered an ordinal data type because it has a natural order, where false is considered less than true. Integer, real, and string data types do not have this natural order.
Suatu tempat di memori computer yang mempunyai nama dan type dan bersifat sementara disebut dengan…..
Correct Answer
E. Variable
The given correct answer is "Variable." In computer memory, a variable is a place that has a name and type and is temporary in nature. Variables are used to store and manipulate data during the execution of a program. They can be assigned different values throughout the program and their contents can change. Therefore, a variable is the most suitable term to describe a place in computer memory with a name, type, and temporary nature.
Manakah bagian dari program diatas yang tidak diproses/ditampilkan jika program dieksekusi….
Correct Answer
D. Bagian Inisialisasi
The part of the program that is not processed or displayed when the program is executed is the "Bagian Inisialisasi" (Initialization section). This section typically includes the declaration and initialization of variables or any other initial setup required for the program. Since it is not mentioned what specific code is included in the "Bagian Inisialisasi" section, we cannot provide further details.
Statement yang merupakan perintah percabangan yang sesuai dengan kondisi yang ada (bersyarat) merupakan statement….
Correct Answer
E. If-Then-Else
The correct answer is "If-Then-Else" because it is the conditional branching statement that is used to execute different blocks of code based on a specified condition. It allows the program to make decisions and choose between different paths of execution. The "If" part checks the condition, and if it is true, the code inside the "Then" block is executed. If the condition is false, the code inside the "Else" block is executed. This statement is commonly used in programming to implement decision-making logic.
Yang disebut statement perulangan dalam bahasa pemrograman pascal adalah, keculai…
Correct Answer
B. Begin-End
The correct answer is "Begin-End" because in Pascal programming language, the statement that represents a loop is called "Begin-End". This statement is used to enclose a block of code that needs to be repeated multiple times. It is commonly used in conjunction with other loop control structures like "For-To/Downto-Do" or "While-Do".
Perhatikan program dibawah ini:Program cetakBilangan;Uses wincrt;Var a:byte;beginfor a:=1 to 5 doWrite(a);Write(‘Selesai’);End.Jika program diatas kita jalankan maka akan didapat hasil sebagai berikut….
Correct Answer
D. 1 2 3 4 5 Selesai
The program uses a for loop to iterate from 1 to 5. Inside the loop, it prints the value of 'a'. After the loop ends, it prints 'Selesai'. Therefore, the output will be the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 followed by 'Selesai'.
Potongan program berikut jika dijalankan yang dapat menampilkan hasil run 5 4 3 2 1, yaitu…
Correct Answer
A. Begin
for j:=5 downto 1 do
The correct answer is "begin for j:=5 downto 1 do Write(j)". This is because the "downto" keyword in Pascal is used to create a loop that starts from a higher value and counts down to a lower value. In this case, the loop starts from 5 and counts down to 1, and the value of "j" is printed using the Write() function.
Perhatikan program dibawah ini:Program CetakBilangan;Uses wincrt;Var pencacah: integer;beginfor pencacah:= 1 to 10 doWrite(‘SMA XEVESE’);End.Jika program diatas di RUN, maka hasilnya adalah…
Correct Answer
D. Mencetak kalimat sma xavese sebanyak 10 kali
The given program uses a for loop to iterate from 1 to 10. Inside the loop, it prints the string "SMA XEVESE" using the Write function. Since the loop runs 10 times, the string "SMA XEVESE" will be printed 10 times. Therefore, the correct answer is "Mencetak kalimat sma xavese sebanyak 10 kali."
Statement yang terdiri dari sebuah ekspresi Boolean yang menyatakan bahwa pengulangan akan dilakukan terus selama syarat terpenuhi, yaitu….
Correct Answer
B. Repeat-Until
The correct answer is "Repeat-Until". It is used to create a loop that will continue until a certain condition is met. The loop will always execute at least once before checking the condition.
Perhatikan Program dibawah ini:Program Perulangan;Uses wincrt;Var i :byte;Begin Clrscr; i :=1; repeat write(i); inc(i); until i > 5;End.Jika program di atas kita run, maka akan menghasilkan output sebagai berikut….
