Agar kehidupan di masyarakat harus berjalan dengan baik dan tertib, maka di masyarakat harus ada sebuah ....
Correct Answer
C. Aturan
To ensure that society functions properly and orderly, it is necessary to have rules in place. Rules provide a framework for behavior and help maintain order and harmony in a community. Without rules, there would be chaos and confusion, making it difficult for people to coexist and work together effectively. Therefore, having rules is essential for the smooth functioning of society.
Aturan yang paling awal kita temui adalah di lingkungan ....
Correct Answer
C. Keluarga
The earliest rule we encounter is within the family. This suggests that the family is the first social unit that an individual is exposed to, and within this unit, rules and norms are established to guide behavior and interactions. The family plays a fundamental role in shaping an individual's values, beliefs, and behaviors, and sets the foundation for their socialization process.
Norma dalam keluarga harus ditaati oleh .....
Correct Answer
D. Semua anggota keluarga
Norma dalam keluarga harus ditaati oleh semua anggota keluarga karena norma adalah aturan atau tata tertib yang berlaku dalam keluarga untuk menjaga keharmonisan dan keberlangsungan hubungan antar anggota keluarga. Ketika semua anggota keluarga mematuhi norma, maka akan tercipta suasana yang harmonis dan saling menghormati antar anggota keluarga.
Peraturan yang ada di papapn pengumuman termasuk jenis aturan yang ....
Correct Answer
C. Tertulis
The correct answer is "Tertulis" because the question asks about the type of rule that exists in the announcement. "Tertulis" means written, implying that the rules mentioned in the announcement are explicitly stated in written form. This suggests that the rules are clear and specific, providing clarity and guidance to the readers.
Jika tidak ada aturan maka kehidupan di masyarakat bisa menjadi ....
Correct Answer
C. Kacau
Without any rules, life in society can become chaotic.
Aturan di masyarakat dibuat untuk mengatur agar kehidupan warga masyarakat dapat berjalan dengan ....
Correct Answer
A. Tertib
The correct answer is "Tertib". Aturan di masyarakat dibuat untuk mengatur agar kehidupan warga masyarakat dapat berjalan dengan tertib. Tertib refers to orderliness or discipline. By having rules and regulations, it helps maintain a structured and organized society where people can coexist peacefully and harmoniously.
Akibat melanggar peraturan di sekolah maka kita bisa diberi hukuman oleh ....
Correct Answer
C. Guru kelas
If we break the sentence down, it states that if we violate school rules, we can be punished by someone. The most logical option for this someone would be the teacher, as they are responsible for maintaining discipline and enforcing rules in the classroom. Therefore, the correct answer is "Guru kelas" (Class teacher).
Aturan di setiap tempat ..... dengan yang lain.
Correct Answer
B. Berbeda
The correct answer is "Berbeda" because the sentence structure suggests that there is a rule or regulation in every place, and it contrasts or differs from one another. The word "berbeda" means "different" in English, which fits the context of the sentence.
Berikut ini adalah contoh aturan dalam lingkungan sekolah adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Setiap siswa tidak boleh bertengjar dengan temannya
The correct answer is "Setiap siswa tidak boleh bertengkar dengan temannya." This means that every student is not allowed to fight with their friends. This rule promotes a peaceful and harmonious environment within the school.
Bertengkar di sekolah adalah termasuk perbuatan yang ....
Correct Answer
B. Tercela
Bertengkar di sekolah adalah termasuk perbuatan yang tercela karena bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai moral dan etika yang seharusnya dijunjung tinggi di lingkungan sekolah. Bertengkar di sekolah dapat mengganggu ketertiban, menciptakan suasana yang tidak kondusif untuk belajar, dan dapat menyebabkan konflik antara siswa. Oleh karena itu, bertengkar di sekolah sebaiknya dihindari dan siswa harus belajar untuk menyelesaikan konflik dengan cara yang lebih baik dan damai.
Tata tertib itu sekolah dibuat oleh ....
Correct Answer
C. Guru dan Kepala sekolah
The correct answer is Guru dan Kepala sekolah. In schools, the code of conduct or rules and regulations are usually established by the teachers and the school principal. They are responsible for maintaining discipline and order within the school premises. Students and parents are expected to follow these rules in order to create a conducive learning environment.
Tata tertib di kelas biasanya dibuat oleh ....
Correct Answer
A. Wali kelas
The correct answer is "Wali kelas." In a classroom, the wali kelas, or class teacher, is responsible for maintaining discipline and creating rules and regulations for the students. They are the ones who interact with the students on a daily basis and are in the best position to enforce the code of conduct. The wali kelas plays a crucial role in creating a conducive learning environment and ensuring that students follow the classroom rules.
Siswa yang mau mematuhi peraturan di sekolah maka ia termasuk siswa yang mencerminkan sikap ....
Correct Answer
B. Tanggung Jawab
Siswa yang mau mematuhi peraturan di sekolah menunjukkan sikap tanggung jawab. Sikap tanggung jawab mencerminkan seseorang yang sadar akan tugas dan kewajibannya serta bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya. Dalam konteks ini, siswa yang mau mematuhi peraturan di sekolah menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki kesadaran untuk menjalankan tugas dan kewajiban mereka sebagai siswa dengan baik, termasuk mematuhi peraturan yang ada di sekolah.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk peraturan di lingkungan keluarga adalah .....
Correct Answer
D. Tidak boleh pulang sebelum bel berbunyi
The given options are all rules or regulations that should be followed in a family environment. However, the statement "Tidak boleh pulang sebelum bel berbunyi" does not fit into this category as it is not a rule commonly found in a family setting. It is more likely to be a rule in a school or workplace environment where there is a scheduled bell system.
Andi pulang sekolah sebelum bel pulang dibunyikan, andi termasuk siswa yang ....
Correct Answer
C. Melanggar peraturan sekolah
The correct answer is "Melanggar peraturan sekolah" because the statement "Andi pulang sekolah sebelum bel pulang dibunyikan" indicates that Andi goes home before the school bell rings, which is against the school rules.
Peraturan di jalan raya dikenal dengan peraturan ....
Correct Answer
B. Lalu-lintas
The correct answer is "Lalu-lintas." The question asks for the term used to refer to the regulations on the road. "Lalu-lintas" is the Indonesian term for "traffic," which encompasses the rules and regulations that govern the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the road.
Tidak mematuhi peraturan di jalan bisa membahayakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Diri sendiri dan orang lain
Not adhering to road regulations can endanger both oneself and others. This means that if someone does not follow the rules of the road, they not only put themselves at risk but also pose a danger to others around them, including pedestrians. It is important to obey traffic laws and regulations to ensure the safety of all individuals on the road.
Setiap murid harus mengikuti upacara hari senin dengan tertib dan rapi. Peraturan tersebut salah satu bentuk aturan di lingkungan ....
Correct Answer
D. Sekolah
The correct answer is "Sekolah" because the question asks for the environment where the rule of attending Monday ceremonies in an orderly and neat manner applies. The phrase "Setiap murid harus mengikuti upacara hari senin dengan tertib dan rapi" indicates that this rule is specific to students, and since the question is asking for the environment, the most appropriate answer is "Sekolah" (School).
Kegiatan bersih-bersih lingkungan di masyarakat biasanya dilakukan dengan cara ...
Correct Answer
D. Bergotong-royong
The correct answer is "Bergotong-royong". This is because "bergotong-royong" refers to the act of working together as a community to clean the environment. It emphasizes the importance of collective effort and cooperation in maintaining a clean and healthy environment. It is a common practice in many societies to organize community clean-up activities where everyone participates and contributes to the cleaning process.
Sebelum menuntut hak yang kita miliki, maka sebelumnya kita harus melaksanakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Kewajiban
Sebelum menuntut hak yang kita miliki, kita harus melaksanakan kewajiban. Ini berarti bahwa sebelum kita meminta atau mengharapkan sesuatu dari orang lain, kita harus terlebih dahulu memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban kita. Menjalankan kewajiban adalah langkah pertama yang harus diambil sebelum mengharapkan hak-hak kita diakui atau dipenuhi.
Saat kita melanggar peraturan di sekolah, maka kita bisa merugikan ....
Correct Answer
D. Semua orang di sekeliling kita
When we break the rules at school, it can harm everyone around us. This is because our actions can have consequences that affect not only ourselves but also our friends, classmates, teachers, and other people in our surroundings.
Berikut ini adalah perbuatan-perbuatan yang dilarang di sekolah, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
C. Membawa banyak buku
The given actions are all prohibited in school except for "Membawa banyak buku" which means "Bringing many books". This suggests that bringing many books is allowed or not prohibited in school.
Jika kita mendapat jatah piket kelas, maka kita harus datang ....
Correct Answer
C. Lebih pagi
Jika kita mendapat jatah piket kelas, kita harus datang lebih pagi. This means that if we are assigned to do class duty, we have to come early.
Mematuhi peraturan yang ada sebaiknya dilakukan di ....
Correct Answer
B. Semua tempat
Adherence to rules is ideally practiced in all places, not just in specific locations such as school, family, or community. Following rules is important in maintaining order, discipline, and harmony in any setting, whether it be at school, home, or in public spaces. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to rules in all places.
Tamu yang bermalam wajib lapor ke ketua RT, hal itu adalah contoh peraturan di lingkungan ....
Correct Answer
D. Masyarakat
The given statement suggests that staying guests must report to the head of the neighborhood association (ketua RT). This indicates that the rule applies to the community as a whole, making "Masyarakat" (community) the correct answer.