What is the opposite of “excellence”? (Clue: it is an anagram of AQUA ICY END)
The opposite of "excellence" is "inadequacy". The clue provided, which is an anagram of "AQUA ICY END", can be rearranged to form the word "inadequacy". Inadequacy refers to the state of being insufficient, inadequate, or not meeting the desired standards or expectations.
Tick the correct statement:
Correct Answer
A. “Indeed Allaah has commanded with excellence in everything.” This refers to our dealings with people, animals and everything that we do.
The correct answer is "Indeed Allaah has commanded with excellence in everything." This refers to our dealings with people, animals, and everything that we do. This statement acknowledges that Allah has commanded us to strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives, including our interactions with others and our treatment of animals. It emphasizes the importance of performing our actions with sincerity, kindness, and compassion.
We do not normally think of “killing” in an excellent manner, but it is even possible to execute and sacrifice in an excellent manner. What that means is: (Tick all correct options)
Correct Answer(s)
A. Causing the least amount of harm and alleviating suffering
C. Sharpening a blade before killing an animal for meat
D. Being gentle when you lie the animal on its side
F. Not constraining the animal’s limbs
The correct answer options are focused on minimizing harm and suffering when killing an animal. This includes causing the least amount of harm and alleviating suffering, sharpening the blade before killing to ensure a quick and humane death, being gentle when positioning the animal on its side, and not constraining the animal's limbs to minimize stress and discomfort. These actions reflect a consideration for the welfare of the animal even in the act of killing it.
This hadeeth is narrated by Muslim (but not al Bukhari). The following are hadeeths that we have already studied in the book. They are all narrated by Muslim only except for one. Which one is it? (Clue: it is related by al Bukhari too)
Correct Answer
A. “[The reward of] actions are only in accordance with their intentions…”
The remaining questions are on Hadeeth 18 ("have taqwaa of Allaah wherever you are...)
The best definition of taqwaa is: To be protected from the punishment of Allaah by
Correct Answer
C. Doing the things Allaah commanded and staying away from the things He prohibited
Taqwaa refers to the concept of being mindful and conscious of Allah's commands and prohibitions. It involves actively obeying what Allah has ordered and refraining from what He has forbidden. By doing so, one seeks protection from the punishment of Allah and strives to maintain a righteous and pious lifestyle. Calling on the Prophet for help and hoping for Allah's mercy are not the primary components of taqwaa, although they may be part of a person's overall relationship with Allah.
Having taqwaa of Allaah in open and in private is
Correct Answer
A. Obligatory (waajib)
Having taqwaa of Allaah (God-consciousness) in both public and private is obligatory (waajib) because it is a fundamental aspect of being a believer. Taqwaa entails being aware of Allah's presence at all times and striving to avoid anything that displeases Him. It involves following His commandments and abstaining from prohibited actions. This obligation applies in all aspects of life, whether in public or in private, as Allah is always watching and aware of our actions.
“And follow up a bad deed with a good deed; it will wipe it away.”
Any type of good deed may weigh out the evil deed. However, there is one good deed that Shaykh al Uthaymeen highlights in this situation. What is it? (Clue: it is an anagram of A RECENT PEN)
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "repentance". Repentance is the act of acknowledging and regretting one's wrongdoing and seeking forgiveness from God. It is considered a powerful and effective way to erase the effects of a bad deed. By sincerely repenting and making amends, one can seek forgiveness and strive to improve their actions, thus wiping away the negative consequences of the bad deed.
What can we say regarding good manners? (Tick/check all three correct options):
Correct Answer(s)
C. Something that one person considers good manners might not be considered good manners by someone else.
D. With regards to interacting with people in a fine manner, then the PropHet sall Allaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam left the mode and manner unrestricted.
E. Advice about what constitutes good manners can be sought from the people of intellect because they will have knowledge of that.
Good manners can vary from person to person, as what one person considers good manners may not be the same for someone else. Additionally, the Prophet sall Allaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam did not restrict the mode and manner of interacting with people in a fine manner, allowing for flexibility in how one displays good manners. Seeking advice from knowledgeable individuals, such as the people of intellect, can help in understanding what constitutes good manners.