The society in 1984 is a dangerous one where it is difficult to trust anyone. If you were Winston, which of the following characters would you trust? Explain why you would or wouldn't trust each character in a few sentences.
(Julia, O'Brien, Syme, Mr. Charrington)
In Part 2 of 1984, Julia explains, "if you kept the small rules you could break the big ones." Give 1 example of each:
1 small rule that Winston and/or Julia keep:
1 big rule that Winston and/or Julia break:
In Part 2 of 1984, Winston says "The proles are human beings. We are not humans." Who are the proles? How are they human? How are Winston and the other Party members not human? (Write 3-4 sentences)
What do you think is the difference between "staying alive" and "staying human"? How are Winston and Julia staying alive and how are they staying human? (Write 2-3 sentences)
In Part 2 of 1984, Winston says, "Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad." In your own words, what is a "minority of one"? Why does Winston say that being in a "minority of one" does not make someone mad or insane? (Write 3-4 sentences)
What organization are Winston, Julia and O'Brien members of?
Correct Answer
C. The Party
Winston, Julia, and O'Brien are members of The Party.
What does the note say that Julia gives to Winston at the beginning of Part 2?
Correct Answer
B. I love you
The note that Julia gives to Winston at the beginning of Part 2 says "I love you." This suggests that Julia has developed romantic feelings for Winston and wants to express her love for him.
What do Winston and Julia do that they consider "a blow struck against the party" and "a political act"?
Correct Answer
B. They sleep together
Winston and Julia consider sleeping together as "a blow struck against the party" and "a political act" because in the dystopian society they live in, the Party strictly controls and regulates all aspects of people's lives, including their sexual relationships. By engaging in a forbidden act of intimacy, Winston and Julia are rebelling against the Party's oppressive rules and asserting their individuality and freedom. Their act of defiance challenges the Party's control over their personal lives and symbolizes their resistance to the totalitarian regime.
Who is Winston married to?
Correct Answer
C. Katherine
The correct answer is Katherine because it is stated in the options.
Who does Winston and Julia rent a room from for their meetings?
Correct Answer
C. Mr. Charrington
Winston and Julia rent a room from Mr. Charrington for their meetings.
What is Winston's greatest fear?
Correct Answer
C. Rats
Winston's greatest fear in George Orwell's novel "1984" is rats. This is evident throughout the story, particularly during his time in Room 101 where he is confronted with his worst fear. The fear of rats is symbolic of Winston's deepest fears and vulnerabilities, representing the power and control exerted by the Party. The presence of rats also serves as a metaphor for the constant surveillance and manipulation that Winston experiences, reinforcing the oppressive and dystopian nature of the society depicted in the novel.
What happens to Winston's coworker Syme?
Correct Answer
D. He is vaporized
In the dystopian novel "1984" by George Orwell, Winston's coworker Syme is vaporized. In the totalitarian society depicted in the novel, vaporization refers to the act of eliminating individuals who are deemed to be a threat to the Party or who have committed thoughtcrime. It involves erasing all records of the person's existence and even removing their name from the Newspeak dictionary. Syme's intelligence and outspoken nature likely made him a target for vaporization, as the Party seeks to maintain complete control over its citizens and eliminate any potential dissent.
Julia is older than Winston.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement states that Julia is older than Winston. However, the correct answer is false, which means that Julia is not older than Winston.
Winston wishes his wife Katherine were dead.
Correct Answer
A. True
This statement suggests that Winston has a desire or a wish for his wife Katherine to be dead. It implies that he may have negative feelings towards her or wants to be free from their relationship. This answer indicates that the statement is true.
What is the Newspeak term for someone who is abolished and "never existed"?
Correct Answer
D. Unperson
The correct answer is "unperson". In George Orwell's novel, 1984, Newspeak is a language used by the totalitarian regime to control and manipulate its citizens. An "unperson" refers to someone who has been erased from existence by the government, their records destroyed, and any mention of them removed from history. This concept reflects the regime's power to control not only the present but also the past, as if the person never existed at all.
What happens at the beginning of Chapter 6, Part 2 that Winston has been waiting for his whole life?
Correct Answer
C. O'Brien schedules a meeting with Winston
At the beginning of Chapter 6, Part 2, Winston finally gets what he has been waiting for his whole life when O'Brien schedules a meeting with him. This is significant because Winston has been longing for someone to share his rebellious thoughts and feelings with, and he believes that O'Brien might be the one who can help him resist the Party's control. This meeting represents a glimmer of hope for Winston and the possibility of finding a kindred spirit in his fight against Big Brother.
