Teman sebaya adalah
Type response below
Bagaimana kamu akan mengubah hubungan persahabatanmu ?
Kita semua butuh merasa dipilih oleh seseorang. Hal ini mebuat kita merasa diakui memiliki suatau kelebihan. Menurutmu, Siapa yang memilih dirimu dan kelebihan apa yang kamu miliki sehingga membuatmu dipilih ?
Ceritakan pengalamamu ketika pertama kali memasuki masa puber, Jelaskan perubahan fisik dan psikologis yang terjadi ?
Adakah kiat-kiat yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperoleh teman sebaya yang memberikan pengaruh positif ?
Apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan remaja tersebut terhadap teman sebaya yang meberikan pengaruh negatif ?
Bagaimana cara mencengah dan menangani kenakalan remaja tersebut ?
Aktivitas apa saja yang dilakukan untuk menghadapi gejolak pada masa remaja ?
Masa remaja adalah
Mengapa kita perlu memahami pengaruh perubahan fisik dan psikologis terhadap hubungan sosial kita ?
Ada 6 hal yang Tuhan sudah tentukan dari lahir dan perlu kita syukurin, Kecuali ?
Correct Answer
D. Teman Dekat
Teman Dekat is the correct answer because the question asks for the exception among the given options. The other options (Keluarga, Jenis kelamin, Keadaan fisik) are all things that God has predetermined from birth and for which we should be grateful. However, the presence or absence of close friends is not something that is predetermined by God at birth. It is something that develops over time and is influenced by various factors such as personal choices, social interactions, and circumstances.
Manusia dapat mengenal Tuhan dengan mengetahui sifat-sifatnya,Kecuali ?
Correct Answer
D. Semua jawaban benar
The given answer states that all the options are correct. This means that all the attributes mentioned - Maha Kuasa (Almighty), Maha Pengampun (Most Forgiving), and Maha Pengasih (Most Merciful) - are ways through which humans can recognize God. Hence, the answer suggests that all the options are valid in understanding and knowing God.
Perubahan fisik pada remaja, perubahan itu bisa tampak dan tidak tampak, pada remaja putra, perubahan yang tampak dari luar, yaitu ?
Correct Answer
D. Semua benar
During adolescence, both visible and invisible physical changes occur in boys. One visible change is the growth of facial hair, also known as "tumbuh jakun." Another visible change is the strengthening of muscles, as stated in the option "Otot menguat." Additionally, the option "Kulit dan rambut berminyak" refers to the visible change of oily skin and hair, which is common during puberty. Therefore, the correct answer is "Semua benar" (All of the above), as all the options mention visible changes that occur in adolescent boys.
Pada remaja putri, perubahan fisik yang tampak dari luar antara lain ?
Correct Answer
D. Semua jawaban benar
During adolescence, girls go through various physical changes. One of the most noticeable changes is the growth of breasts. Their body shape also starts to become more curvy as they develop wider hips and a narrower waist. Another change is the growth of underarm hair. Therefore, all the given options are correct as they represent different physical changes that occur in teenage girls.
Berbagai perubahan fisik yang terjadi pada pria dan wanita dapat menimbulkan permasalahan-permasalahan berikut ini, Kecuali ?
Correct Answer
B. Bentuk rambut
The given question asks for an exception among the physical changes that occur in men and women. The options include body odor, hair shape, acne, and irregular menstruation. The correct answer is "Bentuk rambut" which translates to "Hair shape" in English. This means that hair shape is not a physical change that causes problems, unlike body odor, acne, and irregular menstruation.
Masa yang dilalui setiap manusia meliputi masa kanak-kanak, remaja, dan dewasa, masa remaja diawalin dengan puberitas antara usia ?
Correct Answer
A. Usia 9 Tahun-10 Tahun
The correct answer is "Usia 9 Tahun-10 Tahun" because it states that adolescence begins with puberty, which typically occurs between the ages of 9 and 10. This is a period of significant physical and psychological changes in individuals as they transition from childhood to adulthood.
Perbedaan pertumbuhan fisik dengan teman sebaya salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik dan lingkungan, Kecuali ?
Correct Answer
B. Sahabat
The growth and development of an individual can be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. These factors can include nutrition, health, and emotional stress. However, one factor that does not have a direct impact on physical growth compared to peers is having friends or companions. While friendships can indirectly affect overall well-being and mental health, they do not directly influence physical growth.
Beberapa strategi dalam mencari teman sebaya, diantaranya
Correct Answer
D. Semua jawaban benar
The given answer states that all of the options mentioned in the question are correct strategies for finding friends. This implies that creating interactions, being fun, and attentive are all effective ways to make friends.
Strategi yang tidak tepat dalam mencari teman, Kecuali ?
Correct Answer
B. Sikap diri yang Positif
The correct answer is "Sikap diri yang Positif". The other options mentioned are all inappropriate strategies in finding friends. "Perilaku Psikologis" refers to psychological behavior, which may not be an effective approach in forming friendships. "Sikap diri yang negatif" refers to having a negative attitude towards oneself, which can hinder the process of making friends. "Agresi fisik dan verbal" refers to physical and verbal aggression, which is definitely not an appropriate strategy for finding friends. On the other hand, having a positive attitude towards oneself is a crucial aspect in forming and maintaining healthy friendships.
Menolak Tekanan negatif dari teman sebaya, Kecuali ?
Correct Answer
C. Ikut senang-senang
Menolak tekanan negatif dari teman sebaya adalah tindakan yang positif dan penting untuk mempertahankan integritas diri. Namun, "Ikut senang-senang" adalah tindakan yang bertentangan dengan menolak tekanan negatif. Dalam konteks ini, ikut senang-senang berarti mengikuti keinginan teman sebaya tanpa mempertimbangkan dampak negatifnya. Oleh karena itu, opsi "Ikut senang-senang" tidak sesuai dengan prinsip menolak tekanan negatif dari teman sebaya.