Pengertian seni musik adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Seni berdasarkan olah bunyi
The correct answer is "seni berdasarkan olah bunyi" which means art based on the manipulation of sound. This explanation suggests that the definition of music is the art form that involves creating and organizing sounds in a meaningful and expressive way. It implies that music is not solely dependent on physical movement, energy, texture, or multiple media, but primarily focuses on the manipulation and arrangement of sounds.
Menurut sejarah perkembangan manusia telah dipastikan orang pertama di
dunia yang memiliki suara paling merdu, ialah nabi Daud. beliau
dilahirkan tahun...
Correct Answer
E. 1037 SM
Sejarah mencatat bahwa perkembangan seni musik di Eropa terutama di
Yunani. tokoh musik tersebut bernama Phytagoras. beliau lahir tahun...
Correct Answer
A. 582 SM
The correct answer is 582 SM. This is because the question is asking for the birth year of the figure named Phytagoras, who is credited with the development of music in Europe, particularly in Greece. The year 582 SM aligns with the historical record of Phytagoras's birth.
Seni musik lebih tinggi dari seni yang lain. ini dikatakan oleh...
Correct Answer
D. Schopenheur
Schopenhauer is the correct answer because he believed that music is the highest form of art. He argued that music has the ability to express emotions and tap into the innermost depths of human experience in a way that other art forms cannot. Schopenhauer's philosophy placed great importance on the power of music to transcend the limitations of the physical world and connect directly to the realm of pure emotion and metaphysical truth.
Salah seorang yang mengatakan musik dan bunyi-bunyian dapat didengar sejak dalam kandungan adalah...
Correct Answer
E. Kuei Pin Yeo
Kuei Pin Yeo is the correct answer because they are known for their research and expertise in fetal auditory development. They have conducted studies that show how music and sounds can be heard by babies in the womb. This research supports the statement that music and sounds can be heard since the prenatal stage.
Berkenaan dengan soal nomor 4. mengapa seni musik lebih tinggi dari seni yang lain?
Correct Answer
A. Karena mendengarkan musik berarti menerjemahkan sesuatu yang abstrak menjadi kongkrit
The answer is correct because listening to music involves translating something abstract into something concrete. Music has the ability to evoke emotions, convey messages, and tell stories without the need for words. It allows individuals to connect with their own thoughts and feelings, as well as the thoughts and feelings of others. By listening to music, people can interpret and understand abstract concepts and ideas in a tangible and relatable way.
Mengapa Phytagoras mengatakan ilmu seni musik lebih sulit dari ilmu matematika?
Correct Answer
D. Karena memiliki ilmu matematika dan ilmu rasa/jiwa
memiliki karakter penting dari sistem kimia, genetika, dan bahasa manusia. Adalah
pernyataan pakar music. Namanya adalah
Correct Answer
B. Abler
Awal perkembangan musik di dunia berasal dari Yunani sekitar tahun...
Correct Answer
A. 500 SM - 300 M
The correct answer is 500 SM - 300 M. This time period corresponds to ancient Greece, which is widely regarded as the birthplace of Western music. During this time, the Greeks developed various musical instruments and theories, and their music played a significant role in their religious and cultural practices. The works of famous Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras and Aristotle also influenced the development of music theory during this period.
Plato, Aristoteles dan Boethius, mengatakan bahwa musik digunakan untuk
penyembahan dewa. maka ada 2 aliran agama dan musik di Yunani yaitu: Apollonian dan...
Correct Answer
C. Dionysos
The correct answer is Dionysos. The question states that there are two religious and musical traditions in Greece, the Apollonian and another one that is not mentioned. Based on the information given, we can infer that the other tradition is Dionysos. Dionysos was the Greek god of wine, fertility, and ecstatic revelry, and his worship often involved music and dance. Therefore, it makes sense that he would be associated with the musical tradition mentioned in the question.
Pengertian Apresiasi adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Memberikan penghargaan
Apresiasi adalah tindakan memberikan penghargaan atau pengakuan terhadap sesuatu yang dianggap berharga atau baik. Dalam konteks ini, pengertian apresiasi adalah memberikan penghargaan.
Kata Apresiasi berasal dari kata dasarnya yaitu appreciatie yang berasal dari bahasa...
Correct Answer
D. Belanda
The correct answer is Belanda. The word "Apresiasi" is derived from the Dutch word "appreciatie," which means appreciation. Therefore, the correct language of origin for the word "Apresiasi" is Dutch or Belanda.
Pemahaman tentang Apresiasi musik adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Tercapainya mendengarkan musik dengan penuh pengertian
Apresiasi musik adalah ketika seseorang mendengarkan musik dengan penuh pengertian. Ini berarti mereka mampu memahami dan menikmati musik dengan menghargai elemen-elemen seperti melodi, harmoni, ritme, dan lirik. Ketika seseorang dapat mendengarkan musik dengan penuh pengertian, mereka dapat menangkap nuansa dan emosi yang ingin disampaikan oleh musik tersebut. Hal ini memungkinkan mereka untuk merasakan kepuasan dan menikmati musik dengan lebih dalam.
Berkaitan soal nomor 13 istilah musik tersebut diberikan oleh....
Correct Answer
B. Hugh Miller
The term "berkaitan" suggests that the question is asking about the origin or creator of a musical term. Since the term is not provided in the question, it is impossible to determine the correct answer without further information. Therefore, an explanation cannot be provided.
Tujuan dilakukan apresiasi seni musik adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Dilakukan sebagai kegiatan melihat seni musik lebih tajam dan lebih jauh soal musik dan dapat menerima seni musik semestinya
Apresiasi seni musik dilakukan sebagai kegiatan untuk melihat seni musik dengan lebih tajam dan lebih mendalam. Hal ini bertujuan agar individu dapat memahami dan menerima seni musik dengan baik. Apresiasi seni musik juga membantu meningkatkan pemahaman tentang musik secara keseluruhan, termasuk unsur-unsur musik, struktur musik, dan konteks musik. Dengan melakukan apresiasi seni musik, seseorang dapat mengembangkan wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang berbagai genre musik, serta dapat menikmati dan menghargai karya seni musik dengan lebih baik.
Dalam kegiatan apresiasi seni ditentukan manfaatnya. manfaat apresiasi seni musik adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Point b dan c benar
The correct answer is "point b dan c benar" which means "the benefits of music appreciation are giving opportunities for people to enrich their souls and fostering love for the nation and fellow human beings." This answer suggests that the benefits of music appreciation go beyond just spending time and include personal enrichment and fostering positive values like love for the nation and others.
Ada tiga pendekatan apresiasi seni musik yaitu problematik, kesejarahan
dan aplikatif. pengertian pendekatan aplikatif adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Melakukan sendiri kegiatan seni baik penyaji maupun pencipta
The correct answer is "melakukan sendiri kegiatan seni baik penyaji maupun pencipta". This is because the approach of "pendekatan aplikatif" in appreciating music involves actively engaging in artistic activities as both a performer and a creator. By participating in the creation and presentation of art, individuals can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for music.
Jika budi pekerti, sopan santun dan cinta sesama manusia sudah menipis
seperti saat sekarang ini, merupakan salah satu akibat...
Correct Answer
E. Kurangnya penghargaan pada seni
The correct answer suggests that the decline in moral values, politeness, and love for fellow human beings is due to a lack of appreciation for art. This could be because art plays a significant role in promoting empathy, understanding, and emotional intelligence, which are essential for developing good character and treating others with respect and kindness. When there is a lack of appreciation for art, people may become more self-centered and less empathetic, leading to a decline in moral values and interpersonal relationships.
Mengatakan pelajaran seni atau pendidikan seni adalah pelajaran paling
gampang merupakan apresiasi seni yang rendah. akibatnya adalah..
Correct Answer
C. Rendahnya moral dan budi pekerti
The correct answer suggests that the consequence of considering art or art education as the easiest subject is the low appreciation of art. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in moral values and character.
Bukti apresiasi tinggi terhadap seni musik adalah....
