Saya membeli: nasi, sayur, lauk, di warung tegal.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is "Saya membeli: nasi, sayur, lauk, di warung tegal." The correct answer is False. This is because the sentence is grammatically incorrect. The correct sentence should be "Saya membeli nasi, sayur, dan lauk di warung tegal." The word "dan" (and) should be used to connect the items in the list.
Saya butuh alat-alat dapur: piring, sendok, panci, dan penggorengan.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement "Saya butuh alat-alat dapur: piring, sendok, panci, dan penggorengan" translates to "I need kitchen utensils: plates, spoons, pots, and frying pans." Since the statement is true and accurately describes the need for kitchen utensils, the correct answer is True.
Tina membeli: bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, dan tomat.
Correct Answer
B. False
Tolong Ibu belikan peralatan mandi: sabun, shampo, sikat gigi, dan pasta gigi.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is requesting the mother to buy bathroom equipment such as soap, shampoo, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Since the statement is clear and straightforward, it can be concluded that the answer "True" is correct, indicating that the mother should indeed buy these items.
Adik minta dibelikan alat tulis: pensil, buku, penggaris, dan busur.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true because it states that Adik is asking to be bought writing tools such as pencils, books, rulers, and compasses.
Sekarang musim: rambutan, durian, mangga,dan jeruk.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "Sekarang musim: rambutan, durian, mangga, dan jeruk" implies that it is currently the season for rambutan, durian, mango, and orange. However, without any additional context or information, it is impossible to determine whether this statement is true or false. Therefore, the answer "False" suggests that the statement is not a correct or accurate representation of the current season.
Aku menyayangi anggota keluargaku: ayah, ibu, kakek, nenek, dan adik.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement in the given answer is true because it states that "I love my family members: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and sibling." This indicates that the person has affection and care for all the mentioned family members, which is a positive and loving sentiment.
Ketua: Ahmad Hasan
Sekretaris: Siti Zulaiha
Correct Answer
A. True
The given information states that Ahmad Hasan is the Ketua (Chairperson) and Siti Zulaiha is the Sekretaris (Secretary). Since this information is presented as a statement, it can be inferred that the statement is true.
Ibu: Tolong ibu dibelikan bumbu dapur!
Ani: Baik, Bu.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given answer "True" is correct because Ani agreed to help Ibu by saying "Baik, Bu" which means "Okay, Mom" in English. This shows that Ani is willing to buy the kitchen spices for Ibu, fulfilling her request.
Surah Al Fatihah, 29
Correct Answer
B. False