Which Citrus Character Are You Quiz

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| By Citrussoda
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Which Citrus Character Are You Quiz - Quiz

If you've watched the Japanese manga show, Citrus then this quiz will interest you a lot. Here, we'll tell which Citrus character you are only by asking you a few questions about your interests and likes. This anime show had some very cool and interesting characters, whom we all loved. If you're wondering which of these characters reflects your personality style the most, then you can find the answer today in this quiz. So, get ready and start answering!

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    How observant are you?

    • A.

      Observing people and things is sort of my specialty

    • B.

      I kinda make a game out of picking up on people's habits.

    • C.

      I don't really go out of my way to learn about people in every which way, but I can pick up on how my friends are feelings pretty easily.

    • D.

      I struggle enough trying to figure myself out to be honest.

    • E.

      I don't see the point in trying to observe other people. We all live our own lives. I'm not interested in that!

    • F.

      I only really care about observing a couple people. I kinda read into things a lot, though

    • G.

      I don't need to observe anyone because I already know my best friend well enough

    • H.

      I only need to observe people if I think they're a threat to someone I care about.

    • I.

      I can easily read my friends, but I really like learning about the new people in my life and observing them so we can be closer.

    Rate this question:

  • 2. 

    How clingy are you with your friends?

    • A.

      I'm pretty shamelessly clingy honestly

    • B.

      I guess I can be clingy when I miss my friends or when I know somethings bugging them

    • C.

      I can be clingy I guess. I kinda rely on my friends a lot

    • D.

      I'm not very clingy with my friends

    • E.

      I'm super clingy with my best friend

    • F.

      I'm clingy with the people I look up to

    • G.

      I can be clingy from time to time, but I prefer having my space and being independent

    • H.

      I'm very clingy with the person I care most about

    • I.

      I'm not clingy at all. I prefer taking a backseat and looking on

    Rate this question:

  • 3. 

    What's your type?

    • A.

      I don't have a type. If I fall in love, I fall in love, and that's that.

    • B.

      I haven't really considered it. I haven't really liked anyone in a while.

    • C.

      I like people who can act independent but can be vulnerable and rely on me.

    • D.

      I've been drawn to people who are outgoing and positive.

    • E.

      I don't have a type. I prefer friendship and seeing my friends in relationships.

    • F.

      I seem to have a thing for people who are a bit of a challenge. It doesn't hurt if they're a little older than me.

    • G.

      People who I find hard to read and understand

    • H.

      I've only really ever dedicated my heart to one person. There's no one else like them.

    • I.

      My type is probably along the lines of someone who works hard and has a lot of sides to them.

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  • 4. 

    What are some of your biggest flaws?

    • A.

      I can come off as intimidating.

    • B.

      I'm kinda a bitch, I guess. Whoops!

    • C.

      I find it hard to be myself sometimes and ignore what other people think.

    • D.

      I struggle with conveying my feelings.

    • E.

      I can be very abrasive when protecting someone I care about, which can worsen the situation.

    • F.

      I'm a bit uptight

    • G.

      I care too much about the opinions of the person I love.

    • H.

      I can sometimes be a follower.

    • I.

      I often get attached to people too quickly.

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  • 5. 

    What's a trait you like about yourself?

    • A.

      I'm a loyal friend

    • B.

      I listen to my heart

    • C.

      I'm confident in my ability to succeed

    • D.

      I have an open heart and mind

    • E.

      I'm sure of my role in the world

    • F.

      I'm a kind person who cares deeply about my friends

    • G.

      I'm not afraid to be myself and be open about things

    • H.

      I don't let my insecurities stop me from fighting for what I want

    • I.

      I'm someone other people can rely on

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  • 6. 

    Favorite hobby (from the following)?

    • A.

      Reading novels

    • B.

      Reading manga

    • C.


    • D.

      Helping friends

    • E.


    • F.

      Playing video games

    • G.


    • H.

      Screaming about OTP

    • I.

      Just laying down in the quiet and being able to think

    Rate this question:

  • 7. 

    Your biggest fear would be ________. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Always being a sidekick type of friend

    • D.

      Never finding love

    • E.

      The person I care about most ending up unhappy or hurt

    • F.

      Being invisible or feared

    • G.

      Not being accepted by friends

    • H.

      Being seen as an annoyance and ultimately getting abandoned

    Rate this question:

  • 8. 

    What are your thoughts on rules?

    • A.

      They exist for a reason. It's crucial to follow them and enforce them.

    • B.

      I follow them for the most part. Sometimes I slip up, though.

    • C.

      I follow the rules because I have no reason not to.

    • D.

      I don't follow rules because doing what I want should be more important than pointless guidelines

    • E.

      I follow the rules, but they're pretty annoying.

    • F.

      I sometimes break rules in order to make a stand, but I ultimately end up backing down because I don't want to get in trouble.

    • G.

      Rules are super important for structure and I enforce them.

    • H.

      I don't really care about the rules. I break the ones that I know I can easily get away with, but some of them I recognize I should follow.

    • I.

      I don't like rules. I break them pretty much all the time because the way we dress or look shouldn't be controlled by the education board

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  • 9. 

    How do you show that you love someone?

    • A.

      I'm upfront and direct about it

    • B.

      I tease them and pester them

    • C.

      It takes awhile to build the courage, but I try to convey my feelings through loving actions

    • D.

      I show my feelings through being a good friend but eventually making a direct move

    • E.

      I do whatever I can to make them happy, even though I rely on them a lot

    • F.

      I struggle to show my feelings. I often end up showing the person I'm willing to step out of my comfort zone for them

    • G.

