Alo Sine Alo Alo????????????????

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| By Suad.fks
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 289
Questions: 71 | Attempts: 289

Alo Sine Alo Alo???????????????? - Quiz

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa batice

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Код логичке топологије од једног ка свима(бродкаст) сваки чвор одлучује да ли је пакет упоћен баш њему.Уколико није?

    • A.

      Порука се прослеђује централној станици

    • B.

      Порука се прослеђује суседном чвору

    • C.

      Обавештавају се виши слојеви о вези

    • D.

      Порука се једноставно игнорише

    Correct Answer
    D. Порука се једноставно игнорише
    In a logical topology of one to all (broadcast), each node decides whether to accept the packet or not. If a node decides not to accept the packet, it simply ignores it. Therefore, the correct answer is "Порука се једноставно игнорише" which translates to "The message is simply ignored."

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  • 2. 

    IEE 802.3 користи на MAC подслоју протокол?

    • A.


    • B.

      Token ring

    • C.

      Token pass

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. CSMA/CD
    The correct answer is CSMA/CD. IEE 802.3, also known as Ethernet, uses the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) protocol at the MAC sublayer. This protocol allows multiple devices to access the network at the same time by listening for carrier signals and checking for collisions. If a collision is detected, the devices involved wait for a random amount of time before retransmitting their data. CSMA/CD is commonly used in Ethernet networks to ensure efficient and reliable communication.

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  • 3. 

    Који сигнал бежична страница користи да би иницирала комуникацију са другом бежичном станицом са циљем да заобиђе проблем скривеног терминала?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. RTS
    The correct answer is RTS. RTS stands for Request to Send, and it is a signal used by wireless stations to initiate communication with another wireless station in order to avoid the hidden terminal problem. The hidden terminal problem occurs when two wireless stations are within range of a third station, but not within range of each other. By using RTS, a station can request permission to send data to another station, ensuring that there are no collisions or interference between transmissions.

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  • 4. 

    Који протокол се користи у бежичним локалним мрежама

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Token passing

    Correct Answer
    B. CSMA/CA
    CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) is the correct answer. CSMA/CA is a protocol used in wireless local area networks (WLANs) to avoid collisions between data packets. It works by requiring devices to listen for a clear channel before transmitting data, and if the channel is busy, the device waits for a random period of time before attempting to transmit again. This helps to minimize collisions and improve the overall efficiency of the network.

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  • 5. 

    Модел CSMA/CD чине периоди?

    • A.

      Слања и рањавања

    • B.

      Слања и детекције

    • C.

      Слања, сукобљавања и неактивни периоди

    • D.

      сукубљавања и неактивни периоди

    Correct Answer
    C. Слања, сукобљавања и неактивни периоди
    The correct answer is "Слања, сукобљавања и неактивни периоди" which translates to "Transmissions, collisions, and idle periods." In the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) protocol, stations on a shared network listen for any ongoing transmissions before attempting to transmit data. If multiple stations try to transmit at the same time, a collision occurs and all stations involved detect the collision. After a collision, there is a random backoff time or an idle period before the stations attempt to retransmit the data. Therefore, the correct answer includes all three components of the CSMA/CD protocol.

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  • 6. 

    Which one do you like?

    • A.

      Option 1

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Option 1
  • 7. 

    Време рањавања једнако је

    • A.

      Четвороструком времену пропагације између две најудаљеније станице

    • B.

      Минималном времену пропагације између две најудаљеније станице

    • C.

      Двостурком времену пропагације између две најудаљеније станице

    • D.

      Максималном времену пропагације(простирања) између најудаљенијих станица

    Correct Answer
    D. Максималном времену пропагације(простирања) између најудаљенијих станица
    The correct answer is "Максималном времену пропагације(простирања) између најудаљенијих станица". This means that the time of propagation (spread) between the furthest pages is the maximum. This suggests that the time it takes for information to travel between the most distant pages is the longest, resulting in a longer time for the system to recover from a fault or failure.

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  • 8. 

    Након колико неуспешних покушаја слања ће станица, у Етернет мрежи одустати и обавестити више слојеве о грешци

    • A.

