As a Market Exhibitor, my animals must be shown in a market class in order to be shown in Showmanship.
Correct Answer
A. True
TRUE. In order to participate in showmanship, your animal must be registered and shown in a market confirmation class.
When caring for your Market Animal, adults (i.e. Leaders, Teachers or Parents), are allowed to assist in the grooming and preparing of your animal for show (known as fitting).
Correct Answer
B. False
FALSE. Adults (non-exhibitor/leader/advisor/teacher/parents) are NOT allowed to assist in the fitting of animals for the OC Fair Youth Market shows (Fitting livestock is defined as preparing an animal for the show including washing, blow-drying, clipping, brushing or trimming). Livestock leaders and advisors may assist with the feeding and watering of animals. For the safety of all exhibitors and the public, adults may assist exhibitors and their animals to the scale, wash racks, and show ring.
The OC Fair Jr. Livestock Auction is a partial terminal sale, meaning all Champions (not including small animals) are required to go through the sale ring, then directly to the processing plant. All small animals going through the auction must be picked up live.
Correct Answer
A. True
The OC Fair Jr. Livestock Auction is a partial terminal sale, which means that all Champions (excluding small animals) must go through the sale ring and then proceed directly to the processing plant. This indicates that the animals are being sold for the purpose of being processed and not for any other use. Additionally, it is mentioned that all small animals going through the auction must be picked up live, further supporting the idea that the animals are being sold for processing. Therefore, the statement "True" is the correct answer.
Market lambs must be slick shorn from the hock up prior to weigh-in.
Correct Answer
A. True
Market lambs must be slick shorn from the hock up prior to weigh-in. This means that the wool on the lamb's body must be completely shaved off from the hock (the joint in the hind leg) and upwards. This is done to ensure that the lamb's weight is accurately measured during the weigh-in process, as the wool can add extra weight. Slick shorn lambs also have a more uniform appearance, which is desirable in the market. Therefore, the statement "Market lambs must be slick shorn from the hock up prior to weigh-in" is true.
You can still receive add-ons if you do not have an animal going through the OC Fair Jr. Livestock Auction or you have scratched from the Auction.
Correct Answer
B. False
FALSE. The OC Fair Livestock Department will only accept and process add-ons for Market Exhibitors that have animals going through the auction.
If you receive a RED in your market class, your animal can go through the auction.
Correct Answer
B. False
FALSE. Only animals that are judged Blue Ribbon/Market Ready will be permitted to sell at the OC Fair Jr. Livestock Auction.
Animals may be set free to roam/exercise in the show ring.
Correct Answer
B. False
FALSE. Exhibitors using the show ring to practice and/or exercise their animals (outside of livestock shows) must keep their animals haltered. No animals are to be set free to run without any halters, lead ropes, etc. (except hogs). Animals must be supervised at all times and cannot be left alone in the show ring.
All pen cleaning must be done by 8am each morning.
Correct Answer
A. True
TRUE. All cleaning must be done by 8 am each morning. In addition, straw and shavings will be available for sale in the Livestock Office from 7-8 am on days the Fair is open. Times may vary on Mondays and Tuesdays, please check with the Livestock Office.
Any violation made to the rules stated in the Market Competition Guide, can result in the disqualification from showing at the OC Fair.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement suggests that any violation of the rules stated in the Market Competition Guide can lead to disqualification from participating in the OC Fair. This implies that it is important for participants to adhere to the rules in order to avoid being disqualified. Therefore, the correct answer is True.
All poultry (i.e. broilers and turkeys) must go through Poultry Health Inspection (pHI) before entering fair grounds.
Correct Answer
A. True
TRUE. If a bird does NOT pass Poultry Health Inspection (PHI), it should be taken off fair grounds immediately. If approved by the Livestock department staff (and if space permits), a bird may be kept in a designated quarantine area and picked up at the end of check-in. Exhibitors are responsible for caring for their birds if kept in the quarantine area.
Decisions made by the official Fair veterinarian or by the judge about the health of an animal can be protested by the exhibitor.
Correct Answer
B. False
FALSE. The health of animals, when determined by an official Fair veterinarian or by Livestock judges, shall be final and CANNOT be protested. Exhibitors who refuse to allow their animals to be examined shall be disqualified and such violation shall be reported to Fairs & Expositions. No refunds will be made.
Market exhibitors are expected to read the Market Competition Guide, wear official 4-H/FFA uniform, care for animals, and show respect for others.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because market exhibitors are indeed expected to read the Market Competition Guide, wear official 4-H/FFA uniform, care for animals, and show respect for others. This implies that these are the requirements or expectations set for market exhibitors.
You must own goats, lambs, and hogs for at least 30 days.
Correct Answer
B. False
FALSE. Goats, lambs and hogs must be owned for at least 60 days prior to the opening day of the OC Fair. Market Beef must be owned for at least 120 days prior to the opening day of the OC Fair. Small animals (i.e. Turkeys, Broilers and Rabbits must be owned for at least 30 days prior to the opening day of the OC Fair.
Exhibitors are only allowed to sell one animal at the OC Fair Jr. Livestock Auction.
Correct Answer
A. True
Exhibitors at the OC Fair Jr. Livestock Auction are restricted to selling only one animal. This means that each exhibitor can only offer a single animal for sale during the auction.
Exhibitors can enter as many turkeys as they want.
Correct Answer
B. False
FALSE. Market exhibitors are limited to entering 1 Tom and 1 Hen.
Animals can be walked all over the fair grounds.
Correct Answer
B. False
Exhibitors are asked to not move animals unnecessarily, only to and from wash racks, tie rails and show ring. NO animals are allowed to leave the designated livestock area without permission of the Livestock Supervisor. Breaking of this rule could result in being barred from showing and/or forfeiture of premiums.
You can sign up your animal for auction whenever you want.
Correct Answer
B. False
Once the species has been judged for confirmation and the show has ended, the Livestock department will put out a sign-up sheet on the Livestock Office front counter. Several announcements are made to remind exhibitors to sign-up their animals for auctions. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to sign their animal up for auction.
If an animal rights activist confronts you, you should have a debate with them.
Correct Answer
B. False
FALSE. Exhibitors should never engage or confront animal rights activists, instead he/she should report the individual(s) immediately to a teacher, leader, parent or OC Fair staff immediately.
You should always wash your hands with soap and water after visiting or working with livestock.
Correct Answer
A. True
TRUE. For the health and safety of yourself, other exhibitors and the public, you should always wash your hands with soap and water after visiting and working with livestock. Numerous hand washing stations and restrooms can be found in and around the Livestock area. Please do eat in the livestock area, instead please use the designated Food Area located next to the Livestock Office.
Market exhibitors are responsible for sending buyer letters to get buyers to come to the Jr. Livestock Auction.
Correct Answer
A. True
TRUE. It is not the sole responsibility of the OC Fair to find potential buyers for the Jr. Livestock Auction. While many OC Fair employees, vendors, and concessionaires support the OC Fair Jr. Livestock Auction, as part of the responsibility in raising animals, Market exhibitors should secure their own buyers.