Yang berfungsi menghubungkan monitor dengan hardware komputer adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Port VGA
The correct answer is port VGA. The VGA port is used to connect a computer monitor to the hardware of a computer. It allows the computer to send video signals to the monitor, enabling users to see the visual output of their computer on the screen.
Di bawah ini yang merupakan media output komputer adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Monitor
The correct answer is "monitor" because it is a device that displays the output of a computer. A monitor allows users to see the information, images, and videos generated by the computer's software and hardware. It is an essential component of a computer system that provides visual feedback to the user.
DOS merupakan singkatan dari ....
Correct Answer
D. Disk Operating System
The correct answer is "Disk Operating System". DOS is an acronym for Disk Operating System, which refers to a computer operating system that manages and controls the functions of a computer's disk storage. It was commonly used in the early days of personal computers.
Undang-undang yang mengatur mengenai hak cipta perangkat lunak adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. UU No. 19 tahun 2002
Langkah untuk mengaktifkan Microsoft Word 2007 yang tepat adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Klik Start - All Programs - Accessories - Microsoft Office Word 2007
The correct way to activate Microsoft Word 2007 is by clicking on Start, then selecting All Programs, followed by Accessories, and finally choosing Microsoft Office Word 2007.
Perintah yang digunakan untuk memformat halaman adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Format - Page Setup
The correct answer is "Format - Page Setup". This command is used to format the page layout, such as adjusting the margins, paper size, and orientation. It allows the user to customize the appearance of the printed document.
Icon atau perintah Minimize digunakan untuk ....
Correct Answer
B. Menutup lembar kerja aktif
The correct answer is "menutup lembar kerja aktif" which means "closing the active worksheet". The minimize icon or command is used to minimize or hide the active window or worksheet, not to close it completely.
Orientasi pencetakan dengan posisi mendatar/horizontal disebut ....
Correct Answer
D. Landscape
The correct answer is "Landscape." The term "landscape" refers to the orientation of printing with a horizontal position. This means that the width of the printed document is greater than its height.
Agar kursor berpindah ke akhir dokumen secara cepat maka dapat menekan tombol ....
Correct Answer
D. Ctrl + End
If the cursor needs to be moved quickly to the end of a document, the user can press the "Ctrl + End" keys. This keyboard shortcut allows the user to navigate directly to the bottom of the document without having to scroll manually.
Internet juga memiliki nama lain seperti Cyber World, dunia maya, dan lain-lain. Internet sendiri singkatan dari ....
Correct Answer
A. Interconnected Network
The correct answer is "Interconnected Network". The term "Internet" is derived from the words "interconnected" and "network". This refers to the global network of interconnected computers and devices that allows for communication and the sharing of information worldwide. The other options are not accurate representations of what the term "Internet" stands for.
Perangkat keras yang digunakan sebagai penghubung antara komputer dan jaringan telepon disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Modem
A modem is a hardware device that connects a computer to a telephone network. It converts digital signals from the computer into analog signals that can be transmitted over telephone lines, and vice versa. This allows the computer to access the internet or communicate with other devices on the network. Therefore, a modem is the correct answer as it serves as the connection between the computer and the telephone network.
Dalam sebuah jaringan komputer yang bertugas sebagai penyedia/pelayan untuk akses data disebut ....
Correct Answer
D. Server
Dalam sebuah jaringan komputer, server bertugas sebagai penyedia atau pelayan untuk akses data. Server merupakan komputer yang menyimpan dan mengelola data serta menyediakan layanan atau aplikasi kepada client yang terhubung ke jaringan. Dengan demikian, server merupakan jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan ini.
Komputer yang menggunakan layanan dari penyedia akses data disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Client
A computer that uses the services of a data access provider is called a client. This term refers to a computer or device that connects to a server or network to access resources or services. In this context, the client computer relies on the data access provider to retrieve and transmit data, while the server or network handles the storage and processing of the data.
Dalam mengakses internet sering kita jumpai istilah www yang merupakan kepanjangan dari ....
Correct Answer
D. World Wide Web
The correct answer is "World Wide Web". The term "www" is commonly used as an abbreviation for "World Wide Web", which refers to the system of interconnected documents and resources that can be accessed over the internet.
Dalam internet yang sering dipakai browsing adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Mozilla Firefox
The correct answer is Mozilla Firefox because it is a popular internet browser that is commonly used for browsing the internet. It is known for its speed, security, and user-friendly interface. Mozilla Firefox allows users to access websites, search for information, and view various types of content on the internet. It supports multiple platforms and is compatible with different operating systems. Overall, Mozilla Firefox is a reliable and widely used browser for internet browsing.
Proses pengiriman data dari komputer ke internet disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. Upload
The process of sending data from a computer to the internet is referred to as "upload". This is the opposite of "download", which is the process of receiving data from the internet to a computer.