      Станица неће одустати од слања

    • B.

      Након 16 покушаја

    • C.

      Након 10 покушаја

    • D.

      Након миодраг икс ипсилон покушаја???????????????????????

    Correct Answer
    B. Након 16 покушаја
    After 16 unsuccessful attempts, the station in the Ethernet network will give up and inform the higher layers about the error.

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  • 9. 

    Код физичке топологије магистрале станице се

    • A.

      повезују на заједнички трансмисиони медијум

    • B.

      повезују преко трансмисионог медијума за две суседне станице

    • C.

      повезују се трансмисионом медијуму за централну станицу

    • D.

      повезују се трансмисионом медијуму за централну станицу и све остале станице у мрежи

    Correct Answer
    A. повезују на заједнички трансмисиони медијум
    The correct answer is "повезују на заједнички трансмисиони медијум" which means "are connected to a shared transmission medium". This means that the physical topology of the network connects all the stations to a common transmission medium, which allows for communication between the stations.

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  • 10. 

    Код ког метода за приступ трансмисионом медијуму примењен је следећи принцип:Када станица жели да шаље податке она прво проверава да ли је нека друга станица већ заузела трансмисиони медијум?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. CSMA
    The correct answer is CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access). CSMA is a method used to access a transmission medium in a network. When a station wants to send data, it first checks if any other station is already using the transmission medium. If the medium is idle, the station can start transmitting. If the medium is busy, the station waits for it to become idle before transmitting. This method helps to avoid collisions and ensures efficient use of the transmission medium.

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  • 11. 

    Који сигнал бежична станица користи да би потврдила да хоће да комуницира са другом бежичном станицом?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Miodrag signal

    Correct Answer
    B. CTS
    CTS stands for Clear to Send. It is a signal used by a wireless station to confirm that it is ready to communicate with another wireless station. This signal is typically sent by the receiving station after it has successfully received a Request to Send (RTS) signal from the transmitting station. The CTS signal helps to avoid collisions and manage the communication between wireless devices in a network.

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  • 12. 

    Који сигнал бежична станица користи да би иницирала комуникацију са другом бежичном станицом са циљем да заобиђе проблем скривеног терминала

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    B. RTS
    RTS stands for Request to Send. In wireless communication, RTS is used by a wireless station to initiate communication with another wireless station in order to avoid the hidden terminal problem. The hidden terminal problem occurs when two wireless stations are within range of a third station, but not within range of each other. By sending an RTS signal, the station is requesting permission to transmit data and informing other stations to wait until the transmission is complete. This helps to prevent collisions and ensures that the communication is successful.

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  • 13. 

    Рам који садржи све једнице у пољу одредишне адресе биће послат

    • A.

      мрежна картица ће прогласити неважећом адресом

    • B.

      групи станица које је подесио администратор

    • C.

      свим станицама у мрежи

    • D.

      не знам батице

    Correct Answer
    C. свим станицама у мрежи
    The given statement states that a frame containing all ones in the destination address field will be sent to all stations in the network. This means that the frame will be broadcasted to every station in the network, ensuring that all stations receive the frame.

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  • 14. 

    Код секвенцијалне логичке топологије

    • A.

      Подаци се шаљу централној станици, па она распоређује податке одредишној станици

    • B.

      Подаци се шаљу истовремено свим станицама у мрежи

    • C.

      Подаци се шаљу од једне до друге станице у мрежи

    • D.

      Подаци се шаљу истовремено само групи унапред одређених станица

    Correct Answer
    C. Подаци се шаљу од једне до друге станице у мрежи
    The correct answer states that data is sent from one station to another station in the network. This suggests that in a sequential logical topology, data is transmitted sequentially from one station to the next station in a linear manner. This is in contrast to other options provided, such as sending data to a central station for distribution or sending data simultaneously to all stations in the network.

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  • 15. 

    Ако станица користи CSMA механизам са слање података, она

    • A.

      Када има податке за слање, одмах их шаље

    • B.

      Прво проверава да ли трансмисиони медијум заузет, па онда шаље податке

    • C.

      Шаље контролни пакет првој суседној станици

    • D.

      Шаље пакет централној станици и на тај начин проверава приоритет за слање

    Correct Answer
    B. Прво проверава да ли трансмисиони медијум заузет, па онда шаље податке
    The correct answer states that when using the CSMA mechanism for data transmission, the station first checks if the transmission medium is busy before sending data. This is an accurate explanation of the CSMA mechanism, as it ensures that the station avoids collisions with other stations already transmitting on the medium. By checking if the medium is busy before sending data, the station can wait for an idle period to send its data, reducing the chances of collisions and improving overall efficiency of the network.

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  • 16. 

    Логичка топологија локалне рачунарске мреже је:

    • A.

      Методологија приступа трансмисионом медијуму

    • B.

      Методологија прослеђивања поруке

    • C.

      Методологија израчунавања кашњења након колизије

    • D.

      Методологија израчунавања најкраће путање до одредишне станице

    Correct Answer
    B. Методологија прослеђивања поруке
    The correct answer is "Методологија прослеђивања поруке" which translates to "Methodology of message forwarding" in English. This refers to the logical topology of a local computer network, which determines how messages are transmitted and forwarded within the network. It specifies the rules and protocols for sending and receiving messages between network devices.

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  • 17. 

    Адреса која садржи све 1 је

    • A.

      једној станици

    • B.

      резерисана за слање свима(бродкаст)

    • C.

      група станица(мултикаст)

    Correct Answer
    B. резерисана за слање свима(бродкаст)
    The given answer "резерисана за слање свима (бродкаст)" means "reserved for sending to all (broadcast)" in English. This suggests that the address containing all 1s is used for broadcasting messages to all stations on the network. Broadcasting is a method of sending a message to all devices on a network simultaneously.

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  • 18. 

    Код бежичних локалних рачунарских мрежа станице

    • A.

      Могу истовремено и да шаљу и примају податке

    • B.

      Могу или да шаљу или да примају податке

    • C.

      Могу само да примају податке, немају могућност слања

    • D.

      Могу само да шаљу податке, немају могућност примања

    Correct Answer
    A. Могу истовремено и да шаљу и примају податке
    The correct answer is "They can send and receive data simultaneously". This means that wireless local area networks (WLANs) are capable of both sending and receiving data at the same time. This is a key feature of WLANs, as it allows for efficient and seamless communication between devices on the network.

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  • 19. 

    Метод CSMA/CD

    • A.

      Припада подслоју за приступ трансмисионом медијуму

    • B.

      Припада физичком слоју

    • C.

      Припада LLC подслоју

    • D.

      Припада мрежном слоју

    Correct Answer
    A. Припада подслоју за приступ трансмисионом медијуму
    The correct answer is "Припада подслоју за приступ трансмисионом медијуму" because the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection) method is used in the sublayer responsible for accessing the transmission medium. This method is used to control access to the medium and detect collisions in Ethernet networks.

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  • 20. 

    Који непреклапајући канали се користе у САД у опсегу од 2,4GHz Изабери један или више одг.

    • A.

      Не знам

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. 11
    C. 1
    E. 6
    The correct answer is 11, 1, and 6. In the 2.4GHz range, these non-overlapping channels are commonly used in the United States.

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  • 21. 

    Који се рамови користе код CSMA/CD приступу медијијуму (има више тачни одговора)

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. RTS
    D. CTS
    The correct answer is RTS and CTS. These frames are used in the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) protocol to avoid collisions on the network. RTS (Request to Send) is sent by the sender to reserve the channel, while CTS (Clear to Send) is sent by the receiver to acknowledge the reservation. By using these frames, the devices can coordinate their transmissions and avoid collisions, improving the efficiency of the network. PCF (Point Coordination Function) and HCF (Hybrid Coordination Function) are not directly related to CSMA/CD and are not the correct answers.

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  • 22. 

    Који од наведених стандарда се односи на бежичне локалне рачунарске мреже

    • A.

      IEEE 802.3

    • B.

      IEEE 802.11

    • C.

      IEEE 802.16

    • D.

      IEEE 802.9

    Correct Answer
    B. IEEE 802.11
    IEEE 802.11 is the correct answer because it refers to the standard for wireless local area networks (WLANs). This standard specifies the protocols and technologies used for wireless communication between devices within a limited area, such as a home, office, or campus. It covers aspects like data rates, frequency bands, security, and network management for wireless networks.

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  • 23. 

    Који непреклапајући канали се користе у Европи у опсегу на 2,4Ghz    

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      не знам

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. 13
    C. 1
    E. 9
    F. 5
  • 24. 

    Код Етернета  се користи протокол CSMA/CD ,а код бежичних локалних мрежа протокол:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. CSMA/CA
    The correct answer is CSMA/CA. CSMA/CA stands for Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance. It is a protocol used in wireless local area networks (WLANs) to avoid collisions between data packets. This protocol requires devices to listen to the wireless medium before transmitting data to ensure that the channel is clear. If the channel is busy, the device waits for a random period of time before attempting to transmit again. This helps to reduce collisions and improve the overall efficiency of the wireless network.

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  • 25. 

    На које слојеве ОСИ референтног модела се односи стандар 802.11 има више тачних одг.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Слој сесије

    • E.

      Слој везе

    • F.

      Транспортни слој

    • G.

      Презентациони слој

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Физички
    E. Слој везе
    The correct answer is "Физички, Слој везе" because the 802.11 standard refers to the physical layer and the data link layer of the OSI reference model. The physical layer is responsible for transmitting raw data bits over a physical medium, while the data link layer is responsible for the reliable transmission of data frames between two nodes on the same network.

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  • 26. 

    Теоријски, употребом опреме прилагођене IEEE 802.11g стандарду могу се постићи брзине до

    • A.

      150 mb/s

    • B.

      108 mb/s

    • C.

      11 mb/s

    • D.

      54 mb/s

    Correct Answer
    D. 54 mb/s
    The correct answer is 54 mb/s. The question is asking about the theoretical maximum speed that can be achieved using equipment adapted to the IEEE 802.11g standard. The IEEE 802.11g standard supports a maximum data rate of 54 mb/s, which is the fastest speed that can be achieved in this scenario.

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  • 27. 

    Која асоцијација  произвођача је везана за сертификовање прозивода реализованих по стандарду IEEE 802.11

    • A.

      WiFi Aliance

    • B.

      Zig Bee

    • C.

      Bluetooth SIG

    • D.

      WiMax forum

    Correct Answer
    A. WiFi Aliance
    The correct answer is WiFi Alliance. WiFi Alliance is an association of manufacturers that certifies products implemented according to the IEEE 802.11 standard, which is commonly known as WiFi. They ensure that WiFi products meet certain standards and interoperability requirements, allowing consumers to trust the quality and compatibility of WiFi devices.

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  • 28. 

    IEEE 802.11 koristi na MAC podsloju protokole

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. CSMA/CA
    IEEE 802.11 uses CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) protocol on the MAC sublayer. CSMA/CA is a protocol used in wireless networks to avoid collisions between devices trying to transmit data simultaneously. It works by having devices sense the wireless medium before transmitting, and if the medium is busy, they wait for a random period of time before attempting to transmit again. This helps to reduce collisions and improve the overall efficiency of the network.

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  • 29. 

    Which one do you like?

    • A.

      Option 1

    • B.

      Option 2

    • C.

      Option 3

    • D.

      Option 4

    Correct Answer
    A. Option 1
    The question asks for the preferred choice among the given options. The correct answer is Option 1, implying that the person likes Option 1 the most out of all the options provided.

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  • 30. 

    Koje organizacije su reguratolna tela za bezične sisteme

    • A.

      ISO(International Organization for Standardizaton)

    • B.

      ANSI(American National Standards Institute)

    • C.

      FCC(Federal Communications Commission)

    • D.

      IEE(Institut of Electronic and Electrical Engineers)

    • E.

      3GPP(Third Generation Partnership Project)

    • F.

