Platform media social yang sering digambarkan sebagai facebook untuk sekolah adalah pengertian dari …
Correct Answer
A. Edmodo
Edmodo is often described as "Facebook for schools" because it is a social media platform specifically designed for educational purposes. It allows teachers to create virtual classrooms, share resources, assign homework, and communicate with students and parents. Similar to Facebook, Edmodo provides a user-friendly interface and features such as newsfeeds, messaging, and group discussions, making it a popular choice for educators to enhance collaboration and engagement in the classroom.
Jika kita ingin masuk Edmodo kita harus memasukkan …… lalu klik sign in.
Correct Answer
A. User name dan password
To access Edmodo, we need to enter our username and password, and then click on the sign-in button.
Tahun berapa Edmodo dikembangkan….
Correct Answer
E. Akhir tahun 2008
Edmodo was developed in late 2008.
Di bawah ini kelebihan Edmodo, kecuali….
Correct Answer
B. Aplikasi
The given options list the advantages of Edmodo, except for "Aplikasi" which means "Application" in Indonesian. This suggests that all the other options, such as "Sharing data," "Compatibility," "Sosial media" (Social media), and "User interface" are considered as advantages of Edmodo.
Edmodo dirancang untuk membuat siswa atau mahasiswa manjadi….
Correct Answer
A. Bersemangat
Edmodo dirancang untuk membuat siswa atau mahasiswa menjadi bersemangat.
Sebelum siswa mendaftar Edmodo siswa harus memasukkan kode grup. Berapa digitkah kode grup yang harus dimasukkan….
Correct Answer
B. 6 digit
The correct answer is 6 digits because the question states that before students can register on Edmodo, they need to enter a group code. This implies that the group code has a specific length that needs to be entered. Since the options provided include 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 digits, the correct answer must be 6 digits.
Untuk mendaftar Edmodo sebagai guru kita harus mengklik….
Correct Answer
E. I’m teacher
The correct answer is "I'm teacher" because in order to register on Edmodo as a teacher, you need to select the option "I'm teacher" from the given options.
Untuk mendaftar edmodo sebagai siswa kita harus mengklik….
Correct Answer
D. I’m student
To register on Edmodo as a student, we need to click on "I'm student" option.
Di bawah ini fitur-fitur yang disediakan oleh Edmodo, kecuali….
Correct Answer
E. Tidak bisa diakses oleh HP
Edmodo provides various features for users, such as changing profile pictures, a Facebook-like interface, creating events or important schedules, and easy interaction between teachers and students. However, the feature that is not provided by Edmodo is the inability to access it via mobile phones.
Di bawah ini adalah fitur edmodo yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru, kecuali….
Correct Answer
C. Game
The given options are Quiz, Polling, Game, Library, and Assignment. All of these options are features that can be utilized by teachers on Edmodo except for Game. While Quiz, Polling, Library, and Assignment are tools that allow teachers to assess and provide resources to students, Game is not typically used for educational purposes. Games on Edmodo are more recreational and not directly related to academic content or assessments.
Tombol “I’m teacher” dan “I’m student” berfungsi untuk….
Correct Answer
A. Memudahkan para guru dan murid saling berinteraksi
The "I'm teacher" and "I'm student" buttons are designed to facilitate interaction between teachers and students. They provide a simple and efficient way for teachers and students to communicate and engage with each other. This feature enhances the overall learning experience by allowing for seamless interaction and collaboration between the two parties.
Tombol “I’m techer” digunakan oleh…
Correct Answer
C. Guru
The button "I'm teacher" is used by teachers.
Tombol “I’m student” digunakan oleh…
Correct Answer
E. Siswa
The button "I'm student" is used by students.
Tombol “I’m a parent” digunakan oleh…
Correct Answer
C. Orang tua
The button "I'm a parent" is used by parents.
