Suatu kepercayaan yang meyakini adanya suatu roh atau jiwa yang melekat pada benda-benda, baik pada benda yang hidup atau mati disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Animisme
Animisme adalah sebuah kepercayaan yang meyakini adanya suatu roh atau jiwa yang melekat pada benda-benda, baik itu benda yang hidup maupun mati. Dalam animisme, dianggap bahwa semua benda memiliki kehidupan dan kesadaran sendiri, dan bahwa roh atau jiwa tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari. Kepercayaan ini umumnya ditemukan pada masyarakat primitif yang masih menjalani kehidupan tradisional dan berhubungan erat dengan alam.
Pohon, batu besar, gunung, gua, senjata, dan jimat yang memiliki kekuatan gaib dan keramat dinamakan...
Correct Answer
A. Dinamisme
Dinamisme is the correct answer because the given objects such as trees, large rocks, mountains, caves, weapons, and amulets are all associated with the belief in spirits and supernatural powers. Dinamisme refers to the belief that natural objects and phenomena possess spiritual essence and power. This belief system is commonly found in indigenous cultures where nature is revered and considered sacred. The other options, animisme, megalithikum, and menhir, do not encompass the broader concept of spiritual power attributed to various natural objects.
Bangunan dari batu berbentuk tugu yang berfungsi sebagai perlambang roh nenek moyang disebut...
Correct Answer
D. Menhir
A menhir is a stone structure that is shaped like a pillar and is used as a symbol or monument to represent ancestral spirits. It is typically found in ancient cultures and is often associated with rituals or religious practices. Menhirs are commonly found in various parts of the world, including Europe and Asia. They are usually made of a single large stone and can vary in size and shape. The term "menhir" is derived from the Breton words "men" meaning stone and "hir" meaning long.
Bangunan berbentuk meja batu yang memiliki kaki meja berupa empat menhir dinamakan...
Correct Answer
C. Dolmen
A dolmen is a stone table-shaped structure with four upright stones as its legs. It is a type of megalithic monument that was commonly used as a burial site during the Neolithic period. The word "dolmen" originated from the Breton language, meaning "stone table." This aligns with the description given in the question, which mentions a stone table-shaped building with four menhirs as its legs. Therefore, the correct answer is dolmen.
Bangunan dari batu yang berbentuk seperti barang yang berfungsi sebagai keranda jenazah disebut...
Correct Answer
D. Sarkofagus
A sarkofagus is a stone structure that is shaped like a coffin and is used to bury the deceased. It is commonly found in ancient civilizations and is often adorned with intricate carvings or decorations. The word "sarkofagus" itself is derived from the Greek word "sarkophagos," which means "flesh-eating." This suggests that the structure was originally used to decompose the bodies within it.
Asumsi abstrak dan sering tidak disadari tentang sesuatu yang benar dan yang penting adalah definisi nilai sosial yang dikemukakan oleh...
Correct Answer
A. Kimbal Young
Kimbal Young is the correct answer because the question is asking about the abstract and often unconscious assumptions about what is right and important, specifically the definition of social value. Out of the given options, Kimbal Young is the most likely candidate to have proposed such a definition.
Merupakan cara-cara bertindak yang digemari oleh masyarakat sehingga dilakukan berulang-ulang oleh banyak orang disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Kebiasaan
Kebiasaan merujuk pada cara-cara bertindak yang digemari oleh masyarakat dan dilakukan berulang-ulang oleh banyak orang. Hal ini mencakup tindakan-tindakan yang menjadi rutinitas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan menjadi bagian dari budaya dan norma sosial suatu masyarakat. Kebiasaan dapat berkaitan dengan tata cara, tata kelakuan, dan adat, tetapi secara spesifik, kebiasaan lebih menekankan pada tindakan yang menjadi kebiasaan umum dalam masyarakat.
Norma yang bersumber kepada filsafat, ajaran agama atau ideologi yang dianut masyarakat disebut...
Correct Answer
D. Tata Kelakuan
Tata kelakuan refers to the norms and behaviors that are derived from philosophy, religious teachings, or the ideologies held by a society. It encompasses the accepted code of conduct and moral principles that guide individuals in their actions and interactions within a community. This term is used to describe the collective behavior patterns and social norms that are influenced by philosophical, religious, or ideological beliefs.
Norma yang menunjuk kepada perbuatan dengan sanksi yang sangat ringan bagi pelanggarnya disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Usage
The term "usage" refers to the customary way in which language, words, or phrases are used in a particular community or society. In the context of the given question, "usage" does not refer to a specific set of rules or laws, but rather to the informal and common practices that are accepted and followed by people in their everyday interactions. Unlike laws, which have more serious consequences for violations, "usage" typically involves lighter sanctions or social disapproval for noncompliance. Therefore, "usage" is the correct answer as it best fits the description of a norm with very mild sanctions for its violators.
Norma yang tidak tertulis, norma sangat kuat mengikat seseorang bagi pelanggar akan mendapat sanksi keras yang mengakibatkan penderitaan dinamakan....
Correct Answer
A. Adat
The given question asks for the term that refers to unwritten norms that strongly bind someone and result in severe sanctions and suffering for violators. The term that fits this description is "adat," which refers to traditional customs and practices that are deeply ingrained in a society and carry significant social consequences for those who do not adhere to them.
Norma dari pemerintah yang berupa peraturan, intruksi, ketetapan, keputusan, dan undang-undang disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Hukum
The correct answer is "hukum". The question asks for the term used to describe government norms in the form of regulations, instructions, decisions, and laws. "Hukum" is the Indonesian term for law, and it encompasses all the mentioned forms of government norms.
Gaya dalam berbuat sesuatu yang sering berubah-ubah dan di ikuti mayarakat disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Mode
The correct answer is "mode". In Indonesian, "mode" refers to a trend or a popular style that changes frequently and is followed by society. This term is commonly used to describe the ever-changing fashion trends, popular culture, or even behavior patterns. Therefore, "mode" is the most appropriate term to describe the constantly changing ways of doing things that are followed by society.
Para ahli arkeologi membagi pembabakan perkembangan budaya masyarakat awal Indonesia menjadi...zaman
Correct Answer
B. 2
The correct answer is 2 because the sentence mentions that archaeologists divide the development of early Indonesian society into "zaman" which means "era" or "age" in Indonesian. The question does not provide any further information about the specific eras or ages being referred to, but it suggests that there are multiple divisions or periods of development.
Zaman batu tua disebut...
Correct Answer
A. Paleolithikum
The correct answer is paleolithikum. Paleolithikum refers to the Old Stone Age, which is characterized by the use of stone tools and the hunting and gathering lifestyle of early humans. This period is known for the development of early human cultures and the mastery of fire.
Zaman batu tengah disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Mesolithikum
The correct answer is mesolithikum because it refers to the middle Stone Age. This period occurred after the Paleolithic era and before the Neolithic era. During the Mesolithic period, humans began to develop more advanced tools and technologies, including the creation of smaller, more specialized stone tools. This era also saw a shift in human societies towards more mobile and hunter-gatherer lifestyles, as well as the beginning of the domestication of plants and animals.
1. Zaman batu tua disebut...
Correct Answer
Zaman batu tua disebut paleolithikum karena istilah ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan periode awal dari zaman batu, yang ditandai dengan penggunaan alat-alat batu sederhana oleh manusia purba. "Paleo" berarti "tua" dalam bahasa Yunani, sedangkan "lithos" berarti "batu". Jadi, paleolithikum mengacu pada periode ketika manusia masih menggunakan alat-alat batu yang belum terlalu maju dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka.