CA M1 Motorcycle Test 1 CA 2011

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| By Orlywon
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CA M1 Motorcycle Test 1 CA 2011 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

     Before changing lanes to the left, as pictured below, you should :

    • A.

      Check your left mirror and turn your head to the left

    • B.

      Check the right mirror and turn your head to the left

    • C.

      Use your horn and speed up

    Correct Answer
    A. Check your left mirror and turn your head to the left
    Before changing lanes to the left, it is important to check your left mirror to ensure that there are no vehicles in your blind spot. Turning your head to the left allows you to have a clear view of any vehicles approaching from the left side. This ensures that you have complete awareness of your surroundings before making the lane change, reducing the risk of a collision. Checking the right mirror and turning your head to the left is not necessary in this situation as it does not provide relevant information for changing lanes to the left. Using your horn and speeding up is not a safe or appropriate action when changing lanes.

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  • 2. 

    To make good judgments in traffic, you need to first:

    • A.

      Be able to swerve

    • B.

      Know how to stop quickly

    • C.

      Search ahead

    Correct Answer
    C. Search ahead
    To make good judgments in traffic, it is important to search ahead. This means being aware of what is happening on the road ahead of you, anticipating potential hazards, and planning your actions accordingly. By searching ahead, you can identify any upcoming obstacles, traffic congestion, or potential dangers, allowing you to make informed decisions and react in a timely manner. This proactive approach helps to ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

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  • 3. 

    When you are being followed too closely, it is usually best to:

    • A.

      Move closer to the vehicle ahead

    • B.

      Drop back farther from the vehicle ahead

    • C.

      Pass the vehicle ahead

    Correct Answer
    B. Drop back farther from the vehicle ahead
    When you are being followed too closely, it is usually best to drop back farther from the vehicle ahead. This is because tailgating can be dangerous and increase the risk of a collision. By creating more distance between you and the vehicle ahead, you allow yourself more time to react to any sudden changes in traffic or road conditions. It also reduces the chances of a rear-end collision if the vehicle behind you fails to stop in time.

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  • 4. 

    To make a normal stop, use:

    • A.

      The rear brake only

    • B.

      The rear brake first

    • C.

      Both brakes and downshift

    Correct Answer
    C. Both brakes and downshift
    To make a normal stop, it is recommended to use both brakes and downshift. Using both brakes helps distribute the braking force evenly between the front and rear wheels, improving stability and reducing the stopping distance. Downshifting helps slow down the vehicle gradually and prepares it for a smooth start when the stop is complete. By combining both braking techniques and downshifting, the driver can effectively and safely bring the vehicle to a stop.

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  • 5. 

    If you lock the front tire when stopping:

    • A.

      Release the rear brake

    • B.

      Keep the front brake locked until stopped

    • C.

      Release and reapply the front brake

    Correct Answer
    C. Release and reapply the front brake
    When you lock the front tire while stopping, it means that the front brake has been applied too forcefully, causing the wheel to stop rotating and skid. Releasing and reapplying the front brake helps to regain control and prevent a potential accident. By releasing the front brake momentarily, you allow the wheel to regain traction and then reapplying it gradually allows for a more controlled and smooth stop. This technique helps to prevent the front tire from skidding and ensures a safer and more effective braking process.

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  • 6. 

    When adjusting your mirrors to carry a passenger, the passenger should:

    • A.

      Sit on the seat with you

    • B.

      Stand behind the motorcycle

    • C.

      Adjust the mirror while you sit on the motorcycle

    Correct Answer
    A. Sit on the seat with you
    When adjusting your mirrors to carry a passenger, it is important for the passenger to sit on the seat with you. This ensures that both the rider and the passenger have a clear view of the road and the surroundings. By sitting on the seat together, the passenger can also provide feedback and assistance in adjusting the mirrors to the desired position. This promotes safety and effective communication between the rider and the passenger while on the motorcycle.

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  • 7. 

    The driver turning left in the picture below is not stopping. Your best chance to avoid a collision would be to:

    • A.

      Maintain your position and brake hard

    • B.

      Slow and swerve to the left

    • C.

      Reduce your speed and move away from the vehicle

    Correct Answer
    C. Reduce your speed and move away from the vehicle
    To avoid a collision with the driver turning left who is not stopping, the best course of action would be to reduce your speed and move away from the vehicle. This would create a safe distance between your vehicle and the turning vehicle, reducing the risk of a collision. Maintaining your position and braking hard could potentially lead to a rear-end collision, while slowing and swerving to the left may put you in the path of oncoming traffic. Therefore, reducing speed and moving away from the vehicle is the safest option.

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  • 8. 

    Wearing a helmet can reduce the chance of a fatal head injury in:

    • A.

      Low speed crashes only

    • B.

      High speed crashes only

    • C.

