Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASlCTRjHB7YWhich kinds of relative pronouns does he mention?What is the use of each one?Give one example for each oneWhen can we use THAT?
The boy standing there, who is really cute, is my cousin's best friend.
Correct Answer
C. Who is the relative clause here, refering to my cousin's friend.
The relative clause "who is really cute" is referring to "my cousin's best friend." It provides additional information about the boy standing there. The word "who" is used as a relative pronoun to introduce the clause and connect it to the noun it modifies. In this case, "who" is replaceable with "that" without changing the meaning of the sentence.
She is the girl that I saw last night.
Correct Answer
A. THAT can be replaced by WHO (because it is a defining clause)
The correct answer is that "THAT can be replaced by WHO (because it is a defining clause)." This is because the word "that" is used to introduce a defining clause, which provides essential information about the noun it modifies. In this case, the clause "I saw last night" defines which girl is being referred to. If we replace "that" with "who," it still maintains the same meaning and functions as a defining clause.
I saw a car which can be propeled by using only electricity.
Correct Answer
B. Which is used here because a car I saw is the subject of my sentence.
The correct answer is "Which is used here because a car I saw is the subject of my sentence." The word "which" is used to introduce a relative clause that provides additional information about the car. In this case, the relative clause "which can be propelled by using only electricity" describes the car that the speaker saw. The use of "which" indicates that the relative clause is non-defining, meaning it is not necessary for the basic understanding of the sentence.
A defining clause is one which can be used in a sentence, and if we removed it, we would still have a meaningful sentence.
Correct Answer
B. False
A defining clause is one that cannot be removed from a sentence without changing its meaning or making it incomplete. In other words, a defining clause provides essential information to the sentence and cannot be omitted. Therefore, the correct answer is False, as removing a defining clause would result in an incomplete or nonsensical sentence.
Complete the sentence with the correct relative pronoun:My mother, ______ is really smart, is also an English teacher.
Correct Answer
The correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence is "who". "Who" is used to refer to a person and is used to provide additional information about the noun "mother" in this sentence. It is used to indicate that the speaker's mother is really smart and is also an English teacher.
Complete the sentence with the correct word:The man _________ I need to talk to is the Store's manager.
Correct Answer
who, that,
The correct answer is "who". In this sentence, "who" is used to refer to a specific person, indicating that the man that the speaker needs to talk to is the Store's manager. "That" could also be used in this context, but "who" is more commonly used when referring to people. Both "who" and "that" are relative pronouns that can be used to introduce a relative clause in this sentence.
Select the defining clauses
Correct Answer(s)
A. The book which i had to read is so boring.
D. The girl who had an accident is very young.
E. The car whose owner is bald needs a good cleaning.
The defining clauses in these sentences are used to provide essential information about the subject. In the first sentence, "which I had to read" defines the specific book being referred to. In the fourth sentence, "who had an accident" identifies the specific girl being talked about. In the last sentence, "whose owner is bald" specifies the particular car being discussed. These clauses are necessary to understand the context and identify the subject accurately.
Select the non-defining clauses
Correct Answer(s)
A. My teacher, who seems to be tired, lives near school.
C. The park, where children come to play, belongs to a giant.
E. The movie, which is really old, resembles the time of Second World War.
The correct answer includes the non-defining clauses "My teacher, who seems to be tired, lives near school," "The park, where children come to play, belongs to a giant," and "The movie, which is really old, resembles the time of Second World War." These clauses provide additional information about the subjects (teacher, park, movie) but are not essential for understanding the main idea of the sentence.