Letak suatu negara ditinjau dari garis lintang dan garis bujurnya disebut.....
Correct Answer
C. Letak astronomis
The correct answer is "Letak astronomis." This term refers to the geographic location of a country in terms of its latitude and longitude coordinates. It emphasizes the country's position in relation to celestial bodies and astronomical phenomena, such as the equator, the poles, and the position of the sun and stars. This aspect of a country's location is important for navigation, climate, and other geographical factors.
Berikut ini yang bukan unsur fisik dalam ilmu geografi adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Penduduk
Penduduk bukanlah unsur fisik dalam ilmu geografi karena penduduk merujuk pada manusia dan aktivitas manusia dalam suatu wilayah. Unsur fisik dalam ilmu geografi meliputi semua komponen alam seperti tanah, air, iklim, dan flora serta fauna.
Wilayah indonesia yang terletak paling ujung selatan yaitu...
Correct Answer
C. Pulau Rote
Pulau Rote adalah wilayah Indonesia yang terletak paling ujung selatan. Pulau ini terletak di sebelah selatan Pulau Timor dan merupakan bagian dari Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Pulau Rote memiliki pantai yang indah dan terkenal dengan keindahan alam bawah lautnya. Wilayah ini juga dikenal dengan budaya dan tradisi yang kaya, seperti tarian tradisional yang unik dan rumah adat yang khas.
Berdasarkan letak astronomisnya, maka seluruh wilayah indonesia beriklim...
Correct Answer
A. Tropis
Based on its astronomical location, Indonesia is located near the equator, which means that the entire country has a tropical climate. The tropical climate is characterized by high temperatures throughout the year, abundant rainfall, and high humidity. This climate is influenced by the warm ocean currents and the position of Indonesia in the intertropical convergence zone. The tropical climate in Indonesia supports the growth of diverse flora and fauna and is also prone to tropical storms and monsoons.
Secara Geografis wilayah negara indonesia terletak diantara dua samudera luas besar yaitu..
Correct Answer
D. Samudera Hindia dan Pasifik
Indonesia is located between two large oceans, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This geographical location is important as it influences Indonesia's climate, marine resources, and trade routes. The Indian Ocean is located to the west of Indonesia, while the Pacific Ocean is located to the east. These two oceans have a significant impact on Indonesia's weather patterns, with the Indian Ocean influencing the monsoon season and the Pacific Ocean contributing to the occurrence of El Niño and La Niña events. Additionally, the oceans provide Indonesia with abundant marine resources and serve as important trade routes for the country.
Berikut ini merupakan contoh fauna Indonesia tengah atau peralihan,kecuali..
Correct Answer
B. Kanguru
The given options are examples of fauna found in Indonesia, specifically in the central or transitional region. The kangaroo is not found in Indonesia, so it is the exception among the listed animals.
Semua jenis angin, termasuk angin muson selalu bertiup dari...
Correct Answer
B. Daerah bersuhu rendah ke daerah bersuhu udara tinggi
Angin muson bertiup dari daerah bersuhu rendah ke daerah bersuhu udara tinggi. Ini karena perbedaan suhu antara kedua daerah tersebut menciptakan perbedaan tekanan udara. Udara di daerah bersuhu rendah memiliki tekanan yang lebih tinggi daripada udara di daerah bersuhu tinggi. Sebagai akibatnya, udara dari daerah bersuhu rendah bergerak menuju daerah bersuhu tinggi untuk menciptakan keseimbangan tekanan. Hal ini menghasilkan angin muson yang bertiup dari daerah bersuhu rendah ke daerah bersuhu udara tinggi.
Garis batas yang memisahkan daerah fauna indonesia tengah dan timur namanya garis...
Correct Answer
A. Webber
The correct answer is Webber because it is the name of the boundary line that separates the central and eastern regions of Indonesia's fauna. The other options, Wallace, Khatulistiwa, and Equator, do not refer to specific boundary lines in this context.
Garis Wallace merupakan garis khayal yang memisahkan antara daerah hewan ..
Correct Answer
A. Asiatis dan Indonesia Tengah
The correct answer is "Asiatis dan Indonesia Tengah." The sentence mentions that Garis Wallace is an imaginary line that separates the area of animals between Asia and Central Indonesia. This implies that the line divides the region of Asiatic animals from the region of animals in Central Indonesia.
Faktor utama yang menyebabkan musim hujan di indonesia yaitu bertiupnya angin..
Correct Answer
A. Muson barat
The main factor that causes the rainy season in Indonesia is the blowing of the west monsoon wind. The west monsoon wind brings moist air from the Indian Ocean, resulting in heavy rainfall in Indonesia. This wind pattern is a significant climatic phenomenon in the region and plays a crucial role in determining the weather patterns and seasons in Indonesia.
Letak suatu daerah atau tempat dapat dilihat dari kenyataan sebenarnya di muka bumi disebut...
Correct Answer
letak geografis
The correct answer is "letak geografis, geografis". The term "letak geografis" refers to the geographical location or position of a place or region on the Earth's surface. It is used to describe the actual physical location of a place based on its latitude, longitude, and other geographical features. The term "geografis" is a shortened form of "letak geografis" and has the same meaning. Therefore, both options are correct and can be used interchangeably to describe the geographical location of a place.
Letak suatu Wilayah atau Negara terhadap garis lintang dan garis garis bujurnya disebut..
Correct Answer
letak astronomis
The correct answer is "letak astronomis" or "astronomis." This term refers to the geographical location of a region or country in relation to its latitude and longitude. It is used to describe the position of a place on the Earth's surface in terms of its astronomical coordinates.
Masa peralihan dari musim kemarau ke musim penghujan yakni pada bulan Oktober-November disebut..
Correct Answer
Musim labuh
The correct answer is "Musim labuh". In Indonesia, the transition period from the dry season to the rainy season is referred to as "Musim labuh". This typically occurs in the months of October and November. During this time, there is a shift in weather patterns, with the onset of rainfall and cooler temperatures after the dry season. The term "Musim labuh" is commonly used to describe this seasonal transition in Indonesia.
Wilayah indonesia paling utara tepat pada posisi 6LU yakni di pulau..
Correct Answer
Masa peralihan dari musim penghujan ke musim kemarau, terjadi kira-kira pada bulan Maret-April disebut...
Correct Answer
Musim Mareng
The correct answer is "Musim Mareng". The explanation for this answer is that "Musim Mareng" refers to the transitional period from the rainy season to the dry season, which typically occurs around the months of March and April. This term is commonly used in certain regions to describe this specific seasonal change.