Print preview digunakan untuk
Correct Answer
C. Melihat tampilan halaman sebelum dicetak
Print preview digunakan untuk melihat tampilan halaman sebelum dicetak. Ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat bagaimana halaman akan terlihat saat dicetak, termasuk tata letak, teks, gambar, dan elemen lainnya. Dengan menggunakan print preview, pengguna dapat memastikan bahwa halaman akan dicetak dengan benar sebelum mencetaknya, sehingga menghemat waktu dan kertas yang mungkin terbuang jika ada kesalahan dalam tampilan cetak.
Data yang telah terbuat dalam Microsoft Word sebelum melakukan percetakan, data ditampilkan terlebih dahulu ke dalam layar monitor. Untuk melihat hasil sementara dokumen yang kita buat dengan pilihan . . . . .
Correct Answer
B. File, Pint Preview
The correct answer is "File, Print Preview". Before printing a document created in Microsoft Word, it is recommended to use the "Print Preview" option to see how the document will look when printed. This allows the user to make any necessary adjustments or formatting changes before actually printing the document.
Salah satu object yang dapat digunakan untuk memasukkan kode dan rumus-rumus matematika adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Equation
The correct answer is "equation". An equation is a mathematical statement that contains an equal sign and represents the relationship between two or more variables. In the context of the question, an equation can be used to input mathematical formulas and calculations. It allows users to express mathematical concepts and perform calculations within a document or software.
Ciri khas software pengolah kata secara umum adalah mengolah………
Correct Answer
A. Semua benar
The characteristic of word processing software in general is that it can process all of the given options, including characters, words, sentences, and letters. Word processing software allows users to manipulate and edit text at various levels, from individual characters to entire documents. It provides tools for formatting, spell checking, and grammar checking, making it suitable for working with different elements of text. Therefore, the statement "semua benar" (all of the above) accurately describes the capabilities of word processing software.
Fungsi dari fasilitas Mail Merge pada microsoft word adalah ..
Correct Answer
C. Untuk membuat surat massal
The correct answer is "Untuk membuat surat massal" (To create mass letters). Mail Merge is a feature in Microsoft Word that allows users to create personalized letters or documents by merging a main document with a data source, such as a list of names and addresses. This feature is commonly used to send mass letters or emails with customized content for each recipient.
Ekstensi file yang dihasilkan oleh program ms. word adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Doc
The extension file that is generated by Microsoft Word program is "doc".
Sedangkan untuk membuka dokumen baru adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Ctrl + N
The correct answer is ctrl + N. This keyboard shortcut is commonly used to open a new document or file in various applications. By pressing ctrl + N, users can quickly create a new document without having to go through the file menu or toolbar. This shortcut is widely recognized and used in many operating systems and software programs, making it a convenient and efficient way to start a new project or document.
Perhatikan paragraf dibawah ini :
Istilah huruf B yang tampak pada paragraf diatas adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Dropcap
The term "dropcap" refers to the large initial letter that is used at the beginning of a paragraph or section of text to enhance the visual appeal and readability of the content. In the given paragraph, there is a mention of a specific letter "B" that is visually emphasized, indicating the use of a dropcap.
Istilah untuk mencetak naik setengah baris seperti tampak pada gambar dibawah ini adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Superscript
Superscript refers to the printing of a character or symbol that is slightly above the normal line of text. It is commonly used for mathematical exponents, footnotes, and citations. In the given question, the image shows text that is printed slightly above the normal line, indicating that it is superscript. Therefore, the correct answer is superscript.
Yang termasuk software pengolah kata berikut ini adalah:
Correct Answer
A. Microsft word
The correct answer is Microsoft Word because it is a word processing software. Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint are not word processing software but rather database management, spreadsheet, and presentation software respectively. Lotus 123 is also not a word processing software but a spreadsheet software.
Versi terbaru dari produk Microsoft Office suite untuk Microsoft Windows dan penerus dari Microsoft Office 2010 adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Ms. Office 2013
The correct answer is Ms. Office 2013. This is because the question asks for the latest version of the Microsoft Office suite for Microsoft Windows and the successor to Microsoft Office 2010. Ms. Office 2013 fits this description as it is the newest version of the suite and was released after Microsoft Office 2010.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa fitur baru Ms. Word dalam versi Ms.Office terbaru (2013), kecuali ...