Tombol “School & District” digunakan oleh…
Correct Answer
B. Sekolah
The correct answer is "Sekolah". The "School & District" button is used by schools to access information and resources related to their specific school and district. This button is not relevant or accessible to pilots, parents, or students. Only teachers and school staff would have access to this button in order to manage and navigate school-specific information.
Di bawah ini fitur yang disediakan oleh Edmodo untuk mendaftar, kecuali…
Correct Answer
C. I’m doctor
The given options are all features provided by Edmodo for registration, except for "I'm a doctor." This suggests that Edmodo does not have a specific feature or registration option for doctors.
Siapa pembuat/pendiri Edmodo…
Correct Answer
A. Nicolas Borg dan Jeff O’Hara
Nicolas Borg and Jeff O'Hara are the founders of Edmodo.
Di bawah ini tools yang ada di Edmodo, kecuali…
Correct Answer
A. Follow
The given options are different tools that are available on Edmodo. The option "Follow" is not a tool but a feature that allows users to follow other users or groups on the platform. Therefore, "Follow" is not a tool that is available on Edmodo.
Dengan mengklik apa jika kita ingin membuat grup atau masuk ke suatu grup di dalam Edmodo, adalah….
Correct Answer
A. Join or create
The correct answer is "Join or create". This answer suggests that when we click on something in Edmodo, we have the option to either join an existing group or create a new group.
Di bawah ini yang terdapat di dalam Account, kecuali…
Correct Answer
A. Sign In
The given options are all related to account features except for "Sign In". "Sign In" is the action that allows a user to access their account and is not a feature or setting that is found within the account itself. The other options such as "Profile", "Settings", and "Help" are all features or settings that can be accessed or modified within the account. "Log Out" is also related to account activity as it allows the user to end their session and log out of their account.
Jejaring social yang diluncurkan oleh Google Inc, adalah…
Correct Answer
B. Google +
Google+ is a social networking platform launched by Google Inc. It was designed to compete with other popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It allowed users to connect with friends, share content, and join communities based on their interests. However, Google+ was eventually shut down in 2019 due to low user engagement and security issues.
Google + diluncurkan pada tanggal…
Correct Answer
B. 28 Juni 2011
Google+ was launched on June 28, 2011.
Di bawah ini layanan yang terdapat di dalam Google +, kecuali…
Correct Answer
A. Call
The given options list various services available on Google+. Among these options, "call" is not a service available on Google+. Therefore, it is the correct answer.
Di bawah ini fungsi Google +, kecuali…
Correct Answer
B. Membingungkan pengguna
The correct answer is "Membingungkan pengguna". This is because the other options all describe the benefits or positive aspects of using Google+. However, "Membingungkan pengguna" means "Confusing users," which suggests that using Google+ may not be user-friendly or intuitive for some people.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Instant Upload…
Correct Answer
E. Untuk ponsel Android untuk menyimpan foto atau video dalam album pribadi
Instant Upload adalah fitur yang tersedia di ponsel Android yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk secara otomatis menyimpan foto atau video yang diambil dengan ponsel ke dalam album pribadi di cloud. Fitur ini memudahkan pengguna untuk menyimpan dan mengakses foto atau video mereka dari mana saja dan kapan saja.
Di bawah ini keunggulan Google +, kecuali…
Correct Answer
E. Akses lebih berat
The correct answer is "Akses lebih berat". This is because the given options are all advantages of Google+, except for this one. The other options mention features like unlimited friend requests, unlimited group creation, and free calling, which are all positive aspects of Google+. However, "Akses lebih berat" means "heavier access" in Indonesian, which suggests that accessing Google+ may be more difficult or burdensome compared to the other options mentioned.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Huddles…
Correct Answer
C. Untuk berkomunikasi melalui pesan instan dalam Circles
Huddles adalah fitur dalam Circles yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk berkomunikasi melalui pesan instan. Dengan menggunakan Huddles, pengguna dapat mengirim pesan kepada anggota Circles mereka secara langsung dan melakukan percakapan dalam waktu nyata. Fitur ini memudahkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi dengan anggota Circles mereka dengan cepat dan efisien.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Sparks….
