Svaki Tjedan Kviz Jedan 12

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| By Zlatna Vrata
Zlatna Vrata
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 907
Questions: 13 | Attempts: 907

Svaki Tjedan Kviz Jedan 12 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    U razmaku od 50 godina snimljena su dva filma identična naslova: 1983. Brian de Palma snima „Scarface“ s Alom Pacinom u glavnoj ulozi. Tko je režirao „Scarface“ iz 1932. s Paulom Munijem u glavnoj ulozi?

    • A.

      Howards Hawks

    • B.

      Michael Curtiz

    • C.

      Victor Fleming

    Correct Answer
    A. Howards Hawks
    The correct answer is Howards Hawks. In the question, it is stated that two films with the identical title "Scarface" were made 50 years apart. The first film was directed by Brian de Palma in 1983, and the second film, which is being asked about, was made in 1932. The film from 1932 starred Paul Muni in the lead role, and it was directed by Howards Hawks. Therefore, the correct answer is Howards Hawks.

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  • 2. 

    Povijesni „Ben Hur“ imao je brojne verzije: najnovija je snimljena 2016., najpoznatija i najnagrađivanija je ona iz 1959. Cecillea B.DeMillea s Charltonom Hestonom u glavnoj ulozi. No, zanimljiva je i nijema verzija iz 1925. Freda Nibloa. Tko je bio u glavnoj ulozi 1925. godine?

    • A.

      Rudolph Valentino

    • B.

      Ramon Navarro

    • C.

      Tom Mix

    Correct Answer
    B. Ramon Navarro
    In 1925, the main actor in the silent version of "Ben Hur" was Ramon Navarro.

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  • 3. 

    John Reed je američki novinar koji se bavi kronikama Ruske revolucije. Osim što je bio u glavnoj ulozi, Warren Beatty je bio i redatelj, te je te godine (1981.) osvojio Oscara za režiju. O kojem je filmu riječ:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    A. Crveni
    The correct answer is "Crveni." The explanation is that the question provides information about John Reed, an American journalist who wrote about the Russian Revolution, and Warren Beatty, who was both the lead actor and director of the film. Therefore, the film being referred to is "Crveni" (Red).

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  • 4. 

    Jedan od najboljih filmova o istraživačkom novinarstvu, film Alana Pakule, „Svi predsjednikovi ljudi“ bavi se aferom:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Watergate
    The correct answer is Watergate. The film "All the President's Men" directed by Alan Pakula is about the Watergate scandal. This scandal involved the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate complex, which eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. The film follows the investigative journalism of reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein as they uncover the details of the scandal and expose the corruption within the Nixon administration.

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  • 5. 

    Godine 2015. Oscara osvaja film „Spotlight“ koji se također bavi istraživačkim novinarstvom, samo što je ovaj put u fokusu istraživanje o:

    • A.

      Pronevjeri novca

    • B.

      Vojnoj intervenciji u Guatemali

    • C.

      Seksualnom zlostavljanju unutar katoličke crkve  

    Correct Answer
    C. Seksualnom zlostavljanju unutar katoličke crkve  
    The film "Spotlight" won the Oscar in 2015 and it also focuses on investigative journalism. In this case, the film explores the investigation of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church.

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  • 6. 

    Jedna od najznačajnih društvenih revolucija, #metoo pokret, doveo je do pada niza moćnih muškaraca u showbussinesu, sportu, politici... Žene su progovorile o zlostavljanjima o kojima su šutjele godinama, ponižene i ne vjerujući da bi ih se slušalo. Sada ih se čuje, vjeruje im se i podržava. Koji je ugledni američki producent (Miramax), ne tako davno osuđen, bio „okidač“ pokreta?

    • A.

      Bill Cosby

    • B.

      Harvey Weinstein

    • C.

      Larry Nassar

    Correct Answer
    B. Harvey Weinstein
    The correct answer is Harvey Weinstein. The #metoo movement was sparked by the revelations of sexual misconduct by Weinstein, a prominent American producer. His downfall, along with the exposure of numerous other powerful men in various industries, led to a significant social revolution where women felt empowered to speak out about the abuse they had suffered in silence for years. Weinstein's case became a symbol of the widespread issue of sexual harassment and assault, and the movement brought attention to the need for change and accountability in society.

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  • 7. 

    #metoo pokret ostavio je traga i u hrvatskoj javnosti, a premda je u Hrvatskoj u tom trenutku na čelu države žena, proteste „slabijeg spola“ poveo je netko drugi. Koja je glumica i scenaristica bila najglasnija?

    • A.

      Zrinka Cvitešić

    • B.

      Matija Prskalo

    • C.

      Jelena Veljača

    Correct Answer
    C. Jelena Veljača
    Jelena Veljača was the most vocal actress and screenwriter during the #metoo movement in Croatia, despite having a female leader in the country at that time.

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  • 8. 