      Any crash, regardless of speed

    Correct Answer
    C. Any crash, regardless of speed
    Wearing a helmet can reduce the chance of a fatal head injury in any crash, regardless of speed. Helmets are designed to protect the head by absorbing the impact and distributing the force of the crash. They provide a cushioning effect that helps to minimize the risk of serious head injuries, including skull fractures and brain trauma. Therefore, wearing a helmet is important in all types of crashes, whether they occur at low or high speeds, as it can significantly reduce the risk of a fatal head injury.

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  • 9. 

    While riding an unfamiliar motorcycle:

    • A.

      Stay in the right portion of the lane

    • B.

      Allow extra room for stopping

    • C.

      Do not shift above the third gear

    Correct Answer
    B. Allow extra room for stopping
    When riding an unfamiliar motorcycle, it is important to allow extra room for stopping. Since you are not familiar with the bike's braking system and how it responds, it is necessary to give yourself more distance to come to a complete stop. This allows for any potential delays in reaction time or differences in braking power compared to the motorcycle you are used to riding. By allowing extra room for stopping, you can ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road.

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  • 10. 

    For higher speed turns, you should:

    • A.

      Lean more than you would at low speed

    • B.

      Lean less than you would at low speed

    • C.

      Lean the same amount you would at low speed

    Correct Answer
    A. Lean more than you would at low speed
    For higher speed turns, you should lean more than you would at low speed. This is because the centrifugal force acting on the body increases with speed, and leaning more helps to counterbalance this force and maintain stability during the turn. By leaning more, the rider can shift their center of gravity towards the inside of the turn, allowing for better control and reducing the risk of losing balance or skidding.

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  • 11. 

    Alcohol first affects your:  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    Correct Answer
    C. Judgement
    Alcohol first affects your judgement. When consumed, alcohol impairs the ability to make rational decisions and evaluate situations accurately. It affects cognitive functions such as reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking, leading to poor decision-making. This impairment can have significant consequences, as impaired judgement may lead to risky behaviors, accidents, and poor choices.

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  • 12. 

    In this picture, the rider in the most dangerous position is:

    • A.

      Rider A

    • B.

      Rider B

    • C.

      Rider C

    Correct Answer
    B. Rider B
    In the given picture, Rider B is in the most dangerous position because they are positioned between two other riders. This leaves them vulnerable to potential collisions from both sides. Additionally, Rider B is also positioned closer to the edge of the road, which increases the risk of accidents or running off the road.

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  • 13. 

    Riders in a staggered formation will be passing a car. After the lead rider passes, he/she should return to the ____ of the lane.

    • A.

      Left portion

    • B.

      Right portion

    • C.

      Center portion

    Correct Answer
    A. Left portion
    After the lead rider passes the car, they should return to the left portion of the lane. This is because when riders are in a staggered formation, it allows for better visibility and safety on the road. By returning to the left portion of the lane, the lead rider ensures that there is enough space for the following riders to pass the car safely on the right side. Additionally, returning to the left portion helps maintain the staggered formation and allows for smoother traffic flow.

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  • 14. 

    When riding where sand and gravel have collected on paved roads, you should:

    • A.

      Avoid sudden changes in speed or direction

    • B.

      Only use the rear brake to slow down

    • C.

      Pull in the clutch

    Correct Answer
    A. Avoid sudden changes in speed or direction
    When riding on paved roads where sand and gravel have collected, it is important to avoid sudden changes in speed or direction. This is because the sand and gravel can reduce traction, making it more difficult to maintain control of the motorcycle. By avoiding sudden changes, the rider can maintain a more stable and predictable ride, reducing the risk of sliding or losing control. Using only the rear brake to slow down may not provide enough stopping power on loose surfaces, and pulling in the clutch may not be necessary unless the rider needs to disengage the engine power.

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  • 15. 

    When you ride over a pothole, it is usually best to:

    • A.

      Keep a normal seat position

    • B.

      Lean forward as much as possible

    • C.

      Look straight ahead and rise slightly off the seat

    Correct Answer
    C. Look straight ahead and rise slightly off the seat
    When riding over a pothole, it is best to look straight ahead and rise slightly off the seat. This allows the rider to maintain balance and stability while navigating the uneven surface. By looking straight ahead, the rider can anticipate any obstacles or changes in the road ahead. Rising slightly off the seat helps to absorb the impact of the pothole and reduce the jolt felt by the rider. This position also allows the rider to have better control over the bike and react quickly if needed.

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  • 16. 

    When the front tire goes flat

    • A.

      The steering will feel heavy

    • B.

      The back of the motorcycle will jerk from side to side

    • C.

      You will lose power to the brakes

    Correct Answer
    A. The steering will feel heavy
    When the front tire goes flat, the air pressure decreases, causing the tire to lose its shape and become flatter. This results in a larger contact patch between the tire and the road surface, which creates more friction and resistance when turning the handlebars. As a result, the steering will feel heavy and require more effort to maneuver the motorcycle.

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  • 17. 

