La Alarma de Limitacion De corriente del Rectificador XR 100-50 se Activara a un valor de?
Correct Answer
C. 110 A
The correct answer is 110 A. The question is asking at what value the current limitation alarm of the XR 100-50 rectifier will be activated. This means that when the current reaches 110 A, the alarm will be triggered.
Cuando el voltaje de la planta aumenta y rebasa un valor preestablecido por POT2 se activa el relevador RAAV enviando
Correct Answer
B. Tanto alarmas remotas y locales
When the voltage of the plant increases and exceeds a predetermined value by POT2, the RAAV relay is activated, sending both local and remote alarms.
Potenciometro que permita ajustar el voltaje de flotacion del Rectificador XR 100-50
Correct Answer
A. POT 4
POT 4 is the correct answer because it is the potentiometer that allows adjusting the float voltage of the XR 100-50 rectifier. The other options (POT 1, POT 2, and POT 3) are not mentioned in the given information and therefore cannot be considered as the correct answer.
De cuantas posiciones es el selector de alarmas que se localiza en el tablero de alarmas
Correct Answer
B. 3
The correct answer is 3 because the question is asking how many positions the alarm selector located on the alarm board has. This implies that there are multiple options or settings for the alarm, and the selector can be adjusted to one of three positions.
Potenciometro que permite ajustar el voltaje de salida, en la tarjeta de control de la seccion rectificadora del convertidor CVR 100x
Correct Answer
A. POT 3
POT 3 is the correct answer because it is the potentiometer that allows for adjusting the output voltage in the rectifier section of the CVR 100x converter.
Potenciometro que permite ajustar el Reparto de Carga en la tarjeta de control de la seccion rectificadora del convertidor CVR 100x.
Correct Answer
A. POT 1
POT 1 is the correct answer because it is the potentiometer that allows for adjusting the load distribution in the rectifier section of the CVR 100x converter. The other potentiometers (POT 2, POT 3, and POT 4) are not relevant to this specific function.
Cuando se detecta una alarma de falla en una fase de C.A. la tarjeta correspondiente acciona el relevador ?
Correct Answer
C. REL 1
Cuando se detecta una alarma de falla en una fase de C.A., la tarjeta correspondiente acciona el relevador REL 1.
El valor del fusible de salida del convertidor CVR 100X es?
Correct Answer
C. 150 A
The correct answer is 150 A. This is the value of the output fuse of the CVR 100X converter.
Elemento que mantiene la salida del voltaje a la carga en un valor constante, en caso de falla de rectificador
Correct Answer
C. Convertidor
A convertidor is a device that maintains a constant output voltage to the load, even in the event of a rectifier failure. It converts the input voltage to a desired output voltage, ensuring a stable power supply to the load.
La Alarma de ajuste de corte por alto voltaje para 23 Celdads del rectificador XR 100-50, se Activara a un Voltaje de?
Correct Answer
A. 55 V
The correct answer is 55 V. The question is asking at what voltage the high voltage cut off adjustment alarm for 23 cells of the XR 100-50 rectifier will be activated.
El rectificador tiene un voltaje de Salida de Igualacion de _________ para 23 Celdas?
Correct Answer
B. 53.6 V
The correct answer is 53.6 V. This is the voltage of the output equalization of the rectifier for 23 cells.
Potenciometro que permite ajustar la falla de carga, del rectificador XR 100-50
Correct Answer
C. POT 1
The correct answer is POT 1 because it is stated in the given information that the potentiometer allows adjusting the load fault of the XR 100-50 rectifier. Therefore, POT 1 is the potentiometer that is specifically designed for this purpose.
Son los encargados de mandar la señal a la tarjeta de fusible abierto
Correct Answer
B. Fusible de Alarma
The correct answer is "Fusible de Alarma". This is because the given statement states that they are in charge of sending a signal to the open fuse card. The "Fusible de Alarma" translates to "Alarm Fuse" in English, suggesting that it is responsible for triggering an alarm when a fuse is open or blown.
El rectificador trifasico XR 100-50 tiene un voltaje de salida de?
Correct Answer
D. 50 VCD
The correct answer is 50 VCD because the rectificador trifasico XR 100-50 has a voltage output of 50 VCD.
Potenciometro que permite ajustar el CORTE POR ALTO VOLTAJE DE SALIDA, en la tarjeta de control de la seccion rectificadora del Convertidor CVR 100X
Correct Answer
A. POT 4
POT 4 is the correct answer because it is the potentiometer that allows adjusting the high voltage output cutoff in the rectifier section of the CVR 100X converter.
