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| By Emauna1234
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 2,169
Questions: 57 | Attempts: 2,169

Australija - Quiz

kviz za ponavljanje gradiva , geografija 6 razred

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Australija je jedini kontinent koji pripada samo jednoj državi.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Točno
    Australia is the only continent that belongs to only one country. This statement is true because Australia is both a continent and a country, making it unique in this regard. Unlike other continents, which are divided among multiple countries, Australia is solely governed by the country of Australia.

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  • 2. 

    Australije je...(označi točne tvrdnje - pazi može ih biti više) 

    • A.

      Najmanji kontinent

    • B.

      Najveći kontinent

    • C.

      Jedini kontinent koji pripada samo jednoj državi

    • D.

      Najveća država na svijetu

    • E.

      Jedna od najvećih država na svijetu

    • F.

      U cjelosti se nalazi na južnoj Zemljinoj polutki

    • G.

      U cjelosti se nalazi na sjevernoj Zemljinoj polutki

    • H.

      Najbliža je Africi

    • I.

      Najbliža je Aziji (Malajskom otočju)

    • J.

      U davnini bila dio prakontinenta Gondvane

    • K.

      Najviši kontinent

    • L.

      Najniži kontinent

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Najmanji kontinent
    C. Jedini kontinent koji pripada samo jednoj državi
    E. Jedna od najvećih država na svijetu
    F. U cjelosti se nalazi na južnoj Zemljinoj polutki
    I. Najbliža je Aziji (Malajskom otočju)
    J. U davnini bila dio prakontinenta Gondvane
    L. Najniži kontinent
    Australija je najmanji kontinent jer je fizički manja od ostalih kontinenata. Također, Australija je jedini kontinent koji pripada samo jednoj državi, što je rijetkost među kontinentima. Australija je jedna od najvećih država na svijetu jer zauzima veliko područje. Cijeli kontinent se nalazi na južnoj Zemljinoj polutki, što je još jedan razlog zašto je najbliža Aziji (Malajskom otočju). U davnini je Australija bila dio prakontinenta Gondvane, što je geološka činjenica. Australija se također smatra najnižim kontinentom jer ima najniže prosječne nadmorske visine.

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  • 3. 

    Jedini veliki otok u Australiji je_____________ a nalazi se uz jugoistočnu obalu. 

    Correct Answer(s)
    The correct answer is Tasmania. Tasmania is the only large island in Australia and it is located off the southeast coast.

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  • 4. 

    Australiju od Afrike odvaja

    • A.

      Atlantski ocean

    • B.

      Tihi ocean

    • C.

      Indijski ocean

    Correct Answer
    C. Indijski ocean
    The correct answer is "Indijski ocean." The statement suggests that Australia is separated from Africa by the Indian Ocean. This is supported by geographical facts as the Indian Ocean lies between the two continents. The Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean (also known as the Pacific Ocean) are not mentioned in the statement and therefore cannot be the correct answer.

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  • 5. 

    Australiju od obiju Amerika odvaja

    • A.

      Atlantski ocean

    • B.

      Tihi ocean

    • C.

      Indijski ocean

    Correct Answer
    B. Tihi ocean
    The correct answer is "Tihi ocean" because it is the ocean that separates Australia from both Americas. The Atlantic Ocean is located on the eastern side of the Americas, while the Indian Ocean is located on the western side of Australia. Therefore, the Pacific Ocean, also known as the Tihi Ocean, is the only ocean that fits the description given in the question.

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  • 6. 

    Australska obala je vrlo razvedena.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netočno
    The statement "Australska obala je vrlo razvedena" translates to "The Australian coast is very rugged." The correct answer is "Netočno" which means "False." This suggests that the statement is not true and the Australian coast is not very rugged.

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  • 7. 

    Dva najveća australska poluotoka 

    • A.


    • B.

      Arnhemova zemlja

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Arnhemova zemlja
    C. York
    The correct answer is Arnhemova zemlja and York. These are the two largest peninsulas in Australia. Tasmanija and Carpentaria are not peninsulas, but rather an island and a gulf, respectively.

