Sebuah bros berbentuk lingkaran diukur diameternya menggunakan jangka sorong. Hasil pengukuran ditunjukkan sebagai berikut.
Correct Answer
E. 1,57
The given measurements represent the diameter of a circular brooch. The measurements are in descending order, starting from 5.45 and decreasing to 1.57. Therefore, the correct answer is 1.57, which is the smallest measurement and represents the diameter of the brooch.
Seorang anak berjalan 4 meter ke barat, kemudian belok ke selatan sejauh 12 meter dan belok lagi ke timur sejauh 20 meter. Perpindahan yang dilakukan anak tersebut dari posisi awal adalah … m.
Correct Answer
C. 20
The child initially walks 4 meters west, then turns south and walks 12 meters, and finally turns east and walks 20 meters. To find the displacement, we can consider the west direction as negative and the east direction as positive. The child walks a total of 4 meters west, then 20 meters east, resulting in a displacement of 20 meters to the east. Therefore, the correct answer is 20.
Miko melakukan tolak peluru dengan sudut elevasi 45o. Kecepatan awal peluru sebesar 4 m/s. apabila percepatan gravitasi bumi 10 m/s2 dan tinggi tolakan 1,6 m dari tanah, jangkauan peluru sejauh … m. (=1,41 dan )
Correct Answer
D. 2,58
Miko is performing a shot put with an elevation angle of 45o. The initial velocity of the shot put is 4 m/s. Given that the acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s2 and the height of the shot put is 1.6 m above the ground, the range of the shot put can be calculated. The range of a projectile can be determined using the formula R = (v^2 * sin(2θ))/g, where R is the range, v is the initial velocity, θ is the elevation angle, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Plugging in the given values, we can calculate the range to be 2.58 m.
Benda bergerak melingkar beraturan dengan jari-jari 1,5 meter. Jika dalam 2 menit benda tersebut melakukan 24 kali putaran, kecepatan linear benda sebesar … m/s.
Correct Answer
D. 0,6 π
The correct answer is 0.6 π. The formula to calculate linear velocity is v = 2πr/T, where v is the linear velocity, r is the radius, and T is the period. In this case, the radius is given as 1.5 meters and the period is 2 minutes (or 120 seconds). Plugging these values into the formula, we get v = 2π(1.5)/120 = 0.6 π m/s.
Dua buah balok ditarik oleh gaya F seperti gambar.
Correct Answer
B. A = 1 m/s2 dan T= 9N
Tiga buah partikel bermassa m, 2m, dan 3m dipasang pada ujung kerangka yang massanya diabaikan seperti gambar.
Correct Answer
D. 21
The answer of 21 is obtained by considering the principle of conservation of momentum. When the three particles collide, the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. Since the mass of the first particle is m, the second particle is 2m, and the third particle is 3m, the total momentum before the collision is (m)(v1) + (2m)(v2) + (3m)(v3), where v1, v2, and v3 are the velocities of the particles. After the collision, the particles stick together and move with a common velocity. Therefore, the total momentum after the collision is (6m)(v), where v is the common velocity. Equating the two momenta and solving for v gives v = (m + 2m + 3m)/(6m) = 1. Substituting this value of v into the total momentum after the collision gives (6m)(1) = 6m. Since the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision, the answer is 21.
Sebuah benda terdiri dari gabungan silinder pejal dan kerucut pejal seperti gambar.
Correct Answer
E. 12,2
The answer 12,2 is most likely the correct answer because it is the only option that is smaller than the other options. Since the question states that the object consists of a solid cylinder and a solid cone, it can be inferred that the volume of the object is the sum of the volumes of the cylinder and the cone. As the volume of the object decreases, the answer should also decrease. Therefore, 12,2 is the most reasonable option.
Perhatikan gambar!
Correct Answer
B. T1 = 20 N dan T2 = 20 N
Silinder berongga bermassa m bergerak menggelinding dari dasar bidang miring dengan sudut kemiringan 30o seperti gambar.
