Administrasi Server Kelas Xii

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Questions: 40 | Attempts: 58

Administrasi Server Kelas Xii - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Proxy server yang populer saat ini adalah...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Squid
    Squid is a popular proxy server that is widely used today. It is known for its high-performance caching and forwarding web proxy capabilities. Squid is highly configurable and can be used for various purposes such as improving web server performance, filtering web content, and controlling access to certain websites. It is compatible with various operating systems and supports protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. Squid's popularity is due to its reliability, scalability, and extensive feature set, making it a preferred choice for many organizations and network administrators.

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  • 2. 

    Untuk merubah hak akses file pada linux menggunakan perintah...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Chmod
    The correct answer is "chmod" because it is the command used to change the permissions or access rights of a file or directory in Linux. It allows the user to modify the read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, group, and others. By using the chmod command followed by the appropriate options and arguments, the user can grant or revoke permissions to read, write, or execute a file.

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  • 3. 

    IP address terdiri atas dua bagian yaitu...

    • A.

      Bit dan nyble

    • B.

      Network ID dan broadcast ID

    • C.

      Kelas A dan kelas D

    • D.

      Internet dan local

    • E.

      Network ID dan host ID

    Correct Answer
    E. Network ID dan host ID
    The correct answer is "Network ID dan host ID". An IP address consists of two parts: the network ID and the host ID. The network ID identifies the network to which the device belongs, while the host ID identifies the specific device within that network. This division allows for efficient routing of data packets across networks.

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  • 4. 

    Domain Name System (DNS) adalah suatu sistem yang memungkinkan nama suatu host pada jaringan komputer atau internet ditranslasikan menjadi...

    • A.

      Broadcast address

    • B.

      Host ID

    • C.

      IP address

    • D.

      Home ID

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. IP address
    DNS is a system that translates host names into IP addresses. When a user enters a domain name in their web browser, the DNS server looks up the corresponding IP address for that domain name. This IP address is then used to establish a connection with the desired host on the network or internet. Therefore, the correct answer is IP address.

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  • 5. 

    Untuk melihat indikasi pada konfigurasi IP yang terpasang pada Komputer dengan sistem operasi linux debian dengan perintah...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Ifconfig
    The correct answer is "ifconfig". This command is used in Linux Debian to view the configuration of the installed IP on a computer. It displays information such as the IP address, netmask, and network interfaces.

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  • 6. 

    Untuk mendeteksi apakah hubungan komputer dengan jaringan sudah berjalan dengan baik, utilitas yang digunakan adalah...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Ping
    To detect whether the computer's connection to the network is functioning properly, the utility that is used is "ping". Ping is a network diagnostic tool that sends a signal to a specific IP address or domain name and measures the time it takes for the signal to travel back. If the ping command receives a response, it indicates that the computer is successfully connected to the network. Therefore, ping is the correct utility to use in this scenario.

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  • 7. 

    Yang bukan merupakan varian sistem operasi jaringan berbasis GUI yang menggunakan basis Linux adalah...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Fortran
    Fortran is not a variant of a GUI-based network operating system that uses the Linux base. Fortran is actually a programming language used for scientific and engineering calculations. The other options mentioned (Redhat, Mandrake, Caldera, Debian) are all Linux-based operating systems that have GUI interfaces for networking purposes.

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  • 8. 

    Jenis-jenis sistem operasi jaringan yang dapat digunakan sebagai server dalam jaringan adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali...

    • A.

      Windows NT

    • B.


    • C.

      Star Bugs

    • D.


    • E.

      San Solaris

    Correct Answer
    C. Star Bugs
    The given options are different types of network operating systems that can be used as servers in a network. "Star Bugs" is not a known or recognized network operating system, hence it is the exception among the given options.

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  • 9. 

    Berikut ini yang bukan termasuk topologi fisik jaringan adalah....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Sun
    The term "Sun" does not belong to the list of physical network topologies. The options provided are all examples of physical network topologies, such as Bus, Star, Tree, and Ring. These topologies refer to the physical layout or structure of a network, while the term "Sun" does not have any relevance to network topologies. Therefore, "Sun" is the correct answer as it does not fit into the category of physical network topologies.

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  • 10. 

