Jumlah provinsi di Indonesia saat ini adalah....................provinsi
Correct Answer
A. 34
The correct answer is 34 because there are currently 34 provinces in Indonesia.
Jumlah provinsi di Indonesia pada awal kemerdekaan adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. 8 provinsi
At the time of Indonesia's independence, there were 8 provinces. This suggests that the country was initially divided into 8 administrative regions.
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Provinsi yang ditunjukkan dengan nomor 2(merah) menunjukkan provinsi .....
Correct Answer
A. Jawa Tengah
The correct answer is Jawa Tengah because in the given image, the province marked with number 2 (in red) corresponds to the region of Jawa Tengah.
Provinsi Banten merupakan pemekaran dari provinsi .........
Correct Answer
B. Jakarta
Provinsi Banten merupakan pemekaran dari provinsi Jakarta.
Provinsi termuda saat ini adalah provinsi ....
Correct Answer
B. Kalimantan Utara
Kalimantan Utara is currently the youngest province in Indonesia. It was established on 25 October 2012, making it the most recent addition to the country's provinces. The creation of Kalimantan Utara was aimed at promoting development and improving governance in the northern part of Kalimantan Island. With its establishment, the region gained more autonomy and resources to address the specific needs and challenges of its communities.
Provinsi yang keluar dari NKRI di Tahun 1999 adalah provinsi ..........
Correct Answer
A. Timor Timur
Timor Timur adalah provinsi yang keluar dari NKRI pada tahun 1999. Pada tahun yang sama, Timor Timur memilih untuk memisahkan diri dari Indonesia melalui referendum yang diadakan oleh PBB. Hasil referendum menunjukkan mayoritas penduduk Timor Timur mendukung kemerdekaan dari Indonesia. Setelah itu, Timor Timur secara resmi menjadi negara yang merdeka dengan nama Timor Leste.
Ibukota Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan adalah ..........
Correct Answer
C. Makasar
The correct answer is Makasar. Makasar is the capital city of South Sulawesi Province in Indonesia. It is a major port city located on the southwestern coast of the island of Sulawesi. Makasar is known for its rich cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and bustling markets. It is also a popular tourist destination, offering beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and delicious local cuisine.
Borneo merupakan sebutan lain dari pulau .......
Correct Answer
A. Kalimantan
Borneo is another name for the island of Kalimantan.
Provinsi yang paling padat penduduknya adalah provinsi .....
Correct Answer
A. Jakarta
Jakarta is the correct answer because it is the most densely populated province in Indonesia. It is the capital city and the center of government, commerce, and industry. Jakarta's population density is significantly higher compared to other provinces in Indonesia, with a large number of people residing in a relatively small area. This high population density is due to various factors such as urbanization, economic opportunities, and migration from other regions in search of better livelihoods.
Provinsi Bengkulu merupakan pemekaran dari provinsi .......
Correct Answer
D. Sumtera Selatan
Provinsi Bengkulu is a province that was formed by splitting from another province. The correct answer is Sumatera Selatan, which means that Bengkulu was previously a part of Sumatera Selatan before becoming its own province.