Qual o maior oceano do mundo?
Correct Answer
A. Pacífico
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. It covers a vast area of the Earth's surface, stretching from the western coast of North and South America to the eastern coast of Asia and Australia. It is also the deepest ocean, with the Mariana Trench reaching a depth of over 36,000 feet. The Pacific Ocean is known for its diverse marine life, including coral reefs, whales, and various fish species. It plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate and is an important resource for fishing, transportation, and trade.
Qual foi o primeiro país a conter o novo coronavírus (Covid-19) após a China?
Correct Answer
B. Coreia do Sul
The correct answer is Coreia do Sul. The question asks for the first country to contain the new coronavirus (Covid-19) after China. The correct answer is South Korea, as they implemented aggressive testing, contact tracing, and quarantine measures early on, which helped to effectively contain the spread of the virus.
Como se chama este tipo de arte?
Correct Answer
B. Arte rupestre
Arte rupestre é o nome dado a um tipo de arte que é feita em paredes de cavernas, rochas ou superfícies naturais. Essa forma de arte é caracterizada por desenhos e pinturas feitos por povos antigos, retratando cenas da vida cotidiana, animais ou símbolos religiosos. É uma forma de expressão artística que remonta a milhares de anos atrás e pode ser encontrada em várias partes do mundo. O cubismo, graffiti e arte romana são estilos de arte diferentes e não se enquadram nessa definição de arte rupestre.
Em terra de ________ quem tem um ________ é rei.
Correct Answer
In this phrase, the word "cego" means blind and the word "olho" means eye. The phrase "Em terra de cego quem tem um olho é rei" is a Portuguese proverb that translates to "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king" in English. This proverb suggests that even someone with a small advantage or skill can be highly valued or respected in a situation where others have no knowledge or ability in that area.
Quais destes países pertencem à UE?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Grécia
B. Eslováquia
D. Dinamarca
The correct answer is Grécia, Eslováquia, Dinamarca. These countries belong to the EU (European Union). Norway is not a member of the EU.
Em Fórmula 1 o famoso piloto Lewis Hamilton pertence à equipa da Ferrari.
Correct Answer
B. Falso
The given statement is false because Lewis Hamilton does not belong to the Ferrari team in Formula 1. He is associated with the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team.
A que país pertence a bandeira apresentada?
Correct Answer
C. Bulgária
The correct answer is Bulgaria.
Quem é o famoso jogador de basquete apresentado na figura seguinte?
Correct Answer
A. Dennis Rodman
The correct answer is Dennis Rodman.
Quais são os nomes dos 3 heterónimos de Fernando Pessoa?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Álvaro de Campos
B. Ricardo Reis
D. Alberto Caeiro
Fernando Pessoa possui três heterônimos: Álvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis e Alberto Caeiro.
Qual o nome do famoso pintor do quadro "Noite estrelada"?
Correct Answer
B. Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh is the correct answer because he is the famous painter of the artwork "Noite estrelada" (Starry Night). This painting is one of Van Gogh's most well-known works and is characterized by its swirling brushstrokes and vibrant colors. Van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter who is recognized as one of the greatest and most influential artists in history.
A famosa frase "Penso, logo ________" foi dita pelo filósofo ________.
Correct Answer
The famous phrase "Penso, logo existo" was said by the philosopher Descartes.
O menor país do mundo é ________ e o maior país do mundo é ________.
Correct Answer
The Vatican is the smallest country in the world, both in terms of land area and population. It is an independent city-state located within the city of Rome, Italy. On the other hand, Russia is the largest country in the world, covering a vast area spanning across Eastern Europe and northern Asia. It is known for its diverse landscapes, including the Siberian tundra, the Ural Mountains, and the vast forests of Siberia.
Qual o nome do presidente do Brasil que ficou conhecido como "Jango"?
Correct Answer
D. João Goulart
João Goulart é o nome do presidente do Brasil que ficou conhecido como "Jango".
Palavras homónimas têm a mesma/o...
Correct Answer
C. Som e Grafia
Homônimos são palavras que possuem a mesma pronúncia, mas têm significados diferentes e, muitas vezes, também possuem grafias diferentes. Portanto, a resposta correta é "Som e Grafia", pois palavras homônimas têm a mesma pronúncia e a mesma grafia.
Qual o símbolo do "sódio" utilizado na tabela periódica?
Correct Answer
B. Na
The correct answer is "Na". Na is the symbol for sodium in the periodic table. Each element in the periodic table is represented by a unique symbol, and sodium's symbol is Na.
Quais das seguintes marcas são de carros?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Lotus
C. Koenigsegg
D. Acura
The question asks for car brands among the given options. Lotus, Koenigsegg, and Acura are all well-known car brands, while Scuderia is not a car brand but a term used to refer to the racing team associated with Ferrari.
Quanto tempo demora a luz do sol a chegar à terra?
Correct Answer
B. 8 minutos
The correct answer is 8 minutes. This is because the sun is approximately 93 million miles away from Earth, and light travels at a speed of about 186,282 miles per second. Therefore, it takes approximately 8 minutes for the sunlight to travel from the sun to Earth.
Qual a montanha mais alta do Brasil?
Correct Answer
A. Pico da Neblina
Pico da Neblina is the correct answer because it is the highest mountain in Brazil. Located in the Serra do Imeri, on the border between Brazil and Venezuela, Pico da Neblina reaches an elevation of 2,995 meters (9,826 feet) above sea level. It is part of the Serra da Neblina National Park and is known for its dense cloud cover and mist, which gave it its name ("Pico da Neblina" translates to "Peak of the Mist" in English).
O recurso inicial utilizado pelo homem para explicar a origem das coisas foi a filosofia.
Correct Answer
B. Falso
The initial resource used by humans to explain the origin of things was not philosophy. Philosophy is a discipline that emerged later in human history and was not the first attempt to explain the origin of things. Therefore, the statement "O recurso inicial utilizado pelo homem para explicar a origem das coisas foi a filosofia" is false.
Quanto mais fechados os braços estão nas extensões de braços, mais exercemos os triceps.
Correct Answer
A. Verdadeiro
The statement is saying that the more closed our arms are during arm extensions, the more we exercise our triceps. This means that the statement is true. When our arms are closer together, it puts more emphasis on the triceps muscles, leading to a greater workout for them.