What does NPC stand for?
Correct Answer
B. National Panhellenic Conference
The correct answer is National Panhellenic Conference. The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is an organization that represents 26 national and international sororities in the United States and Canada. It promotes the values of sorority life and provides support and resources for its member organizations. NPC works to enhance the sorority experience and advocates for the rights and interests of sorority women.
Membership recruitment guidelines are only binding if one is participating in formal fall recruitment for their chapter.
Correct Answer
B. False
Membership recruitment guidelines are not only binding if one is participating in formal fall recruitment for their chapter. They are binding for all members, regardless of whether they are participating in formal fall recruitment or not. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
There is a budget cap on all expenses related to recruitment.
Correct Answer
The given answer of $2,000 indicates that there is a budget limit of $2,000 for all expenses related to recruitment. This means that any expenses incurred during the recruitment process, such as advertising, interviewing, or background checks, cannot exceed $2,000. This budget cap helps control and manage recruitment costs, ensuring that the company does not overspend in this area.
Chapter philanthropy shirts can cost no more than $
Correct Answer
The explanation for the given correct answer is that according to the chapter's philanthropy policy, the cost of the shirts should not exceed $25. This means that the price of the shirts should be $25 or less, ensuring affordability for the members and encouraging participation in the philanthropic cause.
PNM contact rules apply to both active members and alumni.
Correct Answer
A. True
The PNM contact rules apply to both active members and alumni, meaning that both groups are required to follow the same guidelines and restrictions when it comes to contacting potential new members. This suggests that the rules and regulations regarding communication with potential new members are applicable to all members of the organization, regardless of their current status as active members or alumni. Therefore, the statement "PNM contact rules apply to both active members and alumni" is true.
Decorations are allowed on which sets of recruitment:
Correct Answer(s)
C. Set III
D. Preference
Decorations are allowed on Set III and Preference. This means that candidates can decorate and personalize their application materials or resumes when applying for recruitment in Set III and Preference. However, it is important to note that decorations may not be allowed in Set I and Set II, suggesting that these recruitment processes may require more formal and standardized application materials.
Skits are now minutes.
Correct Answer
D. Not allowed
On Bid Day it is required to have security guard per new members. (Advisors can serve as security)
Correct Answer
On Bid Day, it is necessary to have one security guard for every 50 new members. This means that for every 50 new members, there should be one security guard present. Additionally, it is mentioned that advisors can also serve as security, indicating that they can fulfill the role of a security guard if needed.
Bid Day events must conclude by pm on Sunday.
Correct Answer
A. 4pm
The correct answer is 4pm because it states that Bid Day events must conclude by that time on Sunday. This implies that there is a specific deadline for the events to end, and that deadline is 4pm.
PNMs may enter the chapter once...
Correct Answer
D. The opening song is sung one time through and has stopped singing
The correct answer is "The opening song is sung one time through and has stopped singing." This answer suggests that PNMs may enter the chapter once the opening song has been sung one time through and has stopped singing. This indicates that the singing of the opening song is a signal for PNMs to enter the chapter.
Major infractions include...
Correct Answer(s)
A. RC violating any part of the guidelines
B. Intent to violate the guidelines
C. Exceeding the budget cap
D. Making a PNM feel uncomfortable
E. Oral bid or encouraging a PNM to to single intentionally preference
F. Alcohol or drug use
G. Contacting an RC or Panhellenic Officer with the same affiliation
H. Participation of men in Bid Day or recruitment activities including work week
I. PNM contact outside of individual events
J. Disparaging remarks about other chapters or people
K. Matching clothing violation
The major infractions listed in the answer include violating any part of the guidelines, having the intent to violate the guidelines, exceeding the budget cap, making a potential new member (PNM) feel uncomfortable, giving an oral bid or encouraging a PNM to single intentionally preference, alcohol or drug use, contacting an RC or Panhellenic Officer with the same affiliation, allowing men to participate in Bid Day or recruitment activities including work week, having PNM contact outside of individual events, making disparaging remarks about other chapters or people, and violating the matching clothing rule. These infractions are all considered major violations and can result in disciplinary actions.
If a PNM decides to Single Intentional Preference it will _______ their chances of
Correct Answer
B. Decrease
If a PNM decides to Single Intentional Preference, it means that they choose to only rank one sorority as their top choice during the recruitment process. This decision will decrease their chances of being matched with a sorority because they are limiting their options and not considering other potential matches. By only selecting one preference, they are essentially putting all their eggs in one basket, which reduces the likelihood of finding a suitable sorority match.
Snapchatting or requesting to follow PNMs on social media is not against the guidelines.
Correct Answer
B. No, stop doing that.
The correct answer is "No, stop doing that." This is because Snapchatting or requesting to follow Potential New Members (PNMs) on social media goes against the guidelines. It is important to respect the guidelines and not engage in such behavior.
I have read, completely understand, and will abide by all of the Membership Recruitment Guidelines, Unanimous Agreements, and Standing Bylaws and Rules.
Correct Answer
A. Yes
The given answer is "Yes". This indicates that the person has read, fully understood, and agrees to comply with all the Membership Recruitment Guidelines, Unanimous Agreements, and Standing Bylaws and Rules. By selecting "Yes", the person is confirming their commitment to abide by these guidelines and rules.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
The given question asks for a personal preference among the options presented. The correct answer is Option 1, indicating that the person likes Option 1 the most out of all the given options.
I am affiliated with ____________ Chapter. (Type entire chapter ex: Alpha Alpha Alpha)
Correct Answer
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Phi
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Gamma
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Pi Beta Phi
Sigma Kappa
The correct answer is a list of different sorority chapters. The question is asking for the affiliation of the person, and the answer provides a range of options to choose from.