Jurang generasi adalah perbezaan antara generasi lama dan generasi terkini
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement is true. "Jurang generasi" refers to the generation gap, which is the difference between the older and younger generations. This gap can manifest in various aspects such as technology, values, and communication styles. It is a common phenomenon as each generation experiences different social, economic, and technological changes, leading to distinct perspectives and behaviors.
Generasi yang dinamakan sebagai 'Baby Boomers' adalah generasi yang lahir...
Correct Answer
B. Sebelum tahun 1965
The correct answer is "sebelum tahun 1965." This is because the term "Baby Boomers" refers to the generation of people who were born after World War II, between the years 1946 and 1964. Therefore, it makes sense that the generation called "Baby Boomers" would be born before the year 1965.
Generasi yang lahir pada tahun 2011 hingga 2025 dinamakan sebagai generasi...
Correct Answer
A. AlpHa
The correct answer is Alpha because it refers to the generation born between 2011 and 2025. The term "Alpha" is often used to describe the first or beginning generation of a particular era or time period. Therefore, it is logical to name this generation as Alpha as they are the first to be born in the 2010s and 2020s.
Kepincangan atau kegagalan dalam keluarga memberikan implikasi positif terhadap sahsiah dan corak kehidupan seseorang individu.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement suggests that shortcomings or failures in a family have a positive impact on an individual's character and lifestyle. However, this contradicts the general understanding that a stable and supportive family environment is crucial for the development of a person's personality and life. Therefore, the correct answer is False.
Berikut adalah faktor yang menyebabkan wujudnya jurang generasi KECUALI..
Correct Answer
A. Warna kulit
The given options list factors that contribute to the generation gap, except for "warna kulit" which means "skin color" in English. While factors such as life experiences, age differences, and background play a role in creating a generation gap, skin color is not a relevant factor in this context. Skin color does not determine or contribute to the generation gap, as it is a physical characteristic that does not directly affect the differences in values, beliefs, and perspectives between generations.
Generasi dahulu kurang pendedahan tentang alatan komunikasi seperti telefon bimbit, tablet dan komputer riba berbanding generasi masa ini.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement suggests that the previous generation had less exposure to communication tools such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops compared to the current generation. This implies that the current generation has more access to these devices, indicating that the answer is true.
Generasi dikategorikan mengikut...
Correct Answer
C. Tahun kelahiran
This answer suggests that generations are categorized based on their birth year. This means that individuals who are born in the same time period are considered part of the same generation. This categorization helps to understand and analyze the characteristics, behaviors, and experiences of different generations.
Berikut adalah kepentingan merapatkan jurang generasi KECUALI...
Correct Answer
A. Menyukarkan komunikasi
Merapatkan jurang generasi dapat menyukarkan komunikasi antara generasi yang berbeda. Ketika jurang generasi diperkecil, generasi yang lebih tua dan generasi yang lebih muda dapat memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang cara berkomunikasi dan saling memahami. Namun, jika jurang generasi diperlebar, perbedaan dalam nilai-nilai, kebiasaan, dan cara berkomunikasi dapat menghambat komunikasi yang efektif antara generasi yang berbeda. Dengan demikian, menyukarkan komunikasi adalah salah satu kepentingan merapatkan jurang generasi.