Proses pengambilan data dari internet dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
A. Download
The process of retrieving data from the internet is called downloading.
Jaringan komputer yang mencakup area dalam satu ruang atau gedung yang berdekatan merupakan jaringan ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is LAN. A LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network that covers a small area, typically within one building or a few adjacent buildings. It allows devices such as computers, printers, and servers to communicate and share resources within the same local area.
Istilah mengirim atau membuat surat dalam internet disebut ....
Correct Answer
B. E-Mail
The correct answer is E-Mail. E-Mail refers to the act of sending or composing letters through the internet. It is a commonly used method of communication that allows users to send messages, documents, and other files electronically to one or more recipients.
Pertemuan antara kolom dan baris pada Program Ms. Excel disebut ....
Correct Answer
A. Cell
In Ms. Excel, the meeting point between a column and a row is called a cell. A cell is the smallest unit in a spreadsheet where data can be entered. It is identified by a unique combination of a column letter and a row number. Therefore, the correct answer for this question is "Cell".
Lembar kerja excel disebut juga ....
Correct Answer
A. Worksheet
A worksheet is a term used to refer to a single spreadsheet or a single page within a workbook in Microsoft Excel. It is where data is entered, calculations are performed, and data is analyzed. A workbook, on the other hand, is a collection of multiple worksheets. Therefore, the correct answer is "Worksheet".
Fungsi MIN untuk mencari nilai minimum data pada range dari H5 sampai H24. Penulisannya yang benar adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. =MIN(H5:H24)
The correct answer is =MIN(H5:H24) because it uses the MIN function to find the minimum value within the range of cells from H5 to H24. This is indicated by the ":" symbol, which represents a range of cells. The other options are incorrect because they either specify a single cell (H5 or H12) or use incorrect syntax (using ";" or "." instead of ":").
Cara yang tepat untuk mengedit tulisan dalam Microsoft Office Excel dapat dilakukan dengan menekan ....
Correct Answer
B. F2
To edit text in Microsoft Office Excel, the correct way is to press the F2 key. This key activates the edit mode, allowing the user to modify the selected cell or range of cells.
Perintah Format > Cell > Number > Currency digunakan untuk ....
Correct Answer
D. Mengatur format mata uang
The command "Format > Cell > Number > Currency" is used to adjust the format of the cell to display currency values.
Salah satu perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk keperluan gambar berbasis bitmap adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a software used for bitmap image editing and manipulation. It provides various tools and features to create, enhance, and modify images. It is widely used by graphic designers, photographers, and artists for tasks such as retouching photos, creating digital artworks, and designing graphics for web and print. Adobe Photoshop offers advanced capabilities like layers, filters, and masks, making it a popular choice for professionals in the field of image editing.
Berikut adalah lingkungan kerja Corel Draw, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
E. Drawing Bar
The given options are all components of the Corel Draw workspace, except for the Drawing Bar. The Toolbox is where various tools for drawing and editing are located, the Drawing page is the area where the actual drawing is done, the Color palette is used to select and apply colors, and the Scrollbar is used to navigate through the drawing. The Drawing Bar is not a part of the Corel Draw workspace.
Gambar yang tersusun oleh garis dan kurva disebut gambar ....
Correct Answer
A. Vector
A vector image is composed of lines and curves, which can be scaled up or down without losing quality. In contrast, a bitmap image is made up of pixels and cannot be scaled without losing quality. Therefore, the correct answer is "vector" because it accurately describes an image composed of lines and curves.
Untuk membuat persegi, pada aplikasi Corel Draw anda harus menekan ikon ....
Correct Answer
E. Flyout Basic Shapes - Ctrl - drag
To create a square in Corel Draw, you need to use the "Flyout Basic Shapes" tool and hold the "Ctrl" key while dragging. This combination allows you to create a perfect square shape by maintaining equal proportions between the width and height. The other options listed do not involve the use of the "Ctrl" key or do not specifically create a square shape.
Untuk memilih atau menyeleksi objek kita menggunakan Tool ....
Correct Answer
E. Pick Tool
The correct answer is the Pick Tool. The Pick Tool is used to select or manipulate objects in a design software. It allows users to move, resize, rotate, or delete selected objects. This tool is essential for editing and arranging elements within a design project.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk operasi dasar objek Corel Draw adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Menyimpan file
The given options are all operations that can be performed in Corel Draw except for "menyimpan file" which means "saving a file". Saving a file is not considered a basic operation of an object in Corel Draw, as it is a general operation that can be performed in any software. The other options, such as giving a basic color, giving an outline color, deleting an object, and duplicating an object, are all specific operations that can be performed on objects within Corel Draw.
