Proprietatile organoleptice ale apei se refera la:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Miros
B. Gust
The correct answer includes the properties of smell and taste. Organoleptic properties refer to the sensory characteristics of a substance that can be perceived by our senses. In the case of water, it can have a distinct smell and taste, which are important factors in determining its quality and suitability for consumption. These properties can vary depending on factors such as the source of the water and any contaminants present.
Continutul de Ca si Mg din apa reprezinta:
Correct Answer
A. Duritatea apei
The correct answer is "duritatea apei" (water hardness). The content of Ca (calcium) and Mg (magnesium) in water determines its hardness. Hard water contains high levels of these minerals, which can cause scaling and reduce the effectiveness of soaps and detergents.
Apa potabila trebuie sa aiba temperatura:
Correct Answer
C. 7 - 15°C
The correct answer is 7 - 15°C. This range of temperature is ideal for drinking water because it is cool enough to be refreshing but not too cold to cause discomfort. Water that is too cold may be difficult to drink and can also shock the system. On the other hand, water that is too warm may not be as refreshing and can promote the growth of bacteria. Therefore, maintaining a temperature between 7 - 15°C ensures that the water is both enjoyable and safe to drink.
Turbiditatea apei reprezinta:
Correct Answer
B. Tulbureala apei
Turbiditatea apei se referă la nivelul de tulbureală sau opacitate a apei. Este determinată de prezența particulelor suspendate în apă, cum ar fi argilă, sedimente sau alți solizi. Cu cât este mai mare turbiditatea, cu atât apa este mai tulbure.
Captarea de mal poate avea pompa cu ax orizontal daca diferenta de nivel intre axul pompei si sorb este :
Correct Answer
B. < 7 m
The correct answer is < 7 m. This means that the horizontal axis pump can capture water if the height difference between the pump axis and the source is less than 7 meters.
Daca stratul acvifer se afla la o adancime> 8m, captarea apei se face:
Correct Answer
B. Prin puturi
If the water table is located at a depth of more than 8m, the most suitable method for extracting water is through wells. This is because wells are vertical shafts that can reach greater depths compared to horizontal drains. Using horizontal drains would not be effective in this case as they are typically used for shallow water tables. Additionally, the option of it not being economical is not applicable here as the question is asking for the method of water extraction, not the cost-effectiveness of the process.
Completati urmatoarea afirmatie:Coductivitatea electrica este proprietatea apei de a permite trecerea ................
Correct Answer
curent electric
curentului electric
The correct answer is "curent electric, curentului electric". Conductivity is a property of water that allows the passage of an electric current.
In figura alaturata este reprezentata o priza cu crib. Scrie numarul care indica cribul.
Correct Answer
The figure shown represents a socket with a fuse. The number that indicates the fuse is 1.
Identifica elementul indicat de reperul 4 din schema alaturata, stiind ca reperul 1 este sursa de alimentare. ( trei cuvinte)
Correct Answer
statie de tratare
statia de tratare
statie de tratare a apei
The correct answer is "station de tratare". The question asks to identify the element indicated by reference 4 in the given diagram, knowing that reference 1 is the power source. The answer options all refer to a "station de tratare" or "water treatment station," suggesting that reference 4 represents this element in the diagram.
Indicati denumirea tehnica a orificiilor din drenuri.
* plural
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "barbacane". A barbacane is a technical term used to describe the orifices in drains. It refers to the openings or holes through which water or other fluids can flow out of a drain.
Manunchiurile din nuiele pe care se aseaza cribul se numesc:
Correct Answer
suluri de fascine
The correct answer for this question is "fascine" and "suluri de fascine". In Romanian, "fascine" refers to bundles of wicker that are used to support the crib, while "suluri de fascine" translates to "bundles of wicker". These terms are commonly used in the context of constructing cribs.
Duritatea apei este date de continutul de:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Ca
B. Mg
Adăugați o explicație afișată după încercarea întrebării.
Statie de captare se amplaseaza in avalul localitatii.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
Proprietatile organoleptice se refera la gustul si mirosul apei.
Correct Answer
A. Adevarat
The statement is true because organoleptic properties refer to the sensory characteristics of a substance, including taste and smell. In this case, it is referring to the taste and smell of water.
Pentru corectarea proprietatilor organoleptice ale apei se folosesc ............. activi.
Correct Answer
To correct the organoleptic properties of water, active carbons are used. The correct answer includes all three forms of the word "carbon" in Romanian: "carbuni" (plural), "carbunii" (plural definite article), and "carbune" (singular). These forms cover different grammatical cases and numbers, ensuring that all possible variations of the word are accounted for.
Apometrul masoara presiunea apei din conducte.
Correct Answer
B. Fals
The given statement is false. An apometer is a device used to measure the flow rate of water in a pipe, not the pressure. It consists of a turbine or a wheel that rotates as water flows through it, and the rotation is used to determine the flow rate. To measure the pressure of water in pipes, a pressure gauge or a pressure sensor is used.
Conducta principala de alimentare cu apa se mai numeste artera .
Correct Answer
A. Adevarat
The statement is true because "conducta principala de alimentare cu apa" translates to "main water supply pipeline" and "artera" translates to "artery". Both terms refer to a main channel or conduit through which a substance (in this case, water) flows. Therefore, the statement is correct.
Denumiti schema din imaginea alaturata.
Correct Answer
schema de bransament
schema bransament
The correct answer is "bransament, schema de bransament, schema bransament". The question asks to name the schema in the given image. The options provided all refer to the same thing, which is a "bransament" or a connection. The term "schema de bransament" and "schema bransament" both mean "connection diagram" in Romanian. Therefore, all three options accurately describe the schema shown in the image.
Precizati adancimea de amplasare a bransamentului:
Correct Answer
A. Sub limita de inghet
The correct answer is "sub limita de inghet" which means "below the freezing limit" in English. This suggests that the depth of placement for the connection should be below the freezing point to prevent any damage caused by freezing temperatures.
Indicati obiectele sanitare alimentate cu apa calda:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Lavoar
B. Spalator
The correct answer includes "lavoar" and "spalator" as objects that are supplied with hot water.
Apele meteorice provin din ploi si topirea .....................
Correct Answer(s)
The correct answer is "zapezilor, zapezi, zapada." This is because the sentence is discussing the origin of meteoric waters, which come from rain and the melting of snow. In Romanian, "zapezilor" is the genitive form of "zapezi" (snow), indicating possession or origin, and "zapada" is the noun form of "zapezi" (snow).
Scrieti denumirea captarii din imaginea data.
Correct Answer(s)
captare cu drenuri
captare orizontala
captare apa subterana
captare orizontala cu drenuri
The image shows a water capture system that involves the use of drains. This type of capture is known as "captare cu drenuri" in Romanian. Additionally, the system is horizontal, so it is referred to as "captare orizontala". The purpose of this capture is to collect groundwater, hence it is called "captare apa subterana". Finally, since the horizontal capture involves drains, it is specifically called "captare orizontala cu drenuri".
Elementul nedenumit ( ? ) din desenul alaturat se numeste:
Correct Answer(s)
A. Conducta publica
B. Conducta de serviciu
C. Artera
The correct answer is conducta publica, conducta de serviciu, artera. This is because the question is asking for the name of the unnamed element in the given drawing. The options provided are different types of pipelines or columns, and all three options - conducta publica, conducta de serviciu, and artera - can be used to describe a pipeline or column in different contexts. Therefore, all three options are correct answers for this question.
Instalatia care curata apa adunata de reteaua de canalizare se numeste:
Correct Answer
B. Statie de epurare a apei
The correct answer is "statie de epurare a apei" because it refers to the installation that cleans the water collected from the sewer system. "Statie de tratare a apei" would mean water treatment station, which is a more general term and may not specifically refer to the cleaning of water from the sewer system. "Statie de transmisie" means transmission station, which is unrelated to water cleaning. "Statie de pompare" means pumping station, which is also unrelated to water cleaning.