    To avoid causing a rear end collision when following another vehicle:

    • A.

      Ride in the right wheel track

    • B.

      Stay at least two seconds behind

    • C.

      Tap your brakes lightly

    Correct Answer
    B. Stay at least two seconds behind
    To avoid causing a rear-end collision when following another vehicle, it is important to maintain a safe distance. Staying at least two seconds behind the vehicle in front allows for enough time to react and stop if necessary. This distance provides a buffer and reduces the risk of collision in case the leading vehicle suddenly brakes or stops. It gives the driver enough time to assess the situation and adjust their speed accordingly. By maintaining this distance, the driver can ensure a safer driving experience and prevent accidents.

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  • 18. 

    At intersections, the most common cause of motorcycle/vehicle collisions is:

    • A.

      Drivers entering a rider's right of way

    • B.

      Riders not yielding to oncoming traffic

    • C.

      Drivers tailgating riders

    Correct Answer
    A. Drivers entering a rider's right of way
    The most common cause of motorcycle/vehicle collisions at intersections is drivers entering a rider's right of way. This means that drivers fail to yield to motorcyclists who have the right of way, leading to collisions. This can happen when drivers are not paying attention, are unaware of the motorcyclist's presence, or simply disregard the rules of the road. It is important for drivers to be aware of their surroundings and yield to motorcyclists when necessary to prevent accidents.

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  • 19. 

    In the picture below, the car driver is signaling for a left turn. You should:

    • A.

      Hold your speed and center lane position

    • B.

      Slow down and move away from the approaching vehicle

    • C.

      Increase your speed and stay in the center of the lane

    Correct Answer
    B. Slow down and move away from the approaching vehicle
    The correct answer is to slow down and move away from the approaching vehicle. This is because the car driver in the picture is signaling for a left turn, indicating that they will be moving into the lane on the left. To ensure safety and avoid a potential collision, it is important to slow down and create space by moving away from the approaching vehicle.

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  • 20. 

    When you ride at night:

    • A.

      Wear reflective clothing

    • B.

      Always ride in the center portion of the lane

    • C.

      Follow the vehicle ahead more closely for safety

    Correct Answer
    A. Wear reflective clothing
    Riding at night can be dangerous as visibility is reduced. Wearing reflective clothing increases your visibility to other road users, making it easier for them to see you. This reduces the risk of accidents and improves overall safety.

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  • 21. 

    When you carry a passenger:

    • A.

      It will take longer to accelerate and brake

    • B.

      You will have more balance

    • C.

      You will have less chance of skidding

    Correct Answer
    A. It will take longer to accelerate and brake
    When you carry a passenger, the additional weight in the vehicle will increase the overall mass, making it harder for the vehicle to accelerate and brake quickly. The increased mass requires more force to overcome inertia and change speed, resulting in a longer time to accelerate and brake effectively.

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  • 22. 

    In this picture, the light most likely to make your motorcycle more noticeable to the car driver is the:

    • A.

      Brake light

    • B.


    • C.

      Turn signal

    Correct Answer
    C. Turn signal
    The turn signal is the light most likely to make your motorcycle more noticeable to the car driver. When you activate the turn signal, it indicates to other drivers that you are planning to change lanes or make a turn, alerting them to your intentions. This can help to prevent accidents and ensure that other drivers are aware of your movements on the road.

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  • 23. 

    To  discourage others drivers from sharing your lane, it is usually best to ride:

    • A.

      In the left portion of your lane

    • B.

      In the center portion of your lane

    • C.

      Next to another vehicle

    Correct Answer
    B. In the center portion of your lane
    Riding in the center portion of your lane is usually the best option to discourage other drivers from sharing your lane. This position allows you to have maximum visibility and space on both sides of your motorcycle. By occupying the center of the lane, you make it less inviting for other vehicles to try and share the lane with you, reducing the risk of accidents and promoting safer riding conditions.

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  • 24. 

    When you turn, you should:

    • A.

      Look through the turn

    • B.

      Watch the center line

    • C.

      Look straight ahead

    Correct Answer
    A. Look through the turn
    When turning, it is important to look through the turn rather than just straight ahead or at the center line. Looking through the turn allows the driver to anticipate any potential hazards or obstacles that may be ahead, such as pedestrians, other vehicles, or road conditions. By looking through the turn, the driver can better adjust their speed and position to navigate the turn safely and smoothly. This also helps in maintaining proper lane control and staying aware of the surroundings while turning.

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  • 25. 

    In this picture, you are passing parked cars. The greatest danger to you is:

    • A.

      A car door opening

    • B.

      A car pulling out

    • C.

      A person stepping from between parked cars

    Correct Answer
    B. A car pulling out
    When passing parked cars, the greatest danger is a car pulling out. This is because the driver may not see you approaching and could suddenly pull out into your path, causing a collision. It is important to be cautious and aware of any signs that a car may be preparing to pull out, such as brake lights or a driver sitting in the car.

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