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  • 8. 

    Ispred sjeveroistočne obale pruža se 2000 km dug _______________________, najveći na Zemlji, stvoren od ostataka uginulih i živih koralja i sitnih morskih životinja, u kojem živi velik broj morskih organizama, zbog čega je zaštićem i proglašen dijelom svjetske baštine i privlači mnoge turiste.

    Correct Answer(s)
    Veliki koraljni greben
    koraljni greben
    The correct answer is "Veliki koraljni greben, koraljni greben". The passage describes a 2000 km long coral reef that is the largest on Earth. It is made up of the remains of dead and living corals and small marine animals, and it is home to a large number of marine organisms. Due to its biodiversity and ecological importance, it is protected and recognized as a part of the world heritage, attracting many tourists. Therefore, the correct answer is "Veliki koraljni greben, koraljni greben".

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  • 9. 

    Australija je u davnini bila dio prakontinenta Gondvane, pa je stoga pretežno građena od prastarih stijena.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Točno
    Australia was indeed part of the ancient supercontinent Gondwana, which existed around 180 million years ago. As a result, Australia is predominantly composed of ancient rocks that formed during the breakup of Gondwana. This geological history explains why Australia has a unique and diverse range of ancient landforms and rock formations.

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  • 10. 

    Australiju čine tri reljefne cjeline (nabroji i odvoji zarezom) : ___________________, ______________________, ___________________.

    Correct Answer
    Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak, Veliko razvodno gorje, Središnja australska nizina
    Središnja australska nizina, Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak, Veliko razvodno gorje
    Središnja australska nizina, Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak, Veliko razvodno gorje
    Veliko razvodno gorje, Središnja australska nizina, Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak
    Veliko razvodno gorje, Središnja australska nizina, Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak
    Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak, Središnja australska nizina, Veliko razvodno gorje
    The correct answer is Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak, Veliko razvodno gorje, Središnja australska nizina.

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  • 11. 

    Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak čine

    • A.

      Prostrane ravnice sa stalnim tekućicama

    • B.

      Visoravni na starom gromadnmo gorju na visini iznad 700 m

    • C.

      Prostrane visoravni rasčlanjene dolinama povremenih tekućica na visinama od 400 do 600 m

    Correct Answer
    C. Prostrane visoravni rasčlanjene dolinama povremenih tekućica na visinama od 400 do 600 m
    The correct answer states that the Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak is characterized by vast plateaus that are dissected by valleys of intermittent streams at heights ranging from 400 to 600 meters. This means that the region consists of extensive flat areas that are broken up by valleys formed by occasional flowing streams at moderate elevations.

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  • 12. 

    Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak zauzima

    • A.

      Vrlo malen dio Australije

    • B.

      Otprilike polovinu Australije

    • C.

      četvrtinu Australije

    • D.

      Gotovo čitavu australiju

    Correct Answer
    B. Otprilike polovinu Australije
    The correct answer is "otprilike polovinu Australije" (approximately half of Australia). This is because the question is asking about the extent of the Zapadnoaustralski ravnjak (Western Australian plateau) in Australia. The answer states that it occupies approximately half of Australia, indicating that it covers a significant portion of the country.

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  • 13. 

    Veliko razvodno gorje pruža se 

    • A.

      Duž zapadne obale Australije

    • B.

      Duž sjeverne obale Australije

    • C.

      Duž istočne obale Australije i nastavlja na Tasmaniji

    • D.

      Duž južne obale Australije

    Correct Answer
    C. Duž istočne obale Australije i nastavlja na Tasmaniji
    The correct answer is "duž istočne obale Australije i nastavlja na Tasmaniji". This is because the phrase "pruža se" suggests that the Veliko razvodno gorje extends along a certain coast. The only option that mentions the eastern coast of Australia is the correct answer. Additionally, the mention of the continuation on Tasmania further supports this explanation.

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  • 14. 

    Najviši vrh Australije nalazi se u Australskim alpama na visini od 2228m i zove se _________________

    Correct Answer
    Mount Kosciusko
    The highest peak in Australia is located in the Australian Alps at an elevation of 2228m and is called Mount Kosciusko.

