Benua yang memiliki wilayah daratan 2/3 berupa gurun pasir adalah
Correct Answer
D. Australia
Australia is the correct answer because it is the continent that has approximately 2/3 of its land area covered by deserts. The largest desert in Australia is the Great Victoria Desert, which is one of the largest deserts in the world. This vast expanse of sandy and arid land contributes to Australia having a significant portion of its land as desert.
Suku asli Benua Australia adalah
Correct Answer
A. Aborigin
The correct answer is Aborigin. Aborigin refers to the indigenous people of Australia. They are the original inhabitants of the continent and have a rich cultural history that dates back thousands of years. The term "Aborigin" is used to collectively refer to various groups of indigenous people in Australia, who have diverse languages, traditions, and customs. They have faced significant challenges and injustices throughout history, including colonization and forced assimilation policies. However, they continue to maintain their cultural identity and have made significant contributions to Australian society.
Negara yang dijuluki "The Black Country" adalah
Correct Answer
B. Inggris
The correct answer is Inggris. Inggris adalah negara yang dijuluki "The Black Country". Julukan ini merujuk pada wilayah di Midlands Barat Inggris yang pada masa lalu terkenal karena industri pertambangan batu bara dan produksi besi. Julukan ini berasal dari polusi dan asap yang dihasilkan oleh industri-industri tersebut, yang membuat lingkungan sekitar terlihat "hitam".
Fauna Endemik Benua Australia sesuai pada gambar adalah
Correct Answer
C. Kangguru
The correct answer is Kangguru because kangaroos are native to Australia and are considered an iconic symbol of the country. They are marsupials, meaning they carry their young in a pouch, and are known for their powerful hind legs and ability to hop. Kangaroos have adapted to the unique Australian environment and are found in various habitats across the continent. They play an important role in the ecosystem and are an integral part of Australia's fauna.
Fauna endemik Benua Amerika adalah
Correct Answer
D. Ilama
The correct answer is Ilama because it is a native animal of the Americas. Kangaroos and koalas are native to Australia, while eels are found in various parts of the world. Therefore, the only animal in the given list that is endemic to the Americas is the Ilama.
Kota industri tekstil terbesar di Negara Jepang adalah
Correct Answer
C. Osaka
Osaka is the correct answer because it is known as the largest textile industry city in Japan. It has a long history of textile production and is home to numerous textile factories and companies. Osaka's textile industry plays a significant role in Japan's economy and has contributed to the city's reputation as a major industrial hub.
Negara Jepang menganut prinsip bekerja dan belajar dengan keras dan tanpa kenal lelah disebut
Correct Answer
A. Bushido
Bushido is the correct answer because it refers to the Japanese samurai code of conduct, which emphasizes hard work, discipline, and perseverance. It is a set of principles that guide the behavior and actions of samurai warriors, promoting loyalty, honor, and self-discipline. This code embodies the idea of working and studying diligently without knowing fatigue, which aligns with the given statement about Japan's principles of hard work and perseverance.
Seni melipat kertas negara Jepang disebut
Correct Answer
C. Origami
Origami is the correct answer because it is the art of folding paper, which originated in Japan. The other options, such as Noh, Chanayu, and Ikebana, are not related to folding paper. Noh is a traditional form of Japanese theater, Chanayu refers to the Japanese tea ceremony, and Ikebana is the art of flower arrangement. Only Origami fits the description of folding paper, making it the correct answer.
Salah satu kota penting di Negara Amerika Serikat yang menjadi markas PBB adalah
Correct Answer
C. New York
New York is the correct answer because it is a significant city in the United States and is home to the headquarters of the United Nations (PBB). The United Nations is an international organization that promotes peace, cooperation, and diplomacy among nations. Therefore, it is logical for the headquarters to be located in a major city like New York, which is known for its global influence and diverse population.
Mereka adalah kembar bersaudara yang bernama Wilbur dan Orville Wright yang berhasil menciptakan
Correct Answer
B. Pesawat terbang
Wilbur and Orville Wright are twin brothers who successfully invented the airplane.
Universitas tertua di dunia terdapat di Negara Inggris yang bernama
Correct Answer
A. Oxford
Oxford is the correct answer because it is the oldest university in the world. It was established in the 12th century and has a long history of academic excellence. The university is located in Oxford, England and is renowned for its prestigious colleges and renowned scholars. Oxford has played a significant role in the development of education and has produced numerous notable alumni, including world leaders, scientists, and Nobel laureates.
Ibukota Negara Kanada adalah
Correct Answer
A. Ottawa
The correct answer is Ottawa. Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. It is located in the province of Ontario and is known for its historic architecture, national museums, and beautiful natural landscapes. Ottawa is also the political center of Canada, housing the Parliament of Canada and the residences of the Prime Minister and Governor General.
Teori pergeseran benua yang menyatakan bumi pada berjuta-juta tahun lalu hanya terdiri dari satu benua yang disebut
Correct Answer
D. Pangea
The correct answer is Pangea. Pangea refers to the theory of continental drift that suggests millions of years ago, all the continents were once joined together as a single supercontinent. This theory explains the similarities in fossils, rock formations, and geological features found across different continents. Pangea eventually broke apart, leading to the formation of the current continents.