Where do Winston, Julia and O'Brien meet?
Correct Answer
C. O'Brien's apartment
Winston, Julia, and O'Brien meet at O'Brien's apartment. This is where they engage in secret meetings and discussions regarding their rebellion against the Party. Meeting at O'Brien's apartment allows them to have a private and secure location away from the prying eyes of the Party and the telescreens. It is a place where they can freely express their thoughts and plan their actions without the fear of being caught.
What does O'Brien do at the beginning of their meeting that shocks Winston?
Correct Answer
C. Turn off the telescreen
At the beginning of their meeting, O'Brien shocks Winston by turning off the telescreen. This action is surprising because the telescreen is a constant surveillance tool used by the Party to monitor its citizens. By turning it off, O'Brien creates a sense of privacy and secrecy, suggesting that their meeting is going against the Party's strict rules and regulations. This act immediately establishes a sense of trust and rebellion between O'Brien and Winston, setting the stage for their clandestine interactions.
During their meeting, Winston learns that the Brotherhood is real.
Correct Answer
A. True
Winston learns that the Brotherhood is real during their meeting. This implies that prior to the meeting, Winston may have had doubts or uncertainties about the existence of the Brotherhood. However, the meeting provides him with evidence or confirmation that the Brotherhood is indeed real.
During their meeting, Winston learns that Emmanuel Goldstein is real and alive.
Correct Answer
A. True
The given statement suggests that Winston learns during the meeting that Emmanuel Goldstein is real and alive. This implies that prior to the meeting, there may have been doubts or speculation about the existence and status of Emmanuel Goldstein. However, the meeting confirms that he is indeed real and alive.
Which of the following are Winston and Julia not willing to do for the Brotherhood?
Correct Answer
B. Commit murder
Winston and Julia are not willing to commit murder for the Brotherhood. This suggests that they have a moral boundary when it comes to taking someone's life, even if it is for their cause. They may be willing to engage in other forms of resistance or activism, but drawing the line at murder shows their ethical stance and the limits of their commitment to the Brotherhood.
Who is the author of the book O'Brien gave to Winston?
Correct Answer
B. Emmanuel Goldstein
In the book "1984" by George Orwell, O'Brien gives Winston a book written by Emmanuel Goldstein. Emmanuel Goldstein is a key character in the novel, known as the leader of the opposition group called "The Brotherhood." The book given to Winston, titled "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism," is a forbidden text that exposes the Party's manipulative tactics and aims to incite rebellion against Big Brother. Therefore, Emmanuel Goldstein is the correct answer for the author of the book O'Brien gave to Winston.
Where is telescreen hidden in the room that Winston and Julia are staying at?
Correct Answer
A. Behind a picture on the wall
The telescreen is hidden behind a picture on the wall in the room where Winston and Julia are staying. This suggests that the Party is constantly monitoring and surveilling its citizens, even in their private spaces. By disguising the telescreen as a harmless object, the Party ensures that individuals are always being watched and that any form of rebellion or independent thought can be quickly detected and suppressed. This further emphasizes the oppressive and totalitarian nature of the dystopian society depicted in the novel.
Where do Winston, Julia and O'Brien work?
Correct Answer
A. The Ministry of Truth
Winston, Julia, and O'Brien work at the Ministry of Truth. This can be inferred from the fact that the question is asking about their workplace, and the Ministry of Truth is one of the options provided.
Oceania (the country Winston lives in) has always been at war with Eastasia.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement is false because Oceania, the country where Winston lives, has not always been at war with Eastasia. In George Orwell's novel "1984," the three superstates, including Oceania, are in a state of perpetual war, but the alliances and enemies change periodically. At different points in the story, Oceania is at war with either Eastasia or Eurasia, but never consistently with one of them. Therefore, the statement is incorrect.
Who ends up being a member of the thought police?
Correct Answer
D. Mr. Charrington
Mr. Charrington ends up being a member of the thought police. This is revealed towards the end of the novel, when it is discovered that Mr. Charrington, who had been portrayed as an old man running an antique shop, is actually a member of the thought police. He had been spying on Winston and Julia throughout their affair, and ultimately betrays them by reporting their activities to the authorities. This twist highlights the pervasive surveillance and betrayal that exists in the dystopian society of the novel.
What book does Winston receive from O'Brien?
Correct Answer
A. The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism
In George Orwell's novel 1984, Winston Smith receives a forbidden book titled The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism from O'Brien, a high-ranking member of the Inner Party. The book, supposedly written by Emmanuel Goldstein, the leader of the Brotherhood, exposes the true nature of the Party's ideology and its control over society.