Satuan Resistor adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Ohm
The correct answer is "ohm". Satuan Resistor refers to the unit of measurement for resistance, which is ohm.
Satuan kapasitor adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Farad
The correct answer is farad. A capacitor is a device used to store electrical energy in an electric field. The unit of capacitance, which measures the amount of electric charge a capacitor can store per unit voltage, is called farad. Ohm is the unit of electrical resistance, ampere is the unit of electric current, and coulomb is the unit of electric charge. However, none of these units directly measure the capacitance of a capacitor.
Resistor 2,2 Kilo Ohm identik dengan ....
Correct Answer
B. 2200 Ohm
The correct answer is 2200 Ohm. This is because the prefix "kilo" in "2.2 Kilo Ohm" represents a multiplication factor of 1000. Therefore, 2.2 Kilo Ohm is equal to 2200 Ohm.
Kapasitor yang bertuliskan 22n nilainya ....
Correct Answer
A. 22000 pF
The correct answer is 22000 pF because the question states that the capacitor is labeled as 22n, which stands for 22 nanofarads. In order to convert nanofarads to picofarads, we multiply by 1000. Therefore, 22nF is equal to 22000 pF.
Nilai resistor 2700 Ω + 1 % ; mempunyai warna-warna gelang ….
Correct Answer
A. Merah; ungu; hitam; coklat; coklat
The given answer "merah; ungu; hitam; coklat; coklat" corresponds to the color code for a resistor with a resistance value of 2700 Ω and a tolerance of 1%. The first two bands, red and purple, represent the first and second significant digits of the resistance value, which are 2 and 7 respectively. The third band, black, represents the multiplier, which is 10^0 or 1. The fourth and fifth bands, brown and brown, represent the tolerance, which is 1%. Therefore, the given answer correctly represents the color code for a resistor with a resistance value of 2700 Ω and a tolerance of 1%.
Elco merupakan salah satu jenis dari ….
Correct Answer
B. Kapasitor
Elco merupakan singkatan dari electrolytic capacitor atau kapasitor elektrolitik. Kapasitor ini berbeda dengan kapasitor biasa karena memiliki lapisan elektrolitik yang memungkinkan kapasitor ini memiliki kapasitansi yang lebih besar. Kapasitor elektrolitik biasanya digunakan dalam rangkaian elektronik untuk menyimpan muatan listrik atau sebagai sumber daya listrik tambahan. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah kapasitor.
Resistor yang mempunyai gelang-gelang : Oranye, Putih, Merah, Emas nilainya ….
Correct Answer
B. 3900 Ω + 5%
The given question is asking for the value of a resistor with the color bands Orange, White, Red, and Gold. The answer 3900 Ω + 5% is correct because the color code for Orange is 3, White is 9, Red is 2, and Gold represents a tolerance of 5%. Therefore, the resistor value is 3900 ohms with a tolerance of 5%.
Kapasitor tertulis 2A393J100 mempunyai nilai ….
Correct Answer
C. 39 nF
The correct answer is 39 nF. This is because the value "2A393J100" indicates that the capacitor has a capacitance of 39 nanofarads (nF). The "2A" represents the tolerance of the capacitor, the "393" represents the capacitance value, and the "100" represents the voltage rating.
Resistor SMD dengan 4 kode angka mempunyai nilai toleransi sebesar ….
Correct Answer
A. 1 %
Resistor SMD dengan 4 kode angka memiliki nilai toleransi sebesar 1%. This means that the actual resistance value of the resistor can deviate by a maximum of 1% from the stated or nominal resistance value.
Kapasitor yang memiliki polaritas (kutup positif dan negatif), yaitu ….
Correct Answer
C. Tantalum dan elco
The correct answer is tantalum dan elco. Tantalum capacitors and electrolytic capacitors both have polarity, meaning they have a positive and negative terminal. Elco is a short term for electrolytic capacitor, which is a type of capacitor that uses an electrolyte to store energy. Tantalum capacitors, on the other hand, use tantalum metal as the electrode material. Both of these capacitors have polarities and are commonly used in electronic circuits.
Satuan Muatan listrik pada kapasitor adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Coulomb
The correct answer is Coulomb because coulomb is the unit of electric charge, and a capacitor stores electric charge. The charge stored in a capacitor is measured in coulombs, which represents the amount of electric charge that flows through the capacitor. Therefore, coulomb is the appropriate unit for measuring the electric charge in a capacitor.
Kapasitor yang nilainya dapat diubah yaitu ….
Correct Answer
D. Varco dan trimmer
The correct answer is "varco dan trimmer". This is because a varco (variable capacitor) and a trimmer (trimmer capacitor) are both types of capacitors that have adjustable values. These capacitors allow for the adjustment of capacitance, which is the ability to store electrical charge. Therefore, varco and trimmer are the correct options for capacitors with adjustable values.
Resistor yang dapat berubah nilai karena perubahan cahaya adalah ….
Correct Answer
An LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) is a type of resistor that can change its resistance value based on the amount of light it is exposed to. As the intensity of light increases, the resistance of the LDR decreases, and vice versa. This property makes LDRs useful in light sensing applications, such as automatic streetlights or camera light meters. Therefore, an LDR is the correct answer as it is the only option mentioned that can change its resistance value due to changes in light.
Berikut ini merupakan klasifikasi IC berdasar jumlah komponen yang terdapat pada chip, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
The given options are classifications of ICs based on the number of components on the chip. The correct answer is "SSI ; MSI ; LPI". This answer is correct because it includes three different classifications of ICs based on the number of components on the chip. SSI stands for Small-Scale Integration, which refers to ICs with a low number of components. MSI stands for Medium-Scale Integration, which refers to ICs with a moderate number of components. LPI, which stands for Large-Scale Integration, is the highest classification and refers to ICs with a large number of components. Therefore, this answer is the correct one as it includes three different classifications of ICs based on the number of components on the chip.
Berikut ini merupakan klasifikasi IC berdasar jumlah komponen yang terdapat pada chip. Yang mempunyai jumlah komponen paling sedikit dalam satu chip, adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is SSI. SSI stands for Small-Scale Integration, which refers to integrated circuits that contain a small number of components on a single chip. SSI chips typically have a few transistors or logic gates. In comparison, MSI (Medium-Scale Integration) chips have a higher number of components, LSI (Large-Scale Integration) chips have even more components, and VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) chips have the highest number of components on a single chip. Therefore, SSI chips have the fewest components among the given options.
IC singkatan dari ....
Correct Answer
C. Integrated Circuit
IC adalah singkatan dari Integrated Circuit, yang dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti Sirkuit Terpadu. Integrated Circuit adalah suatu rangkaian elektronik yang terdiri dari komponen-komponen seperti transistor, resistor, dan kapasitor yang terintegrasi dalam sebuah chip silikon kecil. IC digunakan dalam berbagai perangkat elektronik, seperti komputer, telepon seluler, dan peralatan elektronik lainnya.
Transistor jenis BJT terdapat 2 tipe yaitu ....
Correct Answer
A. PNP dan NPN
The correct answer is PNP dan NPN. This is because PNP and NPN are the two types of BJT transistors. PNP transistors have a layer of P-type semiconductor sandwiched between two layers of N-type semiconductor, while NPN transistors have a layer of N-type semiconductor sandwiched between two layers of P-type semiconductor. These two types of transistors are commonly used in electronic devices for amplification and switching purposes.
Dioda yang berfungsi sebagai pembatas tegangan, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Zener
A zener diode is a type of diode that is specifically designed to function as a voltage regulator or voltage limiter. It is used to maintain a constant voltage across its terminals, regardless of the current flowing through it. When the voltage across a zener diode exceeds its breakdown voltage, it allows current to flow in the reverse direction, effectively limiting the voltage to its breakdown voltage. Therefore, a zener diode is commonly used as a voltage regulator or voltage limiter in electronic circuits.
Berikut ini rumus yang digunakan untuk menghitung energi yang tersimpan pada kapasitor adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. W = 0,5 x Q x V
The correct answer is W = 0,5 x Q x V. This formula represents the calculation of energy stored in a capacitor. The variables Q and V represent the charge and voltage of the capacitor, respectively. The formula multiplies these two variables together and then divides the result by 2. This formula is derived from the equation for the energy stored in a capacitor, which is given by W = 0.5 x C x V^2, where C is the capacitance of the capacitor. By substituting Q/C for V in the equation, we get W = 0.5 x Q x V.
Trimpot merupakan variable resistor yang pengaturannya menggunakan bantuan ....
Correct Answer
D. Obeng
The correct answer is "Obeng" because trimpot is a variable resistor that requires adjustment using a screwdriver or obeng. Atractor, solder, and tangan are not relevant to the adjustment process of a trimpot.
Source, Drain dan Gate merupakan kaki-kaki transistor jenis FET. Transistor jenis BJT dengan kaki-kaki ....
Correct Answer
C. Kolektor,Basis, Emitor
The correct answer is Kolektor, Basis, Emitor. This is because the given options are the terminal names for different types of transistors. In the case of a BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor), the terminal names are Kolektor (Collector), Basis (Base), and Emitor (Emitter). Therefore, this is the correct answer.
Dioda yang berfungsi sebagai sensor, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
B. Photo diode
A photo diode is a type of diode that can be used as a sensor. It is designed to detect and convert light into an electrical signal. This makes it suitable for applications such as light sensing, optical communication, and photography. Unlike other diodes, a photo diode is specifically designed to be sensitive to light and has a larger depletion region to enhance its light-detecting capabilities. Therefore, a photo diode is the most appropriate option for a diode that functions as a sensor.
Salah satu fungsi transistor yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Sebagai penguat arus
Transistor berfungsi sebagai penguat arus karena dapat mengontrol aliran arus listrik. Ketika sinyal input diberikan pada transistor, transistor akan mengatur dan memperkuat arus tersebut sehingga menghasilkan sinyal output yang lebih besar. Hal ini sangat penting dalam berbagai aplikasi elektronik seperti amplifier audio, radio, dan televisi, di mana sinyal input yang lemah perlu diperkuat untuk menghasilkan suara atau gambar yang jelas dan kuat.
Resistor SMD tertulis angka 2703, maka nilai resistor tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 270 Kilo Ohm + 1 %
The value of the resistor is 270 Kilo Ohm + 1% because the number written on the SMD resistor is 2703. The first two digits (27) represent the significant figures of the resistor value, which is 27. The third digit (0) represents the multiplier, which is 0. The fourth digit (3) represents the tolerance, which is 1%. Therefore, the value of the resistor is 27 * 10^0 = 27 Ohm, and with the multiplier of 10^3 (Kilo), it becomes 270 Kilo Ohm. The tolerance of 1% indicates that the actual value of the resistor can deviate by 1% from the stated value.
Pada rangkaian adaptor, trafo berfungsi untuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Menurunkan tegangan
The transformer in an adapter is used to lower the voltage.