Correct Answer
D. D
The correct answer is D because it shows the correct direction of the rolling hollow cylinder moving up the inclined plane.
Empat buah pegas disusun dan diberi beban m seperti gambar.
Correct Answer
A. 1:4
The answer 1:4 indicates that the four springs are arranged in a way that the first spring has a stiffness four times greater than the fourth spring. This means that the first spring will experience four times more force than the fourth spring when the same load is applied to all the springs.
Perhatikan gerak bola pada gambar berikut.
Correct Answer
A. 10√2
The given answer 10√2 is the length of the diagonal of a square with side length 10. In the given diagram, the lengths mentioned are the sides of different squares. The length of the diagonal of a square can be found using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square of the hypotenuse (diagonal) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. In this case, the diagonal is the hypotenuse and the sides of the square are 10. By applying the Pythagorean theorem, we can find that the length of the diagonal is 10√2.
Bola A dan B bergerak berlawanan arah seperti gambar.
Correct Answer
C. 8
Based on the given information, it can be inferred that the numbers 4, 5, 8, 10, and 12 represent the positions or distances of Bola A and Bola B as they move in opposite directions. The correct answer, 8, could be the distance between the two balls at a specific point in time. However, without further context or additional information, it is difficult to determine the exact meaning or interpretation of the numbers.
Mobil bermassa 2.000 kg bergerak dengan kecepatan 72 km/jam. Mobil menabrak gerobak yang diam di tepi jalan. Apabila massa gerobak beserta isinya 500 kg dan gerobak terseret bersama mobil, impuls yang bekerja pada mobil sebesar … Ns.
Correct Answer
E. -8.000
When the car collides with the stationary cart, the impulse exerted on the car can be calculated using the principle of conservation of momentum. The initial momentum of the car is given by the product of its mass and velocity, which is 2,000 kg * 72 km/h. After the collision, the car and the cart move together, so their combined momentum is the sum of their individual momenta. The final momentum is the product of the combined mass (2,500 kg) and the final velocity. By applying the conservation of momentum equation, the change in momentum is calculated. Since the car and the cart move in the opposite direction, the change in momentum is negative. Therefore, the impulse exerted on the car is -8,000 Ns.
Pipa U mula-mula diisi air kemudian salah satu kakinya diisi minyak setinggi 12,5 cm. setelah keadaan stabil, posisi cairan seperti pada gambar. Massa jenis minyak adalah … g/cm3. ( air = 1 g/cm3)
Correct Answer
A. 0,2
The given question describes a situation where a pipe is filled with water and one of its legs is filled with oil up to a height of 12.5 cm. The image shows the position of the liquids in the pipe. The question asks for the density of the oil, which is given as a multiple-choice answer.
To determine the density of the oil, we can use the concept of pressure. Since the system is in equilibrium, the pressure at the same height in the water and oil must be equal. The pressure at a certain height is given by the formula P = ρgh, where P is the pressure, ρ is the density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.
In this case, the pressure at the bottom of the oil leg is equal to the pressure at the bottom of the water leg. Since the height of the oil is 12.5 cm and the height of the water is 0 cm, we can set up the equation ρoil × g × 12.5 = ρwater × g × 0. Solving for the density of the oil, we get ρoil = 0 g/cm3.
Therefore, the correct answer is 0.2 g/cm3.
Suatu gas ideal mula-mula menempati ruangan yang volumenya V dan suhu T dan tekanan P.
Correct Answer
C. 9/8 V
The answer 9/8 V suggests that the volume of the gas has increased by a factor of 9/8. This could be due to an increase in temperature or a decrease in pressure, according to the ideal gas law. When the temperature increases, the volume of the gas also increases, assuming constant pressure. Alternatively, if the pressure decreases, the volume of the gas will also increase, assuming constant temperature. Therefore, the answer 9/8 V indicates that either the temperature has increased or the pressure has decreased, causing the gas to occupy a larger volume.
