Lakaran reka bentuk litar elektrik dibuat bertujuan untuk memastikan kuantiti dan kedudukan yang betul bagi komponen elektrik yang dipasang.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. The purpose of designing an electrical circuit diagram is to ensure the correct quantity and position of the installed electrical components. This diagram helps in understanding the connections and arrangement of the components, allowing for proper functioning and troubleshooting of the circuit.
Manakah antara berikut, kenyataan yang betul tentang lakaran rekabentuk litar elektrik ?(pilih satu saja)
Correct Answer
C. Gambaran awal projek elektrik
The correct answer is "gambaran awal projek elektrik" which means "initial design of an electrical project" in English. This option is the only one that is related to the design of an electrical project, while the other options are unrelated or incorrect.
Suis mikro mempunyai 3 kaki. Salah satunya adalah kaki COM. Berikan dua (2) lagi kakinya yang lain.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Kaki NO
B. Kaki NC
The correct answer is "kaki NO, kaki NC". The question states that a Suis mikro has 3 legs, one of which is the COM leg. Therefore, the other two legs must be the NO and NC legs.
Suis mikro boleh berfungsi sebagai suis tekan buka dan juga suis tekan _____________
Correct Answer(s)
The given correct answer, "tutup," suggests that the "suis mikro" can function as a push-to-close switch. This means that when the button is pressed, it will close or shut off a circuit or device. This type of switch is commonly used in various electronic devices or appliances where the user needs to activate or deactivate a function by simply pressing a button.
Wayar atau kabel di dalam lakaran sistem elektrik berfungsi sebagai pengawal aliran arus elektrik.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement states that the wire or cable in an electrical system functions as a controller of electric current flow. However, this is incorrect. Wires or cables in an electrical system serve as conductors, allowing the flow of electric current from one point to another. They do not control the flow of electric current, but rather provide a pathway for it to travel. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Di antara berikut, manakah BUKAN merupakan punca bekalan arus elektrik.?
Correct Answer
D. Mentol
Mentol bukan merupakan punca bekalan arus elektrik karena mentol adalah senyawa organik yang ditemukan dalam minyak esensial tumbuhan tertentu. Mentol umumnya digunakan dalam produk-produk seperti permen karet, salep, dan minyak urut, tetapi tidak menghasilkan arus listrik. Sebaliknya, bateri, dinamo, dan janakuasa adalah sumber-sumber yang dapat menghasilkan arus listrik.
Dalam sebuah litar elektrik, beban atau rintangan kepada arus elektrik adalah
Correct Answer
B. Mentol
In a circuit, the load or resistance to the electric current is provided by the menthol.
Penilaian kefungsian gajet bertujuan untuk memastikan gajet dapat berfungsi seperti diingini.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because the purpose of evaluating the functionality of gadgets is to ensure that they can perform as desired. This assessment helps to determine if the gadgets are able to function properly and meet the intended objectives or requirements. By conducting a functional assessment, any issues or limitations with the gadgets can be identified and addressed, ensuring that they can perform their intended tasks effectively.
Berikut adalah komponen elektrik yang dipasang di dalam litar elektrik KECUALI...
Correct Answer
D. Bindu
The given question asks for a component that is NOT installed in an electrical circuit. The options provided include "bateri" (battery), "suis mikro" (micro switch), "mentol" (bulb), and "bindu" (fuse). All the other options are common components found in electrical circuits, but a "bindu" or fuse is not typically installed in an electrical circuit. A fuse is a safety device that is designed to protect the circuit from excessive current flow. It acts as a sacrificial element that melts when the current exceeds a certain limit, thereby breaking the circuit and preventing damage to other components.
Pengujian mesti dilakukan selepas penilaian.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "Pengujian mesti dilakukan selepas penilaian" translates to "Testing must be done after assessment." However, the correct answer is False. This is because testing and assessment are two different activities that can be carried out independently of each other. Testing is typically done to evaluate the performance or functionality of a system, while assessment is the process of evaluating or measuring someone's knowledge or skills. Therefore, testing can be done before, during, or after assessment, depending on the specific context or requirements.