La larma de Alto Voltaje para 23 celdas en el recrtificador XR 100-50 se Activara si se tiene un voltaje igual a:
Correct Answer
D. 55 V
The correct answer is 55 V. This is the voltage at which the High Voltage Alarm for 23 cells in the XR 100-50 rectifier will be activated.
Potenciometro que permite ajustar la limitacion de corriente, en la tarjeta de control de la seccion rectificadora del convertidor CVR 100X.
Correct Answer
C. POT 2
The correct answer is POT 2 because it is the potentiometer that allows adjusting the current limitation in the rectifier section of the CVR 100X converter.
En la tarjeta de alarmas remotas, del tablero de alarmas, la Alarma mayor anuncia?
Correct Answer
A. Solo Fallas en CD
La tarjeta de alarmas remotas en el tablero de alarmas anuncia solo las fallas en CD. No indica las fallas en CA ni la alarma mayor, solo se encarga de notificar las fallas en CD.
Es el voltaje de alimentacio de la planta de Fuerza MEI 1000
Correct Answer
A. 220 VCA
The correct answer is 220 VCA because it is the voltage required for the power plant Fuerza MEI 1000 to operate.
El ajuste de la tarjeta Automatica de Igualacion se hace pro medio del potenciometro ?
Correct Answer
D. POT 1
The correct answer is POT 1. This suggests that the adjustment of the Automatic Equalization card is done through POT 1.
Es el voltaje de salida que proporciona la planta de fureza MEI 1000
Correct Answer
B. 50 VCD
The correct answer is 50 VCD. This suggests that the output voltage provided by the power plant MEI 1000 is 50 VCD.
La alarma de Alto Voltaje para 24 Celdas en el rectificador XR 100-50, se activa cuando tiene un voltaje de
Correct Answer
D. 58.0 V
The correct answer is 58.0 V. This means that the high voltage alarm for 24 cells in the XR 100-50 rectifier is activated when the voltage reaches 58.0 V.
Elemento de la tarjeta de Igualacion Automatica que esta formado por un transformador, un puente de onda completa y dos circuitos regulados de voltaje:
Correct Answer
A. Fuente de Alimentacion
The correct answer is "Fuente de Alimentacion" (Power Supply). A power supply is an essential component of an Automatic Equalization card. It consists of a transformer, a full wave bridge, and two regulated voltage circuits. The power supply is responsible for providing the necessary and regulated voltages to the other components of the card, ensuring their proper functioning.
El fusible de salida del rectificador XR 100-50 es de
Correct Answer
C. 125 A
The correct answer is 125 A. This is the rating of the output fuse of the XR 100-50 rectifier. The output fuse is designed to protect the rectifier and the circuit from excessive current flow. A 125 A fuse means that it can handle a maximum current of 125 A before it blows, disconnecting the circuit and preventing any damage or hazards.
Es el relevador que se opera cuando existe una falla en los rectificadores, en el tablero de alarmas?
Correct Answer
The correct answer is RAFR. RAFR stands for "Relay for rectifier failure". This relay is operated when there is a fault or failure in the rectifiers in the alarm panel. It is responsible for detecting and indicating any issues with the rectifiers, ensuring that they are functioning properly.
En el tablero de circuito de igualacion automatica se tiene los siguientes elementos?
Correct Answer
C. Relevadores, Tablillas y Tarjetas de Igualacion
The correct answer is "Relevadores, Tablillas y Tarjetas de Igualacion". In an automatic equalization circuit board, the elements present are relays, boards, and equalization cards. These components work together to automatically adjust and equalize the circuit, ensuring optimal performance and balance.
La alarma de Bajo Voltaje para 24 Celdas del Rectificador XR 100-50, se activara a un voltaje de
Correct Answer
C. 48.5 V
The correct answer is 48.5 V. This is the voltage at which the Bajo Voltaje alarm for the XR 100-50 Rectifier's 24 cells will be activated.
El convertidor CVR 100X cuenta con un fusible de entrada, como proteccion contra corto circuito, de un valor de?
Correct Answer
C. 55 A
The correct answer is 55 A. The CVR 100X converter has an input fuse with a value of 55 A. This fuse is designed to provide protection against short circuits.
Potenciometro que permite ajustar el corte por Alto voltaje, del rectificadro XR 100-50P
Correct Answer
B. POT 2
The correct answer is POT 2 because it is the potentiometer that allows adjusting the high voltage cutoff of the XR 100-50P rectifier.
