matahari terlihat pada ...
Correct Answer
A. Siang hari
The correct answer is "siang hari" because the sun is visible during the daytime. "Matahari" is the Indonesian word for "sun," and "siang hari" translates to "daytime" or "during the day." Therefore, it can be inferred that the sun is visible during the daytime, which is the correct answer.
Benda yang terlihat berkelap-kelip di malam hari adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Bintang
The correct answer is bintang. Bintang is the Indonesian word for "star." Stars are visible at night and appear to twinkle or flicker due to the Earth's atmosphere causing the light to scatter. The moon and the sun are also visible in the sky, but they do not twinkle like stars do. Therefore, the benda yang terlihat berkelap-kelip di malam hari or "object that twinkles at night" is a star.
langit di siang hari terlihat berwarna ....
Correct Answer
C. Biru
The correct answer is "biru" because during the daytime, the sky appears blue. This is due to the scattering of sunlight by the Earth's atmosphere. The shorter blue wavelengths of light are scattered more than the longer wavelengths, making the sky appear blue to our eyes.
Awan terlihat berwarna ...
Correct Answer
B. Putih
The given answer is "putih" because the question states that "awan terlihat berwarna" which translates to "the clouds appear to be" and "putih" means "white" in Indonesian. Therefore, the correct answer is "putih" as it matches the description given in the question.
benda langit yang jumlahnya banyak terlihat pada malam hari adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Bintang
The correct answer is bintang. Bintang refers to stars, which are celestial objects that are visible in the night sky. Stars are numerous and can be seen from Earth during the nighttime. They appear as tiny dots of light and are scattered across the sky, creating a beautiful and awe-inspiring view. Planets, on the other hand, are relatively few in number and are not as easily visible as stars. The moon, although visible at night, is just one celestial body and not numerous like stars.
bulan yang terlihat bundar bersinar dinamakan bulan ...
Correct Answer
B. Purnama
The correct answer is "purnama" because the word "purnama" refers to the full moon, which is round and shines brightly. Therefore, it is the most suitable term to describe a round and shining moon.
Benda langit yang tidak terlihat pada malam hari adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Matahari
The correct answer is matahari because matahari tidak terlihat pada malam hari (the sun is not visible at night).
kita tidak bisa melihat bulan saat cuaca ...
Correct Answer
B. Mendung
The correct answer is mendung because when the weather is cloudy or overcast, the moon is not visible.
Sinar matahari di pagi hari terasa ...
Correct Answer
C. Hangat
The correct answer is "hangat" because it is mentioned in the question that the sun in the morning feels a certain way. Since the sun gives off heat, it can be inferred that the feeling associated with the sun in the morning is warm.
Matahari terbit dari sebelah ...
Correct Answer
B. Timur
The correct answer is "timur" because the question is asking about the direction from which the sun rises. In Indonesian, "matahari terbit" means "sunrise" and "timur" means "east". Therefore, the correct answer is "timur" as the sun rises from the east.
jika banyak mendung biasanya akan terjadi ...
Correct Answer
A. Hujan
The correct answer is "hujan" because when there are many clouds, it usually indicates that rain is likely to occur. Clouds are formed when water vapor in the air condenses into visible water droplets or ice crystals. These droplets and crystals then come together to form clouds, and when they become heavy enough, they fall as precipitation, which is often in the form of rain. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that if there are many clouds, it is likely to rain.
Pada siang hari terlihat terang karena disinari oleh ...
Correct Answer
B. Matahari
During the daytime, the sun shines brightly, illuminating the surroundings and making it appear bright. The moon does not emit light, so it cannot be the source of the brightness. Clouds can sometimes block the sunlight, causing a decrease in brightness. Therefore, the correct answer is the sun, as it is the primary source of light during the day.
Pada musim kemarau biasanya sawah menjadi ...
Correct Answer
B. Kering
During the dry season, the fields usually become dry.
Matahari tidak terlihat pada ...
Correct Answer
C. Malam hari
The correct answer is "malam hari" because during the night, the sun is not visible as it is on the other side of the Earth. This is when the Earth is facing away from the sun, causing darkness and making the sun not visible in the sky.
Air hujan bisa membuat sawah menjadi ...
Correct Answer
A. Subur
Air hujan bisa membuat sawah menjadi subur karena air hujan mengandung nutrisi yang diperlukan oleh tanaman untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Ketika air hujan meresap ke dalam tanah, nutrisi tersebut diserap oleh akar tanaman dan digunakan untuk proses fotosintesis dan pertumbuhan. Selain itu, air hujan juga membantu menjaga kelembaban tanah yang penting bagi pertumbuhan tanaman. Dengan demikian, air hujan memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dan produktivitas pertanian.
Pada musim hujan udara terasa ...
Correct Answer
A. Dingin
During the rainy season, the air tends to feel cold.
Saat terjadi hujan biasanya keluar menggunakan ...
Correct Answer
C. Payung
During rain, it is common to use an umbrella (payung) to protect oneself from getting wet.
Pada malam hari langit terlihat ...
Correct Answer
B. Gelap
The given statement "pada malam hari langit terlihat gelap" translates to "at night, the sky appears dark". This suggests that during the nighttime, the sky is not illuminated by sunlight, resulting in a dark appearance. Therefore, the correct answer is "gelap" which means "dark" in English.
Petani kesulitan mendapatkan air ketika musim ...
Correct Answer
B. Kemarau
The question states that the farmers are having difficulty getting water during a certain season. The correct answer is "kemarau" which translates to "dry season" in English. This implies that during the dry season, there is a scarcity of water, making it difficult for the farmers to obtain it.
Saat musim hujan banyak orang yang suka memakai ...
Correct Answer
B. Jaket
During the rainy season, many people prefer to wear jackets as they provide protection from the rain and keep them warm. Jackets are thicker and more waterproof compared to thin clothes, making them a suitable choice for rainy weather. Wearing a jacket helps to prevent getting wet and feeling cold, ensuring comfort and dryness during the rainy season.
Sumur dan sungai bisa mengering saat musim ...
Correct Answer
C. Kemarau
Both sumur (well) and sungai (river) can dry up during the dry season or kemarau. This is because during the dry season, there is little to no rainfall, resulting in a decrease in water levels in both wells and rivers. As a result, the water sources can dry up, causing inconvenience for people who rely on them for daily activities such as drinking, irrigation, or washing.
Cuaca yang panas bisa dimanafaatkan untuk ...
Correct Answer
B. Menjemur padi
In hot weather, the sun's heat can be utilized to dry or "menjemur" padi (rice) effectively. This process is important in rice cultivation as it helps remove moisture from the harvested rice grains, making them suitable for storage and consumption.
Menjemur pakaian sebaiknya saat cuaca ...
Correct Answer
C. Cerah
It is best to dry clothes when the weather is sunny because the sunlight helps to kill bacteria and remove any odors from the clothes. Additionally, the heat from the sun helps to speed up the drying process, allowing the clothes to dry faster. Drying clothes in sunny weather also helps to prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can occur in damp or humid conditions. Therefore, drying clothes when the weather is sunny is the most ideal option.
Pada musim hujan lingkungan menjadi ...
Correct Answer
A. Basah
During the rainy season, the environment becomes wet and damp due to the precipitation. This is because the rainwater saturates the soil, causing it to become moist and creating puddles of water. The moisture in the air also increases, leading to a humid environment. Therefore, the correct answer is "basah" which means wet in English.
Pakaian yang tipis cocok dipakai saat musim ...
Correct Answer
A. Kemarau
Pakaian yang tipis cocok dipakai saat musim kemarau karena pada musim kemarau cuaca cenderung panas dan kering. Pakaian tipis akan memberikan kenyamanan dan membantu tubuh tetap sejuk.