Tuliskan tahapan alir proses produksi multimedia !
Tuliskan 12 Proses Production secara skuensial !
Tuliskan pengertian dari Multimedia Content Production !
Tuliskan pengetian dari Multimedia Communication !
Tuliskan media yang digunakan dalam multimedia content production !
Berisi dialog, narasi, catatan tentang setting lokasi, action, lighting, sudut dan pergerakan kamera, sound atmosfir, dan lain sebagainya, disebut ...
Correct Answer
B. Skenario
The given correct answer is "Skenario". Skenario refers to a written script or screenplay that includes dialogues, narration, location settings, actions, lighting, camera angles and movements, atmospheric sounds, and other details. It is a blueprint or plan for a film, play, or any visual media production. It serves as a guide for the director, actors, and crew members to understand and execute the intended story and vision of the project.
Merupakan coretan gambar/sketsa seperti gambar komik yang menggambarkan kejadian dalam film, disebut ...
Correct Answer
C. Storyboard
A storyboard is a series of drawings or sketches that depict the sequence of events in a film or a scene. It is commonly used in the pre-production phase of filmmaking to visualize and plan out the shots, camera angles, and overall flow of the story. Storyboards are similar to comic strips as they convey the narrative visually, allowing the filmmakers to have a clear understanding of how the film will look and progress. They serve as a blueprint for the entire production team, including directors, cinematographers, and editors, to ensure a cohesive and visually appealing final product.
Rencana kasar sebagai dasar pelaksanaan yang berfungsi membantu kita mengidentifikasi material apa saja yang harus dibuat, didapatkan, atau disusun supaya pekerjaan kita dapat berjalan, disebut
Correct Answer
A. Outline
The correct answer is "Outline". An outline is a rough plan or draft that helps us identify the materials that need to be created, obtained, or organized in order for our work to proceed. It serves as a basis for implementation and provides a structure for organizing ideas and information.
Rincian perkiraan jumlah total pemasukan dan pengeluaran dipaparkan dalam proposal pada bagian …
Correct Answer
C. Anggaran Biaya
The correct answer is "Anggaran Biaya". The reason for this is that the "Anggaran Biaya" section of the proposal provides detailed estimates of both income and expenses. It outlines the projected costs and expenditures for the proposed activities or project. This section is crucial for determining the financial feasibility and planning of the project. It helps in assessing whether the projected income will cover the expenses and if the project is financially viable.
Urutan alir proses produksi multimedia yang benar adalah ..
Correct Answer
B. Pre Production – Production – Post Production
The correct answer is Pre Production – Production – Post Production. In multimedia production, the first step is pre-production, where planning, research, and concept development take place. This is followed by production, where the actual creation of the multimedia content happens. Finally, post-production involves editing, adding effects, and finalizing the product before it is ready for distribution. This order ensures a systematic and organized workflow in the production process.
Membuat Storyboard adalah salah satu proses dalam produksi multimedia, proses tersebut masuk kedalam ...
Correct Answer
C. Pre Production
The correct answer is Pre Production. Membuat storyboard adalah salah satu proses awal dalam produksi multimedia yang dilakukan sebelum tahap produksi sebenarnya dimulai. Pada tahap ini, dilakukan perencanaan dan perancangan awal mengenai konten, visual, dan urutan cerita yang akan digunakan dalam produksi multimedia tersebut. Storyboard berfungsi sebagai panduan visual untuk memperjelas ide dan konsep yang akan diimplementasikan dalam produksi multimedia.
Dibawah ini adalah software aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk menyunting audio ...
Correct Answer
A. Adobe Audition
Adobe Audition is the correct answer because it is a software application specifically designed for editing audio. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator are graphics editing software, while Winamp and Windows Media Player are media players and do not have audio editing capabilities.
Untuk melakukan rekam audio menggunakan software penyunting audio, peripheral yang dapat kita gunakan adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Sound Card
To record audio using audio editing software, a sound card is required. A sound card is a hardware component that allows a computer to process and output sound. It has inputs for connecting a microphone or other audio devices, and it converts analog audio signals into digital data that can be processed by the computer. Therefore, a sound card is necessary to capture and record audio using audio editing software.
Salah satu software pengolah gambar vektor adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Adobe Ilustrator
Adobe Illustrator adalah salah satu software pengolah gambar vektor. Software ini khusus dirancang untuk membuat dan mengedit gambar vektor, yang mana gambar-gambar tersebut terdiri dari garis dan bentuk geometris yang dapat diubah ukurannya tanpa kehilangan kualitas. Adobe Illustrator juga memiliki fitur-fitur yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk membuat ilustrasi, logo, ikon, dan desain grafis lainnya dengan presisi dan kejelasan yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, Adobe Illustrator adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk mengolah gambar vektor.
Proses awal dari proses produksi produk multimedia dinamakan …
Correct Answer
C. Pre-Production
Pre-production is the initial phase of the multimedia production process. It involves planning, organizing, and preparing all the necessary elements before the actual production begins. This includes tasks such as scriptwriting, storyboarding, budgeting, casting, location scouting, and creating a production schedule. Pre-production is crucial as it sets the foundation for the entire production process and ensures that everything is in place before moving forward. It allows the production team to have a clear vision and direction for the project, making the overall production smoother and more efficient.