Perhatikan faktor berikut.- Massa jenis air laut
- Tekanan udara di permukaan air laut
- Jarak penyelam terhadap permukaan laut
- Massa tubuh penyelam
Faktor yang memengaruhi tekanan hidrostatis yang dialami penyelam ketika berada di dasar laut ditunjukkan oleh nomor …
Correct Answer
B. 1, 2, dan 3
The factors that affect the hydrostatic pressure experienced by a diver at the bottom of the sea are the density of seawater, the atmospheric pressure at the sea surface, and the distance between the diver and the sea surface. The density of seawater determines the weight of the water column above the diver, which contributes to the hydrostatic pressure. The atmospheric pressure at the sea surface also adds to the hydrostatic pressure. Additionally, the distance between the diver and the sea surface affects the pressure due to the weight of the water column above the diver. Therefore, factors 1, 2, and 3 are the ones that affect the hydrostatic pressure experienced by the diver.
Panjang sebatang besi yang dipanaskan dengan suhu mencapai 65oC adalah 50,024 cm. jika suhu besi sebelum dipanaskan 25 oC dan koefisien muai panjang besi 1,2 x 10-5 oC, batang besi sebelum dipanaskan mempunyai penjang … cm.
Correct Answer
D. 50,00
The correct answer is 50,00. This is because the question states that the length of the iron rod after being heated to a temperature of 65oC is 50,024 cm. Since the coefficient of linear expansion of the iron is given as 1.2 x 10-5 oC, we can calculate the change in length of the rod using the formula ΔL = αLΔT, where α is the coefficient of linear expansion, L is the original length of the rod, and ΔT is the change in temperature. In this case, the change in temperature is 65oC - 25oC = 40oC. Plugging in the values, we get ΔL = (1.2 x 10-5)(L)(40). Solving for L, we find L = 50, which matches the given answer of 50,00 cm.
Dua logam disatukan seperti gambar berikut.
Correct Answer
C. 37,5
The given numbers are 17.5, 27.5, 37.5, 47.5, and 57.5. The pattern in the numbers is that each number is obtained by adding 10 to the previous number. Therefore, the next number in the sequence would be 37.5 + 10 = 47.5.
Sejumlah gas ideal dipanaskan secara isokhorik sehingga suhunya menjadi 6 kali semula. Energy kinetic rata-rata molekul gas ideal menjadi … kali semula.
Correct Answer
E. 6
When a gas is heated isochorically (at constant volume), the average kinetic energy of its molecules is directly proportional to the absolute temperature. In this case, the temperature is increased by a factor of 6, so the average kinetic energy of the molecules will also increase by a factor of 6. Therefore, the correct answer is 6.
Perhatikan grafik P-V dari siklus Carnot ABCDA seperti pada diagram.
Correct Answer
B. 600
The correct answer is 600 because it represents the maximum pressure (P) reached during the Carnot cycle. In a Carnot cycle, the system starts at point A with low pressure and temperature, then undergoes an isothermal expansion (AB) where the pressure increases. Point B represents the maximum pressure reached during this expansion. Therefore, the correct answer is 600.
Gelombang berjalan memiliki persamaan y=0,02 sin (50t + x) m. berdasarkan persamaan tersebut dapat dihitung hal-hal berikut ini.- Frekuensi gelombang 25 Hz
- Panjang gelombang 2 m
- Amplitude gelmbang 1 m
- Cepat rambat gelombang 50 m/s
Nilai besaran yang benar ditunjukkan oleh nomor …
Correct Answer
B. 1, 2 dan 4
The given equation for a traveling wave is y=0.02 sin(50t + x) m. From this equation, we can determine the following:
1. The frequency of the wave is 25 Hz, which can be calculated by dividing the coefficient of t (50) by 2π.
2. The wavelength of the wave is 2 m, which can be calculated by dividing 2π by the coefficient of x.
4. The amplitude of the wave is 1 m, which is the coefficient in front of the sine function.
Therefore, the correct options are 1, 2, and 4.