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  • 15. 

    Središnja australska nizina smjestila se 

    • A.

      Između Zapadnoaustralskog ravnjaka i Velikog razvodnog gorja

    • B.

      Između Velikog razvodnog gorja i Tasmanije

    • C.

      Na sjevernoj obali kontinenta

    • D.

      Na južnoj obali kontinenta

    Correct Answer
    A. Između Zapadnoaustralskog ravnjaka i Velikog razvodnog gorja
    The correct answer is "between the Western Australian Plain and the Great Dividing Range." This means that the Central Australian Plain is located between these two geographical features in Australia.

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  • 16. 

    Zaljev Carpentaria nastao je potapanjem zavale Carpentarie uzdizanjem mora nakon zadnjeg ledenog doba.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Točno
    The explanation for the given correct answer is that the Gulf of Carpentaria was formed by the submergence of the Carpentaria landmass due to rising sea levels after the last ice age. This process is known as post-glacial sea level rise, which occurs when the melting of ice sheets and glaciers causes the oceans to expand and flood previously exposed land areas. As a result, the Carpentaria landmass was submerged, creating the Gulf of Carpentaria.

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  • 17. 

    Po čemu je poznata suha zavala Eyre oko istoimenog jezera ?

    • A.

      Jer je sveto mjesto australskih domorodaca

    • B.

      Jer služi za navodnjavanje ravice u okolini

    • C.

      Jer je to jezero plovno

    • D.

      Jer je to najniži dio Australije - depresija na -15 m

    Correct Answer
    D. Jer je to najniži dio Australije - depresija na -15 m
    The Eyre Dry Lake is known for being the lowest point in Australia, with a depression of -15 meters.

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  • 18. 

    Zavala rijeke Murray značajna je iz više razloga...(označi točne tvrdnje - pazi može ih biti više) 

    • A.

      Važno područje za stočarstvo

    • B.

      Bogata nalazišta željezne rude

    • C.

      Važno područje za uzgoj pšenice i pamuka

    • D.

      Jedina velika stalna tekućica značajna za navodnjavanje

    • E.

      Bogata nalazišta dijamanata i zlata

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Važno područje za stočarstvo
    C. Važno područje za uzgoj pšenice i pamuka
    D. Jedina velika stalna tekućica značajna za navodnjavanje
    The Murray River is significant for several reasons. It is an important area for livestock farming, as well as for the cultivation of wheat and cotton. Additionally, it is the only major permanent watercourse that is important for irrigation.

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  • 19. 

    Središnjim dijelom Australije prolazi Sjeverna obratnica

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netočno
    The statement "Sjeverna obratnica" translates to "Tropic of Cancer" in English, which is a circle of latitude that is located at approximately 23.5 degrees north of the equator. However, the Tropic of Cancer does not pass through the central part of Australia. Therefore, the answer "Netočno" (False) is correct.

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  • 20. 

    Na jugoistoku u području umjerene tople klime, priobalju i Velikom razvodnom gorju padaline donose _____________

    Correct Answer
    In the given question, the phrase "Na jugoistoku u području umjerene tople klime, priobalju i Velikom razvodnom gorju padaline donose" indicates that the question is asking about the winds that bring rainfall to the southeastern region with a moderate warm climate, coastal areas, and the Veliko Razvodno Mountain. The correct answer, "pasati," refers to the trade winds that blow from the east or northeast and bring rainfall to these areas.

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  • 21. 

    Tropsko vlažno područje na sjevernom i sjeveroistočnom priobalju je pod utjecajem

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Zapadnih vjetrova

    Correct Answer
    B. Monsuna
    The correct answer is monsuna because tropical moist areas on the northern and northeastern coast are influenced by the monsoon. The monsoon is a seasonal wind pattern that brings heavy rainfall to these regions, resulting in a humid climate. The monsoon winds blow from the southwest during the summer, bringing moisture from the ocean and causing heavy rainfall, while during the winter, the winds blow from the northeast, resulting in drier conditions. This seasonal variation in wind patterns and rainfall is characteristic of monsoon climates.