    Skema desain pembangunan sebuah jaringan komputer dikenal dengan istilah...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Media transmisi

    Correct Answer
    B. Topologi
    The correct answer is "Topologi." In computer networking, topologi refers to the physical or logical layout of a network. It defines how devices are connected and the paths through which data flows. Different types of topologies include bus, star, ring, mesh, and hybrid. Understanding the topologi is essential for designing and troubleshooting a network.

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  • 11. 

    Komputer yang bertugas menyimpan informasi halaman web yang pernah diakses sebelumnya adalah...

    • A.


    • B.

      Web Server

    • C.

      Proxy Server

    • D.

      Name Server

    • E.

      Database Server

    Correct Answer
    C. Proxy Server
    A proxy server is a computer that stores information about previously accessed web pages. When a user requests a web page, the proxy server checks if it has a cached copy of the page. If it does, it serves the cached copy to the user, saving time and bandwidth. This helps to improve the speed and efficiency of web browsing. Therefore, a proxy server is responsible for storing information about previously accessed web pages.

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  • 12. 

    Linux pada awalnya dibuat oleh seorang mahasiswa Finlandia bernama...

    • A.

      Linux Travolds

    • B.

      Linux Torvalds

    • C.

      Linus Torvalds

    • D.

      Linux Travolta

    • E.

      Linus Travolta

    Correct Answer
    C. Linus Torvalds
    The correct answer is Linus Torvalds. Linus Torvalds is a Finnish student who initially created Linux.

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  • 13. 

    Perintah pada dasar linux untuk membuat direktori baru adalah...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Mkdir
    The correct answer is "mkdir". This command is used in Linux to create a new directory. It stands for "make directory". By using this command followed by the desired directory name, a new directory is created in the current working directory.

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  • 14. 

    System operasi berbasis text artinya user berinteraksi dengan sistem dengan perintah-perintah yang berupa text. Dibawah ini sistem operasi yang berbasis text adalah ...

    • A.

      Windows 8

    • B.

      Windows XP

    • C.

      Windows 7

    • D.

      Windows Vista

    • E.

      Debian Squeeze

    Correct Answer
    E. Debian Squeeze
    Debian Squeeze is a text-based operating system, meaning that users interact with the system through text commands. This is different from graphical user interfaces (GUI) found in operating systems like Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. In Debian Squeeze, users need to input text commands to perform various tasks and operations.

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  • 15. 

    Dibawah ini adalah hasil dari suatu perintah…eth0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:DA:C8:A6:5A          inet addr: Bcast:          Mask:          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1          RX packets:609275 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0          TX packets:397967 errors:38 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:39          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100          Interrupt:11 Base address:0xd800lo       Link encap:Local Loopback          inet addr:  Mask:          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1          RX packets:99 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0          TX packets:99 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Ifconfig
    The correct answer is "ifconfig". The given output is the result of running the "ifconfig" command, which is used to display the configuration of network interfaces on a system. It shows the details of the "eth0" interface, including the link encapsulation, hardware address, IP address, broadcast address, subnet mask, and other information. The output also includes the details of the "lo" interface, which is the loopback interface used for local network communication. Therefore, "ifconfig" is the correct command to generate this output.

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  • 16. 

    Sebutkan fungsi utama dari DNS?

    • A.

      Merubah IP address menjadi sebuah host name komputer (domain komputer)

    • B.

      Untuk menscan jaringan dari virus

    • C.

      Untuk mengirim IP address ke node dalam sebuah jaringan

    • D.

      Menyediakan nama host ke setiap node dalam sebuah jaringan

    • E.

      Untuk meneruskan paket ke jalur yang dituju

    Correct Answer
    A. Merubah IP address menjadi sebuah host name komputer (domain komputer)
    DNS (Domain Name System) berfungsi untuk mengubah IP address menjadi sebuah host name komputer (domain komputer). Hal ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan nama domain yang lebih mudah diingat daripada mengingat IP address yang rumit. DNS juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengakses situs web dan layanan online dengan menggunakan nama domain yang dikenali oleh manusia, sementara DNS akan menerjemahkan nama domain tersebut menjadi IP address yang dapat dipahami oleh komputer. Dengan demikian, fungsi utama dari DNS adalah menyediakan nama host ke setiap node dalam sebuah jaringan.

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  • 17. 

    Perintah untuk mengcopy data di sistem operasi linux adalah:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Mv
    The correct answer is "mv". The "mv" command in the Linux operating system is used to move or rename files and directories. It can also be used to copy files to a different location by specifying the destination directory. However, the primary purpose of the "mv" command is to move files or directories from one location to another.

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  • 18. 

    Untuk menginstall software pada linux, perintah yang di gunakan adalah:

    • A.

      Rpm –ivh

    • B.

      Rm –r

    • C.

      Apt-get install

    • D.

      Dpkg –P

    • E.

      Tar –zxvf

    Correct Answer
    C. Apt-get install
    The correct answer is "apt-get install" because it is the command used to install software on Linux systems. The "apt-get" command is a package management tool in Debian-based distributions, such as Ubuntu, that allows users to easily install, upgrade, and remove software packages. The "install" parameter is used to specify that we want to install a package. This command retrieves the necessary files from the software repositories and installs them on the system.

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  • 19. 

    File - file konfigurasi linux disimpan pada direktori:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. /etc
    File konfigurasi Linux disimpan pada direktori /etc. Ini adalah direktori yang digunakan untuk menyimpan file konfigurasi sistem dan aplikasi pada sistem operasi Linux. File-file konfigurasi ini mengatur berbagai pengaturan sistem dan aplikasi yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan sistem dengan benar.

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  • 20. 

    Paket yang digunakan dalam installasi DNS adalah:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. BIND9
    BIND9 is the correct answer because it is the package used for DNS (Domain Name System) installation. DNS is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses, allowing users to access websites using human-readable names instead of numerical IP addresses. DHCP3-server is used for assigning IP addresses to devices on a network, Apache2 is a web server software, Squid is a caching proxy server, and Postfix is a mail transfer agent. However, none of these packages are specifically related to DNS installation, making BIND9 the correct choice.

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  • 21. 

    File yang digunakan sebagai tempat konfigurasi utama secara default dari DNS server  adalah:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Named.conf
    The correct answer is "named.conf". Named.conf is the main configuration file used by the DNS server. It contains the global options and settings for the DNS server, such as the zones to be served, the IP addresses of other DNS servers to forward queries to, and various other parameters. This file is typically located in the /etc/bind/ directory on a Linux system and is the primary file that administrators modify to configure the DNS server.

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  • 22. Manakah yang dinamakan sebagai Top Level Domain

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

    Correct Answer
    D. .com
    The correct answer is ".com" because it is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) that is commonly used for commercial websites. Top-level domains are the highest level in the domain name system hierarchy and are typically used to categorize websites based on their purpose or geographic location. In this case, ".com" indicates that the website belongs to a commercial organization.

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  • 23. Manakah yang dinamakan sebagai Host Name 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Com
    The correct answer is com because in the given options, com is the top-level domain (TLD) which represents the commercial domain. A host name is a label assigned to a device connected to a computer network, and in this case, is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) where com is the TLD.

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  • 24. 

    DNS Server disebut…

    • A.

      Name Server

    • B.


    • C.

      Root Level Domain

    • D.

      Top Level Domain

    • E.

      Second Level Domain

    Correct Answer
    A. Name Server
    The correct answer is Name Server. A DNS server, also known as a Name Server, is responsible for translating domain names into IP addresses. When a user enters a domain name in their web browser, the Name Server looks up the corresponding IP address associated with that domain name and returns it to the user's device. This allows the user to access the desired website or online service.

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  • 25. 

    Untuk mengecek atau melihat no port, digunakan perintah …

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. Nslookup
    The correct answer is nslookup. Nslookup is a command-line tool used to query DNS (Domain Name System) servers to obtain information about domain names, IP addresses, and other DNS records. It can be used to check or view the port number associated with a specific domain or IP address.

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  • 26. 

    Apa fungsi dari DHCP Server?

    • A.

      Menyimpan website yang sering diaccess

    • B.

      Pengaturan subnet mask sebuah jaringan

    • C.

      Sebagai service firewall

    • D.

      Memberikan informasi tentang nama server

    • E.

      Pengalamatan IP ke host secara otomatis

    Correct Answer
    E. Pengalamatan IP ke host secara otomatis
    DHCP Server berfungsi untuk memberikan pengalamatan IP secara otomatis kepada host dalam sebuah jaringan. Dengan adanya DHCP Server, host tidak perlu melakukan konfigurasi IP secara manual, melainkan IP akan diberikan secara otomatis oleh server. Hal ini memudahkan pengaturan jaringan dan menghindari konflik IP yang mungkin terjadi jika setiap host harus mengatur IP secara manual.

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  • 27. 

    Kelas C memiliki default subnet mask yang bernilai …

    • A.

    • B.

    • C.

    • D.

    • E.

    Correct Answer
    The default subnet mask for Class C is This subnet mask allows for 254 host addresses in the network, with the first address reserved for network identification and the last address reserved for broadcast. The remaining 252 addresses can be assigned to devices on the network.

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  • 28. 

    Port standar yang digunakan HTTP adalah ...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. 80
    Port standar yang digunakan untuk protokol HTTP adalah 80. Port ini digunakan untuk mengirimkan permintaan dan menerima respon dari server web. Ketika kita mengakses sebuah situs web melalui browser, permintaan HTTP dikirim melalui port 80 dan server web akan mengirimkan respon melalui port yang sama. Port 80 biasanya tidak perlu ditentukan secara eksplisit dalam URL karena sudah menjadi standar untuk protokol HTTP.

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  • 29. 

    Salah satu keunggulan DNS adalah “konsisten”, artinya...

    • A.

      Hostname sebuah komputer bisa berubah-ubah, namun IP Address tidak berubah

    • B.

      IP Address sebuah komputer bisa berubah-ubah, namun hostnametidak berubah.

    • C.

      User tidak lagi direpotkan untuk mengingat IP Address sebuahkomputer

    • D.

      User harus menuliskan IP address untuk mencari sebuah domain

    • E.

      Tidak ada jawaban yang benar

    Correct Answer
    A. Hostname sebuah komputer bisa berubah-ubah, namun IP Address tidak berubah
    The correct answer states that the hostname of a computer can change, but the IP address remains the same. This is an advantage of DNS because it allows users to access a computer or website using its hostname without needing to remember or update the IP address associated with it. This makes it easier for users as they don't have to constantly keep track of IP addresses.

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  • 30. 

    Pada konfigurasi IP Address, “iface eth0 inet static” berarti…

    • A.

      Interface network eth1 menggunakan IP Dinamis

    • B.

      Interface network eth0 tidak menggunakan IP Statik

    • C.

      Interface network eth1 menggunakan IP Statik

    • D.

      Interface network eth0 menggunakan IP Statik

    • E.

      Interface network eth1 tidak menggunakan IP Statik

    Correct Answer
    D. Interface network eth0 menggunakan IP Statik
    The phrase "iface eth0 inet static" in IP address configuration indicates that the network interface eth0 is using a static IP address.

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  • 31. 

    Untuk menghidupkan ulang layanan bind9, digunakan perintah...

    • A.

      /etc/init.d/DNS restart

    • B.

      /etc/init.d/bind restart

    • C.

      /etc/init.d/bin9 restart

    • D.

      /etc/init.d/bind9 restart

    • E.

      /etc/init.d/bind9 re-start

    Correct Answer
    D. /etc/init.d/bind9 restart
    The correct answer is /etc/init.d/bind9 restart. This is because the command "/etc/init.d/bind9 restart" is the correct syntax to restart the bind9 service. The "/etc/init.d" directory contains the init scripts for various services, and "bind9" is the name of the service for the BIND DNS server. By running the "restart" option with the bind9 service, it will stop and then start the service again, effectively restarting it.

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  • 32. 

    Untuk menghidupkan ulang layanan web server, digunakan perintah...

    • A.

      /etc/init.d/apache2 re-start

    • B.

      /etc/init.d/apache2 respawn

    • C.

      /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

    • D.

      /etc/init.d/apache2 reboot

    • E.

      /etc/init.d/apache2 rerun

    Correct Answer
    C. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    The correct answer is "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart". This command is used to restart the Apache web server service. The "/etc/init.d/apache2" specifies the location of the Apache service script, and "restart" is the action to be performed on the service. By using this command, the Apache web server service will be stopped and then started again, effectively restarting the service.

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  • 33. 

    Untuk menghidupkan ulang layanan jaringan pada Debian, digunakan perintah ...

    • A.

      /etc/init.d/network restart

    • B.

      /etc/init.d/networking re-start

    • C.

      /etc/init.d/networking restart

    • D.

      /etc/init.d/networking reboot

    • E.