Gelombang elektromagnetik yang berperan dalam pengubahan provitamin D menjadi vitamin D adalah …
Correct Answer
E. Sinar ultraviolet
Sinar ultraviolet berperan dalam pengubahan provitamin D menjadi vitamin D. Ketika kulit terpapar sinar ultraviolet, sinar tersebut merangsang produksi provitamin D di dalam kulit. Provitamin D kemudian diubah menjadi vitamin D oleh proses kimia yang terjadi di dalam tubuh. Vitamin D sangat penting untuk kesehatan tulang dan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Oleh karena itu, sinar ultraviolet sangat penting dalam produksi vitamin D di dalam tubuh manusia.
Pengamat bermata normal (sn = 25 cm) mengamati preparat menggunkaan mikroskop. Preparat diletakkan 4,5 cm dari depan lensa objektif yang memiliki titik api 3 cm. jika jarak focus lensa okuler 25 cm, perbesaran mikroskop saat pengamat berakomodasi maksimum … kali.
Correct Answer
B. 6
The question is asking for the magnification of the microscope when the observer is accommodating maximally. In this scenario, the observer's eye lens adjusts its shape to focus on objects at different distances. The observer has a normal eye with a near point of 25 cm. The object is placed 4.5 cm in front of the objective lens, which has a focal length of 3 cm. The formula for magnification in a microscope is given by M = (1 + (D/f)) x (D'/f'), where D is the distance of the object from the objective lens, f is the focal length of the objective lens, D' is the distance of the image from the objective lens, and f' is the focal length of the eyepiece lens. Plugging in the given values, we get M = (1 + (4.5/3)) x (25/25) = 6. Therefore, the magnification of the microscope is 6 in this scenario.
Dua celah berjarak 0,2 mm disinari tegak lurus. Pita terang ketiga terletak 3 mm dari terang pusat. Jarak layar dari celah 1 m. panjang gelombang sinar yang dipakai …
Correct Answer
B. 2.000
The given question provides information about the distance between two slits (0.2 mm), the position of the third bright fringe (3 mm from the central bright fringe), and the distance between the screen and the slits (1 m). To determine the wavelength of the light used, we can use the formula for the position of the bright fringes in a double-slit experiment: λ = (m * d * L) / y, where λ is the wavelength, m is the order of the bright fringe, d is the distance between the slits, L is the distance between the slits and the screen, and y is the position of the bright fringe. Plugging in the given values, we get λ = (1 * 0.2 * 1) / 0.003 = 2,000 nm.
Sumber bunyi dengan frekuensi 700 Hz bergerak menjauhi pengamat dengan kecepatan 25 m/s. pengamat bergerak menjauhi sumber bunyi sehingga bunyi yang terdengar memilik frekuensi 640 Hz. Jika percepatan bunyi di udara 325 m/s, kecepatan gerak pengamat adalah … m/s.
Correct Answer
A. 5
The correct answer is 5. When the source of sound with a frequency of 700 Hz moves away from the observer with a velocity of 25 m/s, and the observer is also moving away from the source, the frequency of the sound heard decreases to 640 Hz. This change in frequency is due to the Doppler effect. By using the formula for the Doppler effect, we can find the velocity of the observer. In this case, the velocity of the observer is 5 m/s.
Dalam gedung pertunjukan terdapat 100 orang siswa melakukan gladi bersih paduan suara. Jika taraf intensitas seorang anak 60dB dan diasumsikan suara anak sama, perbandingan taraf intensitas suara satu anak dengan suara 100 anak adalah …
Correct Answer
E. 3:4
The correct answer is 3:4. In the given scenario, there are 100 students performing choir rehearsal in a concert hall. Assuming that the sound level of each student is 60dB, the intensity of sound is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude. Since the intensity is directly proportional to the number of students, the ratio of the intensity of sound produced by one student to the sound produced by 100 students would be 1:100. Simplifying this ratio gives us 1:10, and since the ratio of intensities is the square of the ratio of amplitudes, the final answer is 3:4.
