Apabila kita ragu dalam jumlah rakaat, disunahkan untuk melakukan ….
Correct Answer
C. Sujud sahwi
When in doubt about the number of rakaat (units of prayer), it is recommended to perform sujud sahwi. This is because sujud sahwi is a prostration of forgetfulness that is performed to compensate for any mistakes or omissions made during the prayer. By performing sujud sahwi, one can ensure that any errors in the number of rakaat are rectified and the prayer is completed correctly.
Sujud yang dilakukan ketika membaca ayat sajdah disebut …
Correct Answer
B. Sujud tilawah
The correct answer is "sujud tilawah". Sujud tilawah refers to the prostration that is performed when one recites or hears a verse of the Quran that requires prostration. It is a recommended act of worship and is done as an expression of humility and submission to Allah.
Berikut yang bukan merupakan syarat sujud tilawah adalah …
Correct Answer
D. Niat karena Allah swt.
The correct answer is "niat karena Allah swt." This is because the act of sujud tilawah, which is the prostration of recitation, does not require a specific intention to be performed solely for the sake of Allah. Unlike other acts of worship, such as prayer or fasting, sujud tilawah can be performed without a specific intention, as long as it is done with the intention of seeking closeness to Allah through the recitation of the Quran. Therefore, the intention to perform sujud tilawah solely for the sake of Allah is not a requirement for this act of worship.
Hukum melaksanakan sujud syukur adalah …
Correct Answer
D. Sunah
The correct answer is "sunah." The act of performing sujud syukur (prostration of gratitude) is recommended but not obligatory in Islam. It is a voluntary act of expressing gratitude to Allah for His blessings and favors. While it is not obligatory, it is highly encouraged and considered a virtuous act.
Lafal sujud syukur merupakan pernyataan nabi …
Correct Answer
A. Sulaiman a.s.
The correct answer is Sulaiman a.s. because the phrase "lafal sujud syukur" refers to the act of prostrating in gratitude, and it is attributed to Sulaiman a.s. This is supported by Islamic teachings and narrations that mention Sulaiman a.s. performing sujud syukur to express his gratitude to Allah.
Berikut bukan merupakan sujud yang disunahkan adalah …
Correct Answer
C. Sujud wajib
Sujud wajib is not a recommended prostration, but rather an obligatory one. It is performed in specific situations such as during the recitation of certain verses in the Quran or as a part of certain prayers. Sunnah sujud refers to the recommended prostrations that are performed voluntarily as a form of worship. Sujud sahwi is a prostration performed to compensate for mistakes made during the prayer, sujud tilawah is a prostration performed after reciting certain verses of the Quran, and sujud syukur is a prostration performed to express gratitude to Allah.
Sujud yang dilakukan ketika ada berita bahwa seluruh siswa lulus ujian adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Sujud syukur
The correct answer is sujud syukur. Sujud syukur is performed as an act of gratitude and thankfulness to Allah when receiving good news or blessings. In this context, when there is news that all students have passed the exam, sujud syukur is the appropriate response to express gratitude for the achievement. Sujud sahwi is performed to rectify mistakes made during prayer, sujud tilawah is performed while reciting specific verses of the Quran, and sujud wajib is performed as a mandatory act in certain situations.
Ketika salat Magrib, Faisal lupa akan jumlah rakaatnya, maka dia melakukan sujud …
Correct Answer
B. Sahwi
Faisal melakukan sahwi karena dia lupa akan jumlah rakaat salat Magrib. Sahwi adalah suatu tindakan untuk mengoreksi kesalahan dalam salat, seperti lupa atau melakukan gerakan yang tidak sesuai. Dengan melakukan sahwi, Faisal dapat memperbaiki kesalahan dan melanjutkan salatnya dengan benar.
Sujud syukur merupakan pencerminan bahwa kita …
Correct Answer
B. Mensyukuri nikmat Allah swt
Sujud syukur is a reflection of expressing gratitude for the blessings of Allah. It is a way to acknowledge and appreciate the favors and kindness bestowed upon us by Allah. By performing sujud syukur, we are showing our thankfulness towards Allah for His countless blessings and acknowledging that all the good things in our lives are from Him. It is a way to humble ourselves and recognize that everything we have is a gift from Allah.
Bacaan sujud syukur terdapat dalam Al-Qur’an Surah ...
Correct Answer
B. An-Naml 19
The correct answer is An-Naml 19. This verse in the Quran mentions the story of Prophet Solomon and the ant, where the ant warns its fellow ants to seek shelter from Solomon and his army to avoid being trampled. This verse is often cited as an example of gratitude and thankfulness towards Allah for the blessings and guidance He provides.