The smallest unite size of the following is:
أصغر وحدة تخزين من بين الخيارات التالية هي:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is KB. KB stands for kilobyte, which is a unit of digital information storage equal to 1024 bytes. It is smaller than MB (megabyte) and TB (terabyte). MB is equal to 1024 kilobytes, and TB is equal to 1024 gigabytes. Therefore, KB is the smallest unit size among the options given.
Fiber Optic is one type of …………………….. connection.
الألياف الضوئية هي نوع من أنواع الاتصال .......................
Correct Answer
A. Ethernet اتصال بأسلاك
Fiber optic is a type of connection that uses thin strands of glass or plastic to transmit data using light signals. It is known for its high-speed and reliable transmission capabilities. Ethernet, on the other hand, refers to a wired network connection that uses cables to transmit data. Therefore, the correct answer, "Ethernet," is appropriate as it accurately describes fiber optic as a type of wired connection.
The fastest communication tool between the following is:
أسرع طريقة للتواصل من بين الطرق التالية هي:
Correct Answer
A. Telegraph التلغراف
The correct answer is Telegraph because it is a form of communication that allows messages to be sent quickly over long distances using electrical signals. This is faster than newspapers, which require printing and distribution, and hieroglyphics language, which requires the use of symbols and decoding.
The fastest type of Internet connectionbetween the following is:
أسرع نوع من أنواع الاتصال بالانترنت من بين الخيارات التالية هو:
Correct Answer
B. Fiber Optic
Fiber optic is the fastest type of internet connection among the given options. Fiber optic uses thin strands of glass or plastic to transmit data as pulses of light. This allows for much higher data transfer speeds compared to DSL or dial-up connections, which use copper wires or telephone lines. Fiber optic connections can provide speeds of up to gigabits per second, making them ideal for activities that require high bandwidth, such as streaming HD videos, online gaming, and large file downloads.
ICT refers to:
اختصار لـ ICT
Correct Answer
A. Information Communication Technology
ICT refers to Information Communication Technology, which encompasses the use of various technologies to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate information. It includes the use of computers, software, networks, and other electronic devices to process and communicate data. ICT plays a crucial role in modern society, enabling individuals and organizations to access and exchange information, collaborate, and perform various tasks efficiently. Internet Connection Tools and Information Connection Technology are not accurate definitions for ICT, as they do not encompass the full range of technologies and applications involved in ICT.
GPRS is one type of Ethernet connection.
GPRS هو نوع من أنواع الاتصال السلكي
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is not a type of Ethernet connection. GPRS is a mobile data service that allows users to connect to the internet wirelessly through their mobile devices. Ethernet, on the other hand, is a wired networking technology commonly used for local area networks (LANs).
We can send images using MMS.
MMS نستطيع ارسال صور باستخدام خدمة
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) allows users to send and receive multimedia content such as images, videos, and audio files through mobile devices. Therefore, it is possible to send images using MMS.
In the UAE we have ONE ISP.
في الإمارت يوجد ISP واحد فقط
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement "In the UAE we have ONE ISP" is not true. The UAE has multiple internet service providers (ISPs) that offer internet services to residents and businesses. This allows individuals and organizations to choose from different providers based on their specific needs and preferences.
In the Face Book we can send only 140 letters in one message.
في الفيس بوك نستطيع إرسال 140 حرف فقط في الرسالة الواحدة
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because in Facebook, users are allowed to send messages with a maximum limit of 63,206 characters, not just 140 letters.
Google.com is a .......................................
يعتبر Google.com
Correct Answer
A. Search engine محرك بحث
Google.com is a search engine, which means it is a website that allows users to search for information on the internet. It provides a platform for users to enter keywords or phrases and then displays relevant search results from its vast index of web pages. Google.com is not a blogging website or a personal website, as it primarily focuses on providing search functionality rather than hosting blogs or personal content.