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  • 22. 

    Pojas na jugu Australije u kojem vlada sredozemna klima pod utjecajem je ...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Zapadnih vjetrova

    Correct Answer
    C. Zapadnih vjetrova
    The correct answer is "zapadnih vjetrova" because the passage states that the region in southern Australia has a Mediterranean climate, which is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The westerly winds, also known as the Roaring Forties, blow across this region from the west, bringing cool air and moisture from the Southern Ocean. These winds play a significant role in shaping the climate and weather patterns in this area, making them the influencing factor in this case.

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  • 23. 

    Stalne tekućice nalazimo samo na vlažnijem zelenom rubu kontinenta, Velikom razvodnom gorju  i Tasmaniji.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Točno
    The statement is correct. It states that we can find perennial streams only on the wetter green edge of the continent, the Great Dividing Range, and Tasmania.

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  • 24. 

    Rijeka Murray i njeni pritoci spadaju u povremene tekućice Australije

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netočno
    The statement "Rijeka Murray i njeni pritoci spadaju u povremene tekućice Australije" is incorrect. It translates to "The Murray River and its tributaries are intermittent watercourses in Australia." However, the Murray River and its tributaries are not intermittent watercourses, but rather permanent ones. Therefore, the correct answer is "Netočno" (False).

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  • 25. 

    Najveći dio Australije ima samo 

    • A.

      Stalne kratke tekućice

    • B.

      Povremene, bujičaste tekućice i jezera

    • C.

      Velik broj slatkih i plovnih jezera

    Correct Answer
    B. Povremene, bujičaste tekućice i jezera
    The largest part of Australia has only intermittent, torrential streams and lakes. This means that most of Australia does not have a consistent water flow, with streams and lakes only filling up during periods of heavy rain or flooding. This is likely due to the arid and semi-arid climate of the region, which experiences long periods of drought. As a result, the water availability in these areas is highly unpredictable and can vary greatly depending on the weather patterns.

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  • 26. 

    Jezera Eyre i Torrens su...(označi točne tvrdnje - pazi može ih biti više) 

    • A.

      Povremena jezera

    • B.

      Stalna jezera

    • C.

      Slatka jezera

    • D.

      Slana jezera

    • E.

      Suhi i po nekoliko godina

    • F.

      Arteški bunari

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Povremena jezera
    D. Slana jezera
    E. Suhi i po nekoliko godina
    The correct answer choices for the given question are "povremena jezera" (intermittent lakes), "slana jezera" (salt lakes), and "suhi i po nekoliko godina" (dry for several years). This suggests that Jezera Eyre and Torrens are lakes that are not permanent, but rather appear and disappear at certain intervals. Additionally, they are salt lakes, indicating a high concentration of salt in the water. These lakes also experience periods of dryness that can last for several years.

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  • 27. 

    Podzemne vode koje nalazimo u unutrašnjosti australije, a koje pod tlakom izbijaju na površinu zovemo _____________ bunari.

    Correct Answer(s)
    The correct answer is "arteški." This term refers to underground water sources that are found in the interior of Australia and emerge to the surface under pressure. These types of wells are commonly known as "arteški bunari" in Croatian.

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  • 28. 

    Suha unutrašnjost Australije za potrebe opskrbe vodom koriste...(označi točne tvrdnje - pazi može ih biti više) 

    • A.

      Bušene bunare

    • B.

      Natapanje iz stalnih rijeka

    • C.

      Arteške bunare

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Bušene bunare
    C. Arteške bunare
    In the interior of Australia, water supply is obtained through drilled wells and artesian wells. Drilled wells are created by drilling into the ground to access underground water sources. Artesian wells, on the other hand, tap into naturally occurring pressurized aquifers, allowing water to flow to the surface without the need for pumping. Both drilled wells and artesian wells are used to provide water supply in the interior of Australia.

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  • 29. 