Correct Answer
C. Mengikuti les musik sejak umur 4 tahun
The correct answer is "mengikuti les musik sejak umur 4 tahun" because it shows a high appreciation for music by starting music lessons at a young age. This indicates a dedication and passion for the art form, which is a strong indication of high appreciation for music.
Johann Sabastian Bach adalah salah satu komposer Barok dan Klasik yang terkenal di dunia. ia dilahirkan tahun...
Correct Answer
C. 21 Maret 1685
Johann Sabastian Bach was a famous composer during the Baroque and Classical periods. He was born on March 21, 1685.
Johann Sabastian Bach / Js. Bach merupakan komposer yang terkenal
dengan genre musik cantata dan fuga. ia adalah komposer berasal dari ..
Correct Answer
E. Jerman
Johann Sebastian Bach, also known as Js. Bach, is a famous composer known for his works in the genres of cantata and fugue. He is widely recognized as one of the greatest composers in history. Bach was born in Germany, which is why the correct answer is Jerman.
Karya Js. Bach yang belum selesai yang dikerjakan pada saat akhir hidupnya adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Die Kunst der Fugue13
The correct answer is "Die Kunst der Fugue13". This is Bach's unfinished work that he was working on towards the end of his life.
Js. Bach merupakan komposer yang terkenal dengan cantata dan fuga/fuguenya beliau wafat tahun...
Correct Answer
D. 28 Juli 1750
Js. Bach wafat pada tanggal 28 Juli 1750.
Satu lagi komposer musik klasik yang paling cerdas yang sudah konser
sejak usia 4 tahun adalah Mozart. beliau lahir tahun...January 27th
1756 and died on the 5th of December 1791
Correct Answer
B. 27 Januari 1756
Mozart was born on January 27th, 1756, and died on December 5th, 1791. This information is stated in the given passage.
Karya besar Mozart sering digunakan di sekolah-sekolah baik luar negeri
maupun dalam negeri dari TK sampai Sekolah Tinggi. melodi karya musik
Mozart tersebut selalu digantikan menjadi syair-syair dalam memudahkan
pelajaran huruf abjad. lagu tersebut adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Twinkle-twinkle Little Star
The correct answer is "Twinkle-twinkle Little Star" because it is mentioned in the passage that the melodies of Mozart's music are often replaced with lyrics to facilitate the teaching of the alphabet. "Twinkle-twinkle Little Star" is a well-known children's song that uses the melody of Mozart's "Twelve Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je, Maman"."
Tokoh musik yang mempengaruhi karya mozart adalah...
Correct Answer
C. Franz Josep Hydn
Franz Joseph Haydn is the correct answer because he was a highly influential composer and a mentor to Mozart. Haydn's musical style and compositions had a significant impact on Mozart's own work, particularly in the development of symphonies and chamber music. Mozart admired Haydn's mastery of form and structure, and their friendship and mutual respect led to a fruitful exchange of ideas and musical inspiration between the two composers. Therefore, Haydn's influence on Mozart's music is well-documented and widely recognized.
Pada zaman Phytagoras dan Plato pendidikan musik lebih diperhatikan.
sementara saat ini pendidikan musik bagian pelajaran pendidikan seni
tidak diperhatikan. alasannya adalah....
Correct Answer
E. Orang tua tidak tahu guna pendidikan musik
The given answer suggests that one of the reasons why music education is not given much attention currently is because parents are not aware of the benefits of music education. This implies that if parents were aware of the importance and value of music education, they would prioritize it more.
Tokoh dunia yang mengatakan seni budaya adalah salah satu bagian untuk
menceritakan identitas suatu negara. siapa kah beliau...
Correct Answer
B. Jhon Ruskin
Jhon Ruskin adalah tokoh dunia yang mengatakan seni budaya adalah salah satu bagian untuk menceritakan identitas suatu negara.
Salah satu jenis musik klasik adalah berbentuk orkestra. di Indonesia tokoh musik tersebut dilakoni oleh...
Correct Answer
E. Point A/B/C/D benar semuanya
The correct answer is point A/B/C/D benar semuanya. This means that all of the options given (Adi Ms, Erwin Gutawa, Diah Iskandar, Solomon Tong) can be considered as figures in classical music in Indonesia.