      I guess I would be affectionate and fun with them

    • H.

      I keep things casual until I'm sure the other person feels the same, and I casually bring up my feelings

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  • 10. 

    Which of these options sounds like an Ideal day to you?

    • A.

      Going on a fun date with the person I like.

    • B.

      Getting attention from the person I admire and hanging out with my friends playing games.

    • C.

      Shopping with my best friend and then getting some alone time at home.

    • D.

      Going on a road trip or adventure with my friends.

    • E.

      Watching a bunch of moments between my OTP.

    • F.

      Being able to relax for a day and feel no pressure.

    • G.

      Being around people who accept me and don't judge me.

    • H.

      Being with the person I like, just one-on-one, doing what we always do in a comfortable atmosphere.

    • I.

      Following my favorite person around and maybe shopping and getting snacks.

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  • 11. 

    If you were a candy, what would you be?

    • A.

      Sour Patch Kids

    • B.

      Pineapple Lollipop

    • C.

      Dark chocolate Dove bar

    • D.

      Reese's Pieces

    • E.


    • F.


    • G.

      Pixy Stix

    • H.

      White chocolate Easter Bunny

    • I.


    Rate this question:

  • 12. 

    How manipulative can you be?

    • A.

      I don't know how to lie without crying so not manipulative at all

    • B.

      I'm very manipulative, to be honest. I don't really know how else to get what I want

    • C.

      I don't see the point in being manipulative. I don't want anything from anyone

    • D.

      I can be manipulative because I struggle with being direct about what I want

    • E.

      I'm not manipulative at all because I don't think I could ever mess with people I care about

    • F.

      I can be manipulative in order to protect who I care about from other people

    • G.

      Why be manipulative? I would never try to trick someone into something they don't want to do

    • H.

      I less manipulative and more straightforward in getting things from people

    • I.

      I'm not manipulative. People can do what they want

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  • 13. 

    What do you do when you're upset?

    • A.

      I avoid the situation or listen to music.

    • B.

      I cry and distance myself from people.

    • C.

      I shut down and act cold.

    • D.

      I deal with the situation head on

    • E.

      I get frustrated and do something about it, sometimes not in the best way.

    • F.

      I tend to blame myself.

    • G.

      I worry and panic and whine.

    • H.

      I usually address the problem, but sometimes I just let it blow over.

    • I.

      I blame other people and confront them.

    Rate this question:

  • 14. 

    Which do you think applies to you most?

    • A.

      OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

    • B.

      AVPD (Avoidant Personality Disorder)

    • C.

      BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)

    • D.

      Bipolar Disorder

    • E.

      ADHD (Attentive Deficiency Hyperactive Disorder)

    • F.

      NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)

    • G.


    • H.

      CPD (Cyclothymia Personality Disorder)

    • I.


    Rate this question:

  • 15. 

    What are your grades like?

    • A.

      I work really hard and get high grades

    • B.

      I do, like, no work, but I guess I'm good with testing because I get good scores

    • C.

      I struggle with school but I can get good scores when I put my mind to it

    • D.

      I do pretty well in school. A little above average, I'd say

    • E.

      I do really good in school without trying. It comes naturally to me

    • F.

      I excel in school and pride myself on my grades

    • G.

      I'm okay in school. It's pretty hard for me but I try my best

    • H.

      I do my work but I can never seem to get higher than my friends grade wise

    • I.

      I'm often quite distracted thinking about other things so my grades sometimes take a hit

    Rate this question:

  • 16. 

    How attached are you to your phone?

    • A.

      I'm basically on it 24/7

    • B.

      I use it a lot but I could probably go a day without it.

    • C.

      I love my phone but I prefer face to face interaction.

    • D.

      I use my phone in hopes of getting texts from people.

    • E.

      I'm very inept and behind the times when it comes to phones.

    • F.

      I don't use my phone much, I prefer to do my work.

    • G.

      I use my phone for necessities, like checking in on people and getting directions.

    • H.

      I use my phone a lot to look at pictures of my OTP.

    • I.

      I don't use my phone much because I don't really know what I can do on it.

    Rate this question:

  • 17. 

    How would your friends describe you?

    • A.

      Serious and mature

    • B.

      Immature and easily excited

    • C.

      Popular and childish

    • D.

      Troublesome and blunt

    • E.

      Energetic and impulsive

    • F.

      A romantic and optimist

    • G.

      Loyal and reliable

    • H.

      Determined and high-strung

    • I.

      Quiet and observant

    Rate this question:

  • 18. 

    How much do you worry about how other people might see you?

    • A.

      I can be myself with my friends, but I tend to hide who I really am in public and with other people.

    • B.

      I don't care about the consequences of being myself, but I know I put on a mask to hide my emotions in fear of being judged for my insecurities.

    • C.

      I don't see the point in hiding who I am, mostly because I'm not noticed by people much anyways.

    • D.

      I don't hide who I am because if I did, nobody will be able to love me for who I am.

    • E.

      I'm very open about who I am and what I like, even though I sometimes get worried about how I will be seen.

    • F.

      I am myself everywhere I go because I'm proud of who I am and pride myself on being respectable.

    • G.

      It's hard for me to open up, so my actions are sometimes influenced by how society will see me.

    • H.

      What's wrong with being myself? Why would I hide who I am?

    • I.

      I've decided that how people see me isn't important. My life is my life, and I'm no longer going to waste it by pretending to be someone I'm not like I used to.

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  • Current Version
  • May 18, 2022
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Apr 05, 2018
    Quiz Created by
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