    Biljni i životinjski svijet Australije vrlo je sličan onome u Africi i Australiji

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netočno
    The statement says that the plant and animal life in Australia is very similar to that in Africa and Australia, which is incorrect. Australia has a unique and diverse ecosystem, with many species found only in that region. While there may be some similarities between the flora and fauna of Australia and Africa, overall they are distinct and not very similar. Therefore, the correct answer is "Netočno" (False).

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  • 30. 

    U Australiji nalazimo brojne životinjske i biljne vrste kojih nema nigdje drugdje u svijetu. Takve vrste zovemo  ________

    Correct Answer
    endemske vrste
    In the given question, the correct answer is "endemi, endemima, endemske, endemske vrste". This is because the question is asking for the term used to describe the numerous animal and plant species found in Australia that are not found anywhere else in the world. The term for such species is "endemi" in Croatian, and it can be used in different forms depending on the context, such as "endemima", "endemske", or "endemske vrste".

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  • 31. 

    Endemske vrste u Australiji su:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Tasmanijski vrag

    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      čudnovati kljunaš

    • H.


    • I.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Koala
    C. Klokan
    D. Tasmanijski vrag
    E. Eukaliptus
    F. Emu
    G. čudnovati kljunaš
    The correct answer includes a list of endemic species in Australia. Endemic species are those that are found only in a specific geographic area and nowhere else in the world. The given answer includes the koala, kangaroo, Tasmanian devil, eucalyptus, emu, and platypus, all of which are unique to Australia. These species have evolved and adapted to the Australian environment over millions of years and play important roles in the country's ecosystems.

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  • 32. 

    Europljani su u Australiju unijeli mnoge životinje koje su se razmnožile i

    • A.

      Obogatile biljni i životinjski svijet Australije novim vrstama

    • B.

      Narušile prirodnu ravnotežu i nanijele štetu

    Correct Answer
    B. Narušile prirodnu ravnotežu i nanijele štetu
    The passage states that Europljani (Europeans) introduced many animals to Australia, which then reproduced and enriched the plant and animal life in Australia with new species. However, these introduced species also disrupted the natural balance and caused harm. Therefore, the correct answer is that they "narušile prirodnu ravnotežu i nanijele štetu" (disrupted the natural balance and caused harm).

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  • 33. 

    Na slici je prikazan jedan od simbola i turističkih atrakcija Australije koji se smjestio u samo središte Australije. To je...

    • A.

      Mt. Kosciusko, najviši vrh Australije

    • B.

      Australske Alpe, poznato planninarsko odredište

    • C.

      Uluru, sveta gora australskih domorodaca

    Correct Answer
    C. Uluru, sveta gora australskih domorodaca
    The correct answer is Uluru, a sacred mountain of the Australian indigenous people. Uluru is a significant symbol and tourist attraction in Australia, located in the center of the country. It holds cultural and spiritual importance for the indigenous population and is known for its unique red rock formation.

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  • 34. 

    Starosjedioci Australije su ...

    • A.

      Crvena rasa, Indijanci

    • B.

      Tamnoputi domoroci Aboridžini

    • C.

      Crnačko stanovništvo isog porijekla kao u Africi

    Correct Answer
    B. Tamnoputi domoroci Aboridžini
    The correct answer is "tamnoputi domoroci Aboridžini." This answer refers to the indigenous people of Australia who have dark skin, known as the Aborigines. They are the original inhabitants of the land and have a distinct culture and history. The term "tamnoputi" means "dark-skinned" in Croatian, which is why it is used to describe the Aborigines in this context.

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  • 35. 

    Početkom naseljavanja Australije smatra se osnivanje britanske kažnjeničke kolonije 1788.g.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Točno
    The statement is correct. The beginning of the settlement of Australia is considered to be the establishment of the British penal colony in 1788. This marked the start of European colonization and the arrival of British convicts in Australia.

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  • 36. 

    Smatra se da su Aboridžini u Australiju dospijeli iz Afrike.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netočno
    The statement suggests that Aboriginal people in Australia originated from Africa. However, this is incorrect. The Aboriginal people are believed to have migrated to Australia from Southeast Asia around 65,000 years ago, making them one of the oldest continuous cultures in the world. There is no evidence to support the claim that they came from Africa.