Correct Answer
B. Dapat mengedit file berextensi JPEG
The correct answer is "dapat mengedit file berextensi JPEG". This is because the other options mention features that are new in the latest version of Ms. Word, such as the ability to insert videos and audios from online sources, the ability to broadcast documents on the web, and the ability to edit PDF files. However, editing JPEG files is not mentioned as a new feature in the latest version of Ms. Word.
Shortcut adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Sebuah icon yang menuju ke file secara langsung dan membukanya
Shortcut adalah sebuah icon yang menuju ke file secara langsung dan membukanya. Ini berarti bahwa shortcut adalah tautan atau pintasan yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengakses file atau program tertentu tanpa harus mencari file tersebut di dalam folder atau direktori yang lebih dalam. Dengan mengklik shortcut, pengguna dapat langsung membuka file yang terkait dengan shortcut tersebut.
Berikut adalah cara menggunakan shortcut keyboard pada Ms. Word yang benar....
Correct Answer
B. Tekan tombol ALT dan lepaskan, kemudian tekan huruf sesuai keytips pada tombol yang diinginkan
The correct answer is "Tekan tombol ALT dan lepaskan, kemudian tekan huruf sesuai keytips pada tombol yang diinginkan". This is because it correctly describes the process of using keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word. It instructs the user to press and release the ALT key, then press the desired letter corresponding to the keytips on the desired button. This is a common method of accessing various functions and commands quickly in Word.
Shortcut Keyboard untuk menampilkan dokumen baru (New Blank Document) adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl + N
The shortcut keyboard to display a new blank document is Ctrl + N. This combination of keys is commonly used in various software applications, including word processors and text editors, to quickly create a new document without having to go through the menu or toolbar options. By pressing Ctrl + N, users can easily start working on a fresh document without any existing content or formatting.
Shortcut Keyboard untuk mengubah Kapitalisasi (Change Case) satu atau beberapa kata adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Shift +F3
The correct answer is Shift + F3. This keyboard shortcut is used to change the capitalization of one or more words. By pressing Shift + F3, you can cycle through different capitalization options such as all uppercase, all lowercase, and sentence case. This shortcut is commonly used in word processing programs to quickly change the case of selected text.
Shortcut Keyboard untuk memunculkan efek Superscript pada angka 2 dari bilangan 102 adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Ctrl + Shift + =
The shortcut keyboard to display the Superscript effect on the number 2 of the number 102 is Ctrl + Shift + =.
Shortcut Keyboard untuk memunculkan efek Subscript pada angka 2 dari bilangan H2O adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Ctrl + =
The shortcut keyboard to bring up the Subscript effect on the number 2 in the H2O compound is Ctrl + =. This keyboard shortcut allows users to quickly format text or numbers as subscript, which is useful when writing chemical formulas or mathematical equations. By pressing Ctrl + =, the selected text or number will be formatted as subscript, appearing slightly below the normal line of text.
Berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk membuat file dokumen baru pada Ms. Word, yaitu ....
Correct Answer
C. Klik File – New – Pilih Blank Document
The correct answer is "Klik File – New – Pilih Blank Document". This is the correct sequence of steps to create a new document in MS Word. The other options either have incorrect order or include unnecessary steps.
Pada Ms. Word, untuk berpindah dari dokumen satu ke dokumen yang lainnya bisa dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan tombol ...... yang ada pada grup View
Correct Answer
A. Switch Windows
In Microsoft Word, to switch from one document to another, you can use the "Switch Windows" button found in the View group. This button allows you to easily navigate between multiple open documents in Word.
Untuk menampilkan kotak dialog Page Setup dapat dilakukan dengan cara...
Correct Answer
D. Cara no 1 dan 2 benar
The correct answer is "Cara no 1 dan 2 benar" because both methods mentioned in options 1 and 2 are valid ways to display the Page Setup dialog box. Option 1 suggests clicking on the dialog box launcher in the Page Setup group, while option 2 suggests navigating through the Page Layout tab, selecting Size, and then choosing More Paper Size. Both methods will lead to the desired result of displaying the Page Setup dialog box.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan paragraph indentation .....