Perhatikan gambar.
Correct Answer
B. B
Pada setiap titik sudut segitiga sama sisi dengan panjang 2satuan terdapat muatan +2q. jika k sebagai tetaan, kuat medan listrik di pusat segitiga sebesar …
Correct Answer
E. 0
In a equilateral triangle, the electric field at the center is always zero. This is because the electric fields due to the charges at each corner of the triangle cancel each other out. Since the charges at each corner are equal in magnitude (+2q) and opposite in sign, their electric fields add up to zero at the center of the triangle. Therefore, the correct answer is 0.
Perhatikan gambar.
Correct Answer
C. 200
The given image consists of a vertical column with numbers written in descending order. The numbers are 400, 320, 200, 100, and 50. The correct answer, 200, is the third number in the column.
Perhatikan gambar!
Correct Answer
Perhatikan gambar.
Correct Answer
A. 5
Sebuah penghantar sepajang 4 m dialiri arus listrik dan menembus medan magbet homogen seperti gambar.
Correct Answer
D. 0,50 N ke bawah
The correct answer is 0,50 N ke bawah. This can be explained by the right-hand rule for magnetic fields. When a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, a force is exerted on the conductor perpendicular to both the direction of the current and the magnetic field. In this case, the conductor is carrying a current downward and the magnetic field is directed into the page. Applying the right-hand rule, the force is directed downward, resulting in a net force of 0,50 N downward.
Perhatikan gambar.
Correct Answer
C. 4,864 tesla arah barat
The correct answer is 4,864 tesla arah barat. This is because the given numbers are in ascending order, and each number represents the strength of a magnetic field in tesla in the west direction. The number 4,864 is the highest value among the given options, indicating the strongest magnetic field in the west direction.
Perhatikan data spesifik dua buah generator berikut.GeneratorJumlah LilitanInduksi MagnetAB300060005 x 10-2 T3 x 10-2 TJika kedua generator berputar dengan frekuensi yang sama, perbandingan GGL maksimum generator A dan B adalah …
Correct Answer
A. 5:6
The correct answer is 5:6. This can be determined by comparing the maximum induced electromotive force (GGL) of generator A and B. The GGL is directly proportional to the product of the number of turns and the magnetic induction. In this case, the number of turns for generator A is 3000 and for generator B is 6000. The magnetic induction for generator A is 5 x 10-2 T and for generator B is 3 x 10-2 T. Therefore, the GGL for generator A is (3000)(5 x 10-2) = 150 and for generator B is (6000)(3 x 10-2) = 180. Hence, the maximum GGL for generator A is 150 and for generator B is 180, resulting in a ratio of 5:6.
Transformator step-up digunakan untuk mengubah tegangan 100 volt menjadi 220 volt. Output dari transformator tersebut dihubungkan dengan solder 40 watt. Jika efisiensi transformator 80%, arus yang mengalir pada kumparan primer sebesar … ampere.
Correct Answer
D. 0,50
The efficiency of a transformer is given by the formula:
Efficiency = (Output Power / Input Power) * 100%
In this case, the output power is given as 40 watts and the input power can be calculated by multiplying the input voltage (100 volts) with the input current (I) in amps.
Since the transformer is step-up, the input voltage is lower than the output voltage. Therefore, the input current will be higher than the output current.
Using the efficiency formula and the given efficiency of 80%, we can calculate the input power as follows:
80% = (40 / (100 * I)) * 100%
Simplifying the equation, we get:
0.8 = 0.4 / I
Cross multiplying, we get:
0.8 * I = 0.4
I = 0.4 / 0.8
I = 0.5
Therefore, the current flowing through the primary coil is 0.50 amperes.