Correct Answer
C. 1 2 3 4 5
The program uses a repeat-until loop to print the value of the variable i. The loop continues until i is greater than 5. Initially, i is set to 1. In each iteration of the loop, the value of i is printed and then incremented by 1. Therefore, the loop will execute 5 times, printing the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in consecutive lines.
Perhatikan Program dibawah ini:Program Ulangan;Uses wincrt;Var I :byte;Begin Clrscr; i :=1; While i <= 10 do Begin Writeln(i); i := i + 2; End;End.Program diatas adalah program yang digunakan untuk menampilkan….
Correct Answer
C. Bilangan Genap Antara 1 Sd 10
The given program uses a while loop to iterate from 1 to 10. Inside the loop, it checks if the current number is even or not. If it is even, it prints the number. After that, it increments the number by 2. Therefore, the program will only print the even numbers between 1 and 10.
Urutan langkah-langkah logis untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang disusun secara sistematis disebut ….
Correct Answer
D. Algoritma
Algoritma adalah urutan langkah-langkah logis yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara sistematis. Dalam konteks ini, algoritma adalah jawaban yang paling tepat karena menjelaskan tentang urutan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan cara yang terstruktur dan terorganisir. Tipe data, variabel, flowchart, dan konstanta adalah elemen-elemen yang dapat digunakan dalam pembuatan algoritma, tetapi algoritma sendiri adalah langkah-langkah yang mengatur penggunaan elemen-elemen tersebut.
Bahasa Pemrograman Visual Basic (VB 6.0) dikembangkan oleh perusan Microsoft Sejak tahun 1991, yang merupakan pengembangan dari pendahulunya yaitu pemrograman…..
Correct Answer
D. Basic
Visual Basic (VB 6.0) is a programming language developed by Microsoft since 1991. It is an evolution of the Basic programming language.
Pada saat pertama kali membuka Visual Basic, pilihan tipe project yang kita gunakan adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Standard.exe
When opening Visual Basic for the first time, the option to choose the type of project to use is "Standard.exe". This option refers to a standard executable project, which allows the user to create standalone applications that can be run independently on a Windows operating system.
Pemrograman Visual Basic merupakan salah satu bahasa pemrograman komputer yang mendukung…..
Correct Answer
C. Object
The correct answer is "Object" because Visual Basic programming language supports the concept of objects, which are instances of classes that contain data and methods. Objects are used to represent real-world entities or abstract concepts in a program and can be manipulated and interacted with using various methods and events.
Komponen di dalam sebuah program pada bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic disebut dengan...
Correct Answer
E. Object
In Visual Basic programming language, a component within a program is referred to as an object. Objects are the fundamental building blocks of Visual Basic programs and can represent various entities such as forms, controls, variables, and data structures. Objects have properties, methods, and events that define their behavior and functionality within the program. Therefore, the correct answer for this question is Object.
Type data untuk teks (huruf, angka dan tanda baca) dalam Bahasa Pemrograman Visual Basic disebut dengan....
Correct Answer
C. String
In Visual Basic, the type of data used for text (letters, numbers, and punctuation) is called a "String". A String data type is used to store and manipulate text values in a program. It is represented by a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotation marks.
Pada Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, bila ingin menulis program, maka harus berada di :
Correct Answer
A. Jendela Code
In Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, to write a program, one needs to be in the "Jendela Code" (Code Window) as this is where the actual code is written. The other options mentioned are different windows within the Visual Basic 6.0 interface, but they are not the correct location for writing the program code.
Pada Ms. Visual Basic, control yang digunakan untuk menampilkan teks yang tidak dapat diperbaiki oleh pemakai adalah …
Correct Answer
C. Label
The correct answer is Label. In Ms. Visual Basic, a Label control is used to display text that cannot be edited by the user. Unlike a TextBox control, which allows the user to input and edit text, a Label control is typically used to display static text or information.
Memilih boleh beberapa pilihan sekaligus adalah fungsi dari control
Correct Answer
C. CheckBox
CheckBox is the correct answer because it allows the user to select multiple options at the same time. Unlike Option Button, which only allows the user to select one option, CheckBox provides the functionality to select multiple options simultaneously. Therefore, it is the appropriate control to use when multiple selections are allowed.
Kotak alat yang berisi icon-icon untuk memasukkan objek tertentu ke dalam jendela form disebut dengan….