Salah satu perangkat yang digunakan untuk keperluan editing image/gambar adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a software program that is commonly used for editing images and graphics. It provides a wide range of tools and features that allow users to manipulate and enhance photographs, create digital artwork, and design graphics for various purposes. Photoshop is widely used by professionals in the fields of photography, graphic design, and digital art due to its extensive capabilities and versatility. It offers tools for adjusting colors, retouching images, applying filters and effects, and creating complex compositions. Overall, Adobe Photoshop is a popular choice for editing and manipulating images.
Lapisan gambar berukuran sama yang bertumpuk-tumpuk yang menyusun sebuah image disebut ....
Correct Answer
C. Layer
A layer is a term used to describe stacked and overlapping images that make up an image. Each layer contains different elements or parts of the image, which can be edited independently.
Untuk menduplikasi layer digunakan ....
Correct Answer
B. Palet layers
To duplicate a layer in Adobe Photoshop, the "palet layers" is used. This palette displays all the layers in the document and allows users to select and manipulate them. By selecting the desired layer and using the duplicate option in the palette, users can create a copy of the layer.
Fungsi dari Layer Palete adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Melihat jumlah layer yang menyusun image
Layer Palette berfungsi untuk melihat jumlah layer yang menyusun image. Dalam editing gambar atau desain grafis, seringkali kita menggunakan beberapa layer yang saling tumpang tindih untuk mencapai hasil yang diinginkan. Dengan menggunakan Layer Palette, kita dapat melihat dan mengatur layer-layer tersebut dengan mudah. Hal ini memungkinkan kita untuk mengatur urutan, keberadaan, dan atribut dari setiap layer yang ada dalam image.
berfungsi untuk ....
Correct Answer
E. Membuat text
The correct answer is "membuat text". The icon is used to create text in a document or design. It allows users to add and edit text, change its font, size, color, and style. This feature is commonly used in graphic design software or word processing programs to add textual content to a project.
Ikon mata yang terdapat pada palet layer berguna untuk ....
Correct Answer
C. Menunjukkan layer aktif
The eye icon on the layer palette is used to indicate the active layer.
Di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan fasilitas untuk memotong objek adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Back one
The correct answer is "Back one". This is because "Back one" is not a facility for cutting objects, but rather a command that allows the user to undo the previous action. The other options, Weld, Trim, Intersect, and Simplify, are all tools or commands that can be used to cut or modify objects in some way.
Kegunaan dari artistik media adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Semua benar
The correct answer is "semua benar" which means "all of the above". This means that the artistic media can be used for making artistic writings, making drawings more interesting, creating calligraphy, and making attractive objects.
Untuk mewarnai suatu teks, langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Mengklik objek teks
The correct answer is mengklik objek teks. This is because to color a text, the first step is to select or click on the text object.
Perangkat lunak PowerPoint digunakan untuk ....
Correct Answer
D. Program pengolah presentasi
PowerPoint is a software program commonly used for creating and delivering presentations. It allows users to create slideshows with text, images, videos, and animations, making it an effective tool for presenting information in a visually appealing and engaging manner. Therefore, the correct answer is "program pengolah presentasi" which translates to "presentation processing program" in English.
Untuk menyisipkan gambar dalam slide kita dapat menggunakan menu ....
Correct Answer
C. Insert
The correct answer is "Insert" because the question is asking about the menu that is used to insert images into a slide. The "Insert" menu typically contains options for inserting various types of content, such as images, shapes, charts, and tables, into a slide.
ketika anda ingin menomori naskah slide dilakukan dengan menampilkan kotak dialog ...
Correct Answer
C. Slide Number
The correct answer is "Slide Number". When you want to number the slides in a document, you can do so by displaying the slide number in a dialog box. This allows you to easily keep track of the order of the slides and reference specific slides when presenting or editing the document.
Tombol add effect digunakan untuk ....
Correct Answer
A. Memberi efek pada objek yang terpilih
The "Tombol add effect" is used to apply effects to the selected object. This means that when you click on the "Tombol add effect," you can choose from a variety of effects to apply to the object you have selected. These effects can include animations, transitions, or visual enhancements that can make the object more visually appealing or engaging for the audience.
Langkah untuk membuat animasi perpindahan slide yang satu ke slide yang lainnya agar lebih atraktif adalah sebagai berikut ....
Correct Answer
E. Slide show - set up show
To make the transition between slides more attractive, the step is to set up the slide show. This involves configuring various settings such as slide transitions, timings, and animations. By customizing these settings, the slide show can be made more visually appealing and engaging for the audience.
Lanngkah untuk memberi warna backround suatu slide adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Format - background
To give color to the background of a slide, the correct step is to use the "Format - background" option. This option allows the user to choose a specific color or image to be displayed as the background of the slide. It is a common feature in presentation software that allows users to customize the appearance of their slides and make them visually appealing.