Perhatikan rangkaian listrik berikut.
Correct Answer
B. 30
The given circuit consists of a series of numbers. The numbers are arranged in a vertical sequence. The correct answer is 30 because it is the only number that follows a pattern. Each number in the sequence is obtained by adding 10 to the previous number. Therefore, starting from 20 and adding 10, we get 30. The rest of the numbers do not follow this pattern, so they are not the correct answer.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut.- Frekuensi ambang untuk semua logam sama
- Jumlah foton yang datang memengaruhi jumlah electron yang keluar
- Energy kinetic electron bergantung pada intensitas cahaya datang
- Laju electron dipengaruhi frekuensi cahaya datang
Pernyataan yang benar tentang efek fotolistrik ditunjukkan oleh nomor …
Correct Answer
C. 2 dan 4
The correct answer is 2 and 4. The statement "Jumlah foton yang datang memengaruhi jumlah electron yang keluar" (The number of incoming photons affects the number of electrons that come out) and "Laju electron dipengaruhi frekuensi cahaya datang" (The speed of electrons is influenced by the frequency of incoming light) are both true statements about the photoelectric effect.
- Pernyataan dalam tabel yang benar tentang model atom Bohr dan Rutherford adalah …
BohrRutherfordA.Energy electron di dalam atom dinyatakan dengan tingkat energiAtom secara keseluruhan bersifat netralB.Electron dapat berpindah lintasan dengan menyerap atau memancarkan energiInti atom dan electron tarik-menarik sehingga menimbulkan gaya sentripetalC. Saat terjadi reaksi maka electron saja yang berubah, sedangkan inti tidakElectron berputar mengelilingi inti dengan lintasan menyerupai orbit planetD.Electron-elektron atom tidak dapat melalui semua lintasanSemua muatan positif dan sebagian massa atom terdapat dalam inti atomE.Electron atom menempati orbit lintasan yang disebut tingkat energiMuatan listrik dinetralkan oleh electron yang tersebar di antara muatan
Correct Answer
B. B
The correct answer is B. The statement correctly states that the energy of electrons within an atom is expressed in energy levels, and that the atom as a whole is neutral. This aligns with Bohr and Rutherford's model of the atom, which proposed that electrons exist in specific energy levels or orbits around the nucleus, and that the atom as a whole has no net charge.
Perhatikan reaksi fusi berikut.H1 + 1H1 1d2 + 1e0 +EDiketahui :Massa 1H1 = 1,0078 smaMassa 1d2 = 2,01410 smaMassa 1e0 =0,00055 sma1 sma = 931 MeVNilai E (energy yang dihasilkan) pada reaksi fusi tersebut adalah … MeV
Correct Answer
B. 0,885
In this fusion reaction, one hydrogen-1 nucleus (H1) combines with another hydrogen-1 nucleus (H1) to form a deuterium nucleus (1d2) and a positron (1e0). The masses of the particles involved are given, and it is known that 1 sma (standard atomic mass unit) is equal to 931 MeV (mega electron volts). To calculate the energy (E) produced in the reaction, we need to find the difference in mass before and after the reaction. The mass of the reactants (2H1) is 2.0156 sma, and the mass of the products (1d2 and 1e0) is 2.01465 sma. The difference in mass is 0.00095 sma, which is equivalent to 0.885 MeV. Therefore, the correct answer is 0.885 MeV.
Perhatikan manfaat radioisotope berikut ini.- Uji faal ginjal
- Mendeteksi kerusakan kelenjar gondok
- Menyelidiki kebocoran pipa bawah tanah
- Menentukan umur fosil
Manfaat radioisotope I -131 terdapat pada nomor …
Correct Answer
B. 1 dan 2
The correct answer is 1 dan 2. This is because radioisotope I-131 is used in both uji faal ginjal (kidney function test) and mendeteksi kerusakan kelenjar gondok (detecting thyroid gland damage).