Tanah _________ di belakang pondok Pak Mail amat sesuai untuk ditanam sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan.
Correct Answer
D. Gambut (腐殖土)松的
The correct answer is "gambut (腐殖土)松的". This answer is the most suitable because it describes the land behind Pak Mail's hut as being suitable for planting vegetables and fruits. The word "gambut" means peat, which refers to a type of soil rich in organic matter. The word "松的" means loose, indicating that the soil is loose and easy to work with. Therefore, this type of soil would be ideal for growing plants.
Kakak memetik beberapa ______ bunga mawar untuk diberikan kepada ibunya.
Correct Answer
C. Kuntum 朵
The word "kuntum" in Indonesian means "bud" or "flower bud". In this sentence, it is mentioned that the sister is picking some flower buds, specifically rose buds, to give to her mother. Therefore, "kuntum" is the correct answer as it accurately describes the type of flowers that the sister is picking.
Mahani mencapai ______ kertas lalu menulis sedikit nota ringkas. 笔记
Correct Answer
C. Sehelai 张,条,片,件
Mahani mencapai sehelai kertas lalu menulis sedikit nota ringkas. "Sehelai" is the correct answer because it means "a sheet" or "a piece" in Malay. This is evident from the context of the sentence where Mahani reaches for a piece of paper to write a short note.
Hampir _____________ ternakan 家畜 penduduk kampung mati akibat bencana banjir 水灾.
Correct Answer
C. Kesemua 全部
The correct answer is "kesemua 全部". This is because the sentence states that almost all of the livestock in the village died due to a flood disaster. "Kesemua 全部" means "all" or "entire", which accurately describes the situation where all of the livestock perished. The other options, "segelintir 一小撮(人等)", "beberapa 几个", and "sesetengah 一部分,几个(人)", imply a smaller or partial amount, which does not align with the given information.
Sultan Mansor Shah hilang 失去 selera makan 胃口 sejak seminggu yang lalu. Keadaan baginda semakin lemah. Apakah yang akan berlaku kepada baginda jika keadaan ini berterusan?
Correct Answer
C. Gering (王族)生病
If Sultan Mansor Shah continues to lose his appetite and weaken, he will become ill (gering). This is because the given sentence states that he has lost his appetite for a week and his condition is getting weaker. Therefore, it can be inferred that his prolonged condition will lead to illness.
Setiap kali Suhana datang ke rumah saya, dia mesti _____________ kerana kami sedang makan.
Correct Answer
A. Langkah kanan 幸运
Every time Suhana comes to my house, she must take a step to the right because we are eating. This suggests that taking a step to the right is associated with good luck or fortune in this context.
Baju yang dibeli oleh ibu di Bukit Alma itu sangat labuh 过长. Pilih perkataan antonim bagi labuh.
Correct Answer
C. Singkat 短,肤浅
The given sentence states that the clothes bought by the mother at Bukit Alma are very long. The word "labuh" means long or lengthy. The antonym of "labuh" would be a word that means short or brief. Among the given options, the word "singkat" fits this description as it means short or shallow.
Jurulatih itu berasa gusar 生气 apabila melihat anak buahnya bermain sambil lewa 随便 setelah pihak lawan menjaringkan gol 射球入网. Pilih perkataan sinonim bagi gusar.
Correct Answer
D. Berang 气氛
The correct answer is "berang". The word "berang" is a synonym for "gusar", which means angry or furious. In the given context, the coach feels angry when he sees his players playing casually after the opposing team scores a goal.
Pilih ayat yang sama maksud. Jurulatih yang telah membantu beliau ialah Encik Shahrul.
Correct Answer
B. Encik Shahrul ialah jurulatih yang telah membantu beliau.
The correct answer is "Encik Shahrul ialah jurulatih yang telah membantu beliau." This sentence has the same meaning as the original sentence, stating that Encik Shahrul is the coach who has helped him.
Pilih ayat yang betul.
Correct Answer
C. Jemputlah masuk ke rumah saya.
The correct answer is "Jemputlah masuk ke rumah saya." This sentence is grammatically correct and means "Please come into my house." The other sentences have grammatical errors or do not make sense in the given context.