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  • 37. 

    Početkom 19 st. dolazi sve više slobodnih useljenika potaknutih serijom velikih potraga za zlatom, zvanih

    Correct Answer
    zlatna groznica
    The correct answer is "zlatna groznica" because the passage mentions that in the early 19th century, there was an increase in the number of free settlers who were motivated by a series of gold rushes. The term "zlatna groznica" translates to "gold rush" in English, which accurately describes the phenomenon of people being attracted to an area in search of gold.

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  • 38. 

    Znatnije doseljavanje u Australiju počinje nakon

    • A.

      Otkrića Amerike

    • B.

      Prije zlatne groznice

    • C.

      Nakon Prvog i Drugog svjetskog rata

    Correct Answer
    C. Nakon Prvog i Drugog svjetskog rata
    The significant immigration to Australia began after the First and Second World Wars. This suggests that the aftermath of these wars created conditions that led to increased immigration to Australia. The mention of the discovery of America and the gold rush before the wars are irrelevant to the explanation of the correct answer.

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  • 39. 

    Australija i dalje kontrolirano prima useljenike

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Točno
    The given statement states that Australia continues to accept immigrants in a controlled manner. This implies that Australia has specific regulations and processes in place for immigration, indicating that the country is still open to accepting newcomers. Therefore, the correct answer is "Točno" (True).

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  • 40. 

    Stanovništvo Australije uglavnom je 

    • A.

      Porijeklom iz Azije

    • B.

      Bijelačko stanovništvo porijeklom iz Amerike

    • C.

      Bjelačko stanovništvo porijeklom iz Europe

    Correct Answer
    C. Bjelačko stanovništvo porijeklom iz Europe
    The correct answer is "bjelačko stanovništvo porijeklom iz Europe". This is because the majority of Australia's population is of European descent, specifically of British, Irish, and Scottish origin. The European settlement in Australia began with the arrival of British convicts in the late 18th century, followed by waves of immigration from various European countries. This has resulted in a predominantly white population with European ancestry in Australia.

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  • 41. 

    Australija je gusto i ravnomjeno naseljen kontinent.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netočno
    The given statement states that Australia is a densely and evenly populated continent. However, this is not true. In reality, Australia is one of the least densely populated continents in the world, with a population density of only 3 people per square kilometer. The majority of Australia's population is concentrated in urban areas along the coast, while the interior of the continent is sparsely populated. Therefore, the correct answer is "Netočno" (False).

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  • 42. 

    Velike razlike u razmještaju i gustoći naseljenosti pojedinih krajeva u Australiji uglavnom su posljedica

    • A.

      Različitih klimatskih uvjeta

    • B.

      Interesa stanovništva

    • C.

      Rasne pripadnosti

    • D.

      Porijekla stanovnika

    Correct Answer
    A. Različitih klimatskih uvjeta
    The correct answer is "različitih klimatskih uvjeta" (different climatic conditions). This is because Australia is a vast country with diverse geographical features and climates. The northern parts of Australia are tropical, while the southern regions are more temperate or arid. These varying climates greatly influence the distribution and density of population in different parts of the country. Some areas with more favorable climates may have higher population densities, while regions with harsher climates may have lower population densities.

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  • 43. 

    Najgušće je naseljeno područje...(označi točne tvrdnje - pazi ,možeih biti više)

    • A.

      Priobalje jugoistočne Australije gdje vlada umjereno topla klima

    • B.

      Sjever Australije

    • C.

      Unutrašnjost Australije

    • D.

      Dijelovi južnog priobalja sa sredozemnom klimom

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Priobalje jugoistočne Australije gdje vlada umjereno topla klima
    D. Dijelovi južnog priobalja sa sredozemnom klimom
    The correct answer is "priobalje jugoistočne Australije gdje vlada umjereno topla klima" and "dijelovi južnog priobalja sa sredozemnom klimom". These options describe the areas in Australia with the harshest living conditions. The southeastern coast of Australia experiences a moderately warm climate, while parts of the southern coast have a Mediterranean climate. Both of these regions can be considered the most challenging for human habitation due to their specific climatic conditions.