Correct Answer
A. Jarak teks sebelah kiri/kanan dengan margin
Paragraph indentation refers to the distance between the left/right text and the margin. It is the space that is added at the beginning of a paragraph to visually separate it from the rest of the text. This indentation helps to organize and structure the content, making it easier for readers to distinguish between different paragraphs and follow the flow of the text.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan paragraph spacing.....
Correct Answer
B. Jarak renggang antar paragraf pada suatu teks
Paragraph spacing refers to the distance or gap between paragraphs in a text. It determines the amount of white space between two consecutive paragraphs, allowing for visual separation and organization of the content. This spacing helps to improve readability and comprehension by providing a clear distinction between different ideas or sections within the text.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan paragraph line spacing.....
Correct Answer
C. Jarak renggang antar baris pada suatu paragraf
Paragraph line spacing refers to the distance between lines within a paragraph. It determines the amount of vertical space between each line of text in a paragraph. This spacing can be adjusted to make the text more readable or to fit more content within a limited space. It is different from the spacing between paragraphs or the margins of the text.
Fasilitas pada Microsoft Word yang digunakan untuk membuat daftar, baik itu berupa nomor maupun berupa symbol, disebut....
Correct Answer
D. Bullets and Numbering
The correct answer is "Bullets and Numbering". In Microsoft Word, the feature used to create lists, whether in the form of numbers or symbols, is called "Bullets and Numbering". This feature allows users to easily organize information in a structured and visually appealing manner.
Untuk membuat tab stops, perlu ditampilkan terlebih dahulu ruler (penggaris). Bagaimana cara untuk menampilakan ruler pada layout?
Correct Answer
A. Pada tab View, di grup Show, pilih check box Ruler
To display the ruler in the layout, you need to go to the "View" tab and in the "Show" group, select the checkbox for "Ruler". This will enable the ruler to be displayed on the layout.
Untuk mengubah lokasi Tab Stop, mengatur Leader, atau menghapus semua Tab Stop, semua itu bisa dilakukan pada dialog box Tabs. Bagaimana cara menampilkan dialog box Tabs?
Correct Answer
C. Double-click tabstop yang ada pada ruler
To display the Tabs dialog box, you need to double-click on the tab stop that is present on the ruler. This action will open the dialog box where you can change the tab stop location, set a leader, or remove all tab stops.
Dalam membuat tabel, agar lebih spesifik dalam menentukan jumlah kolom dan baris. Bagaimana caranya menampilkan kotak dialog Insert Table?
Correct Answer
A. Pada menu Insert, grup tables, klik table kemudian pilih insert table
The correct answer is to click on "table" in the "Insert" menu, then select "insert table". This option allows the user to display the insert table dialog box, which allows for more specific determination of the number of columns and rows in the table.
Tool untuk memformat grafik yang disediakan pada tombol di sisi grafik juga tersedia pada tab ...
Correct Answer
B. Chart Tools
The correct answer is "Chart Tools" because it is mentioned in the given text that the tool for formatting the graph is available on the tab labeled "Chart Tools".
Tombol yang menampilkan output hanya satu Recipient dalam satu waktu disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Preview Result
The correct answer is "Preview Result" because it is the button that allows the user to see the output or result of their document before finalizing it. It is different from the other options which involve using an existing list, finishing and merging, or printing the documents.
Untuk membuat grafik, klik tombol Chart yang berada pada...
Correct Answer
A. Tab Insert, di grup Illustrations
To create a chart, you need to click on the "Chart" button located in the "Insert" tab, specifically in the "Illustrations" group. This option allows you to insert a chart into your document or presentation, making it easier to visualize and analyze data.
Perintah yang berfungsi untuk melakukan Merge data dari sumber data ke dalam field Merge dan mengirim hasilnya ke printer disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Finish & Merge, Print Documents
The correct answer is "Finish & Merge, Print Documents" because this option accurately describes the function of merging data from a data source into the Merge field and sending the result to a printer. The other options do not mention printing or sending the merged documents to a printer.