الطبقة التي تضمن سلامة النقل للمظاريف واسترجاع الفاقد :
Correct Answer
A. طبقة النقل TCP
جهاز(المجمع) يقوم بربط اجهزة الحاسب بخطوط الهاتف:
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
The given statement is incorrect. The correct answer is false. The device that connects computers to telephone lines is called a modem, not المجمع.
تقنية التبديل الشبكي التي تقوم بربط الدوائر ماديا طيلة مدة المكالمة هي :
Correct Answer
C. تبديل الدوائر
أي مما يلي يعد عنوان صحيح للبريد الالكتروني :
ExplanationThe correct answer is "
[email protected]" because it follows the standard format for an email address, which is username@domain. In this case, "Maha" is the username and "gmail.com" is the domain.
الاسم التجاري للشبكه اللاسلكيه المحليه :
Correct Answer
C. واي فاي
The correct answer is "واي فاي". This is because "واي فاي" is the Arabic term for "Wi-Fi," which is the commonly used commercial name for a wireless local area network (WLAN). Wi-Fi enables devices to connect to the internet or communicate with each other wirelessly within a specific range.
الشبكة التي تستخدم في معمل المدرسه :
Correct Answer
D. المحليه
The correct answer is "المحليه" which translates to "local." This suggests that the network used in the school laboratory is a local network, which is a network that is confined to a small geographic area such as a school or office building.
:لا يوجد جهازين بالشبكه لهما نفس العنوان
Correct Answer
A. صح
The statement in the question states that there are no two devices in the network with the same address. This implies that each device in the network has a unique IP address. Therefore, the correct answer is "صح" (true).
الموقع التالي موقع حكومي
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
The given website, www.mow.com, is not a government website. Therefore, the answer "خطأ" (false) is correct.
امتداد المواقع السعوديه هو
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
The given answer states that the extension of Saudi Arabian websites is incorrect. This implies that the extension of Saudi Arabian websites is not "Is." However, since the question does not provide any information about the correct extension, it is not possible to provide a specific explanation for why the given answer is correct.
أي من التالي يعتبر عنوان صحيح
Correct Answer
The correct answer is This is a valid IP address format consisting of four numbers separated by periods. Each number can range from 0 to 255.
مداولة الإنترنت التي تقوم بتحويل أسماء المواقع من حروف إلى أرقام :
Correct Answer
DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is responsible for converting domain names (such as www.example.com) into IP addresses (such as that computers can understand. This process is necessary because computers communicate with each other using IP addresses, but humans find it easier to remember and use domain names. DNS acts as a directory that translates these domain names into the corresponding IP addresses, allowing users to access websites and other online resources by simply typing in the domain name.
العنوان الذي يناظر(IP)
ويستخدم الحروف هو:
Correct Answer
The correct answer is URL. A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a specific type of address that is used to locate and access resources on the internet. It consists of a protocol (such as HTTP), followed by a domain name or IP address, and a path to the specific resource. In this case, the question is asking for the title that corresponds to an IP address, and the correct answer is URL because it is the address format that includes both the protocol and the domain name or IP address.
شبكة الند للند يكون هناك جهاز فائق القدرة يتحكم ببقية الأجهزة :
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
المداولة التي تقوم بجلب الصفحات الاعلاميه:
Correct Answer
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the protocol used for transmitting hypertext over the internet. It is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. HTTP allows web browsers and servers to communicate and exchange information. It enables the retrieval of web pages and other resources from servers to be displayed on web browsers. Therefore, HTTP is the correct answer as it is the protocol responsible for fetching media pages.
يعيب شبكه (النقل الخلوي)التأخر الملحوظ في استقبال الإشارة:
Correct Answer
B. خطأ
اللغة المستخدمة لتصميم الصفحات الإعلانية على الشبكة العنكبوتية هي :
Correct Answer
D. HTML,الجافا و
The correct answer is "HTML, الجافا و" because HTML is a markup language used for designing web pages, and Java is a programming language commonly used for adding interactivity to web pages. The combination of HTML and Java is commonly used in web advertising to create interactive and dynamic advertisements on the internet.
عدد الأرقام الثنائيه التي ترسل كل ثانيه هي :
Correct Answer
C. سرعة التراسل
The correct answer is "سرعة التراسل" which translates to "transmission speed" in English. This answer is supported by the context of the question which mentions "عدد الأرقام الثنائيه التي ترسل كل ثانيه" meaning "the number of binary numbers sent every second". Therefore, the most logical answer is the transmission speed, as it determines how many binary numbers can be sent within a given time frame.
يتكون مظروف ip
من جزئين هما الترويسه والبيانات :
Correct Answer
A. صح
An IP envelope consists of two parts, the header and the data. The header contains information such as the source and destination IP addresses, while the data contains the actual payload of the packet. This separation allows for efficient routing and delivery of data packets over the internet.
فئة عناوين IP
المخصصة للإرسال الجماعي هي:
Correct Answer
A. صح
فئة عناوين IP المخصصة للإرسال الجماعي هي الفئة D. في نموذج الإنترنت (IP)، تنقسم العناوين إلى فئات مختلفة تعتمد على عدد البتات المخصصة لتمثيل الشبكة والمضيف. الفئة D تستخدم للإرسال الجماعي أو الاستخدامات المتعددة المخصصة، حيث يتم تعيين البتات الأولى في العنوان لتحديد الفئة والبتات الأخرى لتحديد المجموعة المستهدفة للإرسال الجماعي.
الشبكة التي تستخدم في مصارف بنك الراجحي في مدينة الدمام :
Correct Answer
D. شبكة مدنيه
Correct Answer
اسم الطالبة :