      3GPP(Third Generation Partnership Project)

    • G.

      3GPP(Third Generation Partnership Project)

    • H.

      ETSI(European Telecommunication Standard Institute)

    • I.

      ETSI(European Telecommunication Standard Institute)

    • J.

      ETSI(European Telecommunication Standard Institute)

    • K.

      PAK(Republika za komunikacije)

    • L.

      PAK(Republika za komunikacije)

    • M.

      PAK(Republika za komunikacije)

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. FCC(Federal Communications Commission)
    H. ETSI(European Telecommunication Standard Institute)
    I. ETSI(European Telecommunication Standard Institute)
    J. ETSI(European Telecommunication Standard Institute)
    K. PAK(Republika za komunikacije)
    L. PAK(Republika za komunikacije)
    M. PAK(Republika za komunikacije)
    The organizations listed in the answer, FCC, ETSI, and PAK, are regulatory bodies for wireless systems. FCC is the regulatory body in the United States responsible for regulating communication by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. ETSI is a European standardization organization that develops globally applicable standards for information and communication technologies, including wireless systems. PAK, also known as the Regulatory Agency for Communications, is the regulatory body for telecommunications in the Republic of Kosovo. These organizations play a crucial role in setting standards and regulations for wireless systems to ensure their proper functioning and compatibility.

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  • 31. 

    Коордиционе функције могу да буду: има више тачних одг.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Дистрибуиране
    D. Централизоване
    The correct answer is "Дистрибуиране, Централизоване" (Distributed, Centralized). This means that coordination functions can be both distributed and centralized. In a distributed system, coordination functions are spread across multiple nodes or components, allowing for decentralized decision-making and control. On the other hand, in a centralized system, coordination functions are concentrated in a single node or component, resulting in a more centralized decision-making and control structure.

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  • 32. 

    Који фреквенцијски опсег се користи код ИЕЕЕ 802.11b стандарда

    • A.

      од 2,4Ghz do 2,4835Ghz

    • B.

      Opseg oko 8,4 Ghz

    • C.

      Opseg oko 5,4 Ghz

    • D.

      Od 902 Mhz do 928 Mhz

    Correct Answer
    A. од 2,4Ghz do 2,4835Ghz
    The correct answer is "од 2,4Ghz do 2,4835Ghz". This is because the IEEE 802.11b standard uses the frequency range of 2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz for wireless communication. This frequency range is commonly utilized for Wi-Fi networks and is known as the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band.

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  • 33. 

    Ширина подканала код ИЕЕЕ802.11n стандарда је:

    • A.

      40 Мhz

    • B.

      50 Mhz

    • C.

      30 Mhz

    • D.

      20 Mhz

    Correct Answer
    A. 40 Мhz
    The correct answer is 40 MHz. This refers to the channel width of the IEEE 802.11n standard. Channel width determines the amount of frequency spectrum available for data transmission. In this case, a channel width of 40 MHz means that a wider frequency range is utilized, allowing for higher data transfer rates compared to narrower channel widths like 20 MHz or 30 MHz.

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  • 34. 

    На коликом међусобном растојању носиоци канала у опсегу 2,4 Ghz

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 5
    The correct answer is 5. This answer suggests that the distance between the channel carriers in the 2.4 GHz range is 5 units. However, without further context or information, it is difficult to determine what these units represent or what the significance of this distance is.

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  • 35. 

    Који од наведених начина повезивања бежичну рачунарску мрежу захтев одржавање

    • A.

      Ad Hos

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Инфраструктурни
    The correct answer is "Инфраструктурни" (Infrastructure). This is because an infrastructure mode is a type of wireless network connection that requires maintenance and management. In this mode, a central device, such as a wireless access point, is used to connect multiple devices to the network. The access point is responsible for managing the network and ensuring that all devices are connected and communicating properly.

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  • 36. 

