Mobilitas merupakan kata dari bahasa latin yaitu "mobiles" yang mempunyai arti....
Correct Answer
A. Mudah dipindahkan
The word "mobilitas" is derived from the Latin word "mobiles" which means "easy to move". Therefore, the correct answer is "mudah dipindahkan".
individu atau kelompok individu yang melakukan perpindahan posisi sosial dari satu lapisan ke lapisan yang lain disebut...
Correct Answer
C. Mobilitas sosial
Mobilitas sosial refers to the movement or transition of individuals or groups from one social position to another. It involves changes in social class, occupation, education, or income level. This concept highlights the ability of individuals or groups to improve their social status or move down the social ladder. It is an important aspect of social dynamics as it reflects social opportunities, inequalities, and the potential for upward or downward social mobility within a society.
Mobilitas sosial merupakan tindakan berpindah dari satu kelas sosial ke kelas sosial yang lainnya. Pengertian tersebut diungkapkan oleh ahli yang bernama...
Correct Answer
A. Paul B. Horton
The given question asks for the name of the expert who defined social mobility as the act of moving from one social class to another. The correct answer is Paul B. Horton.
Pak Saleh Dia adalah seorang guru yang rajin dan berprestasi, pada suatu saat dia diangkat menjadi kepala sekolah yang ditugaskan di sekolah yang lain. Maka Pak Saleh mengalami mobilitas sosial...
Correct Answer
B. Vertikal
Pak Saleh mengalami mobilitas sosial vertikal karena dia naik jabatan dari menjadi guru menjadi kepala sekolah. Mobilitas sosial vertikal terjadi ketika seseorang berpindah ke posisi yang lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dalam struktur sosial. Dalam kasus ini, Pak Saleh naik ke posisi yang lebih tinggi, sehingga mengalami mobilitas sosial vertikal.
Dalam bahasa Inggris mobilitas sosial vertikal ke atas disebut...
Correct Answer
D. Social climbing
Social climbing refers to the process of moving up the social ladder or improving one's social status. It involves individuals actively seeking to gain higher social positions, often by associating with higher-status individuals or participating in activities that are perceived as prestigious. This term is commonly used in the context of upward mobility and describes the desire to achieve a higher social standing within society.
Pak Lutfi harus pindah dari jabatan kepala cabang BRI Kabupaten Jember ke kepala cabang BRI di Kabupaten Banyuwangi. kejadian yang dialami Pak Lutfi merupakan jenis mobilitas sosial...
Correct Answer
B. Horizontal
The given answer is "horizontal". This is because the situation described involves a movement from one branch of BRI in Kabupaten Jember to another branch in Kabupaten Banyuwangi. This movement is considered horizontal because it is a lateral or sideway movement within the same organizational level or position. It does not involve a promotion or demotion, but rather a transfer to a different location or branch.
Yang bukan termasuk faktor pendorong terjadinya terjadinya mobilitas sosial adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Faktor agama
The correct answer is "Faktor agama" because religion is considered as one of the significant factors that can influence social mobility. Religion can provide individuals with a sense of identity, community, and social support, which can impact their social status and opportunities for upward mobility. Additionally, religious beliefs and practices can also shape cultural norms and values, which in turn can affect social mobility. Therefore, the presence or absence of religious factors can have an impact on social mobility.
Yang merupakan contoh teori faktor individu yang mempengaruhi terjadinya mobilitas sosial adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Budi diterima masuk kerja karena mempunyai keinginan kuat dan etos kerja yang baik
The correct answer is Budi diterima masuk kerja karena mempunyai keinginan kuat dan etos kerja yang baik. This answer explains that individual factors, such as strong motivation and good work ethics, can influence social mobility. In this case, Budi's determination and strong work ethic allowed him to be accepted for a job, indicating that his individual characteristics played a role in his social mobility.
Pada zaman penjajahan pemerintah Hindia Belanda membangun sekolah-sekolah yang berbeda kepada keturunan Belanda dan kaum pribumi. Hal itu merupakan penghambat terjadinya mobilitas sosial karena faktor...
Correct Answer
B. diskriminasi
During the colonial era, the Dutch government built different schools for the Dutch descendants and the indigenous people. This created a discriminatory system that hindered social mobility for the indigenous population. The lack of equal educational opportunities based on ethnicity resulted in limited access to resources and opportunities, perpetuating a cycle of inequality and discrimination.
Partai-partai yang ikut dalam pemilu merupakan saluran mobilitas sosial dalam bentuk....
Correct Answer
C. Organisasi politik
The political parties that participate in elections serve as a channel for social mobility. They provide individuals with opportunities to engage in political activities, gain political influence, and potentially advance their social status. By joining a political party and actively participating in its activities, individuals can network with influential people, gain access to resources and opportunities, and increase their chances of obtaining positions of power and influence within society. Therefore, political parties can be seen as a form of social organization that facilitates social mobility.
Yang bukan termasuk saluran mobilitas sosial organisasi profesi adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah
The correct answer is "Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah". This is because the other options mentioned, such as Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia, Persatuan Dokter Indonesia, and Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia, are all professional organizations that represent specific professions or groups of professionals. On the other hand, Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah refers to an intra-school student organization, which is not directly related to professional mobility or advancement in a specific field or profession.
yang bukan dampak positif dari terjadinya mobilitas sosial adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Menimbulkan gangguan psikologis
Mobilitas sosial dapat mendorong seseorang untuk lebih maju dan mempercepat perubahan sosial. Namun, salah satu dampak negatifnya adalah dapat menimbulkan gangguan psikologis. Perubahan status sosial yang cepat atau tidak stabil dapat menyebabkan stres, kecemasan, dan ketidakpastian emosional pada individu. Ini dapat mempengaruhi kesejahteraan mental seseorang dan mengganggu keseimbangan psikologisnya.
Berikut ini adalah arti mobilitas sosial, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
C. Gerakan perpindahan orang atau kelompok orang dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya
The correct answer is "Gerakan perpindahan orang atau kelompok orang dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya" because it refers to the movement of individuals or groups of people from one place to another, rather than a movement between different social classes or economic positions. It does not involve a change in social strata, but rather a change in physical location.
Contoh berikut yang mengalami mobilitas sosial vertikal naik adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Satria semula pedagang kaki lima dan sekarang memiliki toko sendiri
The correct answer is Satria semula pedagang kaki lima dan sekarang memiliki toko sendiri. This is an example of upward social mobility because Satria started as a street vendor and now owns his own shop, indicating a rise in social status and economic success.
Semula Ferry adalah seorang karyawan di sebuah perusahaan asuransi kemudian pindah bekerja ke perusahaan jasa travel sebagai kasir.
Contoh kasus di atas termasuk bentuk mobilitas sosial ...
Correct Answer
C. Horizontal
The given scenario describes a change in occupation from working in an insurance company to working as a cashier in a travel company. This represents a horizontal social mobility because the individual has moved laterally from one job to another without any significant change in status or level of authority. The individual has not moved up or down the social hierarchy, but rather made a horizontal shift within the same level of social status.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1