She has ____________ in her pants means she moves around alot.
The word "ants" is used metaphorically in this sentence to describe someone who moves around a lot. Just like ants are constantly in motion, the person being referred to is also constantly on the move. This metaphor helps to convey the idea that the person is restless or energetic.
That was a piece of ___________ means that was easy.
The phrase "That was a piece of cake" is a common idiom used to describe something that is very easy or effortless. It compares the task or situation to eating a piece of cake, which is typically enjoyable and requires little effort. Therefore, the correct answer "cake" accurately reflects the meaning of the idiom and explains why it signifies something easy.
Get your head out of the clouds means
Correct Answer
A. Pay attention.
The phrase "get your head out of the clouds" is an idiomatic expression that means to stop daydreaming or fantasizing and start paying attention to reality or the present situation. It is often used to tell someone to focus on what is happening around them and not be distracted or lost in their own thoughts.
Don't let the __________ out of the bag means don't tell the secret.
Correct Answer
Don't bury your head in the sand means
Correct Answer
A. That you are ignoring what is around you.
The phrase "Don't bury your head in the sand" is an idiom that means to avoid or ignore a problem or unpleasant situation. It originates from the behavior of ostriches, who are believed to bury their heads in the sand when they feel threatened, thinking that by doing so, they become invisible. In a figurative sense, the phrase implies that by ignoring or avoiding a situation, one is not facing the reality or consequences of it. Therefore, the correct answer "That you are ignoring what is around you" accurately reflects the meaning of the idiom.
They're in hot water means that the their bathtub water is too hot.
Correct Answer
B. False
She laughed her head off means
Correct Answer
D. She thought it was really funny that she laughed hard.
The phrase "laughed her head off" is an idiom that means to laugh very loudly and uncontrollably. The correct answer, "She thought it was really funny that she laughed hard," accurately reflects the meaning of the idiom. It implies that the person found something extremely amusing and couldn't stop laughing.
Write the idiom that means to not cry over little things that you cannot change.
Correct Answer
Don't cry over spilled milk.
The idiom "Don't cry over spilled milk" means that one should not waste time and energy worrying about something that has already happened and cannot be changed. It emphasizes the importance of accepting the past and moving on instead of dwelling on regrets or insignificant matters.
I'm all ears means?
Correct Answer
B. I am listening carefully to you.
The phrase "I'm all ears" is an idiom that means someone is fully attentive and ready to listen to what another person has to say. It implies that the person is interested and willing to hear what the speaker has to share or discuss.
I am feeling under the _____________ means that I am sick.
Correct Answer
The given correct answer is "weather". The sentence suggests that when someone says "I am feeling under the weather", it means that they are sick. This phrase is commonly used to convey that someone is not feeling well or is experiencing illness or discomfort.
To clam up means?
Correct Answer
A. To stop talking.
The phrase "to clam up" is an idiomatic expression that means to suddenly become silent or refuse to talk. It is often used to describe someone who becomes tight-lipped or unwilling to share information or opinions. This phrase is not related to eating clams or finding a clam shell, but rather refers to the action of a clam closing its shell tightly, symbolizing someone closing off their communication.
Hold your horses means?
Correct Answer
A. To slow down.
"Hold your horses" is an idiomatic expression that means to slow down or wait patiently. It is often used to tell someone to be patient or to not rush into something. The phrase originated from the practice of holding onto the reins of horses to keep them from running too fast or getting out of control. Therefore, the correct answer is "to slow down."
Let sleeping dogs lie means to not make trouble.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement "Let sleeping dogs lie means to not make trouble" is true. This phrase is an idiom that advises against disturbing a situation or topic that could potentially cause trouble or conflict. It suggests that it is better to leave things as they are and avoid unnecessary complications or conflicts.
The test just slipped my __________________ means that I forgot.
Correct Answer
The phrase "slipped my mind" is a commonly used idiom that means to forget something. In this context, the person is saying that they forgot something, indicating that it slipped their mind. Therefore, the correct answer is "mind".