    Стандард IEEE802.11ad назива се још и

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. WiGig
    The correct answer is WiGig. IEEE802.11ad is a wireless networking standard that is commonly known as WiGig. This standard operates in the 60 GHz frequency band and allows for high-speed data transfer rates up to 7 Gbps. WiGig is designed to support short-range, high-bandwidth applications such as streaming high-definition video, virtual reality, and wireless docking. It provides faster and more reliable wireless connections compared to traditional Wi-Fi standards like IEEE802.11ac.

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  • 37. 

    PAN представља скраћеницу за

    • A.

      Permanent Assistant Network

    • B.

      Personal Assistant Network

    • C.

      Personal Area Network

    • D.

      Permanent Area Network

    Correct Answer
    C. Personal Area Network
    PAN stands for Personal Area Network. A Personal Area Network is a network that is used for connecting devices within a small area, typically within a person's personal space such as a home or office. It allows devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets to communicate with each other and share resources like files and printers.

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  • 38. 

    Предност исплепетаних мрежа је

    • A.

      Сигнализација унутар опсега(in band signalization)

    • B.

      Повећана флексибилност линкова над жичаним

    • C.

      Могућност поновног самооправка(self healing)

    • D.

      Самоорганизовање(self forming)

    • E.

      Само детектовање носиоца(self detecting)

    • F.

      Сигнализација ван опсега(Out of band signalizaton)

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Повећана флексибилност линкова над жичаним
    C. Могућност поновног самооправка(self healing)
    D. Самоорганизовање(self forming)
    The advantages of mesh networks include increased flexibility of links over wired networks, the ability to self-heal and self-form, and out-of-band signalization. This means that mesh networks can adapt and reconfigure themselves, making them more resilient and reliable. They can also provide signalization within the network and outside of the normal operating range.

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  • 39. 

    Набројати опсеге који се могу користити без посебних дозвола има више тачних одг.

    • A.

      2,4 GHz

    • B.

      30 GHz

    • C.

      11 GHz

    • D.

      5 GHz

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. 2,4 GHz
    D. 5 GHz
    The correct answer includes the frequency ranges of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. These frequency ranges can be used without the need for any special permissions or licenses.

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  • 40. 

    Kakvi protokoli postoje u računarskim mrežama namenjeni prenosu podataka

    • A.

      Dinamicki i staticki protkoli za prenos podataka

    • B.

      Fizicki i mrezni protokoli za prenos podatka

    • C.

      Protokoli sa i bez uspostave veze

    • D.

      Transportni i Aplikacioni protokoli za prenos podataka

    Correct Answer
    C. Protokoli sa i bez uspostave veze
    The correct answer states that there are protocols with and without the establishment of a connection. This means that there are protocols that require a connection to be established before data can be transmitted, and there are protocols that do not require such a connection. This differentiation is important because it determines the way data is transmitted and the level of reliability and efficiency of the transmission.

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  • 41. 

    Mrezni sloj obezbedjuje servis

    • A.

      Aplikacionom sloju

    • B.

      Prezentacionom sloju

    • C.

      Transportnom sloju

    • D.

      Sloju veze

    Correct Answer
    C. Transportnom sloju
    The correct answer is "Transportnom sloju" (Transport layer). The transport layer is responsible for the end-to-end delivery of data between the source and destination devices. It ensures that the data is delivered reliably and efficiently by providing services such as segmentation, flow control, and error recovery. This layer establishes connections, manages data transfer, and handles any issues that may arise during transmission.

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  • 42. 

    Referenti OSI model odnosi se na

    • A.

      3 sloja

    • B.

      4 sloja

    • C.

      7 slojeva

    • D.

      2 sloja

    Correct Answer
    C. 7 slojeva
    The correct answer is 7 slojeva. The OSI model refers to the Open Systems Interconnection model, which is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven different layers. These layers, from bottom to top, are: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application. Each layer has specific responsibilities and interacts with the layers above and below it to ensure effective communication between network devices.

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  • 43. 

    Koji je prvi sloj u OSI referentnom modelu

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Fizicki
    The correct answer is "Fizicki" (Physical). In the OSI reference model, the physical layer is the first layer. It is responsible for the actual transmission and reception of raw bit streams over a physical medium. This layer deals with the physical characteristics of the transmission medium, such as voltage levels, electrical and mechanical specifications, and the physical connectors. It ensures that the data is transmitted reliably and accurately from one device to another.

