1. La Primera Revolución Industrial se inició en
Correct Answer
D. E. Inglaterra
The correct answer is e. Inglaterra. The first Industrial Revolution began in England. During this period, which started in the late 18th century, there was a significant shift from manual labor to machine-based manufacturing. England was the birthplace of many important technological advancements, such as the steam engine and the spinning jenny, which played a crucial role in the development of industrialization. The country's abundant natural resources, including coal and iron ore, also contributed to its industrial growth. As a result, England became the leading industrial nation during this time.
1. Gracias a la Revolución Industrial,
Correct Answer
D. D. Todas las anteriores
The correct answer is "d. Todas las anteriores" because the Industrial Revolution led to the creation of factories, an increase in productivity, and the emergence of new social abuses.
1. En los países pobres, el ahorro
Correct Answer
C. C. suele ser involuntario
In countries with poor economies, saving money is often involuntary because people do not have enough income to meet their basic needs and have little or no surplus to save. This means that saving money is not a deliberate choice or action, but rather a result of not having enough resources to spend. Therefore, option c, "suele ser involuntario" (often involuntary), is the correct answer.
1. La industrialización provocó o permitió todas las siguientes excepto
Correct Answer
D. E. la independencia económica de las personas.
The correct answer is e. la independencia económica de las personas. Industrialization did not lead to economic independence for individuals. Instead, it resulted in urbanization, economies of scale, and monotonous industrial work.
1. ¿Cómo cambió la estructura del mercado a lo largo del siglo XIX?
Correct Answer
A. D. De mercados pequeños locales con poca competencia se extendieron a mercados nacionales con mucha competencia.
Throughout the 19th century, the structure of the market changed from small local markets with little competition to national markets with intense competition. This means that the market expanded and became more competitive on a national scale.
1. La Ley Antimonopolios de Clayton fue firmado en
Correct Answer
B. E. 1914
The correct answer is e. 1914. The Clayton Antitrust Act was signed into law in 1914. This act was designed to strengthen existing antitrust laws and prevent anti-competitive practices, such as monopolies, price discrimination, and exclusive dealing. It aimed to promote fair competition and protect consumers from unfair business practices.
1. La primera Revolución Industrial comenzó en Inglaterra:
Correct Answer
C. C. en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII.
The correct answer is c. en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. The first Industrial Revolution began in England in the second half of the 18th century. This period saw significant advancements in technology, such as the development of the steam engine and the mechanization of textile production. These innovations led to the transformation of the traditional agrarian economy into an industrialized society, marking the beginning of a new era of industrialization.
1. Los nuevos métodos agrícolas que usaban durante la Primera Revolución Industrial incluyen todas las siguientes excepto
Correct Answer
B. B. el tractor.
During the First Industrial Revolution, new agricultural methods were introduced to increase productivity. These methods included the use of the plow (arado), fertilizers (fertilizantes), and crop rotation (rotación de cultivos). However, the tractor (el tractor) was not yet invented during this time period and therefore is not included as one of the new agricultural methods used.
1. El “material nuevo” de la Primera Revolución Industrial fue
Correct Answer
B. B. el hierro
During the First Industrial Revolution, new materials were introduced that revolutionized industries and manufacturing processes. One of these materials was iron. Iron was crucial in the development of new machines, tools, and infrastructure during this period. It was used to create stronger and more durable structures, such as bridges and buildings. Iron also played a vital role in the production of steam engines, which powered many industries during this time. Therefore, it can be concluded that iron was the "new material" of the First Industrial Revolution.
1. El noreste de Estados Unidos experimentó su despegue gracias a
Correct Answer
C. C. un embargo comercial durante las Guerras Napoleónicas.
The correct answer is c. un embargo comercial durante las Guerras Napoleónicas. This means that the northeast of the United States experienced its takeoff due to a commercial embargo during the Napoleonic Wars. This suggests that the embargo created opportunities for the northeast to develop its economy and industries, leading to its growth and success. The other options, such as slavery and cotton production, may have played a role in the region's development but are not the main reason for its takeoff.
1. Durante el siglo XIX, los precios agrícolas mundiales
Correct Answer
B. B. bajaron porque la producción agrícola mundial aumentó rápidamente
During the 19th century, global agricultural prices decreased because there was a rapid increase in global agricultural production. This increase in production led to a surplus of agricultural products, causing prices to drop. As more countries started producing agricultural goods, competition also increased, further driving down prices.
1. Las mejoras en navegación durante el siglo XIX ocurrieron porque
Correct Answer
D. D. Todas las anteriores.
The correct answer is d. "Todas las anteriores" which translates to "All of the above". This means that all of the options mentioned in a, b, and c are correct explanations for the improvements in navigation during the 19th century. The increased supply due to improvements in steam engines, increased demand due to global trade, and improved production of iron and steel and their application in ships all contributed to the advancements in navigation during this time period.
1. Gracias a las partes intercambiables, la demanda para mano de obra
Correct Answer
D. D. no calificada aumentó mientras la de mano de obra calificada se disminuyó.
The correct answer is d. The demand for unskilled labor increased while the demand for skilled labor decreased.
1. Gracias a la Revolución Industrial,
Correct Answer
A. A. ha aumentado el uso de estimulantes.
The correct answer is "a. ha aumentado el uso de estimulantes." This is because the phrase "Gracias a la Revolución Industrial" suggests that the question is asking about the effects or consequences of the Industrial Revolution. The use of stimulants refers to the increased consumption of substances like caffeine or energy drinks to stay awake and alert during long working hours, which became more common during the Industrial Revolution due to the demand for increased productivity and longer working hours.
1. Entre 1861 y 1911, cuatro millones de italianos emigraron debido a
Correct Answer
D. D. la reducción dramática en los precios agrícolas mundiales
Between 1861 and 1911, four million Italians emigrated due to the dramatic reduction in global agricultural prices. This economic hardship pushed many Italians to seek better opportunities abroad. The other options, such as volcanic eruptions, the abolition of slavery in Italy, and the gold discoveries in California and Australia, do not provide a plausible explanation for the mass emigration of Italians during that time period. Therefore, the correct answer is d.
1. El primer ferrocarril exitoso fecha de
Correct Answer
C. C. Después de las Guerras Napoleónicas, pero antes de la Guerra Civil de Estados Unidos.
The correct answer is c. Después de las Guerras Napoleónicas, pero antes de la Guerra Civil de Estados Unidos. This is because the question is asking for the timing of the first successful railroad, and it occurred after the Napoleonic Wars but before the American Civil War. The answer options before and after this time period are not relevant to the question.
1. Gracias al ferrocarril, ocurrió todo lo siguiente excepto
Correct Answer
D. D. hubo migración masiva del este al oeste en Rusia.
The correct answer is d. there was massive migration from east to west in Russia. This option is the exception because the passage states that the railroad led to several outcomes, including the creation of national markets, increased industrial production, greater mobility in many wars, and dramatically reduced transportation costs. However, it does not mention anything about migration from east to west in Russia.
1. Los sectores líderes de una revolución industrial se caracterizan por todas las siguientes excepto
Correct Answer
A. A. inflación en sus precios
The correct answer is a. inflation in their prices. The sectors leaders of an industrial revolution are characterized by rapid growth in production, rapid technological innovation while solving problems, and many defects in their products at the beginning. However, inflation in their prices is not a characteristic of these sectors.
1. Se abolió la esclavitud en casi todo el mundo durante el siglo
Correct Answer
The correct answer is c. XIX. The statement mentions that slavery was abolished in almost all parts of the world during the century mentioned. The options given are different centuries, and the correct one is the 19th century, which is the century represented by the Roman numeral XIX.
1. Hubo una inflación en Europa durante el siglo XVI debido a
Correct Answer
B. B. la llegada de oro desde las Américas.
During the 16th century, there was inflation in Europe due to the arrival of gold from the Americas. This is because the influx of gold increased the money supply in Europe, leading to a decrease in the value of money. As a result, prices of goods and services increased, causing inflation. The discovery and exploitation of gold mines in the Americas, particularly in areas like Mexico and Peru, resulted in a significant increase in the amount of gold entering Europe through trade routes. This influx of gold disrupted the European economy and contributed to inflation during the 16th century.
1. Según Temin, la opinión más acertada con respecto a la Revolución Industrial en Gran Bretaña es
Correct Answer
D. D. que afectó a la economía británica en general.
According to Temin, the most accurate opinion regarding the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain is that it affected the British economy as a whole. This suggests that the effects of the Industrial Revolution were not limited to specific sectors or aspects of the economy, but had a widespread impact on all aspects of the British economy.