Correct Answer
C. Toolbox
The correct answer is "Toolbox." The toolbox is a container that holds icons for inserting specific objects into a form window. It provides a convenient way for users to access and add various elements to their form design, such as buttons, text boxes, and images.
Untuk membatalkan perintah yang terlanjur Anda buat, atau Anda membuat kekeliruan dalam mengetik atau mengedit dokumen dalam Ms. Word, maka Anda dapat manfaatkan fasilitas.........
Correct Answer
A. Undo Typing
The correct answer is "Undo Typing" because it refers to the feature in Microsoft Word that allows users to cancel or reverse the most recent typing or editing action they have performed. This feature is useful when users make mistakes or want to revert back to a previous version of the document. "Repeat Typing" is not the correct answer because it does not refer to the action of undoing or canceling a previous action. "Undo Writing" and "Undo Action" are not the correct answers because they are not specific to the typing or editing actions in Microsoft Word. "Repeating" is not the correct answer because it does not refer to the action of undoing or canceling a previous action.
Fasilitas yang ada dalam Microsof Word yang dapat digunakan untuk menuliskan rumus-rumus mate-matika agar lebih mudah yaitu ….
Correct Answer
B. Equations
The correct answer is "Equations". In Microsoft Word, the "Equations" feature allows users to easily write and format mathematical formulas. This feature provides a variety of mathematical symbols and structures, making it convenient for users to create and edit equations within their documents.
Ekstensi file project visual basic adalah..
Correct Answer
The correct answer is .VBP. The file extension .VBP is commonly used for Visual Basic Project files. These files contain all the necessary information and resources for a Visual Basic project, such as forms, modules, and references. The .VBP file is used to organize and manage the various components of a Visual Basic project and allows for easy collaboration and sharing of projects among developers.
Pada Ms. Visual Basic, control yang digunakan untuk menampilkan teks yang tidak dapat diperbaiki oleh pemakai adalah …
Correct Answer
C. Label
In Ms. Visual Basic, the control used to display text that cannot be edited by the user is a Label. A Label control is typically used to display information or instructions to the user and does not allow any input or changes to the displayed text.
Memilih boleh beberapa pilihan sekaligus adalah fungsi dari control
Correct Answer
A. CheckBox
CheckBox adalah kontrol yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih beberapa pilihan sekaligus. Ketika checkbox diberi tanda centang, itu menunjukkan bahwa pilihan tersebut dipilih. Jadi, fungsi dari CheckBox adalah memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih beberapa pilihan sekaligus.
Untuk menambahkan Form baru pada Visual basic, sebelumnya kita Add Form dari menu
Correct Answer
C. Project
The correct answer is "Project". This is because in order to add a new form in Visual Basic, we need to go to the "Project" menu and select the option to add a form. The other options mentioned (File, Edit, Help, Insert) do not provide the specific functionality to add a new form.
Secara default saat kita mengambil control text box ke form design, name properties caption-nya adalah :
Correct Answer
B. Text1
The default name property caption for a text box control in form design is "Text1".
Label1.caption = text1.text * text2.text, baris program tersebut …
Correct Answer
D. Benar, Caption tidak perlu dirubah
The correct answer is that the Caption does not need to be changed. This means that the program is functioning correctly as it is, and there is no need to modify the Caption property of Label1.
Instruksi untuk melakukan RUN dalam program visual basic…
Correct Answer
B. F5
The correct answer is F5. In Visual Basic, pressing F5 is the shortcut key to run the program. This key is commonly used to start the execution of the program and see the output or behavior of the code.
Pada saat pertama kali membuka Visual Basic, pilihan tipe project yang kita gunakan adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Standard.exe
When opening Visual Basic for the first time, the project type that we choose is "Standard.exe".
Untuk membuat sebuah tombol digunakan komponen…
Correct Answer
A. Command Botton
The correct answer is Command Button. A command button is used to perform an action when clicked. It is commonly used in user interfaces to trigger a specific function or command. Other options like Label, Combo box, List box, and Frame are not specifically used for creating buttons but have different purposes in creating user interfaces.