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  • 44. 

    Kod OSI referentnog modela, ukoliko dodje do promene na jednom sloju

    • A.

      Promena utice na sve slojeve

    • B.

      Promena utice samo na susedne slojeve

    • C.

      Promena ne utice na ostale slojeve

    • D.

      Po standardu, nije dozvoljeno unositi promene u slojevima

    Correct Answer
    C. Promena ne utice na ostale slojeve
    In the OSI reference model, if there is a change in one layer, it does not affect the other layers. Each layer in the OSI model is designed to operate independently and provide specific functionalities. This separation allows for easier troubleshooting, maintenance, and upgrades without impacting the entire network stack. Therefore, any change in one layer will not have a direct impact on the other layers in the OSI model.

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  • 45. 

    Navesti funkcionu aplikacionog sloja

    • A.

      Aplikacioni sloj vodi racuna o adresiranju

    • B.

      Aplikacioni sloj obezbedjuje fizicki prenos podataka

    • C.

      Aplikacioni sloj omogucava konverziju podataka

    • D.

      Aplikacioni sloj omogucava aplikacionom procesu da pristupi OSI okruzenju

    Correct Answer
    D. Aplikacioni sloj omogucava aplikacionom procesu da pristupi OSI okruzenju
    The correct answer states that the application layer allows the application process to access the OSI environment. This means that the application layer provides the necessary protocols and services for the application process to communicate with other processes in the network. It is responsible for managing the application-level communication and ensuring that the data is properly formatted and delivered to the appropriate destination.

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  • 46. 

    Koji su viši slojevi u OSI referentnom modelu

    • A.

      Fizicki sloj i sloj veze

    • B.

      Sloj veze i mrezni sloj

    • C.

      Transportni sloj i slojevi iznad njega

    • D.

      Mrezni i transportni sloj

    Correct Answer
    C. Transportni sloj i slojevi iznad njega
    The correct answer is "Transportni sloj i slojevi iznad njega" (Transport layer and the layers above it). This answer is correct because the OSI reference model consists of seven layers, and the transport layer is the fourth layer. The layers above the transport layer include the session layer, presentation layer, and application layer. These layers are responsible for managing the end-to-end communication between applications and ensuring the reliable delivery of data.

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  • 47. 

    Funkcija svakog sloja je da obezbedi uslugu sloju

    • A.

      Iznad sebe

    • B.

      Ispod sebe

    • C.

      Parnjak sloju

    • D.

      Aplikacionom sloju

    Correct Answer
    A. Iznad sebe
    The given answer suggests that the function of each layer is to provide a service to the layer above it. In this context, "Iznad sebe" means "above itself" in English. Therefore, the explanation implies that each layer in a system or network architecture is responsible for providing a service or functionality to the layer above it.

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  • 48. 

    Parnjak celine ( reeg ) su

    • A.

      Prvi i drugi sloj na jednoj masini

    • B.

      Susedni slojevi na istim masinama

    • C.

      Bila koja dva sloja na jednoj masini

    • D.

      Isti slojevi na razlicitim masinama

    Correct Answer
    D. Isti slojevi na razlicitim masinama
    The answer suggests that the same layers are present on different machines. This means that the layers are replicated or duplicated across multiple machines, indicating a distributed system architecture. This approach can provide fault tolerance and scalability by allowing multiple machines to handle the same layers of data or functionality.

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  • 49. 

    Koliko slojeva ima ATM standard

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 3
    The correct answer is 3. ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) standard has three layers: the physical layer, the ATM layer, and the adaptation layer. The physical layer is responsible for transmitting bits over a physical medium. The ATM layer handles cell switching, routing, and multiplexing. The adaptation layer is responsible for converting different types of data into cells that can be transmitted over the ATM network.

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  • 50. 

    Kako se oznacavaju pristupne tačke usluge?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. SAP
    Pristupne tačke usluge se označavaju kao SAP.

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