1. Los populistas de Estados Unidos querían (entre otras cosas)
Correct Answer
B. B. volver al bimetalismo
The correct answer is b. volver al bimetalismo. The question asks what the populists in the United States wanted to do among other things. The populists were a political movement in the late 19th century that represented farmers and laborers who were struggling economically. One of their main goals was to return to the bimetallic standard, which would allow both gold and silver to be used as currency. This would increase the money supply and help combat deflation, which was causing economic hardships for many Americans at the time.
1. Las tarjetas de crédito tienen todos los siguientes efectos excepto
Correct Answer
A. A. vuelven obsoletas las monedas metálicas
Las tarjetas de crédito no vuelven obsoletas las monedas metálicas. Aunque su uso puede reducir la necesidad de llevar efectivo en monedas, las monedas metálicas siguen siendo utilizadas en muchas transacciones diarias. Las tarjetas de crédito tienen otros efectos, como cambiar la mentalidad acerca de la deuda al facilitar el gasto sin efectivo, relajar la restricción presupuestal de corto plazo al permitir compras a crédito y permitir economías de escala en la emisión de crédito al consolidar múltiples transacciones en una sola factura.
1. ¿Quiénes de los siguientes apoyaban el bimetalismo en Estados Unidos a finales del siglo XIX?
Correct Answer
D. D. Todos los anteriores.
The correct answer is d. Todos los anteriores. This means that all of the above options (a, b, and c) supported bimetallism in the United States at the end of the 19th century. Option a states that those who wanted to promote deflation supported bimetallism. Option b states that residents of gold-producing states supported bimetallism. Option c states that those who, by conviction, supported bimetallism did not want inflation but also did not want deflation. Therefore, the correct answer is that all of these groups supported bimetallism.
1. La Revolución Industrial de finales del siglo XIX se caracteriza por todas las siguientes excepto
Correct Answer
A. A. bajas barreras a la entrada
The correct answer is a. bajas barreras a la entrada. The question asks for a characteristic of the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th century that is not true. The other options, b, c, and d, are all characteristics of the Industrial Revolution, such as the use of assembly lines, interchangeable parts, and economies of scale. However, low barriers to entry were not a characteristic of this time period. This means that it was not easy for new businesses to enter the market during the Industrial Revolution, indicating high barriers to entry.
1. El HDI mide
Correct Answer
A. A. el desarrollo de un país.
The correct answer is a. el desarrollo de un país. The HDI, or Human Development Index, is a measure of the overall development of a country. It takes into account factors such as life expectancy, education, and income to determine a country's level of development. This index provides a more comprehensive understanding of a country's progress and well-being beyond just economic growth or democracy.
1. En los últimos dos siglos, las expectativas de vida han
Correct Answer
A. A. aumentado gracias a avances en medicina
Over the past two centuries, life expectancy has increased due to advancements in medicine. These advancements have led to improved healthcare, better treatments for diseases, and increased access to healthcare services. As a result, people are living longer and healthier lives.
1. EUA abandonó el respaldo del dólar en oro, establecido en Bretton Woods, en
Correct Answer
C. C. 1973.
In 1973, the EUA abandoned the backing of the dollar in gold, which had been established in Bretton Woods. This decision marked a significant shift in the international monetary system and allowed for more flexibility in exchange rates.
1. ¿Cuándo adoptó Gran Bretaña el patrón oro en vez del bimetalismo?
Correct Answer
C. C. 1821
Gran Bretaña adoptó el patrón oro en 1821 en lugar del bimetalismo. El patrón oro establece que el valor de la moneda está respaldado por una cantidad fija de oro. Esto significa que cualquier persona puede cambiar su moneda por una cantidad específica de oro. Esta decisión de Gran Bretaña fue influenciada por la estabilidad y confianza que el patrón oro proporcionaba en el sistema monetario. El bimetalismo, por otro lado, permitía que tanto el oro como la plata fueran utilizados como respaldo de la moneda, lo que podía generar fluctuaciones en el valor de la moneda.
1. Durante las Guerras Napoleónicas, ¿cuál país mantuvo la convertibilidad de su dinero?
Correct Answer
C. C. Francia
During the Napoleonic Wars, France maintained the convertibility of its currency.