Potenciometro que permite ajustar la limitacion de corriente, del rectificador XR 100-50
Correct Answer
D. POT 6
The correct answer is POT 6 because it is stated in the given information that there is a potentiometer that allows adjusting the current limitation of the XR 100-50 rectifier. Since the question asks for the potentiometer that performs this function, POT 6 is the correct answer.
Elemento del Convertidor CVR 100x, que esta formado por un circuito de control, 4 Diodos en serie y un Contactor
Correct Answer
The correct answer is CEMF. CEMF stands for Counter Electromotive Force, which is a term used in electrical engineering to describe the voltage that opposes the applied voltage in a circuit. In the context of the given information, it is likely that the CVR 100x converter element includes a circuit or component that generates a CEMF to regulate or control the voltage output.
Potenciometro que permite ajustar la limitacion de corriente en la tarjeta de control de la seccion rectificadora del converrtidor CVR 100X
Correct Answer
C. POT 2
The correct answer is POT 2 because it is stated in the given information that the potentiometer allows adjusting the current limitation in the rectifier control card of the CVR 100X converter. Therefore, POT 2 is the potentiometer that serves this purpose.
El rectificador trifasico XR 100-50 tiene una corriente de salida nominal de
Correct Answer
A. 100 A
The correct answer is 100 A because the given rectifier, XR 100-50, has a nominal output current of 100 A.
Cuales son las caracteristicas de la planta de fuerza MEI 1000?
Correct Answer
C. Su alimentacion es de 220 VCA, una frecuencia de 60 Hz y proporciona una salida de 50 VCD y 1000 Amp.
The correct answer is "Su alimentacion es de 220 VCA, una frecuencia de 60 Hz y proporciona una salida de 50 VCD y 1000 Amp." This is because it states that the power supply is 220 VAC with a frequency of 60 Hz, which matches the given information. It also states that the output is 50 VDC and 1000 Amp, which is consistent with the characteristics of the MEI 1000 power plant.
Cuantos rectificadores y convertidores contiene en cada bastidor de la planta?
Correct Answer
A. Contiene 2 rectificadores XR100-50 y 2 convertidores CVR 100X
The correct answer is "Contiene 2 rectificadores XR100-50 y 2 convertidores CVR 100X" because it states that each rack contains 2 rectifiers XR100-50 and 2 converters CVR 100X. This information is directly mentioned in the answer option, indicating the quantity and type of rectifiers and converters present in each rack.
Que tablero contiene en el bastidor de control y distribucion ?
Correct Answer
C. Igualacion Automatica
Alarmas (tarjetas)
Alarma Visuales
Fusible de Bateria
Fusiblre de Distribucion
The correct answer is "Igualacion Automatica, Alarmas (tarjetas), Alarma Visuales, Fusible de Bateria, Fusiblre de Distribucion." This tablero contains the features of automatic equalization, alarms for cards, visual alarms, battery fuse, and distribution fuse.
Que funcion realiza el tablero de igualacion automatica?
Correct Answer
A. Es el encargado de poner a los rectificadores en igualacion para que las baterias sea recargada despues de una descarga
The correct answer states that the automatic equalization board is responsible for putting the rectifiers in equalization so that the batteries can be recharged after a discharge. This means that the board ensures that the batteries are properly recharged and maintained after they have been discharged, ensuring their longevity and optimal performance.
Como es el proceso que realiza la igualacion automatica?
Correct Answer
D. Cuando la bateria necesita corriente el circuito la detecta y manda automaticamente el cambio a igualacion cuando ya se cargo la bateria pasa automaticamente a flotacion.
The explanation for the given correct answer is that when the battery needs current, the circuit detects it and automatically switches to equalization. Once the battery is fully charged, it automatically switches to float mode. This process occurs when the rectifiers do not have enough output energy and when the battery has enough energy.
Cuales son los componentes que contiene el tablero el tablero de igualacion automatica?
Correct Answer
A. Amperimetro de Carga y descarga de bateria, fusibles de proteccion de CA (F1, F2) lamparas indicadores de EDO, interruptor de Auto/Manual de igualacion y potenciometro de ajuste de cambio automatico.
The correct answer includes the components that are present in the automatic equalization board, such as the battery charge and discharge ammeter, CA protection fuses (F1, F2), EDO indicator lamps, Auto/Manual equalization switch, and automatic change adjustment potentiometer.
Dentro del Tablero de igualacion automatica Que componentes se encuentran en el tablero de circuito?