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  • 44. 

    Glavni grad Australije je ___________________.

    Correct Answer(s)
    The correct answer is Canberra. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. It is located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and is the political center of the country. It was chosen as the capital in 1908 due to its central location between Sydney and Melbourne. Canberra is known for its planned layout and modern architecture, including significant government buildings such as Parliament House and the Australian War Memorial.

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  • 45. 

    Najveći Australski gradovi su:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      Alice Springs

    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Sydney
    C. Brisbaine
    D. Perth
    E. Melbourne
    F. Adelaide
    The correct answer includes the cities Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, and Adelaide. These cities are considered the largest cities in Australia based on population and economic significance. Sydney is the most populous city and serves as the financial and cultural hub of the country. Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and is known for its vibrant arts scene. Perth is the capital of Western Australia and is known for its beautiful beaches. Melbourne is known for its diverse culture, art, and sports events. Adelaide is the capital of South Australia and is known for its wine production and festivals.

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  • 46. 

    Australija je industrijski nerazvijena zemlja.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netočno
    The statement "Australija je industrijski nerazvijena zemlja" translates to "Australia is an industrially underdeveloped country." The correct answer "Netočno" means "False." Therefore, the correct answer indicates that the statement is not true, suggesting that Australia is not an industrially underdeveloped country.

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  • 47. 

    Osnova uspona australskog gospodarstva su

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Napredna suvremena poljoprivreda

    • D.


    • E.


    • F.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Rudarstvo
    C. Napredna suvremena poljoprivreda
    D. Ovčarstvo
    F. Govedarstvo
    The correct answer is a combination of mining, advanced modern agriculture, sheep farming, and cattle farming. These industries have played a significant role in the economic growth of Australia. Mining, particularly of minerals like coal, iron ore, and gold, has been a major contributor to the country's export earnings. Advanced modern agriculture, including the use of advanced technologies and techniques, has helped increase productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector. Sheep farming and cattle farming have also been important sectors, contributing to Australia's meat and wool exports.

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  • 48. 

    Australija je veliki izvoznik

    • A.

      Zlata i srebra

    • B.


    • C.

      Nafte i zemnog plina

    • D.


    • E.

      Tekstilnih proizvoda

    • F.

      željezne rude, boksita, cinka, urana

    • G.

      Elektroničkih uređaja

    • H.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Zlata i srebra
    B. Dijamanata
    D. Vune
    F. željezne rude, boksita, cinka, urana
    H. Ugljena
    Australia is a major exporter of gold and silver, diamonds, wool, iron ore, bauxite, zinc, uranium, and coal.

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  • 49. 

    Danas su u Australiji najvažnije...

    • A.

      Primarne djelatnosti (75% zaposlenih, 69% prihoda)

    • B.

      Sekundarne djelatnosti (75% zaposlenih, 69% prihoda)

    • C.

      Tercijarne djelatnosti (75% zaposlenih, 69% prihoda)

    Correct Answer
    C. Tercijarne djelatnosti (75% zaposlenih, 69% prihoda)
    In Australia, the most important sector in terms of employment and revenue is the tertiary sector. This sector includes services such as healthcare, education, tourism, and finance. The fact that 75% of the workforce is employed in this sector indicates its significance in providing jobs. Additionally, the fact that it generates 69% of the revenue further emphasizes its importance in contributing to the country's economy.

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  • 50. 

    Unatoč geografskoj izoliranosti Australija se uspješno uključila u globalizacijske tokove.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. Točno
    The statement suggests that despite its geographic isolation, Australia has managed to successfully integrate into globalizing trends. This implies that Australia has been able to overcome the challenges posed by its remote location and has actively participated in global economic, political, and cultural exchanges. This could be attributed to various factors such as advancements in technology, international trade agreements, and Australia's efforts to promote itself as an attractive destination for foreign investment and tourism.

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