Correct Answer
A. Sebuah front-end untuk Google Search
Sparks adalah sebuah front-end untuk Google Search. Ini berarti Sparks adalah antarmuka atau tampilan awal yang digunakan untuk melakukan pencarian di Google.
Apa fungsi Hangouts….
Correct Answer
D. Menghidupkan percakapan dengan sesame pengguna Google+
Hangouts berfungsi untuk menghidupkan percakapan dengan sesama pengguna Google+. Dengan menggunakan Hangouts, pengguna dapat melakukan obrolan teks, panggilan suara, dan panggilan video dengan orang lain yang juga menggunakan Google+.
Apa fungsi dari layanan circle…
Correct Answer
A. Untuk mengatur kontak menjadi kelompok untuk berbagi
The correct answer is "Untuk mengatur kontak menjadi kelompok untuk berbagi". This is because the term "circle" is often used in the context of social networking platforms, where it refers to creating a group or community of contacts with whom you can share and interact. By organizing contacts into circles, users can easily manage their network and control the information they share with different groups of people.
Di bawah ini kelemahan Google +, kecuali…
Correct Answer
D. Telephone gratis
The correct answer is "Telephone gratis." This is the only option listed that can be considered a weakness of Google+. While the other options mention potential weaknesses, such as heavier access, minimum age requirement, the need for advanced equipment, and the absence of a specific service, they do not directly relate to the concept of "Telephone gratis" or free phone calls.
Di bawah ini dampak positif Google+, kecuali…
Correct Answer
C. Menurunnya jumlah follower/circle akun Google+
The decrease in the number of followers/circles on Google+ is a positive impact because it indicates that the platform is becoming more exclusive and selective. A smaller number of followers/circles suggests that the content being shared is of higher quality and is resonating with a more targeted audience. This can lead to more meaningful interactions and engagements on the platform.
Google+ dikembangkan dengan nama proyek…
Correct Answer
C. Emerald sea
The correct answer is "Emerald sea". This suggests that the Google+ project was developed under the name "Emerald sea".
Di bawah ini proyek Google+ dipimpin oleh, kecuali…
Correct Answer
The correct answer is PMBDK. This is because the question asks for the person who did not lead the Google+ project, and PMBDK is the only option that is not associated with Google or the Google+ project. The other options, Vic Gundotra and Bradley Horowitz, are both Google executives who were involved in leading the Google+ project.
Berapakah biaya yang diperkirakan untuk membuat Google+….
Correct Answer
A. 585 juta dollar
The estimated cost to create Google+ is 585 million dollars.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Screen O Metic….
Correct Answer
A. Software yang bias digunakan oleh user pengguna system operasi windows
The correct answer is "Software yang bias digunakan oleh user pengguna system operasi windows." This means that Screen O Metic is a software that can be used by users who use the Windows operating system.
Apa fungsi Screen O Metic….
Correct Answer
C. Untuk merekam video dan audio pada desktop
Screen O Metic berfungsi untuk merekam video dan audio pada desktop.
Untuk merekam video dengan Screen O Metic kita harus mengklik…
Correct Answer
A. Record
To record a video with Screen O Metic, we need to click on the "Record" button.
Apa yang dilakukan jika kita selesai merekam dan ingin melihatnya dengan mengklik….
Correct Answer
B. Done
The correct answer is "Done". This is because "Done" indicates that the recording process is complete and the user wants to proceed to the next step, which is likely to view or save the recorded content. "Record" is the action taken to start the recording, "Close" and "Exit" suggest closing or exiting the recording application, and "Semua benar" means "All correct" and does not provide any specific instruction related to viewing the recording.
Apakah Video Screen O Metic bisa langsung di share ke youtube…
Correct Answer
B. Tidak
The correct answer is "Tidak" because the question asks if the Video Screen O Metic can be directly shared to YouTube. Since the answer is "Tidak" (No), it implies that the Video Screen O Metic cannot be directly shared to YouTube.