Untuk mengganti warna dari tulisan yang akan ditampilkan dalam Label atau Text Box digunakan property…
Correct Answer
D. Fontcolor
The correct answer is "Fontcolor" because this property is used to change the color of the text that will be displayed in a Label or Text Box. The Backcolor property is used to change the background color, the Forecolor property is used to change the overall foreground color, the Stylecolor property and Frontcolor property are not valid properties for changing text color in a Label or Text Box.
Pada sebuah ComboBox, untuk menambahkan atau mengentry tulisan atau daftar ke dalamnya kita menggunakan property yang disebut…
Correct Answer
B. List
The correct answer is "List". In a ComboBox, the property used to add or enter text or a list into it is called "List". This property allows users to select an item from a predefined list of options or enter their own text.
Variable yang berisi karakter dalam Visual Basic digunakan tipe data…
Correct Answer
C. String
In Visual Basic, the variable that is used to store characters is the String data type. The String data type is used to represent a sequence of characters and can store any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. It is commonly used for storing text-based data such as names, addresses, and sentences. The Byte data type is used to store numeric values from 0 to 255. The Float data type is used to store decimal numbers with single precision. The Boolean data type is used to store true or false values. The Integer data type is used to store whole numbers.
Penggantian judul form pada Visual Basic dapat dilakukan dengan…
Correct Answer
B. Jendela properties – caption – ganti namanya sesuai keinginan
The correct answer is "Jendela properties - caption - ganti namanya sesuai keinginan" because it explains that to change the title of a form in Visual Basic, you need to access the properties window, find the caption property, and modify it according to your preference.
Fungsi kontrol Label pada Visual Basic adalah untuk…
Correct Answer
C. Menampilkan tulisan/teks yang tidak dapat di ubah oleh pengguna pada saat runtime atau saat dijalankan
The correct answer is "Menampilkan tulisan/teks yang tidak dapat di ubah oleh pengguna pada saat runtime atau saat dijalankan." This is because the control Label in Visual Basic is used to display text that cannot be changed by the user during runtime or when the program is running.
Untuk menggabungkan 2 buah teks dan ditampilkan di label1, maka pernyataan berikut yang benar adalah…
Correct Answer
C. Label1.Caption=Text1.Text+Text2.Text
The correct answer is "Label1.Caption=Text1.Text+Text2.Text". This is because to concatenate two texts and display them in Label1, we need to use the ".Text" property of Text1 and Text2, and then use the "+" operator to combine them.
Untuk menjumlahkan 2 buah teks dengan data berupa angka, misalkan 1+2 dan hasilnya ditampilkan pada label1 yaitu 3, maka pernyataan berikut yang benar adalah…
Correct Answer
D. Label1.Caption=Cint(Text1.Text)+Cint(Text2.Text)
The correct answer is "Label1.Caption=Cint(Text1.Text)+Cint(Text2.Text)". This answer correctly adds the values of Text1 and Text2 (which are assumed to be numbers) and assigns the result to the Caption property of Label1. The CInt function is used to convert the text values to integers before performing the addition.
Simbol operator yang digunakan dalam operasi aritmatika dalam bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic berikut adalah, keculai….
Correct Answer
E. Lebih Kecil
The correct answer is "Lebih Kecil". In the context of arithmetic operations in Visual Basic programming language, the symbol operator for "Lebih Kecil" is not used.
Sekumpulan nilai data yang dikelompokkan dalam sebuah variabel, yang akan digunakan jika ada beberapa data yang type datanya sama dan akan mendapat perlakuan yang sama pula, disebut dengan....
Correct Answer
B. Array
An array is a collection of values that are grouped together under a single variable. It is used when there are multiple data values of the same type that need to be treated in a similar way. Arrays allow for efficient storage and retrieval of data, as well as easy manipulation and processing of the values within the collection.
Blok kode program yang berisi perintah-perintah untuk mengerjakan tugas tertentu dalam Visual Basic disebut dengan....
Correct Answer
D. Procedure
A block of program code that contains commands to perform a specific task in Visual Basic is called a procedure. Procedures are used to organize and group related code together, making the code more modular and easier to understand and maintain. They can be created and called from different parts of the program, allowing for code reuse and improving overall efficiency. Procedures can have parameters and return values, making them versatile and adaptable to different scenarios.