      /etc/init.d/networking respawn

    Correct Answer
    C. /etc/init.d/networking restart
    The correct answer is "/etc/init.d/networking restart". This command is used to restart the networking service on Debian. By restarting the networking service, any changes or configurations made to the network settings can take effect without the need for a full system reboot.

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  • 34. 

    FTP adalah singkatan dari ...

    • A.

      File Transfer Protokol

    • B.

      File Transferred Protokol

    • C.

      File Trasmitted Protokol

    • D.

      File Transfering Protokol

    • E.

      File Transfering Permanent

    Correct Answer
    A. File Transfer Protokol
    FTP adalah singkatan dari File Transfer Protokol. Protokol ini digunakan untuk mentransfer file antara komputer yang terhubung dalam suatu jaringan. Dengan menggunakan FTP, pengguna dapat mengunggah (upload) dan mengunduh (download) file dari server ke komputer mereka atau sebaliknya. FTP memungkinkan transfer file yang efisien dan aman melalui jaringan komputer.

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  • 35. 

    File Transfer Protokol berguna untuk ...

    • A.

      Menghubungkan komputer ke internet

    • B.

      Mengirim data atau file dari satu komputer ke komputer lain

    • C.

      Berkirim surat melalui computer

    • D.

      Berbincang-bincang dengan teman

    • E.

      Semua jawaban salah

    Correct Answer
    B. Mengirim data atau file dari satu komputer ke komputer lain
    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a protocol that is used to transfer files or data from one computer to another. It provides a standard way for computers to communicate and transfer files over a network, such as the internet. FTP allows users to upload and download files, making it useful for transferring large files or sharing files between computers. Therefore, the correct answer is "Mengirim data atau file dari satu komputer ke komputer lain."

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  • 36. 

    Salah satu OS yang dapat digunakan sebagai server manajemen hotspot adalah …

    • A.


    • B.

      Mac OS

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Mikrotik
    Mikrotik is a suitable operating system for managing hotspots as it is specifically designed for networking purposes. It offers a range of features and tools that are essential for managing and controlling hotspot networks effectively. Mikrotik provides advanced routing capabilities, firewall protection, user authentication, and bandwidth management, making it an ideal choice for setting up and managing hotspot servers. Additionally, Mikrotik has a user-friendly interface and extensive documentation, making it accessible for both experienced network administrators and beginners.

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  • 37. 

    Berikut ini adalah perintah pada linux debian untuk mengatur konfigurasi ip address, kecuali ...

    • A.

      mcedit /etc/network/interfaces

    • B.

      Nano /etc/network/interfaces

    • C.

      vi /etc/network/interfaces

    • D.

      Pico /etc/network/interfaces

    • E.

      Edit /etc/network/interfaces

    Correct Answer
    E. Edit /etc/network/interfaces
    The correct answer is "edit /etc/network/interfaces". This is because the given options are different text editors that can be used to modify the configuration file "/etc/network/interfaces" in Linux Debian. The "edit" command is not a valid text editor in Linux Debian.

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  • 38. 

    Yang bukan merupakan software sistem operasi jaringan adalah…..

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Windows 2003 Server

    • D.

      Windows 2000 Server

    • E.

      Windows NT

    Correct Answer
    A. Norton
    Norton is not a network operating system (NOS) but rather an antivirus software. Linux, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows NT are all examples of network operating systems that are designed to manage and control network resources.

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  • 39. 

    Contoh aplikasi yang biasa digunakan untuk mengirim pesan teks antar computer adalah…

    • A.

      MS. Excel

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      MS. Word

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. FTP
    FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a commonly used application for sending text messages between computers. It allows users to transfer files and exchange text-based information over a network. Unlike MS Excel, MS Word, and Netmeeting which are primarily used for creating and editing documents and conducting online meetings, FTP specifically focuses on file transfer and communication. Therefore, FTP is the most suitable application for sending text messages between computers.

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  • 40. 

    Berikut adalah jenis-jenis file system linux pada umumnya, kecuali…

    • A.

      Ext2 fx

    • B.


    • C.

      Ext3 ext fs

    • D.


    • E.

      Semua jawaban benar

    • F.

      Semua jawaban benar

    Correct Answer
    B. NTFS
    The correct answer is NTFS. NTFS is not a type of file system commonly used in Linux. The other options listed (ext2, ext3, and ext fs) are all valid file systems used in Linux.

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  • Mar 15, 2023
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  • Nov 23, 2018
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