    U Hrvatskoj je od 1991. bilo pregršt tema za ekranizaciju, ali je snimljeno malo angažiranih filmova. Mogli bismo reći da nemamo niti jedan „veliki“ ratni film, nema ni priča o korupciji ili možda spornoj privatizaciji. Jedan od rijetkih bio je film Dalibora Matanića iz 2002. Koji tematizira brojne teme: lezbijsku ljubav, malograđansko licemjerje, nasilje nad manjinama, PTSP, pobačaj i prostituciju. O kojem filmu je riječ?

    • A.


    • B.

      Fine mrtve djevojke

    • C.

      Blagajnica hoće ići na more

    Correct Answer
    B. Fine mrtve djevojke
    The correct answer is "Fine mrtve djevojke" because the passage mentions that one of the few films that addressed various topics such as lesbian love, hypocrisy, violence against minorities, PTSD, abortion, and prostitution was made by Dalibor Matanić in 2002.

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  • 9. 

    Impresivan debi 1989., „Sex laži i videovrpce“, donio je Zlatnu palmu u Cannesu svom autoru, danas jednom od najuglednijih američkih redatelja. Tko je on?

    • A.

      Steven Soderbergh

    • B.

      John Dahl

    • C.

      David Fincher

    Correct Answer
    A. Steven Soderbergh
    Steven Soderbergh is the correct answer because his impressive debut film "Sex, Lies, and Videotape" won the Golden Palm at the Cannes Film Festival in 1989. Today, he is regarded as one of the most respected American directors.

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  • 10. 

    On je redatelj, dizajner i umjetnik. Filmom „Šunka, šunka“ otkrio je svijetu Javiera Bardema i Penelope Cruz. Filmove je snimao na katalonskom jeziku, a karakterizira ih snažan naglasak na erotičnom, često povezano s hranom. Tko je on?

    • A.

      Alejandro Amenábar

    • B.

      Santiago Segura

    • C.

      Bigas Luna

    Correct Answer
    C. Bigas Luna
    Bigas Luna is a director, designer, and artist known for his films such as "Jamón, Jamón" which introduced Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz to the world. His films are often shot in Catalan language and are characterized by a strong emphasis on eroticism, often connected with food.

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  • 11. 

    Na sajmu knjiga u Frankfurtu 2017. godine nagrada za najbolju filmsku adaptaciju knjiškog predloška otišla je u ruke katalonske redateljice za iznimnu adaptaciju romana "Knjižara“ (The Bookshop) Penelope Fitzgerald. Tko je ona?

    • A.

      Pilar Miró

    • B.

      Isabel Coixet

    • C.

      Carmen Maura

    Correct Answer
    B. Isabel Coixet
    Isabel Coixet is the correct answer for the question because she won the award for the best film adaptation of the novel "The Bookshop" at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2017. She is a Catalan director known for her exceptional adaptation of the book.

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  • 12. 

    „Seks je najpolitičkija djelatnost čovjeka, jer u njemu uvijek jedni gube, a drugi dobivaju. Ali, ne volim politiku. Seks mi je puno zanimljiviji i uzbudljiviji.“ glasovita je izjava talijanskog erotomana koji je, između ostalih, proslavio Serenu Grandi, Francescu Delleru, Valeriu Marini i dr.  Tko je on?

    • A.

      Damiano Damiani

    • B.

      Mario Bava

    • C.

      Tinto Brass

    Correct Answer
    C. Tinto Brass
    The correct answer is Tinto Brass. Tinto Brass is a famous Italian filmmaker known for his erotic films. The quote mentioned in the question highlights his preference for sex over politics and his belief that sex is a highly political activity because it involves winners and losers. Tinto Brass is renowned for directing films such as "Caligula" and "Cheeky" that explore themes of sexuality and desire.

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  • 13. 

    U počecima karijere ekscentrične družine Monty Python, jedan ugledni glazbenik prepoznao je njihov potencijal i odlučio uložiti u njih. „Brianov život“ izvorno je financirao EMI, koji je odustao jer je scenarij smatrao bogohulnim. Veliki obožavatelj Monty Pythona "založio" je svoj dom u Londonu i svoju poslovnu zgradu kako bi prikupio potrebna četiri milijuna funti. Na pitanje zašto, rekao je "jer to želim vidjeti." Eric Idle našalio se da je to najviša cijena ikad plaćena za kino kartu. O kojem glazbeniku je riječ?

    • A.

      John Lennon

    • B.

      Paul McCartney

    • C.

      George Harrison

    Correct Answer
    C. George Harrison
    George Harrison, a member of the Beatles, recognized the potential of the eccentric Monty Python family and decided to invest in them. He financed their film "Life of Brian" originally through EMI, but they withdrew their support due to considering the script blasphemous. As a devoted Monty Python fan, George Harrison pledged his London home and his office building to raise the necessary four million pounds. When asked why he did it, he simply said, "because I want to see it." Eric Idle jokingly remarked that it was the highest price ever paid for a movie ticket.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 21, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jul 13, 2020
    Quiz Created by
    Zlatna Vrata
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