Quais os sistemas de arquivos que podemos utilizar na instalação do Windows XP? (duas respostas)
Correct Answer(s)
The correct answer is NTFS and FAT. These are the two file systems that can be used for installing Windows XP. NTFS (New Technology File System) is the preferred file system for Windows XP as it offers better security, reliability, and performance. FAT (File Allocation Table) is an older file system that is compatible with older versions of Windows and can be used if NTFS is not supported or desired.
Qual a interface gráfica (GUI) do Kubuntu? (Linux)
Correct Answer
The correct answer is KDE. KDE is the graphical user interface (GUI) of Kubuntu, a Linux distribution. KDE is known for its user-friendly and customizable interface, offering a wide range of features and applications. It provides a visually appealing and intuitive environment for users to interact with their computer.
Qual a interface gráfica (GUI) do Ubuntu? (Linux)
Correct Answer
The correct answer is GNOME. GNOME is a popular graphical user interface (GUI) for the Ubuntu operating system. It provides a user-friendly and visually appealing interface for users to interact with their computer. GNOME offers a range of features and customization options, allowing users to personalize their desktop environment to suit their needs and preferences.
Quais as teclas para sair com o ponteiro do mouse da VM do Vmware antes da instalação do Vmware Tools?
Correct Answer
A. Crtl+Alt
Pressing Ctrl+Alt allows the mouse pointer to exit the VM in VMware before installing VMware Tools.
Qual a alternativa que representa o conceito abaixo em relação aos parâmetros do comando ipconfig:
Atualiza a configuração DHCP para todos os adaptadores (se nenhum adaptador tiver sido especificado) ou para um adaptador específico caso o parâmetro adaptador tenha sido incluído. Esse parâmetro está disponível somente em computadores com adaptadores configurados para obter um endereço IP automaticamente.
Correct Answer
D. /renew
The correct answer is "/renew". This command updates the DHCP configuration for all adapters (if no adapter is specified) or for a specific adapter if the adapter parameter is included. It is only available on computers with adapters configured to obtain an IP address automatically.
Qual a tecla utilizada para acessar o SETUP da máquina virtual?
Correct Answer
C. F2
The F2 key is used to access the SETUP of a virtual machine.
Qual o menu(Aba) do SETUP utilizamos para mudar a ordem de inicialização da máquina virtual?
Correct Answer
E. Boot
The correct answer is "Boot". In the SETUP menu, the "Boot" option is used to change the boot order of the virtual machine, determining which device or storage medium the machine will boot from first during the startup process.
Qual a tecla utilizada para concordar com o contrato de licença do Windows XP?
Correct Answer
D. F8
The correct answer is F8. F8 is the key used to agree to the license agreement of Windows XP.
Qual a versão do Vmware Server que utilizamos no laboratório de informática (Lab. 06) durante as aulas?
Correct Answer
D. 1.0.6
The correct answer is 1.0.6.
Qual o comando utilizado para verificar o endereço IP da máquina virtual?
Correct Answer
B. Ipconfig
The correct answer is "ipconfig". This command is used to verify the IP address of a virtual machine. It displays the current IP configuration of all network interfaces on the machine, including the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
Qual o comando utilizado para promover o Windows Server 2003 para controlador de domínio?
Correct Answer
A. Dcpromo
The correct answer is "dcpromo". This command is used to promote the Windows Server 2003 to a domain controller. It stands for "Domain Controller Promotion" and is used to initiate the process of installing Active Directory Domain Services on the server, allowing it to become a domain controller and manage the domain's user accounts, security policies, and other directory-related functions.
Qual o comando utilizado via prompt para verificar se uma máquina esta respondendo em rede?
Correct Answer
B. Ping
The correct answer is "ping". The "ping" command is used to verify if a machine is responding on a network. It sends a small packet of data to the target machine and waits for a response. If a response is received, it indicates that the machine is active and reachable on the network.
Com base nas afirmações abaixo responda:
I - Use bridged networking: é criada uma ponte entre a máquina virtual e a rede a qual o sistema host pertence. A máquina virtual terá seu próprio endereço IP e suas configurações de rede, como nome, por exemplo;
II - Use networking addres translation (NAT): é criada uma conexão direta entre o sistema host e a máquina virtual, e há também o compartilhamento do endereço IP do sistema host para acesso da rede externa ou internet por parte da máquina virtual;
III - Use host-only networking: não haverá conexão de rede entre o sistema host e a máquina virtual;
Correct Answer
D. As afirmações I e II estão corretas;
The correct answer is "As afirmações I e II estão corretas" because both statements I and II provide accurate descriptions of different networking options for virtual machines. Statement I explains the use of bridged networking, where a bridge is created between the virtual machine and the host system's network, allowing the virtual machine to have its own IP address and network configurations. Statement II describes the use of network address translation (NAT), where a direct connection is established between the host system and the virtual machine, and the host system's IP address is shared for external network or internet access by the virtual machine.
Qual o Comando utilizado (no prompt DOS) para enviar mensagem via o serviço mensageiro?
Correct Answer
E. Net send 'IP' ‘Mensagem’
The correct answer is "net send 'IP' ‘Mensagem’". This command is used in the DOS prompt to send a message via the messenger service.
Qual o serviço utilizado pelo Windows Server 2003 para Controlador de Domínio?
Correct Answer
A. Active Directory
Active Directory is the service used by Windows Server 2003 for a Domain Controller. It is a directory service that stores information about network resources and enables centralized management and authentication of users, computers, and other objects within a network. Active Directory allows for the creation of a domain structure, which includes domains, organizational units, and group policies, and provides features such as user authentication, access control, and replication of directory data.
Qual a versão da distribuição Ubuntu que estamos utilizando em laboratório. (Linux)
Correct Answer
C. 9.04
The version of the Ubuntu distribution that is being used in the laboratory is 9.04.
Qual o Gerenciador de Pacotes Padrão (Nativo) do Sistema Linux/Ubuntu? (Linux)
Correct Answer
A. Synaptic
Synaptic is the correct answer because it is a graphical package management program for Linux/Ubuntu systems. It allows users to install, upgrade, and remove software packages in a user-friendly interface. Synaptic is widely used and considered the standard package manager for Ubuntu and other Debian-based distributions.
Qual a última versão da distribuição Ubuntu. (Linux)
Correct Answer
E. 11.04
The correct answer is 11.04. This is the latest version of the Ubuntu distribution of Linux.
Qual o Gerenciador de Pacotes Padrão (Nativo) do Sistema Linux/Kubuntu? (Linux)
Correct Answer
B. KPackagekit
KPackagekit is the correct answer because it is the default package manager for the Linux/Kubuntu system. It allows users to easily install, update, and remove software packages on their system. Synaptic is also a package manager, but it is not the default one for Kubuntu. Slackware and Mandriva are different Linux distributions, not package managers.
Quais os sistemas de arquivos que podemos utilizar na instalação e utilização do Linux/Ubuntu? (três respostas)
Correct Answer(s)
D. ReiserFS
The correct answer is EXT3, EXT4, and ReiserFS. These are all file systems that can be used for installation and usage of Linux/Ubuntu operating systems. NTFS is a file system primarily used by Windows, and LinuxFS is not a recognized file system.
O que é o SWAP no Linux?
Cite 3 derivações(projetos derivados) do Ubuntu.