Salah satu peninggalan bersejarah yang terdapat di Benua Asia yaitu Taj Mahal. Bangunan ini berada di Negara
Correct Answer
B. India
The Taj Mahal is a historical monument located in India. It is a symbol of love and was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is renowned for its stunning architecture, intricate marble work, and beautiful gardens. It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World and attracts millions of tourists from around the globe.
Benua terpanjang adalah julukan bagi benua
Correct Answer
B. Amerika
The correct answer is Amerika because it is the longest continent in terms of north-south extent. It stretches from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the southern tip of South America.
Benua hitam adalah julukan bagi Benua
Correct Answer
C. Afrika
The correct answer is Afrika because "Benua hitam" translates to "black continent" in English, which is a common nickname for Africa. This is because Africa is known for its large population of people with dark skin.
Batas sebelah selatan Benua Asia adalah
Correct Answer
C. Samudra Hindia
The correct answer is Samudra Hindia because the question is asking for the southern boundary of the continent of Asia. The Indian Ocean is located to the south of Asia, so it is the correct answer. The other options, Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean, are not located to the south of Asia.
Benua Asia dibagi menjadi lima kawasan. Negara-negara dikawasan Asia Timur adalah
Correct Answer
C. Taiwan, Jepang dan Korea Selatan
The correct answer is Taiwan, Jepang dan Korea Selatan. This is because these three countries are located in East Asia, which is one of the five regions into which Asia is divided. China and India are part of the South Asia region, while Thailand, Hongkong, and Vietnam are part of the Southeast Asia region. Pakistan, Bhutan, and Nepal are part of the Central Asia region.
Sungai terpanjang didunia adalah
Correct Answer
D. Sungai Nil
The correct answer is Sungai Nil. The Nile River is considered the longest river in the world, stretching over 4,135 miles in length. It flows through eleven countries in northeastern Africa, including Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia, before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River has played a significant role in the development of ancient civilizations, providing water for agriculture and transportation. It is also a popular tourist destination, known for its historical landmarks such as the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Valley of the Kings.
Arsitek Prancis yang membuat Terusan Suez bernama
Correct Answer
C. Ferdinand V. de Lesseps
Ferdinand V. de Lesseps is the correct answer because he was a French architect who successfully designed and oversaw the construction of the Suez Canal. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who is known for his voyages to the Americas, not for any involvement in the construction of the Suez Canal. Howard Aiken was an American physicist and computer scientist, and Ernest Hemingway was an American writer and journalist. Neither of them had any involvement in the construction of the Suez Canal.
Salah satu kota penting di Negara Inggris adalah Canterburry yang merupakan
Correct Answer
A. Kota Tua
Canterbury is considered an important city in England because it is known for its historical significance and preservation of ancient architecture. The term "Kota Tua" translates to "Old City" in English, which aligns with Canterbury's reputation as a city with a rich history and well-preserved medieval buildings. The city's famous Canterbury Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, further emphasizes its status as a "Kota Tua" or "Old City."
Tugu yang digunakan memuja Dewa Ra (Dewa matahari) di Negara Mesir disebut
Correct Answer
D. Obelisk
The correct answer is Obelisk. An obelisk is a tall, four-sided stone pillar that was used to worship the sun god Ra in ancient Egypt. These structures were believed to symbolize the rays of the sun and were often placed in pairs at the entrances of temples or other important religious sites. The obelisks were intricately carved and adorned with hieroglyphs and other decorative elements. They served as a focal point for religious rituals and were considered sacred objects in ancient Egyptian culture.
Adanya interaksi antarruang negara-negara di Benua Asia dengan benua-benua lainnya, salah satunya munculnya Gerakan Non Blok. Dilihat dari kerjasamanya, maka Gerakan Non Blok bergerak dibidang
Correct Answer
B. Politik
Gerakan Non Blok bergerak dibidang politik karena tujuan utamanya adalah menjaga kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan negara-negara non-blok dari intervensi dan dominasi negara-negara blok. Gerakan ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat hubungan politik antar negara-negara non-blok, mempromosikan perdamaian dunia, dan mengadvokasi hak-hak negara-negara berkembang. Dalam bidang politik, Gerakan Non Blok juga bekerja sama dalam forum internasional seperti Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan bersama dan memperkuat posisi politik negara-negara non-blok di dunia.
Salah satu negara penghasil ikan terbesar di dunia adalah
Correct Answer
A. Amerika Serikat
Amerika Serikat adalah salah satu negara penghasil ikan terbesar di dunia karena memiliki wilayah perairan yang luas seperti Samudra Atlantik, Samudra Pasifik, dan Danau Besar. Selain itu, Amerika Serikat juga memiliki industri perikanan yang maju dan modern, dengan teknologi yang canggih untuk budidaya ikan dan penangkapan ikan. Hal ini membuat Amerika Serikat mampu memproduksi dan mengekspor jumlah ikan yang besar ke berbagai negara di seluruh dunia.
Penduduk Negara Mesir yang memiliki ciri berkulit putih dan sebagai pendiri Mesir Kuno adalah
Correct Answer
B. Hamit
The correct answer is "Hamit." This is because the Hamitic people were a group of ancient Egyptians who were known for their white skin and were considered the founders of ancient Egypt. They were part of the broader Hamitic language family, which included various ethnic groups in North Africa. The Hamitic people played a significant role in shaping the civilization and culture of ancient Egypt.