1. Surat teh mangrupakeun alat ........
Correct Answer
C. Komunikasi
The given correct answer for this question is "Komunikasi." The question is asking for a word that completes the sentence "Surat teh mangrupakeun alat _______." In Indonesian, "Surat" means "letter" and "mangrupakeun" means "is." Therefore, the sentence can be translated as "A letter is a tool for _______." The word "Komunikasi" means "communication" in Indonesian, so it is the most suitable word to complete the sentence.
2. Salah sahiji kagunaan surat te'h nyaeta pikeun nepikeun warta atawa ..........
Correct Answer
E. Impormasi
The correct answer is "Impormasi". The question is asking for the purpose of a letter, and "Impormasi" means information. Therefore, the correct answer is "Impormasi" as the purpose of the letter is to convey information.
3. Bagian anu nuduhkeun tanda tangan jeung ngaran pejabat nu ngirim surat,sarta Cap ( Stempel ) Instansi/Lembaga
ngarana .........
Correct Answer
D. Identitas Penulis surat
The given correct answer, "Identitas Penulis surat," is the most appropriate choice because it aligns with the context provided in the question. The question mentions the accusation of a signature and the name of the official who sent the letter, along with the mention of a stamp or seal of the institution/agency. In this context, "Identitas Penulis surat" refers to the identification of the letter's author, which would include their signature and name. This explanation fits the given information and is the most logical choice among the options provided.
4. Perkara nu teu kaasup fungsi surat nyaeta ..............
Correct Answer
C. Minangka media hiburan
The correct answer is "Minangka media hiburan" because it means "as a form of entertainment" in English. This suggests that the purpose of the letter is to provide entertainment rather than serving any other function such as being a tool for communication, a historical artifact, a representative of the writer, or a written document.
5. Bagian anu nuduhkeun tanggal dijieunna surat ngarana ............
Correct Answer
B. Titimangsa
The given answer "Titimangsa" is the correct answer because it is the term that refers to the date on which the letter is written. In a formal letter, it is important to mention the date of writing for reference and record-keeping purposes.
6. " Buru-buru atuh ari dangdan te'h bisi ( beurang ) ka sakola "!.Cik Rarangken naon anu saluyu pikeun nyampurnakeun
kecap anu aya dina kurung nyaeta ....
Correct Answer
D. Ka-an
The correct answer is "ka-an". This is because the sentence structure requires the word "ka" to connect the verb "nyampurnakeun" (to complete) with the noun "kecap" (word) in order to form the phrase "nyampurnakeun kecap" (to complete the word). The suffix "-an" is then added to "ka" to indicate that it is a preposition. Therefore, the correct phrase is "ka-an".
7. Lamun hayang pinter,urang kudu daek ( apal ).Rarangken anu pas pikeun nyampurnakeun kecap anu aya dina kurung
nyaeta ..........
Correct Answer
B. Ng,eun
The correct answer is "ng,eun". In Sundanese language, "ng,eun" is used to complete a sentence or a statement. In this context, it is used to complete the sentence "Lamun hayang pinter, urang kudu daek (apal)" which means "If you want to be smart, you have to study (hard)". The word "ng,eun" is used to emphasize the importance of studying in order to become smart.
8. Pa Joko Nitah ( Ome ) motor ka kang Agung.Rarangken anu pas pikeun nyampurnakeun kecap anu aya dina kurung
nyaeta ............
Correct Answer
E. Ng,an
The correct answer is "ng,an". The given sentence is in Indonesian language and it is asking for the missing letters to complete the word inside the parentheses. By adding "ng" and "an" to the word "Rarangken", it becomes "Rarangkan", which means "to arrange" or "to organize" in English.
9. " Mun katingali buruan bala,kudu buru-buru ( sapu ),nya " ?.Rarangken anu pas pikeun nyampurnakeun Kecap anu
aya dina kurung nyaeta .........
Correct Answer
C. Sa
10. " Ulah ( Panas ) bae atuh,bisi geuring!".Rarangken anu pas pikeun nyampurnakeun kecap anu aya dina kurung
nyaeta .........
Correct Answer
C. Pa-an
The correct answer is "pa-an". The given sentence is in Sundanese language and it means "It's really hot, it's so hot!". The word "pa-an" is used to emphasize the intensity of the heat.