Correct Answer
D. La tarjeta de igualacion automatica, tablillas TB1 y TB2, Relevadores REL 4A y 4B
The correct answer is "La tarjeta de igualacion automatica, tablillas TB1 y TB2, Relevadores REL 4A y 4B." This answer states that the components found on the circuit board of the automatic equalization board are the automatic equalization card, TB1 and TB2 boards, and relays REL 4A and 4B.
Que elemento contiene la tarjeta de igualacion automatica (NP150-1F)?
Correct Answer
B. La Fuente Interna, Amplificador de Voltaje, Comparador, Amplificador de Corriete y Relevador
The correct answer is "La Fuente Interna, Amplificador de Voltaje, Comparador, Amplificador de Corriete y Relevador." This answer states that the automatic equalization card (NP150-1F) contains the internal power supply, voltage amplifier, comparator, current amplifier, and relay. These components are responsible for the automatic equalization function of the card.
De que esta formando la fuente de alimentcion dentro de la tarjeta de igualacion automatica?
Correct Answer
A. Esta formada por un transformador, un punete rectificador de onda completa y dos circuitos reguladores de voltaje para proporcionar +12V y -12V
The correct answer explains that the power supply within the automatic equalization card is composed of a transformer, a full-wave rectifier bridge, and two voltage regulator circuits to provide +12V and -12V.
El potencial shunt de corriente de bateria se aplica entre las terminales J1-I3 (+) y J15 (-) En cuales terminales se aplican en el aplificadro de operacional de la tarjeta de igualacion?
Correct Answer
C. En las terminales 2 y 3 del aplificador operacional
The shunt current potential of the battery is applied between terminals J1-I3 (+) and J15 (-). In the operational amplifier equalization card, this potential is applied to terminals 2 and 3 of the operational amplifier.
Que potenciometro ajusta la ganancia del amplificador para adaptarse a la capacidad del shunt?
Correct Answer
A. POT 1
Potentiometer 1 adjusts the gain of the amplifier to match the capacity of the shunt.
Que porcentaje se debe ajustar a la tarjeta que provoca la entrada de carga de igualacion
Correct Answer
C. Generalmente del 1% de la capacidad total de bateria a 8 horas
The correct answer is "Generalmente del 1% de la capacidad total de bateria a 8 horas." This means that typically, the adjustment to the card that causes the equalization charge should be 1% of the total battery capacity over a period of 8 hours.
Que tipo de Alarmas se encuentran en el tablero de Alarmas
Correct Answer
A. Audibles, Visuales y Remotas
Las alarmas que se encuentran en el tablero de alarmas son audibles, visuales y remotas. Esto significa que las alarmas pueden ser tanto sonoras como visuales para alertar a los usuarios sobre una situación específica. Además, algunas alarmas también pueden ser remotas, lo que significa que pueden ser monitoreadas y controladas desde una ubicación externa al tablero de alarmas.
Cuantas posiciones contiene el selector de Alarmas
Correct Answer
A. 3 Posiciones
The selector de Alarmas contains 3 positions.
Cual es el funcionamiento del Circuito de Fusible abierto?
Correct Answer
B. LLega la señal de cualquier fusible de la planta que se halla abierto. Hara operar un relevedaro RAF (Relevador de Fusible Abierto) y sus contactos provocaran Alarmas remota y Alarma Local.
The circuit of the open fuse operates by receiving a signal indicating that any fuse in the plant is open. This signal triggers the operation of a relay called RAF (Open Fuse Relay), and its contacts activate remote and local alarms. This circuit is designed to protect the rectifiers XR 100-50 and converters by detecting any open fuse and providing a warning through the alarms.
Como es el funcionamiento del circuito falla Rectificadro y convertidor?
Correct Answer
A. Llegan las señales de los rectificadore cuando fallan provocando la operacion del relevador RAFR (Relevadro de Falla Rectificador) y RAFC ( Relevador de Falla de Convertidor). Provocan las alarmas remotas y visuales
When the rectifiers fail, signals are sent which trigger the operation of the RAFR (Rectifier Failure Relay) and RAFC (Converter Failure Relay). These relays then activate remote and visual alarms.
Como es el funcionamiento del Circuito de falla de fase C.A
Correct Answer
D. Se presenta cuando falla una fase de CA accionando el Relevador REL1. Cuando falla las 3 Fases se acciona los relevadores de REL 1 y REL 2
The correct answer states that the Circuit de falla de fase C.A occurs when a phase of AC fails, activating the REL1 relay. When all 3 